Results for 'Default Mode Network'

982 found
  1.  52
    The Default Mode Network and the Problem of Determining Intrinsic Mental Contents.Marek Havlík & Tomáš Marvan - 2015 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 40 (1):145-160.
    We provide a brief overview of the shift toward the intrinsic view of brain activity, describing in particular the structural and functional connectivity patterns of the “Default mode network”. We then consider the Default mode network in a specifically cognitive setting and ask what changes the focus on the Default mode network and other sorts of intrinsic activity require from models put forward by cognitive neuroscientists.
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  2.  49
    The default mode network and social understanding of others: what do brain connectivity studies tell us.Wanqing Li, Xiaoqin Mai & Chao Liu - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  3. Spontaneous activity in default-mode network predicts ascriptions of self-relatedness to stimuli.Pengmin Qin, Georg Northoff, Timothy Lane & et al - 2016 - Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience:xx-yy.
    Spontaneous activity levels prior to stimulus presentation can determine how that stimulus will be perceived. It has also been proposed that such spontaneous activity, particularly in the default-mode network (DMN), is involved in self-related processing. We therefore hypothesised that pre-stimulus activity levels in the DMN predict whether a stimulus is judged as self-related or not. Method: Participants were presented in the MRI scanner with a white noise stimulus that they were instructed contained their name or another. They (...)
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  4.  54
    Trait lasting alteration of the brain default mode network in experienced meditators and the experiential selfhood.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Tarja Kallio-Tamminen - 2016 - Self and Identity 15 (4):381-393.
    Based on the finding in novices that four months of meditation training significantly increases frontal default mode network (DMN) module/subnet synchrony while decreasing left and right posterior DMN modules synchrony, the current study tested the prediction whether experienced meditators (those who are practising meditation intensively for several years) had a change in the DMN “trinity” of modules as a baseline trait characteristic and whether this change is in a similar direction as in the novice trainees who practised (...)
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  5.  46
    Layers of human brain activity: a functional model based on the default mode network and slow oscillations.Ravinder Jerath & Molly W. Crawford - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:1-5.
    The complex activity of the human brain makes it difficult to get a big picture of how the brain works and functions as the mind. We examine pertinent studies, as well as evolutionary and embryologic evidence to support our theoretical model consisting of separate but interactive layers of human neural activity. The most basic layer involves default mode network (DMN)activity and cardiorespiratory oscillations. We propose that these oscillations support other neural activity and cognitive processes. The second layer (...)
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  6.  65
    Intrinsic Default Mode Network Connectivity Predicts Spontaneous Verbal Descriptions of Autobiographical Memories during Social Processing.Xiao-Fei Yang, Julia Bossmann, Birte Schiffhauer, Matthew Jordan & Mary Helen Immordino-Yang - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  7.  47
    Default mode network alterations during implicit emotional faces processing in first-episode, treatment-naive major depression patients.Huqing Shi, Xiang Wang, Jinyao Yi, Xiongzhao Zhu, Xiaocui Zhang, Juan Yang & Shuqiao Yao - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  8.  72
    Default mode network: the seat of literary creativity?Richard J. S. Wise & Rodrigo M. Braga - 2014 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 18 (3):116-117.
  9.  82
    Persistent operational synchrony within brain default-mode network and self-processing operations in healthy subjects.Andrew A. Fingelkurts & Alexander A. Fingelkurts - 2011 - Brain and Cognition 75 (2):79-90.
    Based on the theoretical analysis of self-consciousness concepts, we hypothesized that the spatio-temporal pattern of functional connectivity within the default-mode network (DMN) should persist unchanged across a variety of different cognitive tasks or acts, thus being task-unrelated. This supposition is in contrast with current understanding that DMN activated when the subjects are resting and deactivated during any attention-demanding cognitive tasks. To test our proposal, we used, in retrospect, the results from our two early studies ([Fingelkurts, 1998] and (...)
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  10.  34
    Self-Processing and the Default Mode Network: Interactions with the Mirror Neuron System.Istvan Molnar-Szakacs & Lucina Q. Uddin - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  11.  80
    Nondirective meditation activates default mode network and areas associated with memory retrieval and emotional processing.Jian Xu, Alexandra Vik, Inge R. Groote, Jim Lagopoulos, Are Holen, Øyvind Ellingsen, Asta K. Håberg & Svend Davanger - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  12.  27
    Mathematics anxiety reduces default mode network deactivation in response to numerical tasks.Belinda Pletzer, Martin Kronbichler, Hans-Christoph Nuerk & Hubert H. Kerschbaum - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  13.  74
    Long-term meditation training induced changes in the operational synchrony of default mode network modules during a resting state.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts & Tarja Kallio-Tamminen - 2016 - Cognitive Processing 17 (1):27-37.
    Using theoretical analysis of self-consciousness concept and experimental evidence on the brain default mode network (DMN) that constitutes the neural signature of self-referential processes, we hypothesized that the anterior and posterior subnets comprising the DMN should show differences in their integrity as a function of meditation training. Functional connectivity within DMN and its subnets (measured by operational synchrony) has been measured in ten novice meditators using an electroencephalogram (EEG) recording in a pre-/post-meditation intervention design. We have found (...)
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  14.  55
    Time-Perception Network and Default Mode Network Are Associated with Temporal Prediction in a Periodic Motion Task.Fabiana M. Carvalho, Khallil T. Chaim, Tiago A. Sanchez & Draulio B. de Araujo - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  15.  92
    The Chief Role of Frontal Operational Module of the Brain Default Mode Network in the Potential Recovery of Consciousness from the Vegetative State: A Preliminary Comparison of Three Case Reports.Andrew A. Fingelkurts, Alexander A. Fingelkurts, Sergio Bagnato, Cristina Boccagni & Giuseppe Galardi - 2016 - The Open Neuroimaging Journal 10:41-51.
    It has been argued that complex subjective sense of self is linked to the brain default-mode network (DMN). Recent discovery of heterogeneity between distinct subnets (or operational modules - OMs) of the DMN leads to a reconceptualization of its role for the experiential sense of self. Considering the recent proposition that the frontal DMN OM is responsible for the first-person perspective and the sense of agency, while the posterior DMN OMs are linked to the continuity of ‘I’ (...)
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  16.  51
    Altered and asymmetric default mode network activity in a “hypnotic virtuoso”: An fMRI and EEG study.S. Lipari, F. Baglio, L. Griffanti, L. Mendozzi, M. Garegnani, A. Motta, P. Cecconi & L. Pugnetti - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):393-400.
  17.  72
    Modulation of the Default Mode Network in First-Episode, Drug-Naïve Major Depressive Disorder via Acupuncture at Baihui (GV20) Acupoint.Demao Deng, Hai Liao, Gaoxiong Duan, Yanfei Liu, Qianchao He, Huimei Liu, Lijun Tang, Yong Pang & Jien Tao - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  18.  63
    Effective Connectivity within the Default Mode Network: Dynamic Causal Modeling of Resting-State fMRI Data.Maksim G. Sharaev, Viktoria V. Zavyalova, Vadim L. Ushakov, Sergey I. Kartashov & Boris M. Velichkovsky - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  19.  46
    Electrophysiological resting state and default-mode networks from magnetoencephalography functional connectivity analyses.Wens Vincent, Mary Alison, Marty Brice, Bourguignon Mathieu, Goldman Serge, Op De Beeck Marc, Van Bogaert Patrick, Peigneux Philippe & De Tiège Xavier - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  20.  37
    Musement: The activity of the brain’s default mode network.Antonio Duarte - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (233):145-158.
    The main purpose of this article is to identify the inner human activity Peirce calls musement with the mental processes that arise through the workings of the brain’s default mode network. This network is a specific, recently anatomically defined brain system, which is most active when individuals are not focused on the external environment. In doing so, musement, which was defined by Peirce over a hundred years ago, will finally be situated within what today we understand (...)
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  21.  25
    Dual Process Theory of Thought and Default Mode Network: A Possible Neural Foundation of Fast Thinking.Giorgio Gronchi & Fabio Giovannelli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:388597.
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  22.  17
    Object-Location Memory Training in Older Adults Leads to Greater Deactivation of the Dorsal Default Mode Network.Ania Mikos, Brigitta Malagurski, Franziskus Liem, Susan Mérillat & Lutz Jäncke - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Substantial evidence indicates that cognitive training can be efficacious for older adults, but findings regarding training-related brain plasticity have been mixed and vary depending on the imaging modality. Recent years have seen a growth in recognition of the importance of large-scale brain networks on cognition. In particular, task-induced deactivation within the default mode network is thought to facilitate externally directed cognition, while aging-related decrements in this neural process are related to reduced cognitive performance. It is not yet (...)
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  23.  34
    What Can the Organization of the Brain’s Default Mode Network Tell us About Self-Knowledge?Joseph M. Moran, William M. Kelley & Todd F. Heatherton - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  24.  37
    What we talk about when we talk about the default mode network.Felicity Callard & Daniel S. Margulies - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  25.  55
    Emotion Regulation and Complex Brain Networks: Association Between Expressive Suppression and Efficiency in the Fronto-Parietal Network and Default-Mode Network.Junhao Pan, Liying Zhan, ChuanLin Hu, Junkai Yang, Cong Wang, Li Gu, Shengqi Zhong, Yingyu Huang, Qian Wu, Xiaolin Xie, Qijin Chen, Hui Zhou, Miner Huang & Xiang Wu - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  26.  22
    The Relationship Between Default Mode and Dorsal Attention Networks Is Associated With Depressive Disorder Diagnosis and the Strength of Memory Representations Acquired Prior to the Resting State Scan.Skye Satz, Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Rachel Ragozzino, Mora M. Lucero, Mary L. Phillips, Holly A. Swartz & Anna Manelis - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Previous research indicates that individuals with depressive disorders have aberrant resting state functional connectivity and may experience memory dysfunction. While resting state functional connectivity may be affected by experiences preceding the resting state scan, little is known about this relationship in individuals with DD. Our study examined this question in the context of object memory. 52 individuals with DD and 45 healthy controls completed clinical interviews, and a memory encoding task followed by a forced-choice recognition test. A 5-min resting state (...)
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  27.  37
    Detection of short-term activity avalanches in human brain default mode network with ultrafast MR encephalography.Zalán Rajna, Janne Kananen, Anja Keskinarkaus, Tapio Seppänen & Vesa Kiviniemi - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  28.  20
    Unilateral deafness in children affects development of multi-modal modulation and default mode networks.Vincent J. Schmithorst, Elena Plante & Scott Holland - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  29.  22
    Loreta eeg phase reset of the default mode network.Robert W. Thatcher, Duane M. North & Carl J. Biver - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  30.  56
    Commentary on “Altered and asymmetric default mode network activity in a “hypnotic virtuoso”: An fMRI and EEG study”.Etzel Cardeña - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1575-1576.
  31.  39
    Gamification of Learning Deactivates the Default Mode Network.Paul A. Howard-Jones, Tim Jay, Alice Mason & Harvey Jones - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  32.  27
    Altered dynamic intrinsic brain activity of the default mode network in Alzheimer’s disease: A resting-state fMRI study.Zhengluan Liao, Wangdi Sun, Xiaozheng Liu, Zhongwei Guo, Dewang Mao, Enyan Yu & Yan Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    ObjectiveStatic regional homogeneity based on the resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging has been used to study intrinsic brain activity in Alzheimer’s disease. However, few studies have examined dynamic ReHo in AD. In this study, we used rs-fMRI and dReHo to investigate the alterations in dynamic IBA in patients with AD to uncover dynamic imaging markers of AD.MethodIn total, 111 patients with AD, 29 patients with mild cognitive impairment, and 73 healthy controls were recruited for this study ultimately. After the rs-fMRI (...)
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  33.  31
    Commentary on “Altered and asymmetric default mode network activity in a “hypnotic virtuoso”: An fMRI and EEG study” – Reply.Susanna Lipari, Francesca Baglio, Ludovica Griffanti, Laura Mendozzi, Massimo Garegnani, Achille Motta, Pietro Cecconi & Luigi Pugnetti - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (2):385.
  34.  49
    The Self-Pleasantness Judgment Modulates the Encoding Performance and the Default Mode Network Activity.Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti, Melanie Cerles, Kylee T. Ramdeen, Naila Boudiaf, Cedric Pichat, Pascal Hot & Monica Baciu - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  35.  46
    Fmri bold correlates of eeg independent components: Spatial correspondence with the default mode network.Marcel Prestel, Tim Paul Steinfath, Michael Tremmel, Rudolf Stark & Ulrich Ott - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  36.  42
    Brain functional connectivity, dopamine and the default mode network in ADHD.Silberstein Richard, Pipingas Andrew, Stough Con, Camfield David & Farrow Maree - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  37.  15
    Modulation by task-difficulty in the default mode network varies with the complexity of perpetual information during decision making.Mohamed Seghier, Mohamed Fahim, Oury Monchi & Claudine Habak - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  38.  64
    The Neural Correlates of Optimistic and Depressive Tendencies of Self-Evaluations and Resting-State Default Mode Network.Jinfeng Wu, Debo Dong, Todd Jackson, Yu Wang, Junfeng Huang & Hong Chen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  39.  26
    The Inter-Regional Connectivity Within the Default Mode Network During the Attentional Processes of Internal Focus and External Focus: An fMRI Study of Continuous Finger Force Feedback.Zhi-Wei Zhou, Xia-Qing Lan, Yan-Tong Fang, Yun Gong, Yu-Feng Zang, Hong Luo & Hang Zhang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  40.  66
    Hypnotic induction decreases anterior default mode activity.William J. McGeown, Giuliana Mazzoni, Annalena Venneri & Irving Kirsch - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (4):848-855.
    The ‘default modenetwork refers to cortical areas that are active in the absence of goal-directed activity. In previous studies, decreased activity in the ‘default mode’ has always been associated with increased activation in task-relevant areas. We show that the induction of hypnosis can reduce anterior default mode activity during rest without increasing activity in other cortical regions. We assessed brain activation patterns of high and low suggestible people while resting in the fMRI (...)
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  41.  14
    Prefrontal Function Engaging in External-Focused Attention in 5- to 6-Month-Old Infants: A Suggestion for Default Mode Network[REVIEW]Mingdi Xu, Eiichi Hoshino, Kiyomi Yatabe, Soichiro Matsuda, Hiroki Sato, Atsushi Maki, Mina Yoshimura & Yasuyo Minagawa - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  42.  51
    Neural correlates of temporality: Default mode variability and temporal awareness.Dan Lloyd - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):695-703.
    The continual background awareness of duration is an essential structure of consciousness, conferring temporal extension to the many objects of awareness within the evanescent sensory present. Seeking the possible neural correlates of ubiquitous temporal awareness, this article reexamines fMRI data from off-task “default mode” periods in 25 healthy subjects studied by Grady et al. , 2005). “Brain reading” using support vector machines detected information specifying elapsed time, and further analysis specified distributed networks encoding implicit time. These networks fluctuate; (...)
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  43.  47
    Probabilistic atlases of default mode, executive control and salience network white matter tracts: an fMRI-guided diffusion tensor imaging and tractography study.Teresa D. Figley, Navdeep Bhullar, Susan M. Courtney & Chase R. Figley - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  44.  28
    Mindfulness is associated with intrinsic functional connectivity between default mode and salience networks.Anselm Doll, Britta K. Hölzel, Christine C. Boucard, Afra M. Wohlschläger & Christian Sorg - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  45. Identifying the Default-Mode Component in Spatial IC Analyses of Patients with Disorders of Consciousness.Christophe Phillips & Rafael Malach - unknown
    Objectives: Recent fMRI studies have shown that it is possible to reliably identify the defaultmode network (DMN) in the absence of any task, by resting-state connectivity analyses in healthy volunteers. We here aimed to identify the DMN in the challenging patient population of disorders of consciousness encountered following coma. Experimental design: A spatial independent component analysis-based methodology permitted DMN assessment, decomposing connectivity in all its different sources either neuronal or artifactual. Three different selection criteria were introduced assessing anticorrelation-corrected connectivity (...)
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  46.  39
    Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Working Memory: Change in Functional Connectivity Between the Dorsal Attention, Default Mode, and Fronto-Parietal Networks.Cimin Dai, Ying Zhang, Xiaoping Cai, Ziyi Peng, Liwei Zhang, Yongcong Shao & Cuifeng Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  47. Resting-State Brain and the FTO Obesity Risk Allele: Default Mode, Sensorimotor, and Salience Network Connectivity Underlying Different Somatosensory Integration and Reward Processing between Genotypes.Gaia Olivo, Lyle Wiemerslage, Emil K. Nilsson, Linda Solstrand Dahlberg, Anna L. Larsen, Marcela Olaya Búcaro, Veronica P. Gustafsson, Olga E. Titova, Marcus Bandstein, Elna-Marie Larsson, Christian Benedict, Samantha J. Brooks & Helgi B. Schiöth - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  48.  42
    Anticipatory processes in brain state switching - implicating default mode and salience networks.Sidlauskaite Justina, Wiersema Jan, Roeyers Herbert, Krebs Ruth, Vassena Eliana, Fias Wim, Brass Marcel, Achten Eric & Sonuga-Barke Edmund - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  49. The minimal self hypothesis.Timothy Lane - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:103029.
    For millennia self has been conjectured to be necessary for consciousness. But scant empirical evidence has been adduced to support this hypothesis. Inconsistent explications of “self” and failure to design apt experiments have impeded progress. Advocates of phenomenological psychiatry, however, have helped explicate “self,” and employed it to explain some psychopathological symptoms. In those studies, “self” is understood in a minimalist sense, sheer “for-me-ness.” Unfortunately, explication of the “minimal self” (MS) has relied on conceptual analysis, and applications to psychopathology have (...)
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  50.  45
    Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: The Bridge Between Mind and Brain.Filippo Cieri & Roberto Esposito - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    In 1895 in the Project for a Scientific Psychology Freud tried to integrate psychology and neurology in order to develop a neuroscientific psychology. Since 1880 Freud made no distinction between psychology and physiology. His papers from the end of the 1880s to1890 were very clear on this scientific overlap: as with many of its contemporaries, Freud thought about psychology essentially as the physiology of the brain. Years later he had to surrender, realizing a technological delay, not capable to pursue its (...)
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