Results for 'Definite truth'

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  1.  30
    Set theory influenced logic, both through its semantics, by expanding the possible models of various theories and by the formal definition of a model; and through its syntax, by allowing for logical languages in which formulas can be infinite in length or in which the number of symbols is uncountable.Truth Definitions - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (3).
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    Truth and definite truth.Tapani Hyttinen & Gabriel Sandu - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):49-55.
    In this paper we consider truth as a vague predicate and inquire into the relation between truth and definite truth. We use some tools from modal logic to clarify this distinction, as done in McGee . Finally, we consider the question whether some of the results given by McGee can be transferred to the case in which the underlying logic is stronger than first-order logic. The result will be seen to be negative.
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    Truth, Definite Truth, and Paradox.Stephen Yablo - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (10):539-541.
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    (1 other version)Truth‐Definitions and Definitional Truth.Douglas Patterson - 1981 - In Felicia Ackerman (ed.), Midwest Studies in Philosophy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 313–328.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References.
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    Definition Versus Criterion: Ayer on the Problem of Truth and Validation.László Kocsis - 2021 - In Adam Tamas Tuboly (ed.), The Historical and Philosophical Significance of Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave. pp. 279-303.
    The age-old question “What is truth?” is not an unambiguous one. There are at least two different meanings. In one sense, it is a semantic question about the meaning of the word “truth” and/or a metaphysical question about the nature of the property of truth, that is, how truth can be defined in terms of other notions, if it is definable at all. In another sense, it is an epistemological question about the criterion or test of (...)
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    Circularity, Definition and Truth.André Chapuis & Anil Gupta (eds.) - 2000 - New Delhi: Sole distributor, Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
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    Truths, Inductive Definitions, and Kripke-Platek Systems Over Set Theory.Kentaro Fujimoto - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):868-898.
    In this article we study the systems KF and VF of truth over set theory as well as related systems and compare them with the corresponding systems over arithmetic.
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    Truth definitions without exponentiation and the Σ₁ collection scheme.Zofia Adamowicz, Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk & Jeff Paris - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):649-655.
    We prove that: • if there is a model of I∆₀ + ¬ exp with cofinal Σ₁-definable elements and a Σ₁ truth definition for Σ₁ sentences, then I∆₀ + ¬ exp +¬BΣ₁ is consistent, • there is a model of I∆₀ Ω₁ + ¬ exp with cofinal Σ₁-definable elements, both a Σ₂ and a ∏₂ truth definition for Σ₁ sentences, and for each n > 2, a Σ n truth definition for Σ n sentences. The latter result (...)
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  9. The definition of assertion: Commitment and truth.Neri Marsili - 2024 - Mind and Language 39 (4):540-560.
    According to an influential view, asserting a proposition involves undertaking some “commitment” to the truth of that proposition. But accounts of what it is for someone to be committed to the truth of a proposition are often vague or imprecise, and are rarely put to work to define assertion. This article aims to fill this gap. It offers a precise characterisation of assertoric commitment, and applies it to define assertion. On the proposed view, acquiring commitment is not sufficient (...)
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  10. Truth definitions, Skolem functions and axiomatic set theory.Jaakko Hintikka - 1998 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):303-337.
    §1. The mission of axiomatic set theory. What is set theory needed for in the foundations of mathematics? Why cannot we transact whatever foundational business we have to transact in terms of our ordinary logic without resorting to set theory? There are many possible answers, but most of them are likely to be variations of the same theme. The core area of ordinary logic is by a fairly common consent the received first-order logic. Why cannot it take care of itself? (...)
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    Truth, the Liar, and Tarskian Truth Definition.Greg Ray - 2002 - In Dale Jacquette (ed.), A Companion to Philosophical Logic. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 164–176.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Truth The Liar Tarskian Truth Definition Discussion Conclusion.
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    Truth or Spin? Disease Definition in Cancer Screening.Lynette Reid - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (4):385-404.
    Are the small and indolent cancers found in abundance in cancer screening normal variations, risk factors, or disease? Naturalists in philosophy of medicine turn to pathophysiological findings to decide such questions objectively. To understand the role of pathophysiological findings in disease definition, we must understand how they mislead in diagnostic reasoning. Participants on all sides of the definition of disease debate attempt to secure objectivity via reductionism. These reductivist routes to objectivity are inconsistent with the Bayesian nature of clinical reasoning; (...)
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    Analytic Truth and «Implicit Definitions».Arthur Pap - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 5:151-155.
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  14.  19
    Truth definitions without exponentiation and the Σ1 collection scheme.Zofia Adamowicz, Leszek Aleksander Kolodziejczyk & J. Paris - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (2):649.
  15.  92
    The truth conditions of sentences with referentially used definite descriptions.Wenqi Li - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (34):1-22.
    Keith Donnellan’s distinction between the attributive and referential uses of definite descriptions has spurred debates regarding the truth conditions of the utterance “the F is G” with definite descriptions used referentially. In this article, I present a semantic account of referential descriptions, grounded in the contextual factors of the utterance, including the speaker’s intention and presupposition as well as the interlocutor’s recognition of them. This account is called the IPR-semantic account, according to which the speaker’s intention (I), (...)
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  16. Truth: Its Definition and Criteria.Jacek J. Jadacki - 1990 - Dialectics and Humanism 17 (2):193-212.
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    Definite Descriptions Again: Singular Reference, Quantification and Truth-Evaluation.Petr Koťátko - 2009 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 16 (4):552-568.
    The author defends a combination of Strawson’s account of definite descriptions as devices of singular reference par excellence with the Russellian truth-evaluation of utterances of sentences with descriptions. The complex Russellian proposition is, according to the author’s view, introduced by such utterances into communication as a by-product of the instrumental side of an attempt to make a singular statement. This, precisely like the instrumental aspects of similar attempts exploiting names or demonstratives has to be reflected by analysis but (...)
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  18. Tarski on truth and its definition.Peter Milne - 1997 - In Timothy Childers, Petr Kolft & Vladimir Svoboda (eds.), Logica '96: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium. Filosofia. pp. 198-210.
    Of his numerous investigations ... Tarski was most proud of two: his work on truth and his design of an algorithm in 1930 to decide the truth or falsity of any sentence of the elementary theory of the high school Euclidean geometry. [...] His mathematical treatment of the semantics of languages and the concept of truth has had revolutionary consequences for mathematics, linguistics, and philosophy, and Tarski is widely thought of as the man who "defined truth". (...)
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  19. Truth definitions in finite models.Leszek Aleksander Kołodziejczyk - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (1):183-200.
    The paper discusses the notion of finite model truth definitions (or FM-truth definitions), introduced by M. Mostowski as a finite model analogue of Tarski's classical notion of truth definition. We compare FM-truth definitions with Vardi's concept of the combined complexity of logics, noting an important difference: the difficulty of defining FM-truth for a logic ᵍ does not depend on the syntax of L, as long as it is decidable. It follows that for a natural ᵍ (...)
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  20.  52
    Truth as correspondence: A re-definition.James L. Mursell - 1922 - Journal of Philosophy 19 (7):181-189.
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    Remarks on Recursive Definitions of Truth.Philippe de Rouilhan - unknown
    For the sake of simplicity, we adopt the same logical frame as Tarski's in his Wahrheitsbegriff (Wb). There, Tarski is mainly interested in the possibility of explicitely defining truth for an object-language, he does not pay much attention to recursive definitions of truth. We say why. However, recursive definitions have advantages of their own. In particular, we prove the positive theorem: if L is of finite order ≥ 4, then a recursive definition is possible for L in a (...)
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  22.  87
    Carnap's definition of 'analytic truth' for scientific theories.J. K. Derden - 1976 - Philosophy of Science 43 (4):506-522.
    In this paper Rudolf Carnap's definition of 'analytic truth' based upon a meaning postulate At, for theoretical predicates of a given scientific theory is subjected to critique. It is argued that this definition is both too exclusive and too inclusive. Assuming that the preceding is correct, At is subjected to further scrutiny to determine how to interpret it and whether, and under what conditions, it need even be true. It is argued that a given At need not be true (...)
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  23. Truth and Circular Definitions. [REVIEW]Francesco Orilia & Achille C. Varzi - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6 (1):124–129.
    This original and enticing book provides a fresh, unifying perspective on many old and new logico-philosophical conundrums. Its basic thesis is that many concepts central in ordinary and philosophical discourse are inherently circular and thus cannot be fully understood as long as one remains within the confines of a standard theory of definitions. As an alternative, the authors develop a revision theory of definitions, which allows definitions to be circular without this giving rise to contradiction (but, at worst, to “vacuous” (...)
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  24.  37
    Definite totalities and determinate truth in conceptual structuralism.Matteo Zicchetti & Martin Fischer - 2024 - Synthese 203 (1):1-22.
    This article investigates the connection and dependence between the definiteness of the totalities involved in mathematical structures and the determinateness of statements about that structure. From a logical perspective, we investigate whether logical principles expressing the definiteness of totalities license the use of classical logic. From a philosophical perspective, this article provides a reconstruction of Solomon Feferman’s claim that the definiteness of the natural number conception implies the determinateness of arithmetical statements and therefore justifies the adoption of classical logic for (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Implicit definition, analytic truth, and aprior knowledge.Paul Horwich - 1997 - Noûs 31 (4):423-440.
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  26. Kant on the Nominal Definition of Truth.Alberto Vanzo - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (2):147-166.
    Kant claims that the nominal definition of truth is: “Truth is the agreement of cognition with its object”. In this paper, I analyse the relevant features of Kant's theory of definition in order to explain the meaning of that claim and its consequences for the vexed question of whether Kant endorses or rejects a correspondence theory of truth. I conclude that Kant's claim implies neither that he holds, nor that he rejects, a correspondence theory of truth. (...)
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    Truth Definitions and Consistency Proofs.Hao Wang - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (4):365-367.
  28. On Wright’s Inductive Definition of Coherence Truth for Arithmetic.Jeffrey Ketland - 2003 - Analysis 63 (1):6-15.
    In “Truth – A Traditional Debate Reviewed”, Crispin Wright proposed an inductive definition of “coherence truth” for arithmetic relative to an arithmetic base theory B. Wright’s definition is in fact a notational variant of the usual Tarskian inductive definition, except for the basis clause for atomic sentences. This paper provides a model-theoretic characterization of the resulting sets of sentences "cohering" with a given base theory B. These sets are denoted WB. Roughly, if B satisfies a certain minimal condition, (...)
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    Tarski's definition of truth and the correspondence theory.Herbert Keuth - 1978 - Philosophy of Science 45 (3):420-430.
    Tarski's definition of truth has rehabilitated the application of the word "true" to sentences of formalized languages. But a correspondence theory according to which a sentence is true if, And only if, It is related in the peculiar way of correspondence to the facts, Is incompatible with tarski's definition. Actually no theory of truth, Which claims to make proper assertions about sentences when calling them true, Is compatible with tarski's definition. Hence they all have to find their own (...)
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    Necessary Truths and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Definition of ‘Law’.Shane D. Drefcinski - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (2):601-617.
    What is the nature of law? The question that St. Thomas Aquinas answers in Summa Theologica I-II continues to be a crucial question in contemporary philosophy of law. Various scholars of jurisprudence attempt to identify the necessary features of law. Yet they struggle with the question, what kind of necessity is involved? Is it conceptual necessity? Metaphysical necessity? In this paper, I explore an alternative way of distinguishing different kinds of necessity that is found in Aquinas’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Physics. (...)
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  31. Tarski's truth definitions.Wilfrid Hodges - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Tarski's definition and truth-makers.Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):57-76.
    A hallmark of correspondence theories of truth is the principle that sentences are made true by some truth-makers. A well-known objection to treating Tarski’s definition of truth as a correspondence theory has been put forward by Donald Davidson. He argued that Tarski’s approach does not relate sentences to any entities (like facts) to which true sentences might correspond. From the historical viewpoint, it is interesting to observe that Tarski’s philosophical teacher Tadeusz Kotarbinski advocated an ontological doctrine of (...)
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  33.  61
    What Were Tarski's Truth-Definitions for?John F. Fox - 1989 - History and Philosophy of Logic 10 (2):165-179.
    Tarski's manner of defining truth is generally considered highly significant. About why, there is less consensus. I argue first, that in his truth-definitions Tarski was trying to solve a set of philosophical problems; second, that he solved them successfully; third, that all of these that are simply problems about defining truth are as well or better solved by a simpler account of truth. But one of his crucial problems remains: to give an account of validity, one (...)
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    (1 other version)Metaphor, Truth, and Definition.Donald Stewart - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (2):205-218.
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    Approach to a definition of the essay as a philosophical genre: critical-literary reflection on the life world that mediates between art and science and with will to truth.Antonio Gutiérrez Pozo - 2019 - Filosofia Unisinos 20 (2).
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  36.  42
    Redesigning the Definition a Truth Commission, but Also Designing a Forward-Looking Non-Prescriptive Definition to Make Them Potentially More Successful.Jeremy Sarkin - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (3):349-368.
    This article argues that two new definitions are needed for what constitutes a truth commission. The first new definition that is needed is a different backward-looking definition that is used reflectively to contrast, compare and research past and present truth commissions. It is argued that the variety of definitions that exist about what constitutes a Truth Commission have a number of problems, and that a better definition is needed to categorise past mechanisms, make comparisons and improve comparative (...)
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  37. Circularity, Definition and Truth.Michael Glanzberg - 2002 - Philosophical Review 111 (3):465-470.
    This is a collection of eighteen solicited papers on the topics of the title: circularity, definition, and truth. The papers are loosely connected in subject matter, but present a great variety of issues, theories, and approaches. Amongst the many subjects discussed are: the revision theory of truth and applications of revision rules, partiality and fixed point constructions, substitutional quantification, fuzzy logic, negation, belief revision, context dependence, hierarchies, Tarski on truth, deflationism, correspondence theories of truth, and normative (...)
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    (1 other version)A New Definition of Truth.J. C. C. McKinsey - 1948 - Synthese 7 (6-A):428 - 433.
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    Varieties of truth definitions.Piotr Gruza & Mateusz Łełyk - 2024 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 63 (5):563-589.
    We study the structure of the partial order induced by the definability relation on definitions of truth for the language of arithmetic. Formally, a definition of truth is any sentence $$\alpha $$ which extends a weak arithmetical theory (which we take to be $${{\,\mathrm{I\Delta _{0}+\exp }\,}}$$ ) such that for some formula $$\Theta $$ and any arithmetical sentence $$\varphi $$, $$\Theta (\ulcorner \varphi \urcorner )\equiv \varphi $$ is provable in $$\alpha $$. We say that a sentence $$\beta $$ (...)
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  40. Relative Interpretations and Substitutional Definitions of Logical Truth and Consequence.Mirko Engler - 2020 - In Martin Blicha & Igor Sedlar (eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2019. College Publications. pp. 33 - 47.
    This paper proposes substitutional definitions of logical truth and consequence in terms of relative interpretations that are extensionally equivalent to the model-theoretic definitions for any relational first-order language. Our philosophical motivation to consider substitutional definitions is based on the hope to simplify the meta-theory of logical consequence. We discuss to what extent our definitions can contribute to that.
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  41. On the model-theoretic definition of truth.Marian Przelgcki - 1996 - Dialogue and Universalism 6 (1-6):67.
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    Criteria and truth by definition.John V. Canfield - 1980 - Philosophical Studies 37 (4):373 - 379.
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  43. Mendacity and the transcendental definition of truth.I. Aimonetto - 1988 - Filosofia 39 (2):95-111.
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  44. If-logic and truth-definition.Gabriel Sandu - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (2):143-164.
    In this paper we show that first-order languages extended with partially ordered connectives and partially ordered quantifiers define, under a certain interpretation, their own truth-predicate. The interpretation in question is in terms of games of imperfect information. This result is compared with those of Kripke and Feferman.
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  45. Confusion concerning Ducasse's Definition, Criterion and Ground of Truth.Ronald E. Santoni - 1970 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 51 (2):148.
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    Tarski's Definition of Truth.Scott Soames - 1998 - In Understanding Truth. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter provides a detailed explanation of Tarski's definition of truth for formalized languages. It begins by indicating how he conceived the problem, how his criterion of adequacy guarantees that any definition satisfying it introduces a predicate that applies to all and only object‐language truths, and how he approached the technical problem of formulating a definition that would allow him to derive what he regarded as a “partial definition” of truth for each sentence of the object language. Next, (...)
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    Black Max. The semantic definition of truth. Analysis , vol. 8 no. 4 , pp. 49–63.Andrzej Mostowski - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):150-151.
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    A definition of truth for theories with intensional definite description operators.Richard E. Grandy - 1972 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (2):137--155.
  49.  39
    Incompleteness and truth definitions.G. Germano - 1971 - Theoria 37 (1):86-90.
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    What languages have Tarski truth definitions?Wilfrid Hodges - 2004 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 126 (1-3):93-113.
    Tarski's model-theoretic truth definition of the 1950s differs from his 1930s truth definition by allowing the language to have a set of parameters that are interpreted by means of structures. The paper traces how the model-theoretic theorems that Tarski and others were proving in the period between these two truth definitions became increasingly difficult to fit into the framework of the earlier truth definition, making the later one more or less inevitable. The paper also maintains that (...)
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