Results for 'Denis Molaise Meehan'

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  1.  34
    Origène et la Philosophie (review). [REVIEW]Denis Molaise Meehan - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):89-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 89 To fill the gap between the two worlds seems to have been one of the most important of their problems. Philo filled it with angels and powers, the Gnostics, whatever their individual differences, filled it with other supernatural creatures begotten by their chief god. Origen filled it with Intelligences, created and corporeal spirits who rose or fell according to their sinfulness (p. 437). The discrepancy between (...)
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    A Companion to the Study of Saint Augustine. [REVIEW]Denis Meehan - 1956 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 6:174-175.
    This volume of essays, contributed for the most part by professional Episcopalian theologians who are members of Duodecim society, may be taken I suppose as the official commemoration by American Protestants of the fifteenth Augustinian centenary, which had so much notice in the learned world. It would be idle to pretend that it represents any major contribution in the field of Augustinian philosophy, and the essays are naturally uneven in quality and attitude; but the book fulfils very well indeed its (...)
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  3. Not a sure thing: Fitness, probability, and causation.Denis M. Walsh - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (2):147-171.
    In evolutionary biology changes in population structure are explained by citing trait fitness distribution. I distinguish three interpretations of fitness explanations—the Two‐Factor Model, the Single‐Factor Model, and the Statistical Interpretation—and argue for the last of these. These interpretations differ in their degrees of causal commitment. The first two hold that trait fitness distribution causes population change. Trait fitness explanations, according to these interpretations, are causal explanations. The last maintains that trait fitness distribution correlates with population change but does not cause (...)
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    The Illusions of the Modern Synthesis.Denis Noble - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-20.
    The Modern Synthesis has dominated biology for 80 years. It was formulated in 1942, a decade before the major achievements of molecular biology, including the Double Helix and the Central Dogma. When first formulated in the 1950s these discoveries and concepts seemed initially to completely justify the central genetic assumptions of the Modern Synthesis. The Double Helix provided the basis for highly accurate DNA replication, while the Central Dogma was viewed as supporting the Weismann Barrier, so excluding the inheritance of (...)
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    Descartes aux limites de l’ordre des raisons : Martial Gueroult et la morale cartésienne.Denis Kambouchner - 2020 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 291 (1):31-49.
    Dès sa parution en 1953, le Descartes de Martial Gueroult a suscité de vives discussions, toutes liées à une conception singulière, à la fois stricte et peu explicite, de l’« ordre des raisons » d’où les Méditations métaphysiques seraient issues. La présente étude s’intéresse moins aux problèmes les plus classiques soulevés par l’interprétation de Gueroult qu’aux chapitres finaux de l’ouvrage, qui concernent la médecine et surtout la morale. Quelle relation entre la morale cartésienne et l’ordre des raisons? Cette morale a-t-elle (...)
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    Pippin's The Culmination, Heidegger's Question, and Hegel's Revenge.Denis McManus - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-14.
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    Pippin's The Culmination, ‘logic as metaphysics’, and the unintelligibility of Dasein.Denis McManus - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):926-936.
    Robert Pippin's new book, The Culmination, examines Heidegger's reading and critique of Kant and Hegel. Since Pippin is perhaps best known as one of the most influential contemporary advocates for the importance of engaging with the difficult work of Hegel in particular, it will no doubt surprise quite a few of his readers that, on some fundamental points, the book concludes that “Heidegger is right” (p. xi). In the present piece, I explore some intriguing issues that Pippin's book raises. Although (...)
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    Heidegger and the Measure of Truth.Denis McManus - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Denis McManus presents a novel account of Martin Heidegger's early vision of our subjectivity and the world we inhabit. He explores key elements of Heidegger's philosophy, and argues that Heidegger's central claims identify genuine demands that must be met if we are to achieve the feat of thinking determinate thoughts about the world around us.
  9.  13
    Multiple identities... Multiple marginalities: Franco-ontarian feminism.Ann B. Denis - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (3):453-467.
    Recent discussions of boundary theory, particularly in the field of ethnic relations, emphasize varying degrees of porousness of social boundaries and the importance of considering the effects of the intersections of multiple boundaries, most notably those of gender, ethnicity/race, and class. It is also increasingly acknowledged that within-group characteristics, including identities, of subordinate as well as of dominant groups may change, without their becoming less authentic distinctive collectivities. This article examines the changing identities of a specific collectivity—French-speaking Canadian women living (...)
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    Contracting preference relations for database applications.Denis Mindolin & Jan Chomicki - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (7-8):1092-1121.
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    Variationalism and Individualism.Denis M. Walsh - 2020 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 7 (2):227.
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    Creative Potential of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of the Idea of the New Enlightenment.Denis Aleksandrovich Stelmakhov - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (4):240-251.
    The modern world is confronted with a series of global problems, exacerbated by technological advancements. In this context, concerns arise in the public consciousness regarding the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to surpass humans in intellectual and creative activities. The topic of AI creativity becomes pertinent and sparks debates within the scientific community regarding its creative potential. In response to these challenges, members of the Club of Rome in 2018 propose the concept of a new Enlightenment and the principle of (...)
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    L’image : entre représentation et irreprésentable, les transfigures de Duchamp et les défigures de Bacon.Denis Viennet - 2008 - Philosophique 11:121-127.
    C’est selon la perspective de l’image comme représentation que nous examinons et mettons en parallèle les œuvres de Marcel Duchamp et de Francis Bacon. Duchamp s’extirpe de l’univers de la peinture, émancipe l’art de son champ exclusivement pictural, « rétinien ». Bacon emprunte une voie intermédiaire : celle de la « forme sensible », de la « Figure », c’est-à-dire du « figural ». Qu’il s’agisse de la déformation avec Bacon ou de la transformation avec Duchamp, la représentation n’est telle (...)
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    Two rhetorical strategies of laissez-faire.A. Denis - 2003 - Department of Economics, City University London.
    For many economists, including those who have made the most marked contribution to the development of the discipline, their work has to be understood in the context of the rhetorical strategy they were pursuing – what they wanted to persuade us of and how they wanted to do it. The paper identifies two fundamental rhetorical strategies of laissez-faire resting on entirely distinct ontological foundations. What distinguishes these two strategies is the way they articulate the individual with the general interest, how (...)
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    Brentano e a Idealidade do Tempo.Denis Seron - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 9 (2):35-49.
    Como é possível ter experiências de memória presente de coisas que, sendo passadas, não são mais experimentadas no presente? Uma resposta possível a esta pergunta filosófica de longa data é o que eu chamo de "visão da idealidade do tempo", ou seja, a visão de que a sucessão temporal é irreal. Neste artigo, esboço a ideia por trás da versão de Brentano da visão da idealidade do tempo. Além disso, eu a contrasto com a versão de Hume, sugerindo que, apesar (...)
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    L’expérience de l’innommable.Denis Viennet - 2010 - Philosophique 13:105-114.
    L’expérience est la plupart du temps entendue selon la vulgate philosophique et épistémologique comme une expérimentation technoscientifique. Mais cette acception oublie un sens plus originaire de l’experientia. Ce sens est le temps. Or si l’on regarde ce que signifie l’expérience « temporale », c’est-à-dire extatique, on s’aperçoit qu’elle est une mise à l’épreuve, un éprouver hors de soi, c’est-à-dire l’expérience affectuelle d’un irreprésentable. C’est de cela dont témoignent les artistes, et spécialement les écrivains Clarice Lispector avec le « é da (...)
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  17. (2 other versions)Love and Hate: Brentano and Stumpf on Emotions and Sense Feelings.Denis Fisette - 2009 - Gestalt Theory 31 (2):115-128.
    Study of the controversy between Franz Brentano and his student Carl Stumpf on emotions and sense-feelings. The issue is whether the pleasure that provides an object such as a work of art is intentional, as it is the case in Brentano's theory in which it is closely related to the class of emotions (love and hate), or merely phenomenal as Stumpf wants it. The paper is divided into two parts : I first examine several aspects of the relationship between Stumpf (...)
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  18. Biology and Ideology From Descartes to Dawkins.Denis R. Alexander & Ronald L. Numbers (eds.) - 2010 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Over the course of human history, the sciences, and biology in particular, have often been manipulated to cause immense human suffering. For example, biology has been used to justify eugenic programs, forced sterilization, human experimentation, and death camps—all in an attempt to support notions of racial superiority. By investigating the past, the contributors to _Biology and Ideology from Descartes to Dawkins_ hope to better prepare us to discern ideological abuse of science when it occurs in the future. Denis R. (...)
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    Metaconfirmation.Denis Zwirn & Herv� P. Zwirn - 1996 - Theory and Decision 41 (3):195-228.
  20. Franz Brentano et le positivisme d’Auguste Comte.Denis Fisette - 2014 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 35 (1):85-128.
    Mon objectif dans cette étude est de montrer l'influence que la philosophie positive d'Auguste Comte a exercée sur la pensée du jeune Brentano durant la période de Würzburg (1866-1874). J'examine d'abord quelques-uns des facteurs qui ont amené Brentano à s'intéresser à la philosophie de Comte et je résume, dans un deuxième temps, les grandes lignes de l'article de Brentano sur Comte dont la version française est reproduite dans ce numéro. Dans la troisième partie de cette étude, je commente brièvement quelques (...)
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    Mechanism, Emergence, and Miscibility: The Autonomy of Evo-Devo.Denis M. Walsh - 2013 - In Philippe Huneman (ed.), Functions: selection and mechanisms. Springer. pp. 43--65.
  22. Intentionality and epistemological relativity.Denis Seron - 2018 - Brentano‐Studien: Internationales Jahrbuch der Franz Brentano Forschung 16 (1):207-228.
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    Rameau's Nephew and First Satire.Denis Diderot - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    'unless you know everything, you really know nothing' -/- Diderot's brilliant and witty dialogue begins with a chance encounter in a Paris café between two acquaintances. Their talk ranges broadly across art, music, education, and the contemporary scene, as the nephew of composer Rameau, amoral and bohemian, alternately shocks and amuses the moral, bourgeois figure of his interlocutor. Exuberant and highly entertaining, the dialogue exposes the corruption of society in Diderot's characteristic philosophical exploration. -/- The debates of the French Enlightenment (...)
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    The Evolution of Consciousness and Agency.Denis Noble - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (3):439-446.
    Conscious Agency is a major driver of evolution. Artificial Selection (i.e. Conscious Selection by human breeders) was the foil against which Charles Darwin defined Natural Selection. In later work, he extended Artificial Selection to other species. That ability for social (e.g. sexual) selection must have evolved. Jablonka and Ginsburg identify markers of conscious agency, such as Unlimited Associative Learning (UAL), and show that it must have existed at the time of the Cambrian Explosion. To their insights, my commentary argues that (...)
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  25. Alternative individualism.Denis M. Walsh - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (4):628-648.
    Psychological individualism is motivated by two taxonomic principles: (i) that psychological states are individuated by their causal powers, and (ii) that causal powers supervene upon intrinsic physiological state. I distinguish two interpretations of individualism--the 'orthodox' and the 'alternative'--each of which is consistent with these motivating principles. I argue that the alternative interpretation is legitimately individualistic on the grounds that it accurately reflects the actual taxonomic practices of bona fide individualistic sciences. The classification of homeobox genes in developmental genetics provides an (...)
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    Is Evolution a Chance Process?Denis Alexander - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (2):15-41.
    It is commonly thought that evolution is a chance process, an idea found in popular writings on evolution, but also in academic writing in a broad range of scientific disciplines: scientific, philosophical and theological. One problem is that words such as ‘chance’ and ‘random’ are used with a range of different meanings according to context, and in evolutionary biology the word ‘chance’ is sometimes used in a way that is different from its use in mathematics and philosophy. The present article (...)
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  27. The Ethics of Global Climate Change.Denis G. Arnold (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Global climate change is one of the most daunting ethical and political challenges confronting humanity in the twenty-first century. The intergenerational and transnational ethical issues raised by climate change have been the focus of a significant body of scholarship. In this new collection of essays, leading scholars engage and respond to first-generation scholarship and argue for new ways of thinking about our ethical obligations to present and future generations. Topics addressed in these essays include moral accountability for energy consumption and (...)
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    Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville.Denis Diderot, Louis-Antoine de Bougainville & Gilbert Chinard - 1935 - E. Droz the Johns Hopkins Press.
    - La bibliographie de l'auteur - Les protagonistes du dialogue de Diderot, A et B, discutent du Voyage autour du monde du navigateur français Louis Antoine de Bougainville récemment paru (en 1771). B propose de parcourir un prétendu Supplément qui en remet en question certaines soi-disant évidences énoncées par Bougainville. Deux passages de ce supplément sont enchâssés dans la discussion: Les adieux du vieillard, et le long Entretien de l'aumônier et d'Orou.
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    On Modal Logics of Model-Theoretic Relations.Denis I. Saveliev & Ilya B. Shapirovsky - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (5):989-1017.
    Given a class $$\mathcal {C}$$ of models, a binary relation $$\mathcal {R}$$ between models, and a model-theoretic language L, we consider the modal logic and the modal algebra of the theory of $$\mathcal {C}$$ in L where the modal operator is interpreted via $$\mathcal {R}$$. We discuss how modal theories of $$\mathcal {C}$$ and $$\mathcal {R}$$ depend on the model-theoretic language, their Kripke completeness, and expressibility of the modality inside L. We calculate such theories for the submodel and the quotient (...)
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  30. Logic and causal attribution.Denis J. Hilton - 1988 - In Contemporary science and natural explanation: commonsense conceptions of causality. New York: New York University Press.
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    Ce que voir veut dire: essai sur la perception.Denis Seron - 2012 - Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
    Voir, entendre, toucher, ce n'est pas simplement avoir des sensations. La perception nous donne à voir, entendre, toucher quelque chose. Mais que perçoit-on au juste ? Des choses, des faits, des apparences ? En quel sens et à quelles conditions perçoit-on des objets ? Quelle part y prend le sujet percevant ? L'objectivation perceptuelle est-elle essentiellement conceptuelle ? Le présent ouvrage explore ces questions et tente d'y répondre à travers une confrontation avec plusieurs grands moments de la théorie de la (...)
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    Re-remembering.Denis Perrin - 2024 - Synthese 204 (6):1-23.
    Around sixty years ago, Martin and Deutscher (1966) published a paper about the conditions under which an occurring mental state qualifies as episodically remembering. Recent philosophy of memory has developed this ontological interrogation in depth. But while it has significantly contributed to the ontological characterisation of episodic memory, it has also left aside an important part of it. Our memories not only occur, they also reoccur: we re-remember. This raises the ontological issue of their identity over time, along with the (...)
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    Reception and Actuality of Carl Stumpf's Philosophy.Denis Fisette - 2015 - In Martinelli D. Fisette & R. (ed.), Philosophy from an Empirical Standpoint: Essays on Carl Stumpf. Rodopi. pp. 11-53.
    This study aims to account for the reception of the philosophy of Carl Stumpf since the turn of the twenty-first century and to emphasize the actuality of some of the aspects of his philosophy. The present text is subdivided into several sections, each corresponding to one of the main topics discussed in the recent literature on the work of Stumpf. In the first section, I try to show, using his classification of sciences, that Stumpf's empirical work is driven by a (...)
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    Reference by Deference: The Real Semiotic Profile of Indexicals and Their Context.Denis Perrin - 2020 - Theoria 87 (1):109-135.
    Theoria, Volume 87, Issue 1, Page 109-135, February 2021.
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  35. Brentano's theory of consciousness revisited. Reply to my critics.Denis Fisette - 2015 - Argumentos 7 (3):13-35.
    Reply to eight critical reviews of my paper "Franz Brentano and Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness" in the same issue of the journal Argumentos.
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    Commentary: Interpersonal Coordination in Soccer: Interpreting Literature to Enhance the Representativeness of Task Design, From Dyads to Teams.Vincent Gesbert & Denis Hauw - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Text Reading Fluency and Text Reading Comprehension Do Not Rely on the Same Abilities in University Students With and Without Dyslexia.Hélène Brèthes, Eddy Cavalli, Ambre Denis-Noël, Jean-Baptiste Melmi, Abdessadek El Ahmadi, Maryse Bianco & Pascale Colé - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Developmental dyslexia is a specific learning condition characterized by severe and persistent difficulties in written word recognition, decoding and spelling that may impair both text reading fluency and text reading comprehension. Despite this, some adults with dyslexia successfully complete their university studies even though graduating from university involves intensive exposure to long and complex texts. This study examined the cognitive skills underlying both text reading comprehension and text reading fluency in a sample of 54 university students with dyslexia and 63 (...)
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  38. Mctaggart's argument.Denis Corish - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (1):77-99.
    The argument of J. M. E. McTaggart in ‘The Unreality of Time’ (Mind 1908) fails logically. There is no A series as such, but there is a shifting past-present-future arrangement within and consistent with the earlier-later B series, past being always earlier, future always later, present always a position earlier or later. An exactly similar logical structure is constructible within the number series, by making each number as one goes up it in turn (it does not matter what ‘it’, or (...)
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    Preuves et jeux sémantiques.Denis Bonnay - 2004 - Philosophia Scientiae 8 (2):105-123.
    Hintikka makes a distinction between two kinds of games: truthconstituting games and truth-seeking games. His well-known game-theoretical semantics for first-order classical logic and its independence-friendly extension belongs to the first class of games. In order to ground Hintikka’s claim that truth-constituting games are genuine verification and falsification games that make explicit the language games underlying the use of logical constants, it would be desirable to establish a substantial link between these two kinds of games. Adapting a result from Thierry Coquand, (...)
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    Is the challenge for psychologists to return to behaviourism?Denis J. Hilton - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (3):415-416.
    I suggest that contemporary economics shares many of the characteristics of methodological behaviourism in psychology, with its emphasis on the influence of motivation, learning, and situational incentives on behaviour, and minimal interest in the details of the cognitive processes that transform input (information) into output (behaviour). The emphasis on these characteristics has the same strengths and weaknesses in economics as in behaviourist psychology.
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    La « Vraye Astrée » d’Honoré d’Urfé, de l’œuvre au corpus.Delphine Denis - 2009 - Corpus 8:67-83.
    Dans quelle mesure, et de quelle manière, la confrontation d’un texte à un corpus en modifie-t-elle l’analyse? Symétriquement, de quelle approche du texte la constitution d’un corpus est-elle tributaire? L’exemple du projet éditorial de L’Astrée, aux deux volets complémentaires (édition critique / site internet), permet d’ébaucher quelques réponses à ces questions qui engagent tout autant une méthodologie qu’un arrière-plan épistémologique. Cette contribution se réclame d’une philologie actualisée, soucieuse de tenir compte des nouveaux espaces de dialogue entre linguistique et littérature.
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    Prolonged life and good death in Antiquity.Denis Bugaev & Svetlana Martynova - 2020 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 10 (1-2):1-9.
    This paper studies the connections between the notions of prolonging life and a good death in Antiquity. It is demonstrated that while prolonged life generally meant forestalling the human constitution’s death, ancient philosophers also pointed to the limitations of prolongation. The paper shows how philosophers welcomed prolonged life when it was shown to foster movement toward the good, such as self-realization and social usefulness. Yet, they rejected prolongation when it led to the perpetuation of evil, such as social uselessness and (...)
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    Court traité de la servitude religieuse: pour une théorie critique du fait religieux.Denis Collin - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La critique de la religion est pour l'essentiel terminée : voilà ce que Marx écrivait en 1843. Le début du XXIe siècle semble lui donner tort. Fondamentalistes de tous poils qui relèvent la tête veulent imposer leurs brigades des moeurs et réglementer la liberté de la parole, djihadistes qui font régner la terreur au Levant, terroristes qui manient la AK47 au nom d'Allah, camions qui foncent dans des foules pacifiques et tuent des dizaines de personnes : ceux qui pensaient que (...)
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    Mill, Darwin et l’argument du Dessein.Denis Forest - 2017 - Cahiers Philosophiques 148 (1):9-25.
    John Stuart Mill examine dans le dernier des Trois Essais sur la religion l’argument du Dessein. Ce faisant, il l’évalue selon les normes épistémiques définies dans le Système de logique en dressant un parallèle avec l’hypothèse présentée par Darwin dans L’Origine des espèces. Pour comprendre le verdict nuancé rendu par Mill, il faut faire intervenir trois niveaux d’analyse : la relation entre méthode inductive et méthode hypothétique (théorie de la connaissance), le choix du phénoménalisme qui limite l’engagement naturaliste (métaphysique), la (...)
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    Autour d'une coquille.Denis Trierweiler - 2010 - Cahiers Philosophiques 123 (3):9-18.
    Le philosophe Hans Blumenberg était un homme secret qui, très vite, a refusé toute photographie et apparition en public. Il exigeait d’être lu. Un bref texte extrait du volume Le Philosophe dévoyé 1, intitulé « Expérience de soi », permet de s’approcher davantage de l’homme, à la condition de respecter avant tout l’auteur. Ainsi va-t-on, comme Blumenberg le souhaitait pour la philosophie, du monde de la vie à celui de la théorie, et inversement.
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    Accommodating the continuum hypothesis with the déjà vu/déjà vécu distinction.Denis Perrin - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e372.
    On Barzykowski and Moulin's continuum hypothesis, déjà vu and involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs) share their underpinning neurocognitive processes. A discontinuity issue for them is that familiarity and episodic recollection exhibit different neurocognitive signatures. This issue can be overcome, I say, provided the authors are ready to distinguish a déjà vécu/episodic IAM continuity and a déjà vu/semantic IAM continuity.
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    Care in Management: A Review and Justification of an Organizational Value.Denis G. Arnold & Roxanne L. Ross - 2023 - Business Ethics Quarterly 33 (4):617-654.
    Care has increasingly been promoted as an element of successful management practice. However, an ethic of care is a normative theory that was initially developed in reference to intimate relationships, and it is unclear if it is an appropriate normative standard in business. The purpose of this review is to bridge the social scientific study of care with philosophical understandings of care and to provide a theoretical justification for care as a managerial value. We review the three different forms of (...)
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  48. (2 other versions)Kant's Ethical Duties and Their Feminist Implications.Lara Denis - 2002 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 28 (Supplement):157-87.
    Many feminist philosophers have been highly critical of Kant’s ethics, either because of his rationalism or because of particular claims he makes about women in his writings on anthropology and political philosophy. In this paper, I call attention to the aspects of Kant’s ethical theory that make it attractive from a feminist standpoint. Kant’s duties to oneself are rich resource for feminism. These duties require women to act in ways that show respect for themselves as rational human agents by, e.g., (...)
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    (1 other version)Duas teses de Franz Brentano Sobre a consciência.Denis Fisette - 2011 - Phainomenon 22-23 (1):9-30.
    In this paper, I propose a reassessment of Brentano’s most important writings on consciousness. My starting point is the formulation of two theses on consciousness that Brentano expresses at the very beginning of the second chapter of the second book of his Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint, which constitute the foundation of his theory of primary and secondary objects. My working hypothesis rests on the principle of the unity of consciousness, which is the key to most problems generally associated with (...)
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    Antonio Rosmini.Denis Cleary - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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