Results for 'Dike Okoro'

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  1.  24
    Utopianism and the New World Order: A Critical Consideration.Okoro Kingsley - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):332-344.
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    Ethics Education for Contemporary Clinical Pharmacy Practice in Nigeria: Shortfalls and Needs.Roland N. Okoro - 2020 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 10 (1):1-5.
    The past decade has witnessed a shift in the ambitions of pharmacists away from the core role of dispensing medicines towards more interesting and rewarding relationships and responsibilities with other healthcare providers and patients. The patient-centred role of pharmacists has allowed ethical issues experienced in medical practice to surface in pharmacy practice, resulting in an increase in the number and variety of ethical dilemmas that pharmacists face in their routine pharmacy practice. Pharmacy education prepares pharmacy students for practice and must (...)
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    Islamic Jurisprudence and Unity of Nigeria: A Socio-Historical Reconsideration.Kingsley Okoro - 2017 - Open Journal of Philosophy 7 (4):467-483.
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    Modernity and destining of technological being: beyond Heidegger's critique of technology to responsible and reflexive technology.Temple Davis Okoro - 2016 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Facing Heidegger s critique of modern technology, the author analyses the question of technology and ethical responsibility and the call for reflexivity towards technology. He examines Heidegger s thoughts about how science and technology conceal the enigmatic and distinctive presencing of Being and exhibits how modern technology has brought unintended consequences and risks. The author extends the deliberation among diverse epistemologies, interested parties and laypersons, a component of reflexive modernization. Such epistemic community opens the way for a new reflexive democratization (...)
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    Religion in an Oppressive Society: The Antebellum Example.Kingsley N. Okoro - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (4):251-259.
    Religion: a socio-spiritual phenomenon that pervades and influences human actions in all realms of human existences plays diverse and divergent roles in the society. Therefore, it is difficult to define with a simply and a single category. Hence, on the one hand, Karl Marx saw it as an instrument that supports the status quo and oppresses the less privileged and the powerless and as such a vital force in the legitimization of social ills in the society. On the other hand, (...)
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    Reappraising the Nsukka Ọmabe festival through the lens of ethno-aesthetics, therapy and healing.Martins N. Okoro - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):10.
    In Igbo traditional religion (ITR), there are different means through which therapy and healing are achieved. One such means is through the Nsukka-Igbo Ọmabe masquerade festival rituals and performance theatre. To seek out this aspect of the cultural festival that has been under-researched, this study delves into detailed discussions of the pre-arrival, arrival, events in between, departure and postdeparture of the Ọmabe masquerade festival. Relying on a qualitative method, the study analytically and descriptively discusses the data gathered through participatory observations (...)
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    Theistic Humanism and the Critique of Monotheism as the Most Evolved Religion.Chiedozie Okoro - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):67.
    The main thrust of this essay is to examine how Maduabuchi Dukor’s theory of theistic or spiritual or comprehensive humanism (2010:p.77) or what I choose to call theistic pluralism, can be made the basis for deconstructing and resolving the crisis created by monistic and monotheistic orientations in the African psyche and on the African continent. The need for such demolition and resolution exercise is intensified by the fact that theistic or pluralistic humanism promotes the temperament of—live and let live(i.e. the (...)
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    Theistic Humanism and the Hermeneutic Appraisal of the Doctrine of Salvation.Chiedozie Okoro - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):264.
    This essay uses theistic humanism as a super structure to do a hermeneutic appraisal of the doctrine of salvation in a pluralistic world. It operates on the assumption that reality is multidimensional, just as human belief systems and cultural perspectives are diverse. More importantly, is the point that most countries on the African continent house a potpourri of belief systems, prominent among which are Christianity, Islam and Traditional African Religion (ATR). Thus, theistic humanism offers us the opportunity to do a (...)
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    Aspirin and Diabetes Care in Nigeria: Treatment or Exploitation?Okoro E. O. Oyejola - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 6 (4).
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    African Culture of Communication in the Global Village: The Experience of Ogba People in Rivers State Nigeria.Uche A. Dike - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):122.
    The contemporary world today has evolved into a global village. This civilization owes its existence to fast means of communication systems. Thus the global world is knighted into one political economy. Distances are reached under seconds. Notwithstanding the fast means of communication gadgets in our time, African traditional means of communication has survived the test of time. What then has been the connection of Africa traditional means of communication and politics? The answer to this question, specifically as operative in Ogba (...)
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    African Metaphysics and Theocracy: A Case Study of Theocratic Politics in Ogba Land, Rivers State, Nigeria.Uche A. Dike - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):81.
    The modus operandi of this paper is centered on governance and the metaphysical forces in Ogba Land. In other words the main focus of the article is that theocracy is concomitant with Ogba metaphysics. The salient points discussed include Maduabuchi Dukor’s reflection on African cosmic environment as posited in Dukor’s four great works on African philosophy. Others include Jewish theocratic tradition, Islamic theocratic tradition and Ogba theocracy and metaphysics in the light of Dukor’s philosophy. The researcher adopted the literature approach (...)
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  12.  28
    African Theocracy: A Panacea to Niger Delta Youth Restiveness.Uche A. Dike - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (4):211-216.
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    Burial of a bad death in Ogbaland.U. A. Dike - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 11 (1).
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    Ethnophilosophy and Public Morality in an African Tribe.Uche A. Dike - 2015 - Open Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):171-175.
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    Traditional religion of Ogbaland: Distinguishing characteristics.U. A. Dike - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (2).
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    Assessing School Engagement Intervention Dataset of Nigerian Pre-service TVET Teachers.Godwin Keres Okoro Okereke, Samson Ikenna Nwaodo, Hyginus Osita Omeje, Joshua Onyedikachi Ike, Sylvanus Umunnakwe Njoku, George Nwachukwu Ogbonna, Victor Ikechukwu Oguejiofor, Ifeoma Bernadine Onah, Ogbonnaya Okorie Eze, Pauline Ijeoma Obe, Benedicta Anene Omeje, Ikechukwu Jerry Ogbonna, Nwahunanya Innocent, Veronica Nkechi Imakwu, Ogechukwu Onah, Catherine Chiugo Kanu, John Lliya, Ebiegberi Kontei & Eunice Nwakaego Onah - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Book Review:The Dissociation of a Personality. A Biology Study in Abnormal Psychology. Morton Prince. [REVIEW]Francis Harold Dike - 1907 - International Journal of Ethics 17 (2):265-.
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    Social responsibility in micro businesses in an African context: Towards a theoretical understanding.Chijioke Dike Uba, Md Nazmul Hasan & James Buba Mshelia - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (1):164-178.
    Business Ethics, the Environment &Responsibility, Volume 32, Issue 1, Page 164-178, January 2023.
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    Urbanization and social services administration in Nigeria.N. B. Godpower, E. O. Tandu & A. S. Okoro - 2011 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 11 (1).
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    The Strengths and Barriers Recovery Scale (SABRS): Relationships Matter in Building Strengths and Overcoming Barriers.David Best, Arun Sondhi, Lorna Brown, Mulka Nisic, Gera E. Nagelhout, Thomas Martinelli, Dike van de Mheen & Wouter Vanderplasschen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    There is a well-established relationship between isolation and both morbidity and mortality in the context of addiction recovery, yet the protective effects of intimate and familial relationships have not been adequately assessed. The current paper uses the European Life In Recovery database to assess the association between relationship status and living with dependent children on recovery capital of people in recovery from drug addiction, operationalised by the Strengths And Barriers Recovery Scale. The study participants were drawn from the REC-PATH study (...)
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    Dikes and Dams, Thick with Politics.Wiebe E. Bijker - 2007 - Isis 98 (1):109-123.
    Things are thick with politics. This essay illustrates the point by focusing on a variety of technologies that help to manage water: anicuts and tanks in India, dikes and a storm surge barrier in the Netherlands, and levees in New Orleans. Technologies are not only shaped by political forces; they also exert political force themselves: on social stratification in Indian villages or on government stability in the Netherlands. We should recognize, then, that the functioning of technologies and the functioning of (...)
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    Dike phonou: The Right of Prosecution and Attic Homicide Procedure (review).David C. Mirhady - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (4):639-642.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Dike Phonou: The Right of Prosecution and Attic Homicide ProcedureDavid C. MirhadyAlexander Tulin. Dike Phonou: The Right of Prosecution and Attic Homicide Procedure. Stuttgart and Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1996. x 1 135 pp. Cloth, DM 56. (Beiträge zum Altertumskunde, 76)The normal means of seeking redress in Athenian law was through a dike, which the victim brought to the appropriate magistrate, who then conducted the (...)
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    Dike und Physis: philosophische Studien zu einer Schlüsselkonstellation bei Heidegger, Nietzsche und Heraklit: mit einem Ausblick auf Marc Aurel.Jan Kerkmann - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag, in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
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    Dike.Emanuele Severino - 2015 - Milano: Adelphi edizioni.
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    Arche, Dike, Phusis: Anaximander's Principle of Natural Justice.Thomas Alexander - 1988 - Southwest Philosophical Studies 10 (3):11-20.
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    Themis, Dike und Verwandtes.W. A. Heidel & Rudolf Hirzel - 1908 - American Journal of Philology 29 (2):213.
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    Dike und sedaqa. Zur frage nach der sittlichen weltordnung. Ein theologisches präludium.Otto Kaiser - 1965 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 7 (3):251-273.
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    Review. Dike Phonou: the Right of Prosecution and Attic Homicide Procedure. A Tulin.Douglas M. Macdowell - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):384-385.
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    Forms and Conceptions of Dike in Euripides′ Heracleidae, Suppliants, and Phoenissae.Efstathia Papadodima - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (1):14-38.
    The term dikē has a wide range of meanings in tragic poetry. However, we could identify two distinctively or predominantly Euripidean trends that are closely associated with the use of dikē and are actually interdependent. Heracleidae, Suppliants, and Phoenissae are good test-cases in that regard. Whilst the plays bear strong resemblances to Aeschylean and secondarily Sophoclean dramas, the treatment of dikē is differentiated. 1) By contrast with Aeschylus and secondarily Sophocles, dikē in these Euripidean plays is viewed in connection to (...)
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  30. Die Dike ist die Tochter der Aidos. Scham als ethischer Grundbegriff.Jurgen-Eckardt Pleines - 2008 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 34 (1):217-249.
    Bekanntermaßen ist die philosophische Ethik spätestens seit Nietzsches Kritik an der moralischen Weltinterpretation und der modernen Ablehnung aller Metaphysik in eine tiefgreifende Krise geraten. Strittig ist dabei vor allem die Berufung auf die Vernunft geworden. Bei dieser Gelegenheit wird gern auf den göttlichen Ursprung des Sittengesetzes oder auf die Verbindlichkeiten der Pflicht verwiesen. Dabei wird zumeist nicht bedacht, daß ein vernünftiges Urteil die individuellen und allgemeinen Bestimmungen sinnvollen und vertretbaren Handelns in einem Widerstreit entgegengesetzter Momente austrägt. Das zeigt sich bei (...)
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    Dike and Ares.D. S. Robertson - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (02):79-80.
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    Philia et dikè: aspects du lien social et politique en Grèce ancienne.Michel Crubellier, Annick Jaulin & Pierre Pellegrin (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    This work reveals the ambivalence of the notion of philia and its inability to serve as a foundation for the civic order when it is not supported by dike. The range of different analytical approaches opens up the perspective from which philosophy addresses a pivotal question for social and political ties in ancient Greece.
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    Hermès et Diké. Compréhension et finalité de la philosophie platonicienne.Franci Zore - 2008 - Synthesis Philosophica 23 (2):381-399.
    La question de la compréhension philosophique et celle de la justice sont intrinsèquement liées depuis les débuts de la philosophie grecque. La compréhension platonicienne de la justice tire son origine pré-philosophique de la déesse Diké, tout comme l’herméneutique tire la sienne du dieu grec Hermès. L’ambivalence d’Hermès implique la possibilité de comprendre mais aussi la possibilité de séduire ou d’abuser de cette compréhension, ce qui, dans l’horizon de la philosophie socratique et platonicienne, signifie en fait un défaut de compréhension. Dans (...)
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    Hipótesis sobre el origen etimológico de la palabra díkē: la analogía del horizonte.Maria Antonietta Salamone - 2013 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 46:307-327.
    The object of this paper is to demonstrate the philological relation between justice, law and equality in ancient Greek or, that is the same, the philosophical relation between ethics, politics and economics. Actually it is interesting to examine the etymology of the word dikē which derives from the Sanskrit diś-(dik) and it refers more than to the generic idea of the «straight line» to the specific and astronomical concept of the «horizon (or skyline)», the apparent line that separates the cosmos (...)
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    Apollón és Diké nyomában: Hegeliánus-hermeneutikai tragédiaértelmezési kísérlet.Zoltán Andrejka - 2013 - Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó.
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  36. Themis e Dike.N. Bosco - 1967 - Filosofia 18 (1):131-79.
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  37. Wczesnogreckie pojęcie dike w kontekście wybranych współczesnych koncepcji sprawiedliwości.Dariusz Kubok - 2000 - Civitas 4 (4):61-72.
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    (1 other version)Jean Rudhardt et la dikè.Évelyne Scheid-Tissinier - 2008 - Kernos 21:173-184.
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    The Intellectual Context of Solon’s Dike.John Lewis - 2001 - Polis 18 (1-2):3-26.
    Solon is our only primary source for the intellectual context of archaic Athenian political thought. Dike is central to that context. The primary question of dike is the degree of abstraction it denotes. To Solon dike is neither an abstract principle with metaphysical proportions, nor merely the concrete procedures of dispute mediation. Solon understands Dike in a polis that is ordered by the thoughts and actions of particular human beings, not by divine dispensations. This re-alignment of (...)
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    An Ēthos Against Scarcity: Sketching an Ethic of Care and Dike for Late Modernity.Sophia Chatzisavvidou - 2015 - Ethics and the Environment 20 (2):24-47.
    How are we disposed to the problem of natural resources scarcity that we face today and to the fact that certain natural sources remain unused, whereas the exploitation of others puts further strain on the already degraded biosphere? The scarcity of natural resources not only imposes a series of ecological issues on us; it also challenges democracy as organizational system and way of life, because it increases inequality, conflict, authoritarianism, and repression. One way to address this predicament would be the (...)
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    Le sens de la démesure: Hubris et Dikè.Jean-François Mattéi - 2009 - Arles: Sulliver.
    Le vingtième siècle aura été le siècle de la démesure. La démesure de la politique avec des guerres mondiales, des déportations et des camps d'extermination, qui a culminé avec deux bombes atomiques larguées sur des populations civiles. La démesure de l'homme, ensuite, puisque ces crimes ont été commis au nom d'idéologies abstraites qui, pour sauver l'humanité, ont sacrifié sans remords les hommes réels. La démesure du monde, enfin, avec une science prométhéenne qui a tenté de percer les secrets de l'univers, (...)
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  42.  36
    La philía entre Eros y Dike.José Solana Dueso - 2007 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20:23-35.
    El artículo analiza la noción griega de philía y describe dos enfoques diferentes, que se asocian respectivamente con Sócrates y Protágoras. Para el primero, la amistad, conectada con eros, es el lazo más importante entre los seres humanos, en tanto que para Protágoras ninguna relación, incluida la philía, puede estar por encima de justicia. La Medea de Eurípides sería una aplicación de la teoría de Protágoras a un caso célebre en la literatura mítica.
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    Patenting genes? A finger in the dike of a bricks-and-mortar patent system.Gladys B. White - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (3):20.
  44.  15
    Bordes, Elodie. (2018), Le silence et le droit : Recherches sur une métaphore, Québec, Les Presses de l’Université Laval, Collection Dikè, 230 pages. [REVIEW]Hugo Cossette-Lefebvre - 2019 - Ithaque 24:129-134.
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    ETHICS IN ELECTRA L. MacLeod: Dolos and Dike in Sophokles' Elektra. ( Mnemosyne Suppl. 219.) Pp. viii + 210. Leiden, Boston, and Cologne: Brill, 2001. Cased, $73. ISBN: 90-04-11898-. [REVIEW]Judith Owen - 2003 - The Classical Review 53 (01):11-.
  46.  70
    Some Works on Ancient Philosophy S. Löonborg: Dike und Eros: Menschen und Mächte im alten Athen. Pp. 472. Munich: Oskar Beck, 1924. É. Bréhier: Histoire de la Philosophie. I. L'Antiquité et le moyen Âge; II. Période hellénistique et romaine. Pp. 261–522 of tom. I. Paris: Alcan, 1927. 18 fr. Adolfo Levi: Sulle interpretazioni imtnanentistiche della Filosofia di Platone. Pp. vi + 240. Turin: Paravia, n.d. Adolfo Levi: Il Concetto del Tempo nei sui rapporti coi problemi del divenire e dell' essere nella Filosofia di Platone. Pp. 112. Turin: Paravia, n.d. Julius Stenzel: Wissenschaft und Staatsgesinnung bei Platon. Pp. 16. Kiel: Lipsius and Tischer, 1927. [REVIEW]A. E. Taylor - 1927 - The Classical Review 41 (05):182-184.
  47.  26
    Reinterpretando a pólis democrática: a tensão da justiça no inquérito de Édipo.Ricardo Manoel de Oliveira Morais & Patricio Tierno - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):161-176.
    O objetivo é analisar algumas interpretações conexas que giram em torno da tensão entre duas concepções da díke em Édipo Rei. Como as tragédias ocupavam um papel privilegiado na pólis ateniense, pode-se dizer que as exibições e festividades trágicas eram uma verdadeira instituição política. Não por acaso se pode afirmar que as peças apontavam para um conflito entre os valores aristocráticos tradicionais e a nova ordem democrática. Tal tensão pode ser evidenciada na investigação promovida por Édipo que se manifesta em (...)
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    Noos/Noein in Hesiod's thought: its function and meaning in the Works and Days.Karin Mackowiak - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    Mettre le noos en relation avec les idées de « panaristos » et de « méga nèpios » permet d’étudier les spécificités du concept noétique chez Hésiode lequel est le plus souvent amalgamé, dans les recherches sur l’évolution historique du noos/noein, à Homère. La présente étude propose d’articuler davantage le noos/noein dans les objectifs poétiques propres aux Travaux et Jours d’où émerge une vision particulière de l’activité psychique de l’individu grec archaïque, depuis le sot ignorant (Persès et les mauvais rois) (...)
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    God of iron and iron working in parts of Ǹsúkkā cultural area in Southeast Nigeria.Joshua O. Uzuegbu & Christian O. Agbo - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):6.
    This study is aimed at evaluating the influence of the god of iron on ironworking communities in Ǹsúkkā cultural area. In the study area, the Supreme God – Chúkwú Òkìkè, Chínēkè or Chúkwú Ábíàmà is believed to control the affairs of humanity. He is worshipped through intermediaries such as Ányánwù [Sun God], Àmádíòhà, Áhàjīōkù [fertility goddess], Àlà [earth goddess] and the god of iron, which is called by different names in the study area such as Ékwéñsū-Úzù, Òkóró-Údùmè, Chíkèrè Àgùrù and (...)
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  50. The way of heart: Mencius' understanding of justice.Huaiyu Wang - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (3):pp. 317-363.
    Through a comparative study of the meanings and origins of justice symbolized in the Greek word dikē and the Chinese word yi 毅, this essay explores an alternative understanding of justice exemplified in Mencius' teaching and illuminates a possibility of social and political justice that originates in the human heart instead of reason. On the basis of a genealogical study of yi that identifies its root meanings as "the dignity of the self" and "amity and affinity," this study recovers and (...)
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