Results for 'Diren Valayden'

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    Racial Feralization: Targeting Race in the Age of ‘Planetary Urbanization’.Diren Valayden - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):159-182.
    In this article, I propose the concept of racial feralization to explain the links between planetary urbanization, risk societies and race. The threat of racial feralization – as an apocalyptic eschatology of regression and the unraveling of the species – has always animated and conditioned the emergence of the discourse of ‘Man’ as well as the concept of race. The history of racism, that is, is also a history of responses to possible catastrophic consequences of progress and modernization. A major (...)
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    Assessing the evolution of carbon emissions of large companies: An index‐based approach.Ananda Valayden & Didier Chabaud - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (4):552-586.
    According to the Carbon Disclosure Project, the world's largest 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global greenhouse gas emissions since 1988. However, seven years after the adoption of the Paris Agreement, these companies' efforts remain insufficient as they have not significantly altered the dangerous trajectory of greenhouse gas emissions. Current methods used to quantify company‐level emissions offer limited insights, often providing overall scores or evaluating CSR's impact on performance. To address this, we developed a refined methodology focusing on the (...)
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    Egia motak.Agustin Arrieta Urtizberea - 2001 - Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial.
    Filosofoek, ia ahobatez, bi egia moten arteko bereizketa onartu ohi dute. Alde batetik egia beharrezkoak eta egia kontingenteak bereizi eta bereizten dira. Lan honetan aipatutako bereizketaz ari gara, batez ere txanponaren alderdi bat jorratuz, egia beharrezkoak zertan diren aztertuz hain zuzen ere. Irakurleak bereizketaren jarraipen historikoa ere aurkituko du. Horrez gain, hiru testu berri-klasikoen itzulpena burutu dugu: Quineren enpirismoaren bi dogma, Tarskiren egia eta froga eta Kripkeren identitatea eta beharrezkotasuna.
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