Results for 'Discourse analysis Psychological aspects.'

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  1. Pragmatics and rhetoric for discourse analysis: some conceptual remarks.Jésus Larrazabal & Kepa Korta - 2002 - Manuscrito 25 (2):233-248.
    This paper focuses on discourse analysis, particularly persuasive discourse, using pragmatics and rhetoric in a new combined way, called by us Pragma-Rhetoric. It can be said that this is a cognitive approach to both pragmatics and rhetoric. Pragmatics is essentially Gricean, Rhetoric comes from a new reading of Aristotle’s Rhetoric, extending his notion of discourse to meso- and micro-discourses. Two kinds of intentions have to be considered: first, communicative intention, and, then, persuasive intention. The fulfilment of (...)
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    Emotion and discourse in L2 narrative research.Matthew T. Prior - 2015 - Buffalo: Multilingual Matters.
    Getting Emotional -- Constructing Discourse -- Telling and Remembering -- Inviting Emotional Tellings -- Eliciting Feelings -- (re)formulating Emotionality -- Managing Emotionality and Distress -- Being Negative -- Reflecting Back, Moving Forward.
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    Presidential political discourse as a means of manipulation: a pragmalinguistic aspect.L. S. Chikileva - 2018 - Liberal Arts in Russia 7 (1):20.
    The author of the article discusses a political discourse of the US president Donald Trump. The political discourse is considered to be a type of discourse based on views and beliefs, the purpose of which is to manipulate the consciousness of the addressee using strategies in order to form certain beliefs. The strategy in this case means the plan of implementation of the communicative task, necessary for effective achievement of the addressee’s goal, realized with the help of (...)
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    Phenomenology and narrative psychology: the Fourteenth Annual Symposium of the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center: lectures.Steen Halling & David L. Smith (eds.) - 1996 - Pittsburgh: Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center, Duquesne University.
  5. Semantika slova i teksta: psikholingvisticheskie issledovanii︠a︡: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.A. A. Zalevskai︠a︡ (ed.) - 1998 - Tverʹ: Tverskoĭ gos. universitet.
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    Expressing and describing surprise.Agnès Celle & Laure Lansari (eds.) - 2017 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Among emotions, surprise has been extensively studied in psychology. In linguistics, surprise, like other emotions, has mainly been studied through the syntactic patterns involving surprise lexemes. However, little has been done so far to correlate the reaction of surprise investigated in psychological approaches and the effects of surprise on language. This cross-disciplinary volume aims to bridge the gap between emotion, cognition and language by bringing together nine contributions on surprise from different backgrounds - psychology, human-agent interaction, linguistics. Using different (...)
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  7. Translating Existence: Philosophical Reflections on the Inner Discourse of Characters in Zhang Eileen's the Little Reunion.Xiaodao Li - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (1):276-297.
    In a postmodern framework, the traditional subject-object dynamics within literature transform, eschewing possessive relationships for a symbiotic interplay mediated through vision. This shift is evident in the subversive narrative techniques of postmodern novels, where linear plots dissolve into fragmented memories and character development unfolds through nightmarish psychological narratives. This paper delves into the philosophical and theological implications of such narrative strategies in Eileen Chang’s The Little Reunion. It examines the inner discourse of the novel’s characters through a tripartite (...)
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    Surprise at the intersection of phenomenology and linguistics.Natalie Depraz & Agnès Celle (eds.) - 2019 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Surprise is treated as an affect in Aristotelian philosophy as well as in Cartesian philosophy. In experimental psychology, surprise is considered to be an emotion. In phenomenology, it is only addressed indirectly (Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas), with the important exception of Ricoeur and Maldiney; it is reduced to a break in cognition by cognitivists (Dennett). Only recently was it broached in linguistics, with a focus on lexico-syntactic categories. As for the expression of surprise, it has been studied in connection with evidentiality (...)
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    Ethical aspects of voice assistants: a critical discourse analysis of Indonesian media texts.Anisa Aini Arifin & Thomas Taro Lennerfors - 2022 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 20 (1):18-36.
    Purpose Voice assistant technology is one of the fastest-growing artificial intelligence applications at present. However, the burgeoning scholarship argues that there are ethical challenges relating to this new technology, not the least related to privacy, which affects the technology’s acceptance. Given that the media impacts public opinion and acceptance of VA and that there are no studies on media coverage of VA, the study focuses on media coverage. In addition, this study aims to focus on media coverage in Indonesia, a (...)
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    Ecosemiotic Analysis of Species Reintroduction: the Case of European Mink (Mustela lutreola) in Estonia.Riin Magnus & Nelly Mäekivi - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (2):239-258.
    Species conservation activities are gaining more attention in the context of environmental degradation. This article proposes to tackle different semiotic aspects of reintroduction as one possible way of furthering species conservation. More specifically, we aim to bring forth the strength of ecosemiotic perspective when dealing with such a complex matter with many different human and non-human subjects. We concentrate on animal agency, search and function tone, semiotic fitting and changes in umwelten when analysing the reintroduction process from the perspective of (...)
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  11. In Pursuit of the Functional Definition of a Mind: The Pivotal Role of a Discourse.Vitalii Shymko - 2018 - Psycholinguistics 24 (1):403-424.
    This article is devoted to describing results of conceptualization of the idea of mind at the stage of maturity. Delineated the acquisition by the energy system (mind) of stable morphological characteristics, which associated with such a pivotal formation as the discourse. A qualitative structural and ontological sign of the system transition to this stage is the transformation of the verbal morphology of the mind into a discursive one. The analysis of the poststructuralist understanding of discourse in the (...)
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    Emotion in multilingual interaction.Matthew T. Prior & Gabriele Kasper (eds.) - 2016 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This volume brings together for the first time a collection of studies that investigates how multilingual speakers construct emotions in their talk as a joint discursive practice. The contributions draw on the well established, converging traditions of conversation analysis, discursive psychology, and membership categorization analysis together with recent work on interactional storytelling, stylization, and multimodal analysis. By adopting a discursive approach to emotion in multilingual talk, the volume breaks with the dominant view of emotions as cognitive and (...)
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    From the conscious interior to an exterior unconscious: Lacan, discourse analysis, and social psychology.David Pavón Cuéllar - 2010 - London: Karnac Books. Edited by Danielle Carlo & Ian Parker.
    This striking Lacanian contribution to discourse analysis is also a critique of contemporary psychological abstraction, as well as a reassessment of the radical opposition between psychology and psychoanalysis. This original introduction to Lacan's work bridges the gap between discourseanalytical debates in social psychology and the social-theoretical extensions of discourse theory. David Pavón Cuéllar provides a precise definition and a detailed explanation of key Lacanian concepts, and illustrates how they may be put to work on a concrete (...)
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    The Practice of Experimental Psychology: An Inevitably Postmodern Endeavor.Roland Mayrhofer, Christof Kuhbandner & Corinna Lindner - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of psychology is to understand the human mind and behavior. In contemporary psychology, the method of choice to accomplish this incredibly complex endeavor is the experiment. This dominance has shaped the whole discipline from the self-concept as an empirical science and its very epistemological and theoretical foundations, via research practice and the scientific discourse to teaching. Experimental psychology is grounded in the scientific method and positivism, and these principles, which are characteristic for modern thinking, are still upheld. (...)
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    Analyzing Argumentation In Rich, Natural Contexts.Anita Reznitskaya & Richard C. Anderson - 2006 - Informal Logic 26 (2):175-198.
    The paper presents the theoretical and methodological aspects of research on the development of argument- ation in elementary school children. It presents a theoretical framework detailing psychological mechanisms responsible for the acquisition and transfer of argumentative discourse and demonstrates several applications of the framework, described in sufficient detail to guide future empirical investigations of oral, written, individual, or group argumentation performance. Software programs capable of facilitating data analysis are identified and their uses illustrated. The analytic schemes can (...)
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    Discourse analysis and the epidemiology of meaning.David Allen & Pamela K. Hardin - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):163-176.
    This paper delineates a postmodern discourse analysis that is positioned within a semiotic theory of language. This theory of language foregrounds the performative aspects of language usage and provides the theoretical space from which to theorize the interrelationship between social organizations or structure and social agents or individuals. Our version of discourse analysis contends that social structure is enacted (production and reproduction) through the employment of various vocabularies: social structure is not something outside of, behind, or (...)
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    Desiring Whiteness: A Lacanian Analysis of Race.Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    Desiring Whiteness provides a compelling new interpretation of how we understand race. Race is often seen to be a social construction. Nevertheless, we continue to deploy race thinking in our everyday life as a way of telling people apart visually. How do subjects become raced? Is it common sense to read bodies as racially marked? Employing Lacan's theories of the subject and sexual difference, Seshadri-Crooks explores how the discourse of race parallels that of sexual difference in making racial identity (...)
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  18. Greenspeak: A Study of Environmental Discourse.Rom Harré, Jens Brockmeier & Peter Mühlhäuser - 1998 - SAGE Publications.
    In this interdisciplinary examination of the discourse of environmentalism, the authors explore the linguistic, philosophical, psychological and cultural-historical aspects of environmental discourse; rather than environmental phenomena themselves. This volume is not advocacy on environmentalism, rather, it is an analysis of the means of persuasion and the techniques of advocacy used by both sides of the environmental debate between `conservationists' and `conservatives'. The book includes an analysis of the concepts of time and space in their linguistic (...)
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    Psychological Aspects of Risk and Aggression among Motorcyclists - "Mad Max" Syndrome.Michał Nowopolski, Aleksandra Peplińska & Ryszard Makarowski - 2010 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 41 (2):74-83.
    Psychological Aspects of Risk and Aggression among Motorcyclists - "Mad Max" Syndrome The primary objective of this study was the psychological examination of a group of Polish motorcyclists against a group of students and graduates of Technical Universities. This work poses a question regarding the differences in temperament, aggression and the level of risk between motorcyclists and the control group. The second question was whether it was possible to create a typology of Polish motorcyclists taking into account the (...)
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    Discourse analysis as a qualitative and quantitative technique in the social sciences.Sebastián Sayago - 2014 - Cinta de Moebio 49:1-10.
    This article proposes that Discourse Analysis (DA) be methodologically characterized as an analytical technique for the social sciences. To do this, it must first be situated in relation to two other methodological tools used for the study of discourse: hermeneutics and Content Analysis. Subsequently, the article will define DA, focusing on one aspect in particular: its compatibility with both qualitative and quantitative research strategies. It will then examine the usefulness of this technique in the process of (...)
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    Critical Discourse Analysis, Critical Discourse Studies and Beyond (Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology 26): by Theresa Catalano and Linda R. Waugh (eds.). Berlin, Springer, 2020, XXV+406 pp. €89.99, ISBN: 978-3-030-49377-6(hbk), €74.89, ISBN: 978-3-030-49379-0(ebk). [REVIEW]Jingyuan Zhang & Yang Zhang - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (4):454-456.
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    Regulating girlhood: Evaluative language, discourses of gender socialization and relational aggression.Antonio García-Gómez - 2011 - European Journal of Women's Studies 18 (3):243-264.
    Placing the discursive psychological analysis of sexuality at its centre, this article considers a number of overlapping fields of linguistics: women’s language, construction of gender identities and language and sexuality. By encompassing these fields, in spite of potential differences in terms of theoretical stance and foci of analysis, the present study suggests a wider stance in the analysis of language, gender and sexuality. The study considers two important post-structuralist concepts: performativity and heteronormativity. More precisely, the (...) shows how the sexual identities of British heterosexual female teenagers are discursively constructed and regulated via language use when aggressively relating to other girls in Facebook. The analysis is based on the assumption that sexuality is but one aspect of identity. Although on the surface these British teenagers’ constructions present masculine ‘negative’ mean girls, a closer analysis reveals that more subversive and challenging interpretations can be applied. (shrink)
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    Psikholingvisticheskie i lingvisticheskie aspekty inoi︠a︡zychnogo lichnostno-orientirovannogo obshchenii︠a︡ i interpretat︠s︡ii teksta: doklady na moskovskoĭ mezhvuzovskoĭ nauchno-prakticheskoĭ konferent︠s︡ii 10-12 okti︠a︡bri︠a︡ 2005 g.E. G. Chalkova (ed.) - 2006 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. obl. universitet.
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  24. Modern chinese students at russian universities: Compiling summary portrait of cultural and linguistic personality.Хэ Я Елистратов В.С. - 2025 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 1:18-28.
    The subject of the research is that the article attempts to create a summary portrait of the cultural and linguistic personality of a Chinese student in modern Russian universities. The connection of the Chinese cultural and linguistic personality with the archetypal elements of the national image of the world determines its constant components with all changes in individual properties and qualities. At the same time, existing explicit or implicit stereotypes may be only part of a generalized portrait. The Chinese cultural (...)
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    Les émotions dans le discours =.Peter Blumenthal, Iva Novakova & Dirk Siepmann (eds.) - 2014 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
    Comment les mots permettent-ils d’appréhender ces objets obscurs que sont nos emotions? Diverses langues européennes offrent-elles les mêmes perspectives sur cette réalité mouvante, explorée aussi par plusieurs disciplines appliquées (didactique, lexicographie, traitement automatique des langues)? Le volume tente de répondre à ces questions en mettant en relief certaines innovations théoriques et méthodologiques en sémantique lexicale et en analyse du discours. How do words allow us to understand these obscure objects that are our emotions? Do various European languages offer the same (...)
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    Viewpoint and the fabric of meaning: form and use of viewpoint tools across languages and modalities.Barbara Dancygier, Wei-lun Lu & Arie Verhagen (eds.) - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
    This volume explores the cross-linguistic diversity, and possibly inconsistency, of the span of linguistic means that signal reported speech and thought. The integration of broad linguistic (viewpoint in conversation and narrative) and cognitive (theory of mind and understanding the inner life and thought of others) strategies for handling mixed points of view will be considered.
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    Discourse analysis as a tool for uncovering the lived experience of dementia: Metaphor framing and well-being in early-onset dementia narratives.Emilia Castaño - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (2):115-132.
    The aim of this article is to explore how metaphor is mobilized to frame and describe the lived experience of dementia in a corpus of illness narratives compiled from 10 blogs initiated and maintained by individuals diagnosed with early-onset dementia. The article is set against the background of contemporary healthcare practices and discourse around chronic illness and focuses on the metaphors that patients use to communicate about their dementia experience in relation to three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence (...)
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    Towards critical multimodal discourse analysis: a response to Ledin and Machin.John A. Bateman - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (5):531-539.
    Ledin and Machin's critique of the use of some current approaches to multimodality for the purposes of critical discourse studies raises some important methodological concerns that need to be addressed. However, both the particular position they develop as well as some of the key points they raise are themselves problematic. In this response, I argue that Ledin and Machin misconstrue some significant aspects of the body of theory they critique and, as a consequence, offer a potentially misleading view of (...)
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    First Encounters in Psychotherapy: Relationship-Building and the Pursuit of Institutional Goals.Claudio Scarvaglieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article examines how therapists and patients start building and managing relationships and pursue institutional goals at the same time. Based on a corpus of 6 audio-recorded therapies (client-centered therapy and psychodynamic therapy), I investigate first encounters between therapists and patients as the starting points of any therapeutical process and the place where a relationship between the interactants is established for the first time. Following a microlinguistic qualitative approach and applying methods from conversation analysis and discourse analysis, (...)
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    Husserl’s Crisis as a crisis of psychology.Uljana Feest - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (2):493-503.
    This paper places Husserl’s mature work, The Crisis of the European Sciences, in the context of his engagement with – and critique of – experimental psychology at the time. I begin by showing (a) that Husserl accorded psychology a crucial role in his philosophy, i.e., that of providing a scientific analysis of subjectivity, and (b) that he viewed contemporary psychology – due to its naturalism – as having failed to pursue this goal in the appropriate manner. I then provide (...)
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    The Philosophical Basis of Critical Discourse Analysis.Erni Dewi Riyanti - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (2):371-394.
    Critical discourse analysis has become an effective multidisciplinary approach to uncovering hidden ideologies and powers along with the changing times and the increasing prevalence of various discourses in society, both in the form of information written in text and distributed in the digital world. Discourse battles are commonplace in the context of life—as a form of dialectics and freedom to convey ideas. Researchers through this article discuss basic assumptions about the basic or main principles of critical (...) analysis developed by Norman Fairclough and Ruth Wodak. The basic assumptions are that critical discourse analysis focuses on social issues, power relations are discursive, discourse shapes society and culture, discourse manages ideological works, discourse is historical, the relationship between text and society is mediated (discourse), discourse analysis is interpretive and explanatory, and discourse is a form of social action. The article also discusses three models of discourse analysis: the Sociocultural (Norman Fairclough), Socio-cognitive (Teun A. van Dijk), and Historical-Discourse (Ruth Wodak) models. Fairclough’s sociocultural model interprets text not only through the way objects are described but also through the relationships between objects that are defined. Meanwhile, Teun A. van Dijk’s socio-cognitive model emphasizes text, social cognition, and social context, forming a chain of analysis. Lastly, Ruth Wodak’s historical-discourse model puts historical aspects of discourse into his analysis. (shrink)
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    Fundamentals of Argumentation Theory: A Handbook of Historical Backgrounds and Contemporary Developments.Frans H. van Eemeren, Rob Grootendorst, Ralph H. Johnson, Christian Plantin & Charles A. Willard - 1996 - Routledge.
    Argumentation theory is a distinctly multidisciplinary field of inquiry. It draws its data, assumptions, and methods from disciplines as disparate as formal logic and discourse analysis, linguistics and forensic science, philosophy and psychology, political science and education, sociology and law, and rhetoric and artificial intelligence. This presents the growing group of interested scholars and students with a problem of access, since it is even for those active in the field not common to have acquired a familiarity with relevant (...)
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  33.  5
    Psikholingvisticheskie i lingvisticheskie aspekty issledovanii︠a︡ i intensivnogo izuchenii︠a︡ inoi︠a︡zychnoĭ lichnostno-orientirovannoĭ frazeosemantiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.E. G. Chalkova (ed.) - 2004 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. obl. universitet.
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  34. Study of the Covid-19 related quarantine concept as an emerging category of a linguistic consciousness.Vitalii Shymko & Anzhela Babadzhanova - 2020 - Psycholinguistics 28 (1):267-287.
    Objective. Study of the Covid-19 related quarantine concept as an emerging category of linguistic consciousness of Ukrainians. -/- Materials & Methods. The strategy of the study is based on the logical and methodological concept of inductivism. Respondents were asked to write down their own understanding of the quarantine, formulate an appropriate definition and describe the situation, which in their opinion is the exact opposite to quarantine. Respondents also assessed how much their psychological well-being, their daily lifestyle during quarantine had (...)
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    Problemy psikholingvistiki, interpretat︠s︡ii teksta i teorii kommunikat︠s︡ii: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.E. G. Chalkova (ed.) - 2006 - Moskva: Izd-vo MGOU.
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  36. (1 other version)Kategorizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ ėmot︠s︡iĭ v leksiko-semanticheskoĭ sisteme i︠a︡zyka.V. I. Shakhovskiĭ - 1987 - Voronezh: Izd-vo Voronezhskogo universiteta.
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    Problemi na znachenieto v subektivnata semantika.Maksim Stamenov - 1993 - Sofii︠a︡: Univ. izd-vo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Psychological Aspects of the Study of Gender Sphere of Concept in the Media.Myroslava Chornodon, Nataliia Leonova, Tetyana Doronina, Olha Yadlovska, Ellina Tsykhovska & Viktoriia Zarva - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):103-130.
    The changes that have affected all spheres of society have also affected the existing stereotypes of gender behaviour, so the issue of the place and role of men and women in society focuses on research on the aspirations, interests and preferences of both sexes. Gender issues are studied in an interdisciplinary aspect, so recently there have been many studies in which the subject of discussion concerns different fields of science - psychology, philosophy, linguistics, journalism, sociology, political science and many others. (...)
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    On psychological aspects of translation.Bruno Osimo - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):607-626.
    Translation science is going through a preliminary stage of self-definition. Jakobson’s essay “On linguistic aspects of translation”, whose title is re-echoed in the title of this article, despite the linguistic approach suggested, opened, in 1959, the study of translation to disciplines other than linguistics, semiotics to start with. Many developments in the semiotics of translation — particularly Torop’s theory of total translation — take their cue from the celebrated category “intersemiotic translation or transmutation” outlined in that 1959 article. I intend (...)
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    Cognitive Pragmatics Ways into Discourse Analysis: the Case of Discursive Presuppostions.Louis de Saussure - 2012 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 8 (1):37-59.
    This paper aims at showing how pragmatics, today a discipline developing in close connection with cognitive science and evolutionary psychology, provides new ways to envisage Discourse Analysis. In this article, we first discuss the relationship between pragmatics and Discourse Analysis, focusing on the links between the process of utterance understanding, which is in the scope of pragmatic theories, and consenting to beliefs, which is in the scope of Discourse Analysis. Next, we introduce an extended (...)
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    Searching for the fourfold in critical discourse analysis.Ejvind Hansen - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (9):1335-1353.
    This article argues that late Heidegger’s analyses of the Fourfold can be used as a methodological starting point for discourse analyses. It argues that the Fourfold points out elements or foundations of discursive structures that orient us to differing, and to some extent opposing, directions that are at the same time mutually interdependent. A discursive analysis of how the Fourfold is at play in prevailing discursive exchanges and structures will thus be a matter of situating ourselves in a (...)
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    Scepticism or conspiracy? A discourse analysis of anti-lockdown comments to online newspaper articles.Vanessa Tafi, Bryn Alexander Coles, Simon Goodman, Scott Yates & Christopher Elsey - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (4):482-501.
    This paper addresses responses to news about the imposing of a local lockdown in a UK city. The opposition to the measure shows it to be controversial as does the associated rejection of the grounds for taking action against covid more generally, which comes alongside the devaluing of expertise, resistance to public health responses, a proliferation of conspiracy theories and misinformation and the harm that can be caused by focussing on non-adherence to covid measure. The research question for this (...) is therefore: how are arguments about the local lockdown discursively formulated in online discussions? Discursive analysis of online discussions following four newspaper articles identified six arguments used that range from scepticism to conspiratorial: scepticism over (1) the prevalence and; (2) severity of covid; (3) lockdowns generally do not work and (4) the specific city lockdown will not work; (5) lockdowns are overly risk averse; and (6) there are hidden political motives for lockdowns. The discussion shows how both the ‘conspiratorial’ and non-conspiratorial arguments are potentially harmful from a public health perspective. (shrink)
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    Spirituality: The Story of a Concept in the Psychology of Religion.Pavel R. Řían - 2004 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 26 (1):135-156.
    In the last decade the term spirituality has become popular in common discourse, as well as in psychological studies of religion. To many, it partly replaces the concept of religion, subsuming the aspects most important to psychology, while narrowing religion down to the formal, the institutional and the outer. At the same time spirituality, in contrast to religion, obtained a number of positive connotations. These changes seem to be sufficiently substantiated neither by new discoveries nor by radically new (...)
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    Review of From the conscious interior to the exterior unconscious: Lacan, discourse analysis and social psychology. [REVIEW]Eugenie Georgaca - 2013 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 33 (2):130-132.
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    The Color Code of National Identity in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Novel Crime and Punishment: Semiotic and Legal Analysis.Yulia Erokhina - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (5):2081-2106.
    The article discusses the characterization of the visualization of visible reality in Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. The author suggests that semiotic and legal analysis should be used to understand the meaning of the color code of the novel. Semiotic discourse reduces the ambiguity, uncertainty, and expression of the color code to a conscious, discrete, and conditioned meaning of individual colors. Legal analysis helps to better understand the main idea and other aspects of the novel, encoded (...)
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    Storytelling on Oral Grounds: Viewpoint Alignment and Perspective Taking in Narrative Discourse.Kobie van Krieken & José Sanders - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In this paper, we seek to explain the power of perspective taking in narrative discourse by turning to research on the oral foundations of storytelling in human communication and language. We argue that narratives function through a central process of alignment between the viewpoints of narrator, hearer/reader, and character and develop an analytical framework that is capable of generating general claims about the processes and outcomes of narrative discourse while flexibly accounting for the great linguistic variability both across (...)
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    Psychological aspects of modernity.Jerome Braun (ed.) - 1993 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Braun's work has a strong psychological focus on the ramifications of social change--with emphasis on modernization for meeting the psychological needs of the people involved. What is unique about the work (it represents the collaboration of seven scholars in such fields as philosophy, psychology, sociology, and political science) is that it makes a serious attempt to provide a realistic and relevant framework of analysis for interpreting the way the human personality reacts to strain and pressure, including cultural (...)
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    Ontology of Digital Objects and Technological Normativity: New Perspectives for Digital Ethics.Тетяна Сергіївна ПАВЛОВА & Роман Анатолійович ПАВЛОВ - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):86-96.
    Purpose: Development of conceptual approaches to the understanding of ethical aspects of digital technologies, based on the ontological turn in the understanding of technological normativity.Design / Method / Approach: The research is based on an interdisciplinary approach combining philosophy of technology, ethics, social philosophy, science and technology research, computer science and cognitive psychology. Methods of conceptual analysis, phenomenological description, critical discourse analysis and comparative analysis are used.Findings: The ontological status of digital objects and their role in (...)
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    Freud and the Politics of Psychoanalysis.José Brunner - 2001 - Transaction Publishers.
    Freud and the Politics of Psychoanalysis is a sympathetic critique of Freud's work, tracing its political content and context from his early writings on hysteria to his late essays on civilization and religion. Brunner's central claim is that politics is a pervasive and essential component of all of Freud's discourse, since Freud viewed both the psyche and society primarily as constellations of power and domination. Brunner shows that when read politically, Freud's discourse can be seen to unite mechanics (...)
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    Rethinking ethics in AI policy: a method for synthesising Graham’s critical discourse analysis approaches and the philosophical study of valuation.Nadira Talib - 2025 - Critical Discourse Studies 22 (2):210-225.
    Here I use aspects of Phil Graham’s discourse analytical work to examine forms of e/valuations and critically analyse the formulation of truths in the constitution of Artificial Intelligence (hereafter, AI). This paper focuses on two 2019 documents: Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI (AI HLEG, 2019a) and Policy and investment recommendations for trustworthy AI (AI HLEG, 2019b). My aim here is to provide a timely contribution to contemporary philosophical–methodological innovations in documenting the constellation of values that are prefigured in human-centric (...)
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