Results for 'Dorotea Cicconcelli'

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  1.  35
    Exploring the Relationship Between Mental Well-Being, Exercise Routines, and the Intake of Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Comparison Across Sport Disciplines.Mami Shibata, Julius Burkauskas, Artemisa R. Dores, Kei Kobayashi, Sayaka Yoshimura, Pierluigi Simonato, Ilaria De Luca, Dorotea Cicconcelli, Valentina Giorgetti, Irene P. Carvalho, Fernando Barbosa, Cristina Monteiro, Toshiya Murai, Maria A. Gómez-Martínez, Zsolt Demetrovics, Krisztina Edina Ábel, Attila Szabo, Alejandra Rebeca Melero Ventola, Eva Maria Arroyo-Anlló, Ricardo M. Santos-Labrador, Inga Griskova-Bulanova, Aiste Pranckeviciene, Giuseppe Bersani, Hironobu Fujiwara & Ornella Corazza - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Physical distancing under the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic had a significant impact on lifestyles, including exercise routines. In this study, we examined the relationship between mental health and addictive behaviors, such as excessive exercise and the use of image and performance enhancing drugs across 12 sport disciplines.Materials and methods: A large cross-sectional sample of the adult population was surveyed. The mean age was 33.09. The number of male participants was 668. The use of IPEDs was assessed in conjunction with (...)
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  2.  48
    Michael Sandel. Contra la perfección. La ética en la era de la ingeniería genética. Barcelona: Marbot, 2007.Dorotea Buendía - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
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  3.  6
    Psychoanalysis in Crisis. The Antagonisms of Imhpossible Non-Relations.Dorotea Pospihalj - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 23:19-33.
    This essay proposes a reading of psychoanalytic development through crisis. It will be argued that various crisis within and outside of the psychoanalytic field had a determining and constituting role in theoretical and clinical development. The disavowed historical antagonisms that are inherent to psychoanalysis and helped advance psychoanalytic theory, equally created further schisms, perpetuating dialectic of resistance-criticism-revision that maintains the radical potential of the theory and at the same time the destructive other side. The non-relation between particular theories of psychoanalysis (...)
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  4.  12
    Editors’ Note.Jonathan F. Vance & Dorotea Gucciardo - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (3):151-152.
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  5.  23
    Naming and Fidelity of Truth: Rethinking Revolutionary Politics and Localizing, Delocalizing or Relocalizing the Void in Alain Badiou's Philosophy.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Simone A. Medina Polo, Wanyoung Kim, Dorotea Pospihalj, Daniel Bristow, Brian Willems, Gonzalo Salas, Antonio Letelier, Tomás Caycho-Rodriguez, Francisco Alejandro Vergara Muñoz & Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26 (3):279-290.
    This article explores the philosophy of Alain Badiou from the vantage point of the concepts of the localization, delocalization, and relocalization of the void as thematized through literary arts, religion, emancipatory politics, and the subject of psychoanalysis. In short, these moments around the void characterize the processes through which truth is processed and seen through their full realization by a philosophical engagement across the various conditions in which these truths occur. The localization of a void is the naming of an (...)
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  6.  44
    Assessing data protection and governance in health information systems: a novel methodology of Privacy and Ethics Impact and Performance Assessment.Concetta Tania Di Iorio, Fabrizio Carinci, Jillian Oderkirk, David Smith, Manuela Siano, Dorotea Alessandra de Marco, Simon de Lusignan, Paivi Hamalainen & Massimo Massi Benedetti - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e23-e23.
    BackgroundData processing of health research databases often requires a Data Protection Impact Assessment to evaluate the severity of the risk and the appropriateness of measures taken to comply with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation. We aimed to define and apply a comprehensive method for the evaluation of privacy, data governance and ethics among research networks involved in the EU Project Bridge Health.MethodsComputerised survey among associated partners of main EU Consortia, using a targeted instrument designed by the principal investigator (...)
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  7. Apostillas árabes a algunos pasajes de "La Dorotea" de Lope de Vega.Fernando De la Granja - 1996 - Al-Qantara 17 (1):221-230.
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  8. Arabic notes on some passages of Lope de Vega's La'Dorotea'.F. D. L. Granja - 1996 - Al-Qantara 17 (1):221-229.
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