Results for 'Ecclesiastical politics'

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  1. Per vim, per caedem, per bellum: A Study of Murder and Ecclesiastical Politics in the Year 337 AD.Michael DiMaio & Fr Arnold - 1992 - Byzantion 62:158ff.
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    The New Judas: The Case of Nestorius in Ecclesiastical Politics, 428‐451 CE (Late Antique History and Religion, vol. 130). By George A. Bevan. Pp. xii, 374, Leuven, Peeters, 2016, £86.88. [REVIEW]Norman Tanner - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (2):414-415.
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    Papacy and Normans. Studies on their Relations in Feudal Law and Ecclesiastical Politics[REVIEW]Ernst-Dieter Hehl - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (1):77-79.
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    DIOSCORUS OF ALEXANDRIA REVISITED - (V.L.) Menze Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria. The Last Pharaoh and Ecclesiastical Politics in the Later Roman Empire. Pp. xii + 226. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. Cased, £70, US$90. ISBN: 978-0-19-287133-6. [REVIEW]David M. Gwynn - 2024 - The Classical Review 74 (1):216-218.
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    Politics in the pulpit: ecclesiastical discourse on the death of Louis XV.Jeffrey Merrick - 1986 - History of European Ideas 7 (2):149-160.
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    The Historical, Political and Ecclesiastical Background of the 1927 Concordat between the Vatican and Romania.Mozes Noda - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (27):281-301.
    The paper explores the events that preceded the conclusion of the Concordat between the Holy See and Romania (1927) and its effects. Both the Vatican and the Romanian Monarchy aimed at concluding a Concordat: the first, because the document was expected to provide a legal frame for the life of the Catholic Church, and the second, because such document contributed to its international visibility. Early talks, during the reign of Prince Al. I. Cuza and King Carol I, were eventually unsuccessful. (...)
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    Nicaea as political orthodoxy: Imperial Christianity versus episcopal polities.Rugare Rukuni & Erna Oliver - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):10.
    Fourth-century Christianity and the Council of Nicaea have continually been read as a Constantinian narrative. The dominancy of imperial Christianity has been a consequent feature of the established narrative regarding the events within early Christianity. There is a case for a revisionist enquiry regarding the influence of the emperor in the formation of orthodoxy. The role of bishops and its political characterisation had definitive implications upon Christianity as it would seem. Recent revisions on Constantine by Leithart and Barnes incited the (...)
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    The use of hebel in Ecclesiastes: A political and economic reading.Joel K. T. Biwul - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    A hermeneutical cloud still dominates ongoing discourse on the meaning and application of הֶבֶל, a crucial weaving thread in the book of Ecclesiastes. The Hebrew Qoheleth, presumably the disguised author, proposes the theological ideology of hebel as the totality of human existence in this book. What does Qohelethintend to achieve by asserting and dismissing everything in human experience as hebel? This article proposes a political and economic reading of Ecclesiastes, holding that the author, from personal observation, saw and addressed life (...)
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    Thomas Hobbes’s Ecclesiastical History.Jeffrey Collins - 2013 - In Aloysius Martinich & Kinch Hoekstra (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Hobbes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter examines one of the more neglected aspects of Hobbes’s body of written work: his efforts at ecclesiastical history. It argues that ecclesiastical history became an increasingly important intellectual pursuit for Hobbes as his career advanced. This development partly reflected the growing dominance of religious questions in his mature thought, but historical criticism also offered Hobbes a rhetorical mode that potentially allowed him to encode theological and ecclesiological views that he could not openly express after 1660. (...) history thus permitted Hobbes to advance his political assault on clerical power, and his philosophical deconstruction of Trinitarian orthodoxy, in conditions of censorship. The narrative shape of Hobbes’s ecclesiastical history borrowed much from Protestant historiography, but its substance moved in different directions, toward Enlightenment patterns of thought. (shrink)
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  10. "Churches" and "sects" in north America: An ecclesiastical socio-political sketch.Max Weber & Colin Loader - 1985 - Sociological Theory 3 (1):7-13.
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    (Re-)reading Bede: the Ecclesiastical history in context.N. J. Higham - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    Bede's Ecclesiastical History is the most important single source for early medieval English history. Without it, we would be able to say very little about the conversion of the English to Christianity, or the nature of England before the Viking Age. Bede wrote for his contemporaries, not for a later audience, and it is only by an examination of the work itself that we can assess how best to approach it as a historical source. N.J. Higham shows, through a (...)
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    The political thought of Pierre d'Ailly: the voluntarist tradition.Francis Oakley - 1964 - New Haven,: Yale University Press. Edited by Pierre D' Ailly.
    D'Ailly was an eminent nominalist theologian and one of the group of ecclesiastical statesmen who engineered the termination of the Great Schism. It is this dual roll that lends particular interest to his political thought, which reflects both his attempt to solve the urgent ecclesiastical-political problems of the times and the theological "voluntarism" characteristic of the Ockhamist school to which he belonged. D'Ailly was one of the most eminent of the Conciliarists, and to the present volume is appended (...)
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    Revolutionizing the New Model Army: Ecclesiastical Independence, Social Justice, and Political Legitimacy.Polly Ha - 2020 - Journal of the History of Ideas 81 (4):531-553.
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    A Medical Man Among Ecclesiastical Historians: John Caius, Matthew Parker and the History of Cambridge University.Anthony Grafton - 2017 - In Cynthia Klestinec & Gideon Manning (eds.), Professors, Physicians and Practices in the History of Medicine: Essays in Honor of Nancy Siraisi. Springer Verlag.
    John Caius is no longer a household name, except in a few households in East Anglia. Yet he was in many ways a characteristic and dominating figure of a particular moment in the 1560s and 1570s. For a few years, British courtiers, churchmen and country aristocrats—as well as successful medical men like Caius—shared a particular late humanist culture. They believed in the power and utility of ancient and medieval texts. These common assumptions kept them engaged in the scholarly study of (...)
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    Derek Baker (Hrsg.): Church, Society and Politics. Papers read at the thirteenth summer meeting and the fourteenth winter meeting of the Ecclesiastical History Society (Studies in Church History, Vol. 12), Oxford 1975, XV, 440 pp. [REVIEW]Heinz-Jürgen Loth - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 31 (3):312-314.
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    Separating Politics from Institutional Religion.Diego Lucci - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (2):67-87.
    Nowadays, more than three centuries after John Locke’s affirmation of the separation between state and church, confessional systems of government are still widespread and, even in secular liberal democracies, politics and religion often intermingle. As a result, some ecclesiastical institutions play a significant role in political affairs, while minority groups and individuals having alternative worldviews, values, and lifestyles are frequently discriminated against. Locke’s theory of religious toleration undeniably has some shortcomings, such as the exclusion of Roman Catholics and (...)
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    “Bodies can be compelled; minds must be turned, since they cannot be compelled”: Preaching as an “Introduction” to Law in the Ecclesiastes of Erasmus of Rotterdam.Dawid Nowakowski - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 38:101-113.
    The recent studies on the relations between humanism or humanists and jurisprudence convince that Reneaissance, especially in XVIth century, when the national states began to raise, belonged to the periods of increased interest in the issue of law. Although Erasmus was not a layer, nor he introduced in any of his works a complete theory of law, he maintained close relations with many leading theoreticians of the law and jurists and sometimes spoke in the legal discussions of his age. Among (...)
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    Utility and Democracy: The Political Thought of Jeremy Bentham.Philip Schofield - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    In this first full historical account of the political thought of Jeremy Bentham, Philip Schofield shows how Bentham's insights in the fields of logic and language led to the first defence of democracy from a utilitarian perspective, and to the creation of the philosophic radicals, dedicated to political, legal, ecclesiastical, and social reform.
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    Divine law divided: Francisco de Vitoria on civil and ecclesiastical powers.Nathaniel Mull - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (2):201-223.
    Francisco de Vitoria (c. 1485-1546) is well-known for his philosophical contributions to natural rights and international law. However, his extensive work on the conflict between civil authority and the authority of the Catholic Church has been largely neglected by political theorists and intellectual historians. While scholars have recently recognized the significant role played by natural law in the history of political secularism, they have focused almost exclusively on the “modern” natural law theories of Hobbes, Pufendorf, and Thomasius, as opposed to (...)
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    The social contract and other later political writings.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1997 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Victor Gourevitch.
    The work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau is presented in two volumes, together forming the most comprehensive anthology of Rousseau's political writings in English. Volume II contains the later writings such as The Social Contract and a selection of Rousseau's letters on important aspects of his thought. The Social Contract has become Rousseau's most famous single work, but on publication was condemned by both the civil and the ecclesiastical authorities in France and Geneva. Rousseau fled and it is during this period (...)
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    In Falso Veritas: Carlo Sigonio's Forged Challenge to Ecclesiastical Censorship and Italian Jurisdictionalism.Guido Bartolucci - 2018 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 81 (1):211-238.
    In 1731, Filippo Argelati printed for the first time the complete works of the Modenese historian Carlo Sigonio. Intended originally as an edition in five volumes, the collection was augmented by a sixth volume after the discovery in Rome of previously unknown manuscripts of Sigonio. Among the new papers were four sets of ecclesiastical censures which had been secretly directed in the 1580s against four of Sigonio’s works, and, with them, Sigonio’s responses to the papal authorities. According to Argelati, (...)
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  22. Leviathan and the problem of ecclesiastical authority.Patricia Springborg - 1975 - Political Theory 3 (3):289-303.
    This essay, published in Political Theory in 1975, was one of the first to address the subject of the last two long books of Hobbes's Leviathan on religion. It addresses the purpose of these books and the relation between Hobbes's philosophy, ecclesiology and theology and the problems they raise.
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  23. Giles of Rome, On ecclesiastical power.Joshua Parens & Joseph C. Macfarland - 2011 - In Joshua Parens & Joseph C. Macfarland (eds.), Medieval political philosophy: a sourcebook. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
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    Aquinas: Political Writings.Thomas Aquinas - 2002 - Cambridge University Press. Edited by R. W. Dyson.
    Thomas Aquinas is a massive figure in the history of western thought and of the Catholic church. In this major addition to the Cambridge Texts series Robert Dyson has chosen texts by Aquinas that show his development of a Christian version of the philosophy of Aristotle, its contrast with the Augustinian thought that had coloured so much political thinking in the previous eight centuries, and St Thomas's views as to the purpose of government, constitutions, and the relations between secular and (...)
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    Interroga virtutes naturales: Nature in Giles of Rome’s On Ecclesiastical Power.Peter Adamson - 2019 - Vivarium 57 (1-2):22-50.
    Giles of Rome’s On Ecclesiastical Power, a polemical work arguing for the political supremacy of the pope, claims that the papacy holds a ‘plenitude of power’ and has direct or indirect authority over all aspects of human life. This paper shows how Giles uses themes from natural philosophy in developing his argument. He compares cosmic and human ordering and draws an analogy between the relations of soul to body and of Church to state. He also understands the pope’s power (...)
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    History of Political Ideas, Volume 3 : The Later Middle Ages.David Walsh & Eric Voegelin (eds.) - 1989 - University of Missouri.
    In _The Later Middle Ages,_ the third volume of his monumental _History of Political Ideas,_ Eric Voegelin continues his exploration of one of the most crucial periods in the history of political thought. Illuminating the great figures of the high Middle Ages, Voegelin traces the historical momentum of our modern world in the core evocative symbols that constituted medieval civilization. These symbols revolved around the enduring aspiration for the _sacrum imperium,_ the one order capable of embracing the transcendent and immanent, (...)
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    Politics Spun out of Theology and Prophecy: Sir Henry Vane on the Spiritual Environment of Public Power.D. Parnham - 2001 - History of Political Thought 22 (1):53-83.
    Sir Henry Vane the younger was highly critical of Oliver Cromwell's ecclesiastical policy. The article explores the idioms in which Vane conducted his attack on Cromwell, and shows how Vane spun a conception of both the politics of the present and the politics of the future out of various fibres of religious discourse. Vane cultivated a theologically based doctrine of liberty of conscience, and thus insisted that there were significant reasons of a religious nature for limiting magisterial (...)
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    Political Authority: A Christian Perspective.Michael von Brück - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:159-170.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Political AuthorityA Christian PerspectiveMichael von BrückGeneral Reflection: Apocalyptic and Utopian Models of Progress and ReligionEuropean tradition of thought is shaped by two different mythical imaginations of time structure: apocalyptic thought and the concept of utopia.Jewish apocalyptical thinking culminated in the expectation that God would finally complete the processes of history at the end of time. In conjunction with Iranian dualism this expectation was interpreted metaphysically: After the collapse of (...)
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  29. Aquinas: Political Writings.R. W. Dyson (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Aquinas is a massive figure in the history of western thought and of the Catholic church. In this major addition to the Cambridge Texts series Robert Dyson has chosen texts by Aquinas that show his development of a Christian version of the philosophy of Aristotle, its contrast with the Augustinian thought that had coloured so much political thinking in the previous eight centuries, and St Thomas's views as to the purpose of government, constitutions, and the relations between secular and (...)
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  30. Pope Benedict XVI: Democracy and Political Myths.Teodor-Valeriu Nedelea & Jean Nedelea - 2018 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (49):75-89.
    The present paper starts from the postulate that religion in general, and Christianity in particular, has had and continues to have a significant role in political debates and in the structuring of the public arena. Expounding – in the context of “God’s return” into the life of postsecular society – the vision of the famous theologian Joseph Ratzinger on democracy and its opponents, this paper also dwells on the manifestations of irrationality in secular religions. Finding its theoretical grounds in myths (...)
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    Love of Country and Love of God: The Political Uses of Religion in Machiavelli.Benedetto Fontana - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (4):639-658.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Love of Country and Love of God: The Political Uses of Religion in MachiavelliBenedetto Fontana*This paper will discuss the place of religion in Machiavelli’s thought. 1 The traditional and generally accepted interpretation presents Machiavelli’s religion as a belief system whose value is determined by its functional utility to the state. In this he is said to resemble Cicero, 2 Montesquieu, 3 and Tocqueville, 4 among others. This view is (...)
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    Catherine of Siena’s spirituality of political engagement.Diana L. Villegas - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):1-9.
    Well known as a mystic, Catherine of Siena has been credited with pope Gregory XI’s return to Rome from Avignon, with convincing him to pursue a crusade and with playing a major role in making peace between the Papal League and Italian City states. This narrative ascribes these accomplishments to Catherine’s extraordinary gifts, a fruit of her mystical experience. Contemporary historical research, however, shows that Catherine was chosen by ecclesiastical authorities to advocate for papal policies. She was guided to (...)
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  33. Richard Hooker and the Peculiarities of the English: The Reception of the "Ecclesiastical Polity" in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.Robert Eccleshall - 1981 - History of Political Thought 2 (1):63.
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    In pursuit of pluralism: the ecclesiastical policy of the European Union.Julian Rivers - 2004 - European Journal of Political Theory 2 (3):319.
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    O teo-politico na dominação colonial (Theo-politics of colonial domination) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2009v7n15p32.Eduardo Gusmão de Quadros - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (15):32-52.
    Este artigo pretende fundamentar o conceito teo-político na análise do regime colonial estabelecido na conquista da América. Estudando a construção do Padroado na península Ibérica, buscamos identificar como a crença, o poder, a doutrina eclesiástica e o direito civil estão articulados, tanto na Europa quanto no Novo Mundo. Com esse roteiro básico, chegamos ao estudo do Regalismo desenvolvido pelos pensadores ligados ao Estado. Demonstramos ainda que as idéias dos teólogos que pensaram a relação igreja e Estado no século XVIII não (...)
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    Catherine of Siena’s crusade letters: Spirituality and political context.Diana L. Villegas - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):9.
    Catherine of Siena has been credited with original views regarding the crusade as political policy and with influencing Gregory XI to carry this out. In this article, I argued that while Catherine of Siena did not succeed in furthering the crusade – nor did she initiate this policy – her crusade correspondence leaves us a legacy that reveals significant aspects of her spirituality. Over 40 letters to ecclesiastical authorities, Kings, Queens, leaders of city states, knights and her own followers (...)
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  37. Limits of authority and menaces to truth: Some thoughts of Joseph Ratzinger on politics and liturgy.Mariusz Biliniewicz - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (3):276.
    Joseph Ratzinger has never produced one theological opus that would encompass his whole theological vision and its corollaries in particular matters. However, despite this, during his long and prolific theological career, in his many publications and interventions he has touched upon nearly every conceivable theological topic. Although these topics are often very diverse, they are also interrelated by the general intellectual framework on which Ratzinger operates. By analysing his insights about particular issues that, at first glance, may appear to have (...)
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    Recent Attempts to Define a Dionysian Political Theory.L. Michael Harrington - 2008 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 82 (4):639-660.
    The Dionysian corpus makes virtually no statement about the authority of kings or the structure of nations, but it has nevertheless repeatedly been the subjectof political analysis. Several scholars have recently sketched out a Dionysian politics by drawing analogies between the Dionysian church and the city, and between the Dionysian bishop and the emperor. These analogies are of limited usefulness. They show that Dionysius does employ Platonic political language to describe the ecclesiastical hierarchy, but they risk overlooking or (...)
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    Hume on Church Establishments, Secular Politics and History.Aaron Szymkowiak - 2017 - Diametros 54:95-117.
    In the third volume of the History of England, David Hume considers the political ramifications of the Protestant reformation with a “Digression concerning the ecclesiastical state.” He advocates the establishment of a state church, believing it will dampen religious “enthusiasm” in the polity. Unlike later secularization theorists, Hume assumes an intractable basis for religion in the human passions. Tensions in Hume’s “cooptation” strategy are evident from Adam Smith’s famous attack upon it in section five of The Wealth of Nations, (...)
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    The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Thought in the Early Fourteenth Century.Takashi Shogimen - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (3):417-431.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Thought in the Early Fourteenth CenturyTakashi ShogimenPolitical thought and ecclesiology in the early fourteenth century have often been assessed as a series of responses to the question of the relationship between church and state. The conflict between Pope Boniface VIII and Philippe IV at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries acutely demonstrated the conflict between the (...)
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    Christians in Iraq An analysis of some recent political developments.Herman G. B. Teule - 2012 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 88 (1):179-198.
    The collapse of the Saddam regime in March 2003 saw the publication of a number of articles or more encompassing works devoted to the situation of the Christian communities in Iraq. The majority of these focus on ecclesiastical issues and much less on political developments. However, it is clear that it would be artificial to separate the religious from the political: some religious leaders actively participate in the political debate and express views on the ethnic profile of their community, (...)
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    ‘Drinking Chai with a Sociologist’: Review Article for Christianity, Politics and Public Life in Kenya, by Paul Gifford.Gregg A. Okesson - 2012 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 29 (1):15-29.
    Over a shared cup of chai, church leaders imaginatively sit with Professor Gifford to talk about his latest book, where he indicts the churches in Kenya with a ‘domesticated’ form of Christianity. In what otherwise would be a highly polemical encounter, theological hospitality brings the two parties together for constructive dialogue. Theological and sociological perspectives move together to offer nuanced interpretation into the diversity of Christianity in the country, with attention to how the various churches can draw upon their (...) resources to better stand against the forces that precipitate socio-political abuse, and thus function as agents of life. (shrink)
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    John Calvin, Political Thought.Harro Höpfl - 2011 - In . pp. 603-605.
    John Calvin, 1509–1564, Reformer of Geneva, Frenchman, naturalized Genevan bourgeois 1559, authority for Reformed Christians throughout Europe, translator of the Bible into French, author of a famed theological text, the Institution (or Institutes) of the Christian Religion in successive Latin and French versions (first ed. 1536, last eds. 1559 (Latin), 1560 (French)), pastor, ecclesiastical organizer, bilingual preacher, and polemicist whose sermons and catechetical, controversial, and organizational works were very widely diffused.
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  44. The Orthodox Church and Russian Politics.Irina Papkova - 2011 - Oup Usa.
    This in-depth case study examines the Russian Orthodox Church's influence on federal-level policy in the Russian Federation since the fall of communism. By far more comprehensive than competing works, The Orthodox Church and Russian Politics is based on interviews, close readings of documents--including official state and ecclesiastical publications--and survey work conducted by the author.
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    Contextualising Reform: Colette of Corbie's Relations with A Divided Church.Anna Campbell - 2016 - Franciscan Studies 74:353-373.
    The Colettine reforms took place at a time of profound crisis in the Western Church, yet Colette successfully navigated the ecclesiastical politics of the early fifteenth-century in order to effect far-reaching reform of the Poor Clares and Friars Minor in France and Flanders.2 The politics of the ‘Great Western Schism’ strongly influenced the course of the events of Colette’s career. Not only was it not possible for any religious reforms to exist in a vacuum, but her close (...)
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    Das ‚Schisma von 1054‘ als mikro- und makrohistorisches Ereignis. Überlegungen zu einem theologisch-kirchenpolitischen Erklärungsmodell.Grigori Khislavski - 2021 - Millennium 18 (1):405-482.
    This article will formulate an explanatory model in which all the specifics of the controversy between Rome and Constantinople in the schism of 1054 will be considered in theological and ecclesiastical-political terms. Thus, both the complexity of the historical context and the diversity of the motives of its protagonists will be taken into account. In a first step, the current state of research on the events of 1054 will be presented, before confronting it with open questions in a second (...)
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    The Mystery of Evil: Benedict Xvi and the End of Days.Giorgio Agamben - 2017 - Stanford University Press.
    In 2013, Benedict XVI became only the second pope in the history of the Catholic Church to resign from office. In this brief but illuminating study, Giorgio Agamben argues that Benedict's gesture, far from being solely a matter of internal ecclesiastical politics, is exemplary in an age when the question of legitimacy has been virtually left aside in favor of a narrow focus on legality. This reflection on the recent history of the Church opens out into an analysis (...)
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    Philosophie und Theologie des ausgehenden Mittelalters: Marsilius von Inghen und das Denken seiner Zeit (review).Simo Knuuttila - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (4):587-589.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.4 (2001) 587-589 [Access article in PDF] Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen and Paul J. J. M. Bakker, editors. Philosophie und Theologie des ausgehenden Mittelalters: Marsilius von Inghen und das Denken seiner Zeit. Leiden: Brill, 2000. Pp. x + 322. Cloth, $98.00. Albert of Saxony, Nicholas Oresme, and Marsilius of Inghen were among the fourteenth-century Parisian masters of arts who were influenced by (...)
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    Further Evidence on the Ancient, Patristic, and Byzantine Sources of Barlaam the Calabrian's Contra Latinos.John A. Demetracopoulos - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):83-122.
    A. Fyrigos, professor of Patristic and Byzantine Philosophy at the «Universitas Gregoriana» and specialist on Barlaam the Calabrian (ca. 1290–1348), has recently edited B.'s anti-Latin works —twenty one works in number—written on the occasion of the ecclesiastical-political negotiations he held in Constantinople with the legates Francesco da Camerino and Richard of England during 1334 and 1335, focused on the Filioque and intended to promote some sort of union between the Eastern and Western Church. This edition, which is prefaced by (...)
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    La politica e l’ortodossia di Ossio di Cordova.Vittorino Grossi - 2017 - Augustinianum 57 (1):225-255.
    This study aims to delineate some aspects relating to Hosius of Corduba, especially in regard to the nexus between ecclesiastical politics and faithfulness to Nicene orthodoxy found on the margins of the often discussed concessions by the Spanish bishop to the pressures of Emperor Constantius II, when the former signed the homoiousian formula of the Council of Sirmium in 357. Through an analysis of the ancient historiographical witnesses, one notes a clear divergence between the Eastern and Western sources. (...)
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