Results for 'Education, Higher Aims and objectives'

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  1.  36
    Aims and objectives of phisical education in institutions of higher learning.Takayuki Hata & Takuro Endo - 1992 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 14 (1):25-34.
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    Effects of two educational programmes aimed at improving the utilization of non‐opioid analgesics in family medicine clinics in Mexico.Dolores Mino-León, Hortensia Reyes-Morales, Sergio Flores-Hernandez, Laura del Pilar Torres-Arreola & Ricardo Pérez-Cuevas - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (4):716-723.
    Objectives To develop and test two educational programmes (interactive and passive) aimed at improving family doctors' (FD) prescribing practices and patient's knowledge and use of non-opioid analgesics (NOA).Methods The educational programmes were conducted in two family medicine clinics by using a three-stage approach: baseline evaluation, design, and implementation of educational activities, and post-programme evaluation. An interactive educational programme (IEP) was compared with a passive educational programme (PEP); both were participated by FDs and patients. The IEP for FDs comprised of (...)
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    How to mend a university: towards a sustainable learning environment in higher education.Ian M. Kinchin - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book builds on established ecological models that can be applied to social systems, particularly the adaptive cycle. It links these ideas to key theoretical stances from across the educational literature to create an epistemological consilience across the divide between structuralist-poststructuralist educational research literatures. It is written with a consideration of the practical moves that can be undertaken within an institution to develop a healthier environment in which sustainable pedagogies can be nurtured. Kinchin argues that the ecological university may be (...)
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  4. Higher education pedagogies: a capabilities approach.Melanie Walker - 2006 - New York: Open University Press.
    This book sets out to generate new ways of reflecting ethically about the purposes and values of contemporary higher education in relation to agency, learning, public values and democratic life, and the pedagogies which support these.
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    Liberal education: essays on the philosophy of higher education.Virgil George Michel - 1981 - Collegeville, Minn.: Office of Academic Affairs, Saint John's University. Edited by Robert L. Spaeth.
  6.  14
    Higher education for the people: critical contemplative methods of liberatory practice.Maryann Krikorian (ed.) - 2022 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc,.
    This monograph aims to uncover value-belief-systems underlying dominant narratives in modern IHEs, impacting the lives of many multidimensional adult learners. To do so, Eurocentrism and neoliberalism are used to analyze the socio-cultural-political movements of the U.S. and its influence on higher education trends. Then, models of adult consciousness and transformative approaches to adult learning are introduced to problematize dominant narratives and make the case for more complex epistemologies. With critical contemplation, acts of compassion for interdependence, self-compassion for intentionality, (...)
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    A philosophy of higher education: the university community.Louis Wildman - 1974 - Lester, Wash.: Institute for Quality in Human Life.
  8. Enacting a pedagogy of kindness: a guide for practitioners in higher education.Airdre Grant & Sharon Pittaway (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    Drawing from the lived experience of educators, this book explores the concept of a pedagogy of kindness through practical applications and strategies for teaching in higher education. Conversational in tone, narrative-based and rich with practical stories, ideas, and strategies, this book provides guidance to help educators shape their teaching. It covers all aspects of teaching in higher education, including curriculum design, delivery, marking and feedback. Each chapter describes a specific perspective on practical applications of kindness, including authentic strategies (...)
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    The relevance of higher education: exploring a contested notion.Timothy Simpson (ed.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The Relevance of Higher Education: Exploring a Contested Notion, edited by Timothy L. Simpson, examines the relevance of higher education from diverse disciplinary perspectives to grasp its historical and philosophical assumptions, and its implications for the relationship bet...
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    The quest for quality: sixteen forms of heresy in higher education.Sinclair Goodlad - 1995 - Bristol, PA, USA: Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press.
    Sinclair Goodlad asks: why is it so difficult to define quality; what are the key issues that should be addressed; and what action can and should be taken in the absence of any agreed definition of quality? In so doing, he examines a number of issues concerning the basic stuff of higher education - curriculum, teaching methods, research, college organization - that go deeper than the administrative shell that is the usual focus of the quality debate. At the same (...)
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  11.  15
    Higher Education in Turkey: Responding to Sustainable Development Agenda.Cihat Atar & Shukran Abdul Rahman - 2019 - Intellectual Discourse 27 (2):335-351.
    The study aims to review the literature that analyses the history andcurrent situation of Higher Education, henceforth known as HE, in Turkeyand to review HE agenda of the Government of Turkey in order to identify theextent to which it has responded to the sustainable development agenda. Thispaper recommends ways to improve and develop HE in Turkey so as to makeit a significant sector which prepares its stakeholders to achieve sustainabledevelopment goals. Multiple sources of information: documents onthe agenda of (...)
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    Creating knowledge, strengthening nations: the changing role of higher education.Glen Alan Jones, Patricia Louise McCarney & Michael L. Skolnik (eds.) - 2005 - Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
    The essays pay particular attention to tensions associated with attempts to balance the economic with the non-economic objectives of higher education, and ...
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    Vocation across the academy: a new vocabulary for higher education.David S. Cunningham (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Although the language of vocation was born in a religious context, the contributors in this volume demonstrate that it has now taken root within the broad framework of higher education and has become intertwined with a wide range of concerns. This volume makes a compelling case for vocational reflection and discernment in undergraduate education today, arguing that it will encourage faculty and students alike to venture out of their narrow disciplinary specializations and to reflect on larger questions of meaning (...)
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  14.  6
    Emergent Pedagogy in England: A Critical Realist Study of Structure-Agency Interactions in Higher Education.Bushra Sharar - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book aims to show how a meta-theory of critical realism can be applied to research about pedagogy in the changing landscape of higher education in England. It introduces some of the key ideas of critical realism, and its potential to clarify complex issues that arise in research. This book draws on a critical realist study of structure/agency interactions in three contrasting higher education institutions. Seven case studies of lecturers, over the three universities, are considered to explore (...)
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    Undeclared: a philosophy of formative higher education.Chris Higgins - 2024 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    With satirical wit and philosophical rigor, Higgins critiques the empty rhetoric of the contemporary university, and articulates a vision of what substantive formative education could be.
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    Improving Well-Being in Higher Education: Adopting a Compassionate Approach.Frances A. Maratos, Paul Gilbert & Theo Gilbert - 2019 - In Paul Gibbs, Jill Jameson & Alex Elwick, Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This chapter directs attention to calls to integrate compassion training in curricula throughout the education system. Following a review of current Higher Education aims and objectives, and the potential psychological impacts that these can have on staff and students, we outline a case for compassion based initiatives in education. We discuss the nature and functions of compassion, as well as how compassion can heighten prosocial competencies. We then consider how compassion based approaches can be - and have (...)
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  17.  37
    Sustainability assessment in higher education institutions. The stars system.Amber Wigmore & Mercedes Ruiz - 2010 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):25.
    Sustainable development is a concern for countries, businesses and organizations sensitive to excess in terms of utilized resources. This is evident in international initiatives which aim to establish guiding principles for institutions to follow regarding what is considered to be socially responsible behavior, allowing for assessment and the identification of objectives. As higher education institutions, colleges and universities have a public responsibility to generate and transmit knowledge to society as a whole, as well as an economic and social (...)
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    Competencies in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis from the Capabilities Approach.J. Felix Lozano, Alejandra Boni, Jordi Peris & Andrés Hueso - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (1):132-147.
    With the creation of the European Higher Education Area, universities are undergoing a significant transformation that is leading towards a new teaching and learning paradigm. The competencies approach has a key role in this process. But we believe that the competence approach has a number of limitations and weaknesses that can be overcome and supplanted by the capabilities approach. In this article our objective is twofold: first, make a critical analysis of the concept of competence as it is being (...)
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  19.  12
    Academic fault lines: the rise of industry logic in public higher education.Patricia J. Gumport - 2019 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Gumport chronicles the rise of "industry logic," as a departure from "social institution logic," in public higher education in the latter twentieth century. Industry logic refers to colleges restructuring for financial efficiency and developing more ties with industry. Since the 1970s, increased public scrutiny and demands for accountability have pushed colleges to become more corporatized and privatized. Gumport's sociological analysis is grounded in data from nine in-depth case studies that span three sectors of public higher education.
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    Reimagining Higher Education as an Agent of Collective Awakening.Hiro Saito - 2025 - Humanistic Management Journal 10 (1):183-198.
    In recent years, higher education researchers and practitioners began to call on higher education institutions (HEIs) to contribute more to the common good by helping to resolve global challenges revolving around sustainable development. For HEIs to fulfill this public mission, I suggest that they critically reflect on ontological assumptions regarding the common good that have been entrenched in the modern civilization; specifically, “mononaturalism” and “dualism” that posit that the singular and common world exists objectively and independently of subjective (...)
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  21.  7
    Course correction: a map for the distracted university.Paul W. Gooch - 2019 - Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.
    Course Correction engages in deliberation about what the twenty-first-century university needs to do in order to re-find its focus as a protected place for unfettered commitment to knowledge, not just as a space for creating employment or economic prosperity. The university's business, Paul W. Gooch writes, is to generate and critique knowledge claims, and to transmit and certify the acquisition of knowledge. In order to achieve this, a university must have a reputation for integrity and trustworthiness, and this, in turn, (...)
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  22.  6
    Humanist foundations for the transformations of higher education under supercomplexity.Yurii Mielkov & Yevhen Pinchuk - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 30 (1):90-109.
    The article is dedicated to the philosophical analysis of today’s higher education and the grounds and trends of its transformations, both on-going and desirable for the near future. The authors review the current social situation of supercomplexity and argue that under a perspective of unpredictable and changeable world the aim of higher education can no longer be seen in providing certain sets of skills and knowl­edge – instead, in the scope of the dialectics of traditions and innovations, such (...)
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  23.  49
    Educating Responsible Managers. The Role of University Ethos.José-Félix Lozano - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (3):213-226.
    The current economic crisis is forcing us to reflect on where we have gone wrong in recent years. In the search for responsibilities some have looked to Business Schools and Administration Departments. It is surprising that this situation has come about despite the fact that Business Ethics and Social Corporate Responsibility have been taught in business schools for years. Without wanting to place all the blame on higher education institutions, but from a critical perspective and assuming responsibility, we believe (...)
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  24. Gelpi's view of lifelong education.Timothy D. Ireland - 1979 - [Manchester]: Department of Adult and Higher Education, University of Manchester.
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  25.  28
    Religious Education for Mentally Disabled Inclusive Students: Semi-Experimental Study-Support Education Room.Teceli Karasu & Eyup Şi̇mşek - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1579-1606.
    In our country, mildly mentally disabled students are being educated in general education classes by means of integration. An individualized education program (IEP) is being prepared for these students when needed. However, the impact of BEP on students with intellectual disabilities in religious education has not yet been sufficiently discussed. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the IEP on the achievement of religious education of mentally disabled students and the level of religious learning of these (...)
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  26.  13
    Learning to Flourish: A Philosophical Exploration of Liberal Education.Daniel R. DeNicola - 2012 - Continuum.
    pt. 1. Toward a theory of liberal education. Mixed messages and false starts -- Liberal education and human flourishing -- pt. 2. Paradigms of liberal education. Transmission of culture -- Self-actualization -- Understanding the world -- Engagement with the world -- The skills of learning -- pt. 3. The values and moral aims of liberal education. Core values of liberal education -- Intrinsic value -- Educating a good person -- pt. 4. Obstacles, threats and prospects. Persistent concerns -- Newfound (...)
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    Application of Dance Movement Therapy to Life-Death Education of College Students Under Educational Psychology.Liu Yang & Fen Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present work aims to efficiently carry out life-death education for college students, improve their psychological problems, and reduce suicide accidents by combining LDE with Dance Movement Therapy. DMT is a psychosomatic cross therapy that treats mental or physical diseases through dance or improvisation. Firstly, this paper introduces LDE and DMT and designs the activities of DMT intervention. Secondly, the relationship between DMT and LDE is analyzed. Finally, a questionnaire survey is conducted on the research objects. The research objects (...)
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  28. What kind of intuition for what kind of education: A scoping review.Rosa Cera & Marta Sinclair - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (70):53-70.
    The general purpose of this scoping review is to investigate the role of intuition in Higher Education. In particular, it aims to understand the contribution of intuition to achieving disciplinary objectives. The review method used is that of Arksey and O’Malley, of a qualitative type, the data were extracted in an “analytical-descriptive” mode, in order to detect the profound meaning of the content present in the reviewed articles. The qualitative-interpretative approach and the thematic analysis of relevant parts (...)
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    Implausible dream: the world-class university and repurposing higher education.James H. Mittelman - 2017 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Why the paradigm of the world-class university is an implausible dream for most institutions of higher education Universities have become major actors on the global stage. Yet, as they strive to be "world-class," institutions of higher education are shifting away from their core missions of cultivating democratic citizenship, fostering critical thinking, and safeguarding academic freedom. In the contest to raise their national and global profiles, universities are embracing a new form of utilitarianism, one that favors market power over (...)
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  30.  49
    Excellence for All: A Nietzschean-inspired approach in professional higher education.Henriëtta Joosten - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (13-14):1516-1528.
    Europe’s objectives of economic growth and job creation require large numbers of professionals who are willing and able to innovate and rise above themselves. In this article, a concept of excellence is developed that can be broadly applied in professional higher education. This concept of excellence derives from three concepts which the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche developed in The Gay Science : self-transcendence, self-control and self-styling. By starting with Nietzsche’s radical thoughts, the author aims to grasp the (...)
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    Admitting a Sense of Superiority: Aggrandized Higher Education Status as an Objection to Educational Inequality.John Fantuzzo - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (6):579-593.
    Recalling the landmark US Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education, the advancement of educational equality is often associated with the reduction of stigmatizing differences in status or “sense of inferiority” engendered by separately and differentially educated citizens. This essay takes up the obverse concern, the sense of superiority sustained by educational inequality, with particular focus on the inequality signaled by higher education status. I contend that the presence of aggrandized HES in a democratic society provides reasons to (...)
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  32.  19
    Conceptualizing Critical Thinking Pedagogy in Teacher Education.Désireé Eva Moodley & Rajendra Chetty - 2024 - Childhood and Philosophy 20:01-23.
    Higher education institutions play a pivotal role in knowledge creation and distribution. Teacher education is at the forefront of this engagement. The role of teacher educators is significant in engaging teacher knowledge for shaping and informing ways of being and doing in the world. In recent years higher education has undergone considerable transformation. In South Africa there is a call for real-world transformation in pedagogical practices to address academic, socio-economic, and cultural inclusion and emancipation. As a human right (...)
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  33.  12
    Aims of education: early twentieth century.Jack Harrington - 1974 - New York,: MSS Information.
  34. Proposed Model for Learning Organization as an Entry to Organizational Excellence from the Standpoint of Teaching Staff in Palestinian Higher Educational Institutions in Gaza Strip.Amal A. Al Hila, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2017 - International Journal of Education and Learning 6 (1):1-26.
    The research aims to design a proposed model of learning organizations as an entry point to achieve organizational excellence in the Palestinian universities of Gaza Strip. A random sample of workers were selected from the Palestinian universities consist of (286) employees at recovery rate of (70.3%). The study concluded with a set of results the most important of which: there is a statistically significant relationship between the components of learning organizations and achieving organizational excellence in the Palestinian universities of (...)
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    Understanding the University: institution, idea, possibilities.Ronald Barnett - 2016 - New York: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
    Understanding the University constitutes the final volume in a trilogy - the first two books having been Being a University (2010) and Imagining the University (2012) - and represents the trilogy's ultimate aims and endeavours. The three volumes together offer a unique attempt at a fairly systematic and exhaustive level to map out just what it might be seriously to understand the extraordinarily complex entity that is known across the world as 'the university'. Through examination of the conditions and (...)
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  36.  8
    La missione dell'università di fronte alla sfida della modernità: riflessioni alla luce del pensiero di Giambattista Vico nelle Orazioni inaugurali.Luca Gallizia - 2019 - Roma: Studium edizioni.
  37.  29
    Making minds less well educated than our own.Roger C. Schank - 2004 - Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
    In the author's words: "This book is an honest attempt to understand what it means to be educated in today's world." His argument is this: No matter how important science and technology seem to industry or government or indeed to the daily life of people, as a society we believe that those educated in literature, history, and other humanities are in some way better informed, more knowing, and somehow more worthy of the descriptor "well educated." This 19th-century conception of the (...)
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    Realizing the university in an age of supercomplexity.Ronald Barnett - 2000 - Philadelphia, PA: Society for Research into Higher Education & Open University Press.
    The university has lost its way. The world needs the university more than ever but for new reasons. If we are to clarify its new role in the world, we need to find a new vocabulary and a new sense of purpose. The university is faced with supercomplexity, in which our very frames of understanding, action and self-identity are all continually challenged. In such a world, the university has explicitly to take on a dual role: firstly, of compounding supercomplexity, so (...)
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  39.  5
    Universitet kak t︠s︡entr kulʹturoporozhdai︠u︡shchego obrazovanii︠a︡: izmenenie form kommunikat︠s︡ii v uchebnom prot︠s︡esse.M. A. Gusakovskiĭ (ed.) - 2004 - Minsk: Belorusskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Daigaku no sekinin to seijigaku no sekinin to.Yasunobu Fujiwara - 1987 - Tōkyō: Kōjinsha.
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  41. Gakumon no dōhyō ; Daigaku no michi.Sukekata Kashiwa - 1981 - Tōkyō: Hatsubaijo Maruzen Kabushiki Kaisha. Edited by Sukekata Kashiwa.
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    La universidad en disputa: sujeto, educación y formación universitaria en la concepción neoliberal.Cristóbal Friz Echeverría - 2016 - Santiago, Chile: Ceibo Ediciones.
    La teoría neoliberal, leída en clave antropológica -- Educación, investigación y universidad en Friedrich Hayek -- Educación y formación universitaria en Milton Friedman -- Sujeto, educación y formación universitaria en el neoliberalismo en y para América Latina -- Apropiación de la antropología neoliberal: el otro sendero -- Educación y formación universitaria en El ladrillo -- Educación y formación universitaria en los organismos internacionales: Banco Mundial, CEPAL y UNESCO -- Educación y formación universitaria en José Joaquín Brunner -- Sujeto, educación y (...)
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    Imagining the university.Ronald Barnett - 2013 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Despite both positive and negative perceptions of the current state of higher education, the contemporary debate over what it is to be a university is limited. Most of all, it is limited imaginatively. The range of imagined options is narrow. The imagination has not been given anything even approaching a wide scope. As a result, our sense as to what a university could be and could become in the modern age is itself impoverished. If we are seriously to develop (...)
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  44.  37
    Visual Culture Education Through the Philosophy for Children Program.Yong-Sock Chang & Ji–Young Kim - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:27-34.
    The appearance of mass media and a versatile medium of videos can serve the convenience and instructive information for children; on the other hand, it could abet them in implicit image consumption. Now is the time for kids' to be in need of thinking power which enables them to make a choice, applications andcriticism of information within such visual cultures. In spite of these social changes, the realities are that our curriculum still doesn't meet a learner's demand properly. This research, (...)
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  45. Hangmun ŭi chokŏn: Hanʼguk esŏ hangmun i kanŭng hanʼga.Pŏm-mo Chŏng - 2006 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Nanam Chʻulpʻan.
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    Impact of poetry-based ethics education on the moral sensitivity of nurses: A semi-experimental study.Kobra Rashidi, Tahereh Ashktorab & Mehdi Birjandi - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):448-461.
    Background: The nurses’ moral sensitivity is the first step to make right decisions in difficult moral situations. Therefore, its education and promotion is highly important. Research objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the impact of poetry-based ethics education on the nurses’ moral sensitivity. Research design and methods: This was a semi-experimental study. The sample consisted of 108 nurses who were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to three groups: intervention with poetry (G1), who read (...)
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    El misterio de las universidades y otros textos afines.Sergio Espinosa Proa - 1997 - [Zacatecas, Mexico]: Centro de Docencia Superior Universidad Autonoma de Z.
  48.  21
    The influence of cultural identity education on students’ positive psychology.Meili He - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):7.
    The aim of this study was to Analysed the influence of Chinese traditional culture identity education on the positive psychology of university students. The study selected 200 students as the research object and divided into experimental group and control group. The students in the experimental group received traditional cultural identity education courses combined with practical activities, while the control group implemented conventional courses. After implementing the program, students’ learning efficiency is significantly improved and their learning anxiety is reduced. The learning (...)
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    The aims and objectives of Olympic Education in China.Yinmin Wang & Naofumi Masumoto - 2007 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 29 (2):109-123.
  50.  8
    The Aims of Education.Richard Marples (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Psychology Press.
    For many years, the aims of education have been informed by liberalism, with an emphasis on autonomy. The aim has been to mentally equip students to be autonomous individuals, able to live self-directed lives. In this volume, international philosophers of education explore and question diverse strains of the liberal tradition, discussing not only autonomy but other key issues such as: social justice; national identity; curriculum; critical thinking; and social practices. The contributors write from a variety of standpoints, offering many (...)
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