Results for 'Eliseu Amaro de Melo Pessanha'

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  1. NECROPOLÍTICA: Estratégias de extermínio do corpo negro.Eliseu Amaro de Melo Pessanha & Wanderson Flor do Nascimento - 2018 - Odeere 3 (6):149-176.
    Este artigo tem a pretensão de analisar a construção de alguns processos conceituais que levaram a justificativa da legitimação da dominação, subjugação e eliminação do corpo de seres humanos de pele escura, especificamente procedentes do continente africano e as respectivas terras para onde foram levados a força para serem escravizados. Ao receber a alcunha de negro pelo colonizador europeu, o africano começa a ser inserido em um estágio de construção de não-ser, não-humanidade e não-racionalidade. Classificado dessa forma o seu corpo (...)
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  2. Crónica.João J. Vila-chã, Amaro Carvalho da Silva, Abilio Melo, Manuel Gama & Barros Dias - 1993 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 49 (3):463-496.
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    Crónica.João J. Vila-Chã, Amaro Carvalho da Silva, Abilio Melo, Manuel Gama, J. D. & Barros Dias - 1993 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 49 (3):463 - 496.
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    Mal-estar na filosofia nacional. Leitura estrutural: impasse e críticas.Amaro de Oliveira Fleck - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (67).
    O assim chamado “método estrutural de análise de texto” tem persistido no pensamento filosófico brasileiro, apesar das críticas recebidas e de seus sinais de esgotamento. A presente investigação pretende aventar algumas hipóteses acerca da sobrevida de tal procedimento, assim como analisar a relativa ausência de participação da filosofia no debate público nacional quando comparada tanto com a presença de áreas próximas quanto com a sua participação no debate estrangeiro.
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    As desventuras da crítica imanente.Amaro de Oliveira Fleck - 2022 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 27 (2):87-98.
    Resenha de De Caux, Luiz Philipe. A Imanência da Crítica. Os sentidos da crítica na tradição frankfurtiana e pós-frankfurtiana. Edições Loyola, 2021.
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  6. Intervenção policial na violência doméstica contra a mulher: o uso da entrevista motivacional.Fabiana Amaro de Brito - 2022 - Revista Fórum de Ciências Criminais 9 (18):59-77.
    Resumo: A violência doméstica contra as mulheres é um mal que atinge todo o mundo e que é prati- cado comumente no interior das residências, pelas pessoas de seu convívio íntimo. Apesar da grande subnotificação, as polícias estaduais recebem alta demanda de denúncias dessa natureza. Diante das dificuldades de atuação policial inerentes a essa violência, uma estratégia de prevenção e intervenção a ser considerada é a entrevista motivacional: uma abordagem colaborativa que visa a mudança de comportamento baseada em estímulos com (...)
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    Notas sobre a crítica ao planejamento em Law, legislation and liberty, de F. A. von Hayek.Amaro de Oliveira Fleck - 2019 - Dissertatio 48:145-156.
    Em Direito, legislação e liberdade, Friedrich August von Hayek dirige diversas críticas à ordem planejada implementada pelos Estados previdenciários no mundo ocidental. O presente artigo almeja analisar estas críticas, em especial os critérios normativos subjacentes a elas. Sua tese é que Hayek fracassa em suas críticas por: 1) cometer a falácia naturalista; 2) não diferenciar suficientemente a teoria das ordens espontâneas da teoria da evolução cultural; 3) não perceber que a teoria da evolução cultural pode ser conciliada com a ordem (...)
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  8. A Entrevista Motivacional na Intervenção Policial no Âmbito da Violência Doméstica Contra a Mulher no Rio de Janeiro.Fabiana Amaro de Brito - 2021 - Dissertation, Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna
    Violence against women is a crime that causes countless victims all over the world. Specially when it occurs within the domestic and familiar environment, usually at home and perpetrated by people who are intimately related to the victims, calling the police might not be an option. Despite that, the Military Police of Rio de Janeiro State answers around five thousand calls every month reporting cases of domestic violence against women. But how can the police improve the prevention of such invisible (...)
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    Representing Capital de Fredric Jameson.Amaro de Oliveira Fleck - 2012 - Filosofia Unisinos 13 (1).
  10. The Fight Against Doubt: How to Bridge the Gap Between Scientists and the Public.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    The lack of public support for climate change policies and refusals to vaccinate children are just two alarming illustrations of the impacts of dissent about scientific claims. Dissent can lead to confusion, false beliefs, and widespread public doubt about highly justified scientific evidence. Even more dangerously, it has begun to corrode the very authority of scientific consensus and knowledge. Deployed aggressively and to political ends, some dissent can intimidate scientists, stymie research, and lead both the public and policymakers to oppose (...)
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    Rethinking Reprogenetics: Enhancing Ethical Analyses of Reprogenetic Technologies.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2016 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Reprogenetic technologies, which combine the power of reproductive techniques with the tools of genetic science and technology, promise prospective parents a remarkable degree of control to pick and choose the likely characteristics of their offspring. Not only can they select embryos with or without particular genetically-related diseases and disabilities but also choose embryos with non-disease related traits such as sex. -/- Prominent authors such as Agar, Buchanan, DeGrazia, Green, Harris, Robertson, Savulescu, and Silver have flocked to the banner of reprogenetics. (...)
  12.  18
    The Unbearable Weight of Simplicity in Theory Choice.D. V. de Melo - 2024 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 28 (4):621-637.
    When philosophers do not have a way out for choosing between the account they defend or a competing one, they usually appeal to theoretical virtues, such as simplicity, unity, fruitfulness, explanatory power, and so on. In this paper, my aim is to question the status of simplicity as a criterion for theory choice. My main arguments are that, first, it is hard to determine an objective metrics for evaluating simplicity, and second, we have no way to decide which one we (...)
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  13. The Risk of Using Inductive Risk to Challenge the Value-Free Ideal.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (4):500-520.
    The argument from inductive risk has been embraced by many as a successful account of the role of values in science that challenges the value-free ideal. We argue that it is not obvious that the argument from inductive risk actually undermines the value-free ideal. This is because the inductive risk argument endorses an assumption held by proponents of the value-free ideal: that contextual values never play an appropriate role in determining evidence. We show that challenging the value-free ideal ultimately requires (...)
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  14. Reproductive Embryo Editing: Attending to Justice.Inmaculada De Melo-Martín - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (4):26-33.
    The use of genome embryo editing tools in reproduction is often touted as a way to ensure the birth of healthy and genetically related children. Many would agree that this is a worthy goal. The purpose of this paper is to argue that, if we are concerned with justice, accepting such goal as morally appropriate commits one to rejecting the development of embryo editing for reproductive purposes. This is so because safer and more effective means exist that can allow many (...)
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  15. Socially responsible science: Exploring the complexities.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (3):1-18.
    Philosophers of science, particularly those working on science and values, often talk about the need for science to be socially responsible. However, what this means is not clear. In this paper, we review the contributions of philosophers of science to the debate over socially responsible science and explore the dimensions that a fruitful account of socially responsible science should address. Our review shows that offering a comprehensive account is difficult. We contend that broad calls for socially responsible science that fail (...)
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  16. Beyond informed consent: the therapeutic misconception and trust.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & A. Ho - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (3):202-205.
    The therapeutic misconception has been seen as presenting an ethical problem because failure to distinguish the aims of research participation from those receiving ordinary treatment may seriously undermine the informed consent of research subjects. Hence, most theoretical and empirical work on the problems of the therapeutic misconception has been directed to evaluate whether, and to what degree, this confusion invalidates the consent of subjects. We argue here that this focus on the understanding component of informed consent, while important, might be (...)
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  17. On the Harms of Agnotological Practices and How to Address Them.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2023 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 36 (3):211-228.
    Although science is our most reliable producer of knowledge, it can also be used to create ignorance, unjustified doubt, and misinformation. In doing so, agnotological practices result not only in epistemic harms but also in social ones. A way to prevent or minimise such harms is to impede these ignorance-producing practices. In this paper, I explore various challenges to such a proposal. I first argue that reliably identifying agnotological practices in a way that permits the prevention of relevant harms is (...)
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    Moral Bioenhancement: Much Ado About Nothing?Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & Arleen Salles - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):223-232.
    Recently, some have proposed moral bioenhancement as a solution to the serious moral evils that humans face. Seemingly disillusioned with traditional methods of moral education, proponents of bioenhancement believe that we should pursue and apply biotechnological means to morally enhance human beings. Such proposal has generated a lively debate about the permissibility of moral bioenhancement. We argue here that such debate is specious. The claim that moral bioenhancement is a solution - whether permissible or not - to the serious moral (...)
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    The ethics of anonymous gamete donation: is there a right to know one's genetic origins?Inmaculada De Melo-Martín - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (2):28-35.
    A growing number of jurisdictions hold that gamete donors must be identifiable to the children born with their eggs or sperm, on grounds that being able to know about one's genetic origins is a fundamental moral right. But the argument for that belief has not yet been adequately made.
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  20. Liberdade, segurança e polícia: uma abordagem filosófica sob a ótica contratualista.Fabiana Amaro de Brito - 2022 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):204-215.
    O presente artigo aborda a instituição de órgãos de polícia como representantes do poder e da autoridade do Estado sob a ótica da filosofia, sobretudo no contexto do contrato social, fundamentada em revisão bibliográfica. Ainda que o homem tenha preterido sua liberdade natural em prol de uma liberdade assistida, e sendo a polícia um dos órgãos responsáveis por essa assistência, não há como afirmar que esse trabalho está correspondendo aos anseios da sociedade, sobretudo ao se analisar os índices de violência (...)
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  21. When the Milk of Human Kindness Becomes a Luxury Good.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (1):159-165.
    A new reprogenetic technology, mitochondrial replacement, is making its appearance and, unsurprisingly given its promise to wash off our earthly stains --or at least the scourges of sexual reproduction--, John Harris finds only reasons to celebrate this new scientific feat.1 In fact, he finds mitochondrial replacement techniques (MRTs) so “unreservedly welcome” that he believes those who reject them suffer from “a large degree of desperation and not a little callousness.”2 Believing myself to be neither desperate nor callous, but finding myself (...)
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  22. (1 other version)The Trouble With Moral Enhancement.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 83:19-33.
    Proponents of moral enhancement believe that we should pursue and apply biotechnological means to morally enhance human beings, as failing to do so is likely to lead to humanity's demise. Unsurprisingly, these proposals have generated a substantial amount of debate about the moral permissibility of using such interventions. Here I put aside concerns about the permissibility of moral enhancement and focus on the conceptual and evidentiary grounds for the moral enhancement project. I argue that such grounds are quite precarious.
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    A Duty to Participate in Research: Does Social Context Matter?Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (10):28-36.
    Because of the important benefits that biomedical research offers to humans, some have argued that people have a general moral obligation to participate in research. Although the defense of such a putative moral duty has raised controversy, few scholars, on either side of the debate, have attended to the social context in which research takes place and where such an obligation will be discharged. By reflecting on the social context in which a presumed duty to participate in research will obtain, (...)
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  24. How do disclosure policies fail? Let us count the ways.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2009 - FASEB Journal 23 (6):1638-42.
    The disclosure policies of scientific journals now require that investigators provide information about financial interests relevant to their research. The main goals of these policies are to prevent bias from occurring, to help identify bias when it occurs, and to avoid the appearance of bias. We argue here that such policies do little to help achieve these goals, and we suggest more effective alternatives.
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  25. Who's Afraid of Dissent? Addressing Concerns about Undermining Scientific Consensus in Public Policy Developments.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2014 - Perspectives on Science 22 (4):593-615.
    Many have argued that allowing and encouraging public avenues for dissent and critical evaluation of scientific research is a necessary condition for promoting the objectivity of scientific communities and advancing scientific knowledge . The history of science reveals many cases where an existing scientific consensus was later shown to be wrong . Dissent plays a crucial role in uncovering potential problems and limitations of consensus views. Thus, many have argued that scientific communities ought to increase opportunities for dissenting views to (...)
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  26. A Closer Look to the Problem of Scientific Misinformation.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - manuscript
    Science is our most reliable producer of knowledge. Nonetheless, a significant amount of evidence shows that pluralities of members of publics question a variety of accepted scientific claims as well as policies and recommendation informed by the scientific evidence. Scientific misinformation is considered to play a central role in this state of affairs. In this paper, I challenge the emphasis on misinformation as a primary culprit on two grounds. First, the phenomenon of misinformation is far less clear than what much (...)
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  27. On our obligation to select the best children: A reply to Savulescu.Inmaculada De Melo-Martín - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (1):72–83.
    ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to examine critically Julian Savulescu's claim that people should select, of the possible children they could have, the one who is expected to have the best life, or at least as good a life as the others, based on the relevant, available genetic information, including information about non‐disease genes. I argue here that in defending this moral obligation, Savulescu has neglected several important issues such as access to selection technologies, disproportionate burdens on women, (...)
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    To Assess Technologies, Bioethicists Must Take Off Their Blinkers.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2022 - Hastings Center Report 52 (5):3-3.
    Hastings Center Report, Volume 52, Issue 5, Page 3-3, September–October 2022.
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  29. Defending human enhancement technologies: unveiling normativity.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (8):483-487.
    Recent advances in biotechnologies have led to speculations about enhancing human beings. Many of the moral arguments presented to defend human enhancement technologies have been limited to discussions of their risks and benefits. The author argues that in so far as ethical arguments focus primarily on risks and benefits of human enhancement technologies, these arguments will be insufficient to provide a robust defence of these technologies. This is so because the belief that an assessment of risks and benefits is a (...)
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  30. Scientific dissent and public policy. Is targeting dissent a reasonable way to protect sound policy decisions?Inmaculada de Melo-Martin & Kristen Intemann - 2013 - EMBO Reports 14 (4):231-35.
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  31. Essence and Naturalness.Thiago Xavier de Melo - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (276):534-554.
    According to sparse modalism, the notion of essence can be analysed in terms of necessity and naturalness. In this paper, I develop and defend a version of sparse modalism that is equipped with a non-standard, relativized conception of naturalness. According to this conception, properties and relations can be natural to different degrees relative to different kinds of things, and relations can be natural to different degrees relative to different slots. I argue that this relativized version of sparse modalism can accommodate (...)
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  32. Concerns about Contextual Values in Science and the Legitimate/Illegitimate Distinction.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (4):851-868.
    Philosophers of science have come to accept that contextual values can play unavoidable and desirable roles in science. This has raised concerns about the need to distinguish legitimate and illegitimate value influences in scientific inquiry. I discuss here four such concerns: epistemic distortion, value imposition, undermining of public trust in science, and the use of objectionable values. I contend that preserving epistemic integrity and avoiding value imposition provide good reasons to attempt to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate influences of values (...)
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    Vaccine Hesitancy by Maya J. Goldenberg.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2021 - Philosophy of Medicine 2 (2).
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  34. Feminist Resources for Biomedical Research: Lessons from the HPV Vaccines.Inmaculada De Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (1):79 - 101.
    Several feminist philosophers of science have argued that social and political values are compatible with, and may even enhance, scientific objectivity. A variety of normative recommendations have emerged regarding how to identify, manage, and critically evaluate social values in science. In particular, several feminist theorists have argued that scientific communities ought to: 1) include researchers with diverse experiences, interests, and values, with equal opportunity and authority to scrutinize research; 2) investigate or "study up" scientific phenomena from the perspectives, interests, and (...)
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  35. Sex Selection and the Procreative Liberty Framework.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2013 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 23 (1):1-18.
    Although surprising to some proponents of sex selection for non-medical reasons (Dahl 2005), a considerable amount of critical debate has been raised by this practice (Blyth, Frith, and Crawshaw 2008; Dawson and Trounson 1996; Dickens 2002; Harris 2005; Heyd 2003; Holm 2004; Macklin 2010; Malpani 2002; McDougall 2005; Purdy 2007; Seavilleklein and Sherwin 2007; Steinbock 2002; Strange and Chadwick 2010; Wilkinson 2008). While abortion or infanticide has long been used as means of sex selection, a new technology—preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)—has (...)
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    Varro on adjective gradation: De lingva latina 6.59 and aelius stilo's avoidance of novissimvs.Wolfgang D. C. de Melo - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):905-910.
    Varro's De lingua Latina is a treasure trove of information. Of the originally twenty-five books, six have come down to us more or less complete. Among these, Books 5–7 give us many hundreds of etymologies, and Books 8–10 discuss the question whether Latin morphology is regular or not. What Varro rarely comments on is sociolinguistic variation. The sociolinguistic comments in Varro's work can almost be counted on one hand. For instance, in 5.162 Varro remarks that cenaculum, from cena ‘dinner’, means (...)
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    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Evaluation of the Safety of Animal Clones: A Failure to Recognize the Normativity of Risk Assessment Projects.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Zahra Meghani - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (1):9-17.
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced recently that food products derived from some animal clones and their offspring are safe for human consumption. In response to criticism that it had failed to engage with ethical, social, and economic concerns raised by livestock cloning, the FDA argued that addressing normative issues prior to issuing a final ruling on animal cloning is not part of its mission. In this article, the authors reject the FDA's claim that its mission to protect (...)
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  38. Firing up the nature/nurture controversy: bioethics and genetic determinism.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9):526-530.
    It is argued here that bioethicists might inadvertently be promoting genetic determinism: the idea that genes alone determine human traits and behaviours. Discussions about genetic testing are used to exemplify how they might be doing so. Quite often bioethicists use clinical cases to support particular moral obligations or rights as if these cases were representative of the kind of information we can acquire about human diseases through genetic testing, when they are not. On other occasions, the clinical cases are presented (...)
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  39. Interpreting Evidence: Why Values Can Matter As Much As Science.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín & Kristen Intemann - 2012 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 55 (1):59-70.
    Despite increasing recognition of the ways in which ethical and social values play a role in science (Kitcher 2001; Longino 1990, 2002), scientists are often still reluctant to acknowledge or discuss ethical and social values at stake in their research. Even when research is closely connected to developing public policy, it is generally held that it should be empirical data, and not the values of scientists, that inform policy. According to this view, scientists need not, and should not, endorse non-epistemic (...)
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  40. Chimeras and human dignity.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2008 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 18 (4):pp. 331-346.
    Discussions about whether new biomedical technologies threaten or violate human dignity are now common. Indeed, appeals to human dignity have played a central role in national and international debates about whether to allow particular kinds of biomedical investigations. The focus of this paper is on chimera research. I argue here that both those who claim that particular types of human-nonhuman chimera research threaten human dignity and those who argue that such threat does not exist fail to make their case. I (...)
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    Vaccine Hesitancy: Some Concerns About Values and Trust, Comments on Vaccine Hesitancy by Maya J. Goldenberg.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (2):108-115.
    A significant amount of scientific evidence shows that childhood vaccination constitutes one of the most successful and cost-effective public health interventions of the last century. It has saved millions of lives. Nonetheless, many parents are reluctant or outright hostile to having their children vaccinated. Similarly, in spite of the fact that vaccines against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, are highly effective in protecting people against death and serious illness, about a third of adults in the United States are still (...)
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    Firing up the nature/nurture controversy: bioethics and genetic determinism.Inma de Melo-Martin - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9):526-530.
    It is argued here that bioethicists might inadvertently be promoting genetic determinism: the idea that genes alone determine human traits and behaviours. Discussions about genetic testing are used to exemplify how they might be doing so. Quite often bioethicists use clinical cases to support particular moral obligations or rights as if these cases were representative of the kind of information we can acquire about human diseases through genetic testing, when they are not. On other occasions, the clinical cases are presented (...)
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  43. Viewpoint: developing a research ethics consultation service to foster responsive and responsible clinical research.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin, Li Palmer & Jj Fins - 2007 - Academic Medicine 82 (9):900-4.
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    On Our Obligation to Select the Best Children: A Reply to Savulescu.Inmaculada de Melo-MartÍn - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (1):72-83.
    ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to examine critically Julian Savulescu's claim that people should select, of the possible children they could have, the one who is expected to have the best life, or at least as good a life as the others, based on the relevant, available genetic information, including information about non‐disease genes. I argue here that in defending this moral obligation, Savulescu has neglected several important issues such as access to selection technologies, disproportionate burdens on women, (...)
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    Book Symposium on Andrew Feenberg’s Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity: Cambridge: MIT Press, 2010.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, David B. Ingram, Sally Wyatt, Yoko Arisaka & Andrew Feenberg - 2011 - Philosophy and Technology 24 (2):203-226.
    Book Symposium on Andrew Feenberg’s Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity Content Type Journal Article Pages 203-226 DOI 10.1007/s13347-011-0017-8 Authors Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, Division of Medical Ethics, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY 10065, USA David B. Ingram, Loyola University Chicago, 6525 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60626, USA Sally Wyatt, e-Humanities Group, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) & Maastricht University, Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam, The Netherlands Yoko Arisaka, Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie (...)
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    An undignified bioethics: There is no method in this madness.Inmaculada de Melo-martín - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (4):224-230.
    In a recent article, Alasdair Cochrane argues for the need to have an undignified bioethics. His is not, of course, a call to transform bioethics into an inelegant, pathetic discipline, or one failing to meet appropriate disciplinary standards. His is a call to simply eliminate the concept of human dignity from bioethical discourse. Here I argue that he fails to make his case. I first show that several of the flaws that Cochrane identifies are not flaws of the conceptions of (...)
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    Crer ou não crer: uma conversa sem rodeios entre um historiador ateu e um padre católico.Fábio de Melo - 2017 - São Paulo, SP: Planeta. Edited by Leandro Karnal.
    O que pode dizer um homem que fez o voto de se dedicar a Deus a outro que está plenamente convencido de Deus não existe? O que pode ouvir um crente de um ateu? O que um ateu pode aprender? São questões assim que guiaram o encontro entre o padre Fábio de Melo e o historiador Leandro Karnal e resultaram neste livro. Um debate rico e respeitoso entre um cético e um católico que oferece uma referência importante aos brasileiros (...)
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  48. The commercialization of the biomedical sciences: (mis)understanding bias.Inmaculada de Melo-Martín - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (3):34.
    The growing commercialization of scientific research has raised important concerns about industry bias. According to some evidence, so-called industry bias can affect the integrity of the science as well as the direction of the research agenda. I argue that conceptualizing industry’s influence in scientific research in terms of bias is unhelpful. Insofar as industry sponsorship negatively affects the integrity of the research, it does so through biasing mechanisms that can affect any research independently of the source of funding. Talk about (...)
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    Germline Gene Editing: Minding the Past and the Future.Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):36-38.
    Volume 20, Issue 8, August 2020, Page 36-38.
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    Human dignity in international policy documents: A useful criterion for public policy?Inmaculada de Melo-martín - 2010 - Bioethics 25 (1):37-45.
    Current developments in biomedicine are presenting us with difficult ethical decisions and raising complex policy questions about how to regulate these new developments. Particularly vexing for governments have been issues related to human embryo experimentation. Because some of the most promising biomedical developments, such as stem cell research and nuclear somatic transfer, involve such experimentation, several international bodies have drafted documents aimed to provide guidance to governments when developing biomedical science policy. Here I focus on two such documents: the Council (...)
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