Results for 'English literature Criticism, Textual'

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  1.  12
    Heidegger's Bicycle: Interfering with Victorian Texts.Roger Ebbatson - 2006 - Sussex Academic Press.
    Tennysonian shadows : 'in the garden at Swainston' -- Fair ships : a Victorian poetic chronotype -- A Laodicean : Hardy and the philosophy of money -- Sensations of earth : Thomas Hardy and Richard Jefferies -- The guilty river : Wilkie Collins's gothic deafness -- Stevenson's The ebb-tide : missionary endeavour in the islands of light -- Dr Doyle's uncanny prognosis : Sherlock Holmes and the final solution.
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    Origins of Narrative: The Romantic Appropriation of the Bible.Stephen Prickett & Regius Professor of English Literature Stephen Prickett - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    During the late eighteenth century the Bible underwent a shift in interpretation so radical as to make it virtually a different book from what it had been a hundred years earlier. Even as its text was being revealed as neither stable nor original, the new notion of the Bible as a cultural artefact became a paradigm for all literature. In Origins of Narrative one of the world's leading scholars in biblical interpretation, criticism and theory describes how, while formal religion (...)
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  3. Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness.Elaine Showalter - 1981 - Critical Inquiry 8 (2):179-205.
    Until very recently, feminist criticism has not had a theoretical basis; it has been an empirical orphan in the theoretical storm. In 1975, I was persuaded that no theoretical manifesto could adequately account for the varied methodologies and ideologies which called themselves feminist reading or writing.1 By the next year, Annette Kolodny had added her observation that feminist literary criticism appeared "more like a set of interchangeable strategies than any coherent school or shared goal orientation."2 Since then, the expressed goals (...)
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    Literary Criticism: Reflections from a Damaged Field.William M. Chace - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):204-207.
    From mid-2020 until early 2023, the Chronicle of Higher Education published a series of essays that, when summed up, represents a valediction for English and American literary studies as practiced during the last half century. Some of the Chronicle authors, enjoying the privilege of tenure, speak for the profession as it was in healthier times. Others, representing a younger generation of scholars, hold on to unstable teaching positions. All are disconsolate.The essays, collected on the Chronicle website, look back to (...)
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    The Problem of Textuality: Two Exemplary Positions.Edward W. Said - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (4):673-714.
    Derrida and Foucault are opposed to each other on a number of grounds, and perhaps the one specially singled out in Foucault's attack on Derrida—that Derrida is concerned only with "reading" a text and that a text is nothing more than the "traces" found there by the reader—would be the appropriate one to begin with here.1 According to Foucault, if the text is important for Derrida because its real situation is literally an abysmally textual element, l'écriture en abîme with (...)
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    Native American Literature and the Canon.Arnold Krupat - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (1):145-171.
    Although not exactly continuous, the Native American challenge to the canon, as I have tried to show, has been of comparatively long standing. Nonetheless, inasmuch as Native American literary production and Euramerican writing influenced by it have only barely begun to enter the courses in and the anthologies of general American literature, that challenge cannot be said to have been effective as yet. No doubt it will take more time for poets and teachers to recognize what Native American literatures (...)
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    Malaysia's Development Success Story: Critical Responses in Contemporary Malaysian Novels in English.Zainor Izat Zainal - 2014 - Asian Culture and History 6 (1):p31.
    Malaysia is often hailed as a development success story. However, one criticism of this success story is the over-emphasis on the ideology of economic and capitalist growth by the state in its setting, determining and directing of development. This paper looks into some of the most interesting and critical reflections on development. Representing prominent voices in Malaysian literature in English, K. S. Maniam, Chuah Guat Eng and Yang-May Ooi delve into Malaysia’s development success story through Between Lives (2003), (...)
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    Feminist Literary Criticism and the Author.Cheryl Walker - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (3):551-571.
    The issues that Foucault raises about reception and reading are certainly part of the contemporary discussion of literature. However, they are not the only issues with which we, as today’s readers, are concerned. Discussions about the role of the author persist and so we continue to have recourse to the notion of authorship.For instance, in her recent book Sexual / Textual Politics , the feminist critic Toril Moi feels called on to return to these twenty-year-old issues in French (...)
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    The records of Mazu and the making of classical Chan literature.Mario Poceski - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Records of Mazu and the Making of Classical Chan Literature explores the growth, makeup, and transformation of Chan (Zen) Buddhist literature in late medieval China. The volume analyzes the earliest extant records about the life, teachings, and legacy of Mazu Daoyi (709-788), the famous leader of the Hongzhou School and one of the principal figures in Chan history. While some of the texts covered are well-known and form a central part of classical Chan (or more broadly Buddhist) (...)
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    Literature, Criticism, and Factual Reporting.Alan Collett - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):282-296.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Alan Collett LITERATURE, CRITICISM, AND FACTUAL REPORTING Novels frequently deal with real events. How is it that some theorists have been able to argue that, regarded as literature, such novels are always fictional? The answer is that it is usually possible to show that a work which we are prepared to call "literary" creates an imaginary world possessing its own properties. Itcan then be maintained that this (...)
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    The philosophy of English literature.John Thomas Ingram Bryan - 1930 - Tokyo,: Maruzen company.
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  12.  27
    Science and Criticism in the Neo-Classical Age of English Literature.Richard F. Jones - 1940 - Journal of the History of Ideas 1 (1/4):381.
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    English Literature and British Philosophy: A Collection of Essays.Stanford Patrick Rosenbaum - 1971 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Fish, S. Georgics of the mind: Bacon's philosophy and the experience of his Essays.--Brett, R. L. Thomas Hobbes.--Watt, I. Realism and the novel.--Tuveson, E. Locke and Sterne.--Kampf, L. Gibbon and Hume.--Frye, N. Blake's case against Locke.--Abrams, M. H. Mechanical and organic psychologies of literary invention.--Ryle, G. Jane Austen and the moralists.--Schneewind, J. B. Moral problems and moral philosophy in the Victorian period.--Donagan, A. Victorian philosophical prose: J. S. Mill and F. H. Bradley.--Pitcher, G. Wittgenstein, nonsense, and Lewis Carroll.--Bolgan, A. C. (...)
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    Textual Criticism of Sumerian Literature. By Paul Delnero.Marie-Christine Ludwig - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (4).
    The Textual Criticism of Sumerian Literature. By Paul Delnero. The Journal of Cuneiform Studies Supplemental Series, vol. 3. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research, 2012. Pp. viii + 230. $89.95. [Distributed by ISD, Bristol, Conn.].
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    Politics, Philosophy, and the Production of Romantic Texts.Terence Allan Hoagwood - 1996 - Northern Illinois University Press.
    Works by authors of the Romantic period have often been viewed primarily as expressions of escapism, disillusionment, or apostasy on the part of the writer. In contrast, Hoagwood shows that political repression had important effects on the production of Romantic texts. Far from disengaging from the political world, works by Wordsworth, Coleridge, Blake, Shelley, Hays, and Smith, written at a time when overt expression was dangerous, express their author's contentions with political repression through duplicitous meaning and figural terminology. By emphasizing (...)
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    Sans Everything: Essays on English Literature, Philosophy, and Culture in Honour of Guido Kums and Hugo Roeffaers.Guido Kums, Hugo Roeffaers, Elisabeth Bekers & D. J. Conlon (eds.) - 2004 - Acco.
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    English Literary Criticism. [REVIEW]Grover Cronin Jr - 1944 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 19 (3):540-542.
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    Book Review: Nietzsche's Case: Philosophy as/and Literature[REVIEW]Jeff Mitchell - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):164-165.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Nietzsche’s Case: Philosophy as/and LiteratureJeff MitchellNietzsche’s Case: Philosophy as/and Literature, by Bernd Magnus, Jean-Pierre Mileur and Stanley Stewart; 284 pp. New York: Routledge, Chapman & Hall, 1993, $16.95.In their “Pre(post)faces,” which open and conclude Nietzsche’s Case, the authors explain that the essay was primarily motivated by a problem they perceived in English-speaking Nietzsche criticism. Critical discussion of Nietzsche has suffered, they argue, from institutionalized “mutual shunning” (...)
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  19.  25
    John Locke and English literature of the eighteenth century.Kenneth MacLean - 1936 - New York: Garland.
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    Aristotle's Poetics and English Literature: A Collection of Critical Essays.Elder Olson - 1965 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    English Literature and British Philosophy. [REVIEW]J. G. R. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (1):170-170.
    This book is a collection of essays, and is an exercise in literary criticism. Most of the entries couple a philosopher with a literary artist, and the majority of these have an emphasis on the philosophical partner which one frequently fails to find in this sort of study. While few of the critics are capable of sustaining their subtle distinctions, a task properly required of a philosopher, it is nonetheless true that few philosophers can likewise do this. The ability to (...)
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    Thematic Research on the Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra: An Integrative Review.Fung Kei Cheng & Samson Tse - 2014 - Buddhist Studies Review 31 (1):3-52.
    The current integrative review aims to do the following: first, examine the Chinese and English topical studies on the Vimalak?rti Nirde?a S?tra published from 1900 to 2011; second, analyze the characteristics of those works; third, investigate related study trends through a statistical analysis; and finally, identify research gaps. This review not only offers a comprehensive overview of the available literature on the S?tra retrieved from 25 English and Chinese electronic databases, but also categorizes the 256 selected publications (...)
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    textual Criticism And The Literature Of Anglo-saxon England,”.Michael Lapidge - 1991 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 73 (1):17-46.
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    Textual criticism and the ontology of literature in early Judaism: an analysis of the Serekh ha-yaḥad.James Nati - 2022 - Boston: Brill.
    The Dead Sea Scrolls have demonstrated the fluidity of biblical and early Jewish texts in antiquity. How did early Jewish scribes understand the nature of their pluriform literature? How should modern textual critics deal with these fluid texts? Centered on the Serekh ha-Yaḥad - or Community Rule - from Qumran as a test case, this volume tracks the development of its textual tradition in multiple trajectories, and suggests that it was not understood as a single, unified composition (...)
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    Recent Trends in Psychoanalysis: A Survey with Emphasis on Psychological Criticism in English Literature and Related Areas.Michel Grimaud - 1976 - Substance 5 (13):136.
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    English Renaissance Literature and Contemporary Theory: Sublime Objects of Theology.Paul Cefalu - 2007 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Cefalu offers the first sustained assessment of the ways in which recent contemporary philosophy and cultural theory -- including the work of Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Eric Santner, Slavoj Žižek, and Alenka Zupancic -- can illuminate Early Modern literature and culture. The book argues that when selected Early Modern devotional poets set out to represent subject-God relations, they often encounter some sublime aspect of God that, in Slovenian-Lacanian terms, seems "Other" to himself. This divine Other, while sometimes presented directly (...)
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    Textual criticism and Rabbinic literature: the case of the Targum of the Song of Songs.Philip S. Alexander - 1993 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 75 (3):159-174.
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    In search of effective remediation for students with developmental dyslexia – a review of contemporary English literature.Katarzyna Wiejak, Grażyna Krasowicz-Kupis & Katarzyna M. Bogdanowicz - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (3):270-280.
    Although developmental dyslexia is frequently diagnosed in Poland, little knowledge of effective treatment for this disorder is available in Polish society. Remedial teachers for many years have applied traditional methods aimed at correction and compensation for affected cognitive functions and academic skills. Otherwise, although western therapies are regularly advertised in the media, their effectiveness has rarely been subject to scientific investigation. Since the assumptions underlying some approaches are not consistent with current understanding of cognitive function, they may attract negative expert (...)
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  29. Validity in Interpretation.George Dickie - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (4):550-552.
    By demonstrating the uniformity and universality of the principles of valid interpretation of verbal texts of any sort, this closely reasoned examination provides a theoretical foundation for a discipline that is fundamental to virtually all humanistic studies. It defines the grounds on which textual interpretation can claim to establish objective knowledge, defends that claim against such skeptical attitudes as historicism and psychologism, and shows that many confusions can be avoided if the distinctions between meaning and significance, interpretation and criticism (...)
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    English Institute Essays 1946. Part I, The Critical Significance of Biographical Evidence: "John Milton"English Institute Essays 1946. Part I, The Critical Significance of Biographical Evidence: "Jonathan Swift"English Institute Essays 1946. Part I, The Critical Significance of Biographical Evidence: "Shelley's Ferrarese Maniac"English Institute Essays 1946. Part I, The Critical Significance of Biographical Evidence: "William Butler Yeats"English Institute Essays 1946. Part II, The Methods of Literary Studies: "Six Types of Literary History"English Institute Essays 1946. Part II, The Methods of Literary Studies: "Literary Criticism"English Institute Essays 1946. Part II, The Methods of Literary Studies: "Mr. Dangle's Defense: Acting and Stage History"English Institute Essays 1946. Part II, The Methods of Literary Studies: "The Textual Approach to Meaning". [REVIEW]W. K. Wimsatt, Douglas Bush, Louis A. Landa, Carlos Baker, Marion Witt, Rene Wellek, Cleanth Brooks, Alan S. Downer & E. L. McAdam - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (3):264.
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    The Elizabethan Malady: A Study of Melancholia in English Literature from 1580 to 1640.Lawrence Babb - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11 (2):177-178.
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    The Textual Sublime: Deconstruction and its Differences.Hugh J. Silverman & Gary E. Aylesworth (eds.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    This book addresses the question of deconstruction by asking what it is and discussing its alternatives. To what extent does deconstruction derive from a philosophical stance, and to what extent does it depend upon a set of strategies, moves, and rhetorical practices that result in criticism? Special attention is given to the formulations offered by Jacques Derrida and by Paul de Man . And what, in deconstructive terms, does it mean to translate from one textual corpus into another? Is (...)
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    The Crisis in Criticism: Theory, Literature, and Reform in English Studies.Edward Proffitt & William Cain - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 20 (2):116.
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    Author, author.Bernard MacGregor Walker Knox - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):76-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Author, AuthorBernard KnoxThe title of this essay is not a reference to that enthusiastic but misguided shout from his friends in the audience at the St. James Theatre in 1895 that brought a reluctant Henry James to the stage at the end of his play Guy Domville, only to be greeted by whistles, shouts, and insults from the irate denizens of the gallery, one of whom had somewhat spoiled (...)
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    Validity in Interpretation.Eric Donald Hirsch - 1967 - Yale University Press.
    By demonstrating the uniformity and universality of the principles of valid interpretation of verbal texts of any sort, this closely reasoned examination provides a theoretical foundation for a discipline that is fundamental to virtually all humanistic studies. It defines the grounds on which textual interpretation can claim to establish objective knowledge, defends that claim against such skeptical attitudes as historicism and psychologism, and shows that many confusions can be avoided if the distinctions between meaning and significance, interpretation and criticism (...)
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    The English mind.Hugh Sykes Davies - 1964 - Cambridge [Eng.]: University Press. Edited by Basil Willey & George Watson.
    This is not a random collection of essays, but a book on a single theme. Written by separate hands, mainly by literary critics at Cambridge, it was planned as a whole and executed with a common purpose: to produce the first literary study of the English moralists of the seventeenth century to the beginning of the twentieth. The authors share two convictions: they believe that the study of literature demands an understanding of whatever moral philosophy is embodied in (...)
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    Alterity and Criticism: Tracing Time in Modern Literature.D. Melaney Wiliam - 2017 - London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    "Alterity and Criticism: Retracing Time in Modern Literature" argues that the role of time in canonical literature underlies the experience of alterity and requires a new hermeneutic to clarify how the self emerges in literary texts. Romantic poetry from Goethe to Shelley and the modern prose tradition from Flaubert to Butor constitute different traditions but also indicate, on a textual basis, how alterity is crucial to reading, thus encouraging us to interpret literary texts in terms of the (...)
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    Exploring textual action.Lars Sætre, Patrizia Lombardo & Anders Gullestad (eds.) - 2010 - Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
    Exploring Textual Action questions how we analyse works of art after the performative turn and shows how the interplay of performativity (textual action), space and topography, and the converging of genres and art forms is essential in modern drama, theatre, prose fiction, poetry and film. The volume also fosters a keen concern for the development of congenial theory. Its 14 detailed essays analyse works of art ranging from Balzac, Melville and George Eliot, to Breton, Kafka, Benjamin, Blixen and (...)
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    Wittgenstein's Novels.Martin Klebes - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    Analyzing features of Wittgenstein's philosophical work and including in-depth textual analyses, this study investigates the impact of Ludwig Wittgenstein's work on contemporary German and French novelists. Drawing upon aesthetics, architectural history, philosophy of science, and photography, the book seeks to explain why references both to Wittgenstein as a person, as well as to his work are more pervasive than other equally renowned twentieth century philosophers and asks why some authors such as Händler and Roubaud, are less well-known and only (...)
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  40. Benedetto Croce, Poetry and Literature: An Introduction to its Criticism and History.Giovanni Gullace (ed.) - 1981 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Benedetto Croce’s influence pervades Anglo-Saxon culture, but, ironically, before Giovanni Gullace heeded the call of his colleagues and provided this urgently needed translation of _La Poesia, _speakers of English had no access to Croce’s major work and final rendering of his esthetic theory.__ __ _Aesthetic, _published in 1902 and translated in 1909, represents most of what the English-speaking world knows about Croce’s theory. It is, asserts Gullace, “no more than a first sketch of a thought that developed, clarified, (...)
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    Shouts on the Street: Bakhtin's Anti-Linguistics.Susan Stewart - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (2):265-281.
    According to Bakhtin, the reason that literature is the most ideological of all ideological spheres may be discovered in the structure of genre. He criticizes the formalists for ending their theory with a consideration of genre; genre, he observes, should be the first topic of poetics. The importance of genre lies in its two major capacities: conceptualization and “finalization.” A genre’s conceptualization has both inward and outward focus: the artist does not merely represent reality; he or she must use (...)
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  42.  19
    Abelard in Four Dimensions: A Twelfth-Century Philosopher in His Context and Ours.John Marenbon - 2013 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The Meditations on the Life of Christ was the most popular and influential devotional work of the later Middle Ages. With its lively dialogue and narrative realism, its poignant and moving depictions of the Nativity and Passion, and its direct appeals to the reader to feel love and compassion, the Meditations had a major impact on devotional practices, religious art, meditative literature, vernacular drama, and the cultivation of affective experience. This volume is a critical edition, with English translation (...)
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  43. The Poetry of Jeroen Mettes.Samuel Vriezen & Steve Pearce - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):22-28.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 22–28. Jeroen Mettes burst onto the Dutch poetry scene twice. First, in 2005, when he became a strong presence on the nascent Dutch poetry blogosphere overnight as he embarked on his critical project Dichtersalfabet (Poet’s Alphabet). And again in 2011, when to great critical acclaim (and some bafflement) his complete writings were published – almost five years after his far too early death. 2005 was the year in which Dutch poetry blogging exploded. That year saw the foundation (...)
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    A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism (review).Robert Francis Cook - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (2):302-303.
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    Criticism on contemporary thought and thinkers.Richard Holt Hutton - 1894 - New York,: Macmillan & Co..
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    Tzachi Zamir, "Just Literature: Philosophical Criticism and Justice.".Rafe McGregor - 2020 - Philosophy in Review 40 (4):179-181.
    Tzachi Zamir is Professor of English and General & Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he directs the Amirim Interdisciplinary Honors Programme in the Humanities. Just Literature: Philosophical Criticism and Justice is his fifth book, continuing the exploration of the relationship between philosophy and literature begun in Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Drama (2007) and developed in Ascent: Philosophy and Paradise Lost (2017). Aside from his complex and innovative work in this field, (...)
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    An Unpublished Letter by A. E. Housman Related to the Textual Criticism of Statius’ Siluae.Mikhail Shumilin - 2023 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 166 (2):272-281.
    The article presents an edition of the previously unpublished letter from A. E. Housman to Grigory E. Saenger, written in Latin and dated 28 May, 1909, as well as a commentary on this text. The letter contains a criticism of Saenger’s 1909 edition of Statius’ Siluae. Housman evaluates the general approach of the edition and pronounces his judgement on two particular decisions made by the editor. The commentary treats both the general context of the letter and particular statements made by (...)
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    Leviathan. [REVIEW]Aaron V. Garrett - 1995 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 18 (1):277-282.
    Edwin Curley opens the “Introduction” of his new edition of Leviathan with the following assertion: “Hobbes has suffered a fate shared by many classic authors. His greatest work is more often quoted then carefully and thoroughly read.” Hobbes, it seems, has suffered additional indignities that many classic authors have not. A critical edition is underway which will be published by Clarendon Press at Oxford. So far, the Latin and English versions of De Cive have appeared. Before this undertaking, the (...)
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    ASYNDETON IN LATIN - (J.N.) Adams Asyndeton and its Interpretation in Latin Literature. History, Patterns, Textual Criticism. Pp. xxx + 751, ill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Cased, £130. ISBN: 978-1-108-83785-9. [REVIEW]Esperanza Torrego - 2023 - The Classical Review 73 (1):114-116.
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    The Humanities in Love with Themselves.Mark Bauerlein - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (2):415-431.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.2 (2002) 415-431 [Access article in PDF] The Humanities at Home with Themselves Mark Bauerlein The Crafty Reader, by Robert Scholes; 272 pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002, $24.95. WHEN I STARTED GRADUATE SCHOOL in English in the early Eight ies, a typical thing happened. Those few students with a background in philosophy drifted together, shared influences, and developed a hierarchy of critical (...)
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