Results for 'Ergasheva Madina'

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  1.  41
    Learning to Unlearn: Decolonial Reflections From Eurasia and the Americas.Madina Vladimirovna Tlostanova & Walter Mignolo - 2012 - Ohio State University Press.
    _Learning to Unlearn: Decolonial Reflections from Eurasia and the Americas _is a complex, multisided rethinking of the epistemic matrix of Western modernity and coloniality from the position of border epistemology. Colonial and imperial differences are the two key concepts to understanding how the logic of coloniality creates ontological and epistemic exteriorities. Being at once an enactment of decolonial thinking and an attempt to define its main grounds, mechanisms, and concepts, the book shifts the politics of knowledge from “studying the other” (...)
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    Theorizing from the Borders: Shifting to Geo- and Body-Politics of Knowledge.Madina V. Tlostanova & Walter D. Mignolo - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (2):205-221.
    ‘Borders’ will be in the twenty-first century what ‘frontiers’ where in the nineteenth. Frontiers were conceived as the line indicating the last point in the relentless march of civilization. On the one side of the frontiers was civilization; on the other, nothing; just barbarism or emptiness. The march of civilization and the idea of the frontiers created a geographic and bodygraphic divide. Certain areas of the planet were designated as the location of the barbarians, and since the eighteenth century, of (...)
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    What Lobbying Ethics and What for? The Case of French Lobbying Consulting Firms.Madina Rival & Richard Major - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):99-116.
    Conversely to the United States, lobbying consulting in France is a relatively recent activity and is perceived negatively by a majority of the population. Influencing public decision-making is certainly a sensitive occupation at both managerial and societal levels. This is why ethics applied to business can play a central role while establishing the practice of lobbying in France. This paper examines the issues and the practices of ethics in lobbying consulting. The field for this exploratory study is a lobbying consultancy (...)
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    Transcending the human/non-human divide: The Geo-politics and body-politics of being and perception, and decolonial art.Madina Tlostanova - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (2):25-37.
    This article focuses on the analysis of the geo-politics and body-politics of being, and perception as the key concepts in the decolonial option grounded in the spatiality and corporeality of our cognitive and perceptive mechanisms. Revived spatiality refers in this case not only to a physical space that we inhabit but also to our bodies as specific spatial entities – the privileged white male bodies or the damned, non-white, dehumanized and often gendered and sexualized bodies from the underside of modernity. (...)
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    Mythology and Reality TV: Storytelling and Feminist Agency in the Ramayana and The Real Housewives.Elisa Madina - 2023 - Feminist Review 134 (1):104-111.
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    On Sylvia Marcos's Journey along the spiral of NahuatI Gender and Eros.Madina Tlostanova - 2009 - CLR James Journal 15 (1):277-282.
  7. Unlearning and relearning design.Madina Tlostanova - 2020 - In Tony Fry & Adam Nocek, Design in crisis: new worlds, philosophies and practices. New York: Routledge.
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    Monitoring the Validity of Formative Assessment: Tools and Methods.Tynybayeva Madina Aglanovna, Kussainov Gabit Muckanaevich, Dyusenbayeva Ardak Toleuovna, Zhumabayeva Saltanat Gizatovna & Tanirbergenova Anar Shynbolatovna - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:955-968.
    The relevance of the study is related to the need to increase the validity of formative assessment in classrooms, which is a factor in improving the quality of education and the development of students. The purpose of the study is to determine the criteria for the validity of formative assessment, which will allow gaps in its implementation in national schools and provide professional support to teachers to improve practice. The research methods used were lesson observation (the analysis of teachers’ approaches (...)
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    Sufizm--teosofii︠a︡ islama.Kalimash Begalinova, Madina Ashilova & Alibek Begalinov (eds.) - 2019 - Almaty: Qazaq universitetī.
    Chastʹ 1: Genezis i kont︠s︡eptualʹnye osnovy -- Chastʹ 2: Ontologicheskie aspekty.
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    Border thinking and disidentification: Postcolonial and postsocialist feminist dialogues.Redi Koobak, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert & Madina Tlostanova - 2016 - Feminist Theory 17 (2):211-228.
    In the context of the continuing dominance of delocalised Western feminist theoretical models, which allow the non-Western and not quite Western ‘others’ to either be epistemically annihilated or appropriated, it becomes crucial to look for transformative feminist theoretical tools which can eventually help break the so-called mere recognition patterns and move in the direction of transversal dialogues, mutual learning practices and volatile but effective feminist coalitions. Speaking from the position of postcolonial and postsocialist feminist others vis-a-vis the dominant Western/northern gender (...)
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  11.  22
    “Big” Sounds Bigger in More Widely Spoken Languages.Shiri Lev-Ari, Ivet Kancheva, Louise Marston, Hannah Morris, Teah Swingler & Madina Zaynudinova - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (11):e13059.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2021.
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  12.  53
    What Can Indigenous Feminist Knowledge and Practices Bring to “Indigenizing” the Academy?Kim Anderson, Elena Flores Ruíz, Georgina Tuari Stewart & Madina Tlostanova - 2019 - Journal of World Philosophies 4 (1):121-155.
    More than a decade has passed since North American Indigenous scholars began a public dialogue on how we might “Indigenize the academy.” Discussions around how to “Indigenize” and whether it’s possible to “decolonize” the academy in Canada have proliferated as a result of the Truth and Reconciliation of Canada, which calls upon Canadians to learn the truth about colonial relations and reconcile the damage that is ongoing. Indigenous scholars are increasingly leading and writing about efforts in their institutions; efforts include (...)
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    The Postsocialist ‘Missing Other’ of Transnational Feminism?Redi Koobak, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert & Madina Tlostanova - 2019 - Feminist Review 121 (1):81-87.
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  14.  21
    Development of Professionally Oriented Intercultural Competence of Future Tourism Experts in the Conditions of Post-Industrial Postmodern Society.Oksana Bihych, Yana Okopna, Madina Shcherbyna, Nelia Zuienko, Valentyna Chernysh & Bohdana Kuksa - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):389-401.
    The problem of formation of professional intercultural competence is relevant in the conditions of post-industrial postmodern society. The article highlights main trends in factors of intercultural competence. The article considers different approaches to determining the foreign language competence of tourism experts to intercultural competence. The analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches gives grounds to define the concept of German-language competence and qualifications of tourism experts. In the context of the study, the features of intercultural competence are identified. The objectives of (...)
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    Convergent technologies in science and innovations in Kazakhstan.Gulmira Kuzdeualiyevna Issayeva, Elmira Yelbergenovna Zhussipova, Alma Shorayevna Kuralbayeva, Madina Unaibekovna Beisenova, Gulbana Erzhigitovna Maulenkulova & Dinara Saparovna Zhakipbekova - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (4):411-424.
    As soon as the economy of Kazakhstan is highly resource‐oriented despite numerous efforts to change the structure of the national economy, constant assessment of the scientific and innovation sphere of the country is actual and important. By way of qualitative, quantitative, comparative, and descriptive analysis 13 indicators related to science and innovations were investigated to define the level of scientific and innovative development in Kazakhstan. Science and innovation in Kazakhstan are under‐financed and state‐based financing of innovative activities seems to be (...)
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  16. Polis und Madina - Averroes' Platon-Lektüre.Friedrich Niewöhner - 2003 - In Peter Bruns, Von Athen nach Bagdad: zur Rezeption griechischer Philosophie von der Spätantike bis zum Islam. Bonn: Borengässer.
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  17. Al-Farabi on the Perfect State. Abu Nasr al-Farabi's Mabadi' ara' ahl al-madina al-fadila.R. Walzer - 1988 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 50 (3):547-548.
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  18. Al-Fārābī's Imperfect StateAl-Farabi on the Perfect State: Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī's Mabādiʾ Ārāʾ Ahl al-Madīna al-FāḍilaAl-Farabi's Imperfect StateAl-Farabi on the Perfect State: Abu Nasr al-Farabi's Mabadi Ara Ahl al-Madina al-Fadila.Muhsin Mahdi & Richard Walzer - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (4):691.
  19.  20
    A Critical Study of Mabādiʾ ārāʾ ahl al-madīna al-fāḍila: The Role of Islam in the Philosophy of Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī.Alexander Wain - 2012 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 8:45-78.
  20.  10
    Sabine Panzram and Laurent Callegarin (eds.), Entre civitas y madīna. El mundo de las ciudades en la península ibérica y en el norte de África (siglos IV‒IX), Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2018, XVI‒394 pp., index, maps, and figures, ISBN 9788490962169.Entre civitas y madīna. El mundo de las ciudades en la península ibérica y en el norte de África. [REVIEW]Carmen González Gutiérrez - 2020 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 97 (1):275-281.
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    The History of al-Ṭabarī, Vol. VI: Muhammad at MeccaThe History of al-Ṭabarī, Vol. VII: The Foundation of the Community: Muhammad at Al-Madina, A. D. 622-626/Hijrah-4 A.HThe History of al-Ṭabarī, Vol. IX: The Last Years of the Prophet. The Formation of the State, A. D. 630-632/A. H. 8-11The History of al-Tabari, Vol. VI: Muhammad at MeccaThe History of al-Tabari, Vol. VII: The Foundation of the Community: Muhammad at Al-Madina, A. D. 622-626/Hijrah-4 A.HThe History of al-Tabari, Vol. IX: The Last Years of the Prophet. The Formation of the State, A. D. 630-632/A. H. 8-11. [REVIEW]A. Rippin, W. Montgomery Watt, M. V. McDonald & Ismail K. Poonawala - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):463.
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  22. On the Relation of City and Soul in Plato and Alfarabi.Ishraq Ali & Qin Mingli - 2019 - Journal of Arts and Humanities 8 (2):27-34.
    Abu Nasr Muhammad Alfarabi, the medieval Muslim philosopher and the founder of Islamic Neoplatonism, is best known for his political treatise, Mabadi ara ahl al-madina al- fadhila (Principles of the Opinions of the Inhabitants of the Virtuous City), in which he proposes a theory of utopian virtuous city. Prominent scholars argue for the Platonic nature of Alfarabi’s political philosophy and relate the political treatise to Plato’s Republic. One of the most striking similarities between Alfarabi’s Mabadi ara ahl al-madina (...)
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    Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization.Lewis R. Gordon - 2020 - Routledge.
    The eminent scholar Lewis R. Gordon offers a probing meditation on freedom, justice, and decolonization. What is there to be understood and done when it is evident that the search for justice, which dominates social and political philosophy of the North, is an insufficient approach for the achievements of dignity, freedom, liberation, and revolution? Gordon takes the reader on a journey as he interrogates a trail from colonized philosophy to re-imagining liberation and revolution to critical challenges raised by Afropessimism, theodicy, (...)
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  24. City and Soul in Plato and Alfarabi: An Explanation for the Differences Between Plato’s and Alfarabi’s Theory of City in Terms of Their Distinct Psychology.Ishraq Ali & Mingli Qin - 2020 - Axiomathes 30 (1):91-105.
    In his political treatise, Mabadi ara ahl al-madina al-fadhila, Abu Nasr Alfarabi, the medieval Muslim philosopher, proposes a theory of virtuous city which, according to prominent scholars, is modeled on Plato’s utopia of the Republic. No doubt that Alfarabi was well-versed in the philosophy of Plato and the basic framework of his theory of city is platonic. However, his theory of city is not an exact reproduction of the Republic’s theory and, despite glaring similarities, the two theories do differ (...)
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    (1 other version)Politics and Metaphysics in Plato and Al-Fārābī: Distinguishing the Virtuous City of Al-Fārābī from that of Plato in Terms of their Distinct Metaphysics.Ishraq Ali - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (3):1041-1061.
    In Mabādi’ ārā’ ahl al-madīna al-fādila as well as other major political writings of al-Fārābī, politics is accompanied by metaphysics. However, the co-existence of politics and Neoplatonic metaphysics in al-Fārābī is usually refuted on the basis of two major arguments: one, the Neoplatonic argument, which denies al-Fārābī’s politics; and two, the Straussian argument, which denies al-Fārābī’s Neoplatonic metaphysics. However, this article would show that the two arguments against the co-existence of politics and Neoplatonic metaphysics in al-Fārābī are faulty, and that (...)
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  26.  32
    Yahya al-Ṣarṣarī and The Image of the Prophet Muḥammad in His Poems.İbrahim Fi̇dan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):267-295.
    The first poems about the Prophet Muḥammad appeared while he was alive. These first examples, which are panegyrics (madīḥ, i‛tiẕār, fakhr and ris̱ā), largely reflect the characteristics of the pre-Islamic qaṣīda poetry. Due to the developments in the following centuries, the number of poems about the Prophet increased. And thus, a separate literary genre was formed under the name al-madīḥ al-nabawī. Especially the fact that sufi leaning poets contributed to the literary richness in this field. Another factor is the beginning (...)
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  27.  24
    The decolonial challenge: Framing post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe within transnational feminist studies1.Raili Marling & Redi Koobak - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (4):330-343.
    The article explores the location of Central and Eastern Europe in transnational feminist studies. Despite the acknowledgement of the situatedness of knowledge, feminist theorising nevertheless seems to continue to be organised around a limited number of central axes and internalised progress narratives. The authors argue that there is a pressing need for theories which can approach the near absence of Central and Eastern European perspectives from transnational feminist theorising, and challenge the limited number of discursive tropes associated with post-socialist Central (...)
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  28. Philosophy of Sufism and Islam.Desh Raj Sirswal - 2016 - Lokayata: Journal of Positive Philosophy (01):34-38.
    Many different meanings are attributed to the term Sufi. From the philosophical standpoint the sufi sect leans towards the mystic tradition, while taken etymologically the word implies anything which is extracted from wool. Sufi was the term applied to those individuals who went through life wearing a woolen gown, spending their life in mediation and prayer. Other scholars are of the opinion that the terms sufi is derived from the root “Suffa” which is applicable to the platform built by Mohammad (...)
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    City Typology of Medieval Islamic Geographers: A Terminological View.Mesut Can - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1137-1163.
    The spread of Islam from the Arabian Peninsula to the North Africa and al-Andalus in the west, to the Chinese borders and the Indian Subcontinent in the east, helped Muslims to establish close contact with many different cultures. One of the consequences of this is that both the increase in scientific accumulation and the emergence of new needs in military, financial and similar aspects accelerated the studies on geography. Islamic geographers of the first period, not only did they describe the (...)
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    The References to the Battle of Badr in the Makkī Surahs in Tafsīr Al-Muqātil.Nurdane Güler - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1143-1162.
    The Tafsīr al-Muqātil (d. 150/767) is the oldest available complete commentary text. In this respect, it has been a focus of attention. In this tafsīr, the references to the Battle of Badr in the explanation of some Makkī surahs are remarkably numerous. Badr was the first war that the Prophet made with the polytheists of Makkah, and it took place in the second year of the migration to Madīna (A. H. 2). The polytheists were far superior to the Muslims in (...)
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    Corrigendum.Raewyn Connell & Celia Roberts - 2016 - Feminist Theory 17 (2):247-247.
    Corrigendum to “Border thinking and disidentification: Postcolonial and postsocialist feminist dialogues”, by Madina Tlostanova, Redi Koobak, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert, Feminist Theory, DOI: 10.1177/1464700116645878.
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    The Origin of Cities: Analysis of Words in the Meaning of Settlement in the Qur’ān.Ferruh Kahraman - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):391-413.
    In the Qur’ān the most significant words used to indicate settlement are diyār, qarya, madīna, miṣr and balad. Among these, qarya and madīna are the most important ones. While Qarya means, county, city, urban, land and settlement, madīna means town. Miṣr is used for a city as well as for a specific name of a country. Diyār indicates a geographic border and the places of a settlement, and balad infers a political unity of a number of settlements. Due to this (...)
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    One Ḥadīth, Sixty Deductions (Wajh): Ibn al-Qāṣṣ and his Fawāʾid Ḥadīth Abī ʿUmayr.Suat Koca - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):787-811.
    Ibn al-Qāṣṣ (d. 335/946), one of the representatives of the Shāfiʿī school of law in the 4th/10th century, compiled a short treatise of extraordinary nature: Fawāʾid Ḥadīth Abī ʿUmeyr. In this work, he deduces sixty different wajhs (verdicts, comments) from a ḥadīth reporting the Prophet’s interest and affection to a child known as Abū ʿUmayr and his family during a visit he paid after Abū ʿUmayr’s birdie died by jokingly telling him in rhyme, “yā Abā ʿUmayr, mā faʿala al-nughayr” (O (...)
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  34. (1 other version)La place des chrétiens dans la Cordoue des Omeyyades, d’après leurs églises (VIIIe-Xe siècles).Jean Pierre Molénat - 2012 - Al-Qantara 33 (1):147-168.
    [fr] Cet article commence par examiner tous les témoignages textuels permettant de situer des églises dans la Cordoue des VIIIe-Xe siècles et ses environs. La conclusion est que si l’on rencontre bien des lieux de culte chrétiens dans la campagne et dans la montagne (notamment les monastères de la sierra), ainsi que dans les « faubourgs » (arrabales) de la ville, il est impossible d’en situer avec certitude à l’intérieur de la madīna, la vieille ville entourée de murailles. La seconde (...)
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    Khalīfa b. Khayyāt’s Historiography Method.Ömer Sabuncu & Mahmut Sabuncu - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1321-1345.
    Khalīfa b. Khayyāt(d. 240/854-855) was an historian- muḥaddith in the ʿAbbāsid’s period. There are references in sources to his competence in history and lineage rather than Ḥadīth. Two works of him have survived. The first one is al-Ṭabaḳāt which is about study of men and the second one is al-Taʾrīkhwhich chronologically narratesthe events in the history of Islam until 232 AH. The latter is the most significant work to be applied for the historiography of ibnKhayyāt. In this article, Khalīfa b. (...)
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    The Ban on Asking the Prophet Muḥammad: Its historical Reality, Nature and Significance.Şuayip Seven - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):565-586.
    In the ḥadīth sources it is being conveyed that the companions (ṣaḥāba) refrained from asking questions to the Prophet. This situation is generally associated with the verse of sūrat al-Māʾida 5:101. An-Navvās b. Samʿān (d. 50/670), Abū Umāma al-Bāhilī (d. 86/705) and Anas b. Mālik (d. 93/711-12) are among the companions who consider this situation as the ban on the asking questions. The concern that asking questions may cause additional obligations that were not presumed to be obligatory also attracts attention (...)
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  37. The Main Principles of Living Together in al-Fārābī’s Virtuous State.Ali Kürşat Turgut - 2022 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 1 (57):38-45.
    As a Turkish philosopher, it is important in terms of indicating the news perspectives that brought to Islamic political philosophy in al-Madīna al-Fāḍilah and his other works, which al-Fārābī wrote with a different point of view. Al-Fārābī’s thought of virtuous state, which he framed with moral principles, stands in a original place in terms of signifying what should be, although it is claimed to be utopian. The Second Teacher divides the state into two as virtuous and unvirtuous in general. Besides, (...)
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