Results for 'Erwin Melichar'

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  1.  13
    What is life? the physical aspect of the living cell & Mind and matter.Erwin Schrödinger - 1967 - Cambridge,: University P..
  2. Phenomenology of Will and Action the Second Lexington Conference. Edited by Erwin W. Straus and Richard M. Griffith.Erwin W. Straus, Richard Marion Griffith & United States - 1967 - Duquesne University Press.
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    Behavior therapy: scientific, philosophical, and moral foundations.Edward Erwin - 1978 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Edward Erwin's clear analysis addresses some of the fundamental questions on behavior therapy that remained in 1978, when this book was first published.
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  4. (1 other version)What ls Life.Erwin Schroedinger - forthcoming - Mind and Matter.
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    Ethos--Sinn--Wissenschaft: historisch-systematische Perspektiven einer philosophischen Pädagogik ; Festschrift für Erwin Hufnagel.Erwin Hufnagel, Matthias Ruppert, Tarek Badawia & Helga Luckas (eds.) - 2005 - Remscheid: Gardez!.
  6.  7
    Die Objektivität des Absoluten: der ontologische Gottesbeweis in Hegels "Wissenschaft der Logik" im Spiegel der kantischen Kritik.Hannes Gustav Melichar - 2020 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    "Hegels Philosophie ist einer der letzten Versuche, alle Wissengebiete in ihren Zusammenhängen verständlich zu machen. Dass Hegel dabei auch theologisches Wissen als grundlegend ansieht, ist oft übersehen worden, weil Kants scharfe Kritik an Wissenansprüchen in der Theologie nur wenige Jahrzehnte wirkmächtig war. Jedoch zeigt Hannes Gustave Melichar anhand des ontologischen Gottesbeweises, das Hegels Denken zutiefst mit den Fragen der philosophischen Theologie verworben ist." --.
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    Was sind transzendentale Modalbegriffe?: Konzeption und Grenze der kantischen Modalbegriffe und Hegels Gegenentwurf.Hannes Gustav Melichar - 2020 - Kant Studien 111 (2):161-190.
    The relation between Kant’s conception of modalities in the Postulates of Empirical Thought and Hegel’s conception in the Logic of Essence has not been addressed in the current scholarship. I argue that there is in fact a close connection that becomes visible if the desideratum which is implied by Kant’s conceptions is understood. Thus, after an analysis of the Kantian modal postulates, the article shows that they are sufficient to characterize the necessity of Kant’s Grundsätze and, hence, a specific form (...)
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    Sind die Organismen mikrophyfikalifche Syfteme?Erwin Bünning - 1935 - Erkenntnis 5 (1):337-347.
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  9. Gothic Architecture and Scholasticism.Erwin Panofsky - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 11 (1):80-81.
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    Review of Erwin N. Griswold: The Fifth Amendment Today[REVIEW]Erwin N. Griswold - 1955 - Ethics 65 (4):316-317.
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    Autonomie und menschliche Lebensform: Zu den Grundlagen eines Begriffs psychischer Krankheit.Gustav Melichar - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (2):226-252.
    In 2020, M. Summa developed a promising approach to understanding the concept of illness. This approach combines a theory of organisms with Responsive Phenomenology to gain a concept of illness. Following on from this, the present article shows that the normative presuppositions can be further explicated and justified by drawing on the theoretical resources of Aristotelian naturalism as propounded by Michael Thompson. Aristotelian naturalism does provide a theoretical option to grasp the normative foundations of human life. However, this article argues (...)
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    Christian Tewes: Libertarismus, Willensfreiheit und Verursachung.Hannes Gustav Melichar - 2018 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 71 (4):361-375.
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  13. God, Slave and a Nun: A Case from Late Medieval Cyprus.Petra Melichar - 2009 - Byzantion 79:280-291.
    A draft of a will takes us back to the fifteenth century Cyprus introducing a strange case : a nun as an owner of a slave woman of foreign origin. While attempting to reconstruct the identities and circumstances of the two women, the primary sources offer a glimpse of the late medieval eastern Mediterranean with its quickly changing boundaries, multicultural context and complex interpersonal relationships.
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    Harmony as a Model for the Human Soul?Hannes Gustav Melichar - forthcoming - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition:1-24.
    Ancient philosophy has been a source of inspiration for contemporary philosophy in recent decades. An outstanding example is the renaissance of hylomorphism in the field of philosophy of biology. For the philosophy of mind, hylomorphism has been little discussed so far. Therefore, ancient models in the philosophy of mind are still of interest. This article argues that Plato’s Phaedo can act as a source for contemporary debates. As a starting point, Simmias’s objections to the immortality of the soul are analyzed. (...)
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    „Mich beunruhigt, dass wir den Glauben an Wahrheit und Rationalität weitgehend aufgelöst haben“: Ein Gespräch mit Vittorio Hösle.Gustav Melichar & Vittorio Hösle - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 3 (1):91-107.
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    Galileo as a Critic of the Arts.Erwin Panofsky - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (1):124-125.
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  17.  41
    What is life? & mind and matter: the physical aspect of the living cell.Erwin Schrödinger - 1974 - Cambridge University Press.
  18.  3
    Autonomy and Vulnerability: Elements of a Phenomenology of Reflection and Reason.Hannes Gustav Melichar - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-21.
    Large parts of the Western philosophical tradition, powerful in Kant’s transcendental conception, have reserved the concept of autonomy for rational subjects that think and act on reasons. While this captures an essential aspect of autonomy, the dimensions of embodiment and vulnerability remain unreflected or are subsumed under the heteronomous conditions of the human subject. If the conception of autonomy, though, doesn’t start with the concept of a rational subject but from the perspective of living beings, autonomy and vulnerability seem intrinsically (...)
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  19.  39
    Hegel’s Answer to the Agrippian Trilemma.Hannes Gustav Melichar - 2021 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 63 (3):363-389.
    In his Encyclopedia, the late Hegel makes the highest demands on truth and justification from the first paragraph onward. With this, Hegel takes up the skeptical challenge and believes that he can overcome this problem. However, it is not easy to see how Hegel tries to meet this challenge in the Science of Logic, which plays a fundamental role in Hegel’s encyclopedic project. The present article argues that the question of the justification of the claim to truth is a fruitful (...)
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  20.  29
    Agamemnon's Test of the Army in Iliad Book 2 and the Function of Homeric akhos.Erwin F. Cook - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (2):165-198.
    I offer a reading of the Diapeira episode based on the semantics and thematics of akhos. My findings resolve a crux at 2.171, where Homer identifies akhos as the reason Odysseus is not launching his ship. Homer clearly signposts the nature of Odysseus' akhos as grief over loss of time in Athene's subsequent speech to him, but the reference is proleptic and has consequently eluded the commentators.
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  21. Ser, conocer, amar. Rasgos elementales de una teoría de comunicación holística a la luz de la especulación trinitaria de san Agustín.Erwin Schadel - 2008 - Diálogo Filosófico 70:51-62.
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    Meinong’s Realist Analysis of Perception.Erwin Tegtmeier - 2019 - In Arnaud Dewalque & Venanzio Raspa (eds.), Psychological Themes in the School of Alexius Meinong. De Gruyter. pp. 161-168.
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    Worse Than Nothing: The Dangerous Fallacy of Originalism.Erwin Chemerinsky - 2022 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    _Why originalism is a flawed, incoherent, and dangerously ideological method of constitutional interpretation__ “Chemerinsky... offers a concise, point-by-point refutation of the theory [of originalism]. He argues that it cannot deliver what it promises—and if it could, no one would want what it is selling.”—David Cole, _New York Review of Books__ Originalism, the view that the meaning of a constitutional provision is fixed when it is adopted, was once the fringe theory of a few extremely conservative legal scholars but is now (...)
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  24.  4
    The morality gap.Erwin W. Lutzer - 1972 - Chicago,: Moody Press.
    With the conviction that "the gap between traditional morality and the avant-garde approach is widening," Erwin W. Lutzer offers this precise, easy-to-understand, and knowledgeable critique of situation ethics. This presentation adds new insights to the discussion of morality and the ethic of love. Lutzer pinpoints the fallacies of the situationist's philosophy and offers a biblical alternative that clearly recognizes and deals with moral conflicts.
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  25. Anomalous monism and mental causality : on the debate of Donald Davidson’'s philosophy of the mental'.Erwin Rogler & Gerhard Preyer - unknown
    The English version of the first chapter of Erwin Rogler and Gerhard Preyer: Materialismus, anomaler Monismus und mentale Kausalität. Zur gegenwärtigen Philosophie des Mentalen bei Donald Davidson und David Lewis »Anomaler Monismus und Mentale Kausalität. Ein Beitrag zur Debatte über Donald Davidsons Philosophie des Mentalen« is a contribution to the current debates on the philosophy of the mental and mental causality initiated from Donald Davidson's philosophy with his article »Mental Events«. It is the intent of the English version to (...)
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    Anmerkungen zum kausalproblem.Erwin Schrödinger - 1932 - Erkenntnis 3 (1):65-70.
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    Three Essays on Style.Erwin Panofsky & Irving Lavin - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (1):66-68.
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    Psyche: The Cult of Souls and the Belief in Immortality Among the Greeks.Erwin Rohde - 1925 - Routledge.
    First published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    The Categorial Structure of the World.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1991 - Noûs 25 (5):726-728.
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    Galileo as a Critic of the Arts: Aesthetic Attitude and Scientific Thought.Erwin Panofsky - 1956 - Isis 47:3-15.
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    Time and events.Erwin Biser - 1953 - Philosophy of Science 20 (3):238-240.
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    Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied.Erwin Chemerinsky - 1997 - Nexus 2:24.
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    Existentialist Theater.Erwin W. Geissman - 1951 - Renascence 3 (2):160-164.
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    Neuland; zwei abhandlungen.Erwin Guido Kolbenheyer - 1935 - München,: Alert Langen/Georg Müller.
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    Literatur-machen: Literatur und ihre Vermittler.Erwin Krottenthaler & José F. A. Oliver (eds.) - 2013 - Dresden: Voland & Quist.
    Die Schreibwerkstätten am Literaturhaus in Stuttgart haben in Deutschland Massstäbe gesetzt. Was vor über 10 Jahren als ein Angebot für Schülerinnen und Schüler begonnen hatte, mündete konsequenterweise auch in ein innovatives Programm zur Lehrerfortbildung: die Gesprächsreihe "Literatur und ihre Vermittler". Zehn Autorinnen und Autoren äusserten sich zu wesentlichen Fragen des literarischen Schreibens und gewährten einen sehr persönlichen Blick hinter die Kulissen. Wo und wann beginnt Literatur? Ist Schreiben erlernbar? Wann wird Sprache literarisch? Ist Scheitern die Voraussetzung für etwas Neues? Wer (...)
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    On the problem of the possibility of a perceptual world-in-common.Erwin Levy - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (1):48-57.
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    Der Weg zum Menschen.Erwin Loewenson - 1970 - Hildesheim,: A. Lax.
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    The power of a clear conscience.Erwin W. Lutzer - 2016 - Eugene: Harvest House Publishers.
    Out of the shadows -- It's not all your fault -- The voice of God or the voice of the devil -- No condemnation: no need for suicide -- The truth that hurts and heals -- The healing power of light -- Conflicts of conscience -- Becoming an impossible person -- Forever forgiven -- When sorry isn't enough -- A clear conscience in a dark world.
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    Die Bezogenheit des Menschen zu liturgischer Feier und Ritus allgemein sowie deren Explikation am Beispiel liturgischer Körperhaltungen.Erwin Möde - 1988 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 18 (1):114-125.
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    Spiritualität: neue Ansätze im Licht der Philosophie und Theologie des Nikolaus von Kues.Erwin Möde (ed.) - 2017 - Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet.
    Reflexion zu Cusanusʼ pastoralem Wirken. Theologische Wendungen und Gedanken zur heutigen communio -- Die Autorinnen und Autoren -- Buchinfo -- Eigenanzeigen.
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    The ethics of everyday medicine: explorations of justice.Erwin B. Montgomery - 2021 - San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
    Ethics of Everyday Medicine: Explorations of Justice examines and analyses the relatively unexplored domain of ethics involved in the everyday practice of medicine. From the author's clinical experience, virtually every decision made in the day-to-day practice of medicine is fundamentally an ethical question, as virtually every decision hinge on some value judgment that goes beyond the medical facts of the matter. The first part of the book is devoted to medical decision cases in several areas of medicine. These cases highlight (...)
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  42. Historical Roots of the Principle of Conservation of Energy.Erwin N. Hiebert - 1963 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (54):160-166.
  43. What Is Life? and Other Scientific Essays.ERWIN SCHRÖDINGER - 1956
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    Psychiatry and philosophy.Erwin W. Straus - 1969 - New York,: Springer. Edited by Maurice Alexander Natanson & Henri Ey.
    The three essays reprinted in this book were first published in 1963 as individual chapters of a psychiatric treatise entitled Psychiatrie der Gegen wart (Psychiatry of the Present Day). The editors, W. H. GRUHLE (Bonn), R. JUNG (Freiburg/Br. ), W. MAYER-GROSS (Birmingham, England), M. MUL LER (Bern, Switzerland), had not planned an encyclopedic presentation; they did not intend to present a "handbook" which would be as complete as possible in details and bibliographic reference. Their intention was to "raze the walls" (...)
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    (1 other version)Phenomenological psychology.Erwin Walter Straus - 1980 - New York: Garland.
  46.  47
    Introducing clinical ethics consultation service in Malaysia: A SWOT analysis.Erwin Jiayuan Khoo, Siew Houy Chua, Meow-Keong Thong, Bin Alwi Zilfalil & John Lantos - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (1):26-32.
    Clinical ethics consultation service remains undeveloped in developing countries. It is recognised that its introduction poses challenges. Malaysia, a multicultural society with diverse religions, values and perceptions further complicate the introduction of formal clinical ethics consultation service. Clinicians attending a national congress workshop completed a Strengths–Weaknesses–Opportunities–Threats analysis. The aim was to gain insight into clinician’s expectations and promote initiatives leading to the introduction of clinical ethics consultation service. Clinicians agree that clinical ethics consultation service can improve quality of care, reduce (...)
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    Parmenides’ Problem of Becoming and Its Solution.Erwin Tegtmeier - 1999 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 2 (1):51-65.
    Parmenides advances four arguments against becoming. Two of these are sound. Plato's and Aristotle's attempt to refute them fail. They react to Parmenides' challenge by differentiating and grading being and existence. Thus they deviate from Parmenides' strict concept of existence which is the only reasonable one. What's wrong with Parmenides' train of thought is a decisive premise: that becoming is a transition from non-existence to existence. The reality of becoming can be maintained if this premise is given up. One has (...)
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  48. Freud among the Philosophers: The Psychoanalytic Unconscious and Its Philosophical Critics.Edward Erwin - 2003 - Mind 112 (446):358-363.
  49. Der Begriff des Kunstwollens.Erwin Panofsky - 1920 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 14:321-339.
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  50.  13
    Nurturing Ethical Leadership and Equity in Malaysia: Report from the Third National Paediatric Bioethics Symposium.Erwin Jiayuan Khoo - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (1):5-9.
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