Results for 'Ethnology Philosophy'

932 found
  1.  58
    Political philosophy, ethnology, and time: a study of the notion of historical handicap.João Feres Jr - 2002 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 43 (105):19-42.
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    The method and theory of ethnology.Paul Radin - 1966 - New York,: Basic Books.
    Radin's timeless critique of anthropological theory and methods from a humanistic perspective provides an overall assessment of the field of ethnology, its shortcomings, errors, and misdirections.
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    Ethnological Jurisprudence.Albert Hermann Post - 1891 - The Monist 2 (1):31-40.
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    Wittgenstein on string figures as mathematics: A modern ethnological approach to the limits of empiricism.Andrew English - 2022 - Philosophical Investigations 46 (2):135-163.
    Wittgenstein’s ‘ethnological approach’ to the philosophy of mathematics, in particular his discussion of calculation as an experiment and the limits of empiricism in mathematics, is presented against three interrelated backdrops: (1) James’ critique of Spencer’s evolutionary empiricism, specifically regarding necessary truths; (2) the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits, led by Haddon and Rivers, whose Reports implicitly confuted Spencer; and (3) the subsequent work of Malinowski, especially his supplement to Ogden and Richards’ The Meaning of Meaning, a book sent (...)
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    Freud's Speculations in Ethnology.G. Elliott Smith - 1923 - The Monist 33 (1):81-97.
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    The ethnocentric gaze: From ethnology to ethnophilosophy to “Africa”.Adeshina Afolayan - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (3):312-321.
    In this essay I deploy Sartre's phenomenology of the gaze as the foil to demonstrate the cultural and philosophical movement from ethnology to ethnophilosophy that produces a specific conception of Africa. The violence of the Western gaze on Africa led several ethnological and anthropological excavations of Africa's cultural beingness, and the eventual creation of ethnophilosophical reason. Despite the obvious limitations of ethnophilosophy, I argue in this essay for a conception of cultural agency around which we can properly understand “Africa” (...)
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    “Psychoanalysis and Ethnology” Revisited: Foucault's Historicization of History.Amy Allen - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (S1):31-46.
    This article re-examines the closing sections of Michel Foucault's The Order of Things in order to address the longstanding question of whether he is best understood as a philosopher or a historian. My central argument is that this question misses the crucial point of Foucault's work, which is to historicize the notion of history, which Foucault takes to be central to the historical a priori of modernity. An examination of his historicization of History thus reveals that Foucault is neither simply (...)
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    Ethnology in the metropole: Robert Knox, Robert Gordon Latham and local sites of observational training.Efram Sera-Shriar - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):486-496.
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    Tribal Philosophy and Culture: Mao Naga of North-East.Athikho Kaisii & Heni Francis Ariina (eds.) - 2012 - Mittal Publications.
    Section 1. Philosophy and tradition -- section 2. Culture, media and politics -- section 3. Culture, ecology and natural resources -- section 4. Women and culture.
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    Semiotics of culture and New Polish Ethnology.Marcin Brocki - 2003 - Sign Systems Studies 31 (1):271-277.
    The paper deals with the contemporary state of semiotic ethnology in Poland (connected with New Polish Ethnology group), its internal and external influences, its specifics, subjects and its reaction to the other theoretical propositions. The “neotribe” of New Polish Ethnology was established by few younger scholars, ethnologists in the early 1980s, in an opposition to the dominant stream of positivistic ethnology. Today they have become classics of Polish anthropology, masters that have educated a new generation of (...)
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    Resurecting raciology? Genetic ethnology and pre-1945 anthropological race classification.Richard McMahon - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 83 (C):101242.
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    Anthropological remarks (I). Anthropological and ethnological readings of Wittgenstein’s thought: between description and theory.Rafael Balza García - 2025 - Ideas Y Valores 74 (187):229-269.
    Based on the question about the anthropological in the thought of Ludwig Wittgenstein, this paper orders the forms of anthropological and ethnological readings that have been done to the philosophy that he developed after his return to Cambridge in 1929; drawing their limits and possibilities from the form of wittgensteinian writings.Given that, since the end of the 20th century until today the studies on the matter have increased, we will elucidate the differences that these readings have when presentinga “wittgensteinian (...)
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    Ernst Grosse and the "ethnological method" in art theory.Wilfried van Damme - 2010 - Philosophy and Literature 34 (2):302-312.
    Why are the Germans good at music, whereas the Dutch excel in painting? What are the reasons for the outstanding draftsmanship of Australian Aboriginals, and why does this skill seem absent among West African peoples, who appear concerned rather with sculpture? Could it be that the Japanese do not share the European preference for symmetry in decorative art? Moreover, why do tastes in the visual arts, music, and literature change so noticeably throughout history? Is it possible that, despite differences across (...)
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  14.  40
    Maori culture and modern ethnology: A preliminary survey, I.I. L. G. Sutherland - 1927 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):81 – 93.
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    (3 other versions)Maori Culture and Modern Ethnology.I. L. G. Sutherland - 1927 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 5 (3):186.
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  16.  25
    Psychology and Ethnology. By W. H. R. Rivers.W. J. Perry - 1927 - Philosophy 2 (5):108.
  17.  8
    Die Philosophie und die Wilden: über die Bedeutung des Fremden für die europäische Geistesgeschichte.Hinrich Fink-Eitel - 1994 - Hamburg: Junius.
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  18.  21
    The revival of political philosophy in France in the second half of the 20th century.Serhii Yosypenko - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:17-28.
    The article identifies elements of national experience that became the preconditions for such revival, as well as determined the originality of French political philosophy. Based on the publi- cations of V. Descombes, G. Labelle, D. Tanguay, M. Foessel,. Jourdain, the author distin- guishes between French political philosophy in the narrow sense, which is represented by C. Castoriadis, C. Lefort, P. Rosanvallon, M. Gauchet, P. Manent, Ph. Raynaud (paying special atten- tion to the Ukrainian translations of their works), and (...)
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    It’s for the Kids: The Sociological Significance of W.E.B. Du Bois’ The Brownies’ Books and Their Philosophical Relevance for our Understanding of Gender in the Ethnological Age.Tommy J. Curry - 2015 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 36 (1):27-57.
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    Studies on the Ethnological Atlas of Europe and Neighbouring Countries Vol. I. [REVIEW]Ernst M. Wallner - 1983 - Philosophy and History 16 (1):84-86.
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    Commentary on Amy Allen's “‘Psychoanalysis and Ethnology Revisited’: Foucault's Historicization of History”.Jasmine Wallace - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (S1):47-50.
    Responding to the long-standing debate concerning whether Michel Foucault is a philosopher or a historian, Amy Allen questions the incompatibility that this opposition suggests. Foucault can be considered neither a historian nor a philosopher in isolation. Rather, given his own account of history and critique in his early text, The Order of Things, we should understand Foucault as a philosopher whose critical interventions are historically contingent. This commentary asks about the role of linguistics in critical theory, as it is the (...)
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  22.  23
    The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume 3: Phenomenology of Cognition.Ernst Cassirer & Steve G. Lofts - 2020 - Routledge.
    "In his Phenomenology of Cognition, Cassirer provides a comprehensive and systematic account of the dynamic process involved in the whole of human culture as it progresses from the world of myth and its feeling of social belonging to the highest abstractions of mathematics, logic and theoretical physics. Cassirer engages with the most sophisticated and cutting-edge work in fields ranging from ethnology to classics, egyptology and assyriology to ethology, brain science and psychology to logic, mathematics and theoretical physics. His command (...)
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  23.  17
    The Birth of Thought in the Spanish Language: 14th Century Hebrew-Spanish Philosophy.Ilia Galán Díez - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book takes readers on a philosophical discovery of a forgotten treasure, one born in the 14th century but which appears to belong to the 21st. It presents a critical, up-to-date analysis of Santob de Carrión, also known as Sem Tob, a writer and thinker whose philosophy arose in the Spain of the three great cultures: Jews, Christians, and Muslims, who then coexisted in peace. The author first presents a historical and cultural introduction that provides biographical detail as well (...)
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  24.  17
    Before Boas: The Genesis of Ethnography and Ethnology in the German Enlightenment.John H. Zammito - 2016 - Critical Philosophy of Race 4 (2):263-271.
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    Philosophy in russia: Journal of philosophical studies.Natalie Duddington - 1929 - Philosophy 4 (16):552-554.
    Some new information has recently come to light with regard to philosophy in Russia. It appears that it is next to impossible for anyone living there to study the subject or indeed to form an adequate conception of it. There is not a single teacher of philosophy or logic in any of the Universities ; a course of the history of philosophy is only read in the ethnological department of the Moscow University. It is proposed, however, to (...)
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  26. An Introduction to African Philosophy.Albert Mosley - 1999 - Teaching Philosophy 22 (4):399-402.
    Samuel Imbo has written a short, concise introduction to some of the major issues addressed over the last century by scholars and activists concerned with African philosophy. The book is divided into five chapters, the first of which surveys answers to the question "What is African philosophy?". Because of a legacy of intellectual denigration that portrays Africans as incapable of abstract thought, this question is often the first raised by those outside the field. This legacy is reinforced by (...)
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    Experiments in thinking about observed ethnological material.Gregory Bateson - 1941 - Philosophy of Science 8 (1):53-68.
    As I understand it, you have asked me for an honest, introspective—personal—account of how I think about anthropological material, and if I am to be honest and personal about my thinking, then I must be impersonal about the results of that thinking. Even if I can banish both pride and shame for half an hour, honesty will still be difficult.
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    Philosophy and Social Science: Introducing Bourdieu and Passeron.Louis Althusser - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8):5-21.
    This text derives from a recording, and transcripts, of the introduction which Althusser gave on 6 December 1963, to a seminar for students in the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, offered at his invitation by Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron. Althusser takes the opportunity to raise questions about the status of social science and suggests that Bourdieu and Passeron represent slightly different strands of contemporary research practice, partly as a result of their different formation and practice since themselves leaving the École. (...)
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    Essays in Polynesian Ethnology[REVIEW]A. M. Ritchie - 1941 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 19 (2):184.
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    The Cultural Historical Method of Ethnology[REVIEW]Mathias Braun - 1940 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 15 (2):371-372.
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    The Method and Theory of Ethnology[REVIEW]A. Muntsch - 1935 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 9 (4):693-696.
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    Another white Man's Burden Josiah Royce's Quest for a Philosophy of white Racial Empire.Tommy J. Curry - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: SUNY Press.
    -/- Winner of the 2020 Josiah Royce Prize in American Idealist Thought, presented by the Josiah Royce Society, for demonstrating the extent to which Josiah Royce’s ideas about race were motivated explicitly in terms of imperial conquest. -/- Another white Man’s Burden performs a case study of Josiah Royce’s philosophy of racial difference. In an effort to lay bare the ethnological racial heritage of American philosophy, Tommy J. Curry challenges the common notion that the cultural racism of the (...)
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  33.  30
    Meaning and Truth in African Philosophy: Doing African Philosophy with Language.Grivas Muchineripi Kayange - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a new way of doing African philosophy by building on an analysis of the way people talk. The author bases his investigation on the belief that traditional African philosophy is hidden in expressions used in ordinary language. As a result, he argues that people are engaging in a philosophical activity when they use expressions such as taboos, proverbs, idioms, riddles, and metaphors. The analysis investigates proverbs using the ordinary language approach and Speech Act theory. Next, (...)
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  34.  23
    Method, Substance, and the Future of African Philosophy.Edwin E. Etieyibo (ed.) - 2018 - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book takes stock of the strides made to date in African philosophy. Authors focus on four important aspects of African philosophy: the history, methodological debates, substantive issues in the field, and direction for the future. By collating this anthology, Edwin E. Etieyibo excavates both current and primordial knowledge in African philosophy, enhancing the development of this growing field.
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  35.  18
    Psychiatry and philosophy.Erwin W. Straus - 1969 - New York,: Springer. Edited by Maurice Alexander Natanson & Henri Ey.
    The three essays reprinted in this book were first published in 1963 as individual chapters of a psychiatric treatise entitled Psychiatrie der Gegen wart (Psychiatry of the Present Day). The editors, W. H. GRUHLE (Bonn), R. JUNG (Freiburg/Br. ), W. MAYER-GROSS (Birmingham, England), M. MUL LER (Bern, Switzerland), had not planned an encyclopedic presentation; they did not intend to present a "handbook" which would be as complete as possible in details and bibliographic reference. Their intention was to "raze the walls" (...)
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  36. Idées Sur la Philosophie de l'Histoire de L'Humanité.Johann Gottfried Herder & Edgar Quinet - 1834 - F.G. Levrault.
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    The Individual and his Society: the Psychodynamics of Primitive Social Organization. By Abram Kardiner, M. D. with a Foreword and two Ethnological Reports by Ralph Linton. (New York: Columbia University Press. London: Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford. 1939. Pp. xxvii + 503. Price 22s.). [REVIEW]R. R. Marett - 1940 - Philosophy 15 (60):438-.
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    Philippa Levine. The Amateur and the Professional: Antiquarians, Historians and Archaeologists in Victorian England 1838–1886. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, ix + 210 pp., $42.50 (cloth). - Robert E. Bieder Science Encounters the Indian, 1820–1880: The Early Years of American Ethnology. Norman, Oklahoma: Oklahoma University Press, 1986, xi + 290 pp., $21.95 (cloth). [REVIEW]Alison Wylie - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (3):546-.
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    Wittgenstein's Anthropological Philosophy.Gunter Gebauer - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book explores how Wittgenstein's personal life provided more of a reference point for his philosophical work than has been previously thought. Focusing on two key phases in Wittgenstein's life during which he dramatically changed his philosophical orientation and reinvented both his intellectual methods and himself, the author presents and alternative understanding of Wittgenstein and his work. The book firstly addresses the period of his "anthropological turn" (1929-1932), in which Wittgenstein developed one of his central arguments concerning the role of (...)
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  40.  9
    Being at home in a place: the philosophy of localness.Aleksandra Kunce - 2019 - Warsaw: Dom Wydawniczy Elipsa.
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    Psychiatry and philosophy.Erwin W. Straus, Maurice Natanson & Henri Ey - 1969 - New York,: Springer. Edited by Maurice Alexander Natanson & Henri Ey.
    The three essays reprinted in this book were first published in 1963 as individual chapters of a psychiatric treatise entitled Psychiatrie der Gegen wart (Psychiatry of the Present Day). The editors, W. H. GRUHLE (Bonn), R. JUNG (Freiburg/Br. ), W. MAYER-GROSS (Birmingham, England), M. MUL LER (Bern, Switzerland), had not planned an encyclopedic presentation; they did not intend to present a "handbook" which would be as complete as possible in details and bibliographic reference. Their intention was to "raze the walls" (...)
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  42. The Unity of Man in Ancient Chinese Philosophy.Ru Xin - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (140):1-28.
    In the history of Western thought, the philosophical study of man has been part of the philosopher's pursuits from the time of the ancient Greeks. But after a lapse of over two thousand years, the study in this field remains not much developed and its achievements are far from satisfactory. Already in 1928, Max Scheler in his Man's Place in Nature pointed out the troubled condition of the philosophical study of man: “Man is more a problem to himself at the (...)
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    Understanding other cultures: studies in the philosophical problems of cross-cultural interpretation.Carola Sandbacka - 1987 - Helsinki: Akateeminen Kirjakauppa.
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    Von Kant zu Bastian: ein Beitrag zum Verständnis des wissenschaftlichen Konzepts von Adolf Bastian mit vier kleinen Schriften von demselben.Das Gupta & Tapan Kumar - 1990 - Hamburg: T.K. Das Gupta. Edited by Adolf Bastian.
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    Black African traditional religions and philosophy: a select bibliographic survey of the sources from the earliest times to 1974.Patrick E. Ofori - 1975 - Nendeln: Kraus-Thomson.
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    Exotics at home: anthropologies, others, American modernity.Micaela di Leonardo - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    In this pathbreaking study, Micaela di Leonardo reveals the face of power within the mask of cultural difference. From the 1893 World's Fair to Body Shop advertisements, di Leonardo focuses on the intimate and shifting relations between popular portrayals of exotic Others and the practice of anthropology. In so doing, she casts new light on gender, race, and the public sphere in America's past and present. "An impressive work of scholarship that is mordantly witty, passionately argued, and takes no prisoners."--Lesley (...)
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    The quest for meaning: developing a philosophy of pluralism.Tariq Ramadan - 2010 - London: Allen Lane.
    How different do our various religions, philosophies and traditions of thought make us? And can we see past what divides us to discover what we have in common?
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    Transcendent individual: towards a literary and liberal anthropology.Nigel Rapport - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Transcendent Individual is an anthropological account of individual creativity and its conscious engagement in society. Drawing widely on ethnographic and theoretic material, and bringing into debate a range of voices--Nietzsche, Wilde and Forster, Bateson and Gerald Edelman, George Steiner, Richard Rorty and John Berger, Edmund Leach and Anthony Cohen--the book approaches individuality in terms of a range of issues: biological integrity, consciousness, agency, democracy, discourse, knowledge, consumerism, globalism and play.
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  49.  24
    After Writing Culture: Epistemology and Praxis in Contemporary Anthropology.Andrew Dawson, Jennifer Lorna Hockey & Andrew H. Dawson (eds.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Anthropologists now openly acknowledge that social anthropology can no longer fulfill its traditional aim of providing holistic, objective representations of people of "exotic" cultures. After Writing Culture asks what theoretical and practical role contemporary anthropology can play in our increasingly unpredictable and complex world. With fourteen articles written by well-known anthropologists, the work explores some of the directions in which contemporary anthropology is moving, following the questions raised by the "writing culture" debates of the 1980s. Some of the chapters cover: (...)
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  50.  66
    Hayti Was the Measure: Anti-Black Racism and the Echoes of Empire in Josiah Royce’s Philosophy of Loyalty.Tommy J. Curry - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (2):73-97.
    In 1814, Baron de Vastey wrote in The Colonial System Unveiled: “When Europeans came to the new world, their first steps were accompanied by crimes on a grand scale, massacres, the destruction of empires, the obliteration of entire nations from the ranks of the living”. Jean Louis Vastey was a Black Haytien man born in 1781, who assumed the role of an administrator in Hayti after Jean-Jacques Dessalines freed the island from European rule. The Haytien Revolution, which was fought from (...)
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