Results for 'Eugenio Coccia'

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    Coccia, from page 11.Orestes P. Coccia - 1993 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 11 (1):15-15.
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    Eugenio Imaz.Eugenio Imaz & Josâe Angel Ascunce Arrieta - 1988 - San Sebastián, Spain: Cuadernos Universitarios (E.U.T.G.--Mundaiz). Edited by Ascunce Arrieta & José Angel.
    1. Le fe por la palabra -- 2. Topía y Utopía -- 3. Luz en la caverna.
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    Scritti in onore di Eugenio Garin.Eugenio Garin (ed.) - 1987 - Pisa: Scuola normale superiore.
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    La filosofia di Eugenio Garin.Eugenio Garin - 1947 - Vallardi.
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    Filosofia e cultura: per Eugenio Garin.Eugenio Garin, Michele Ciliberto & Cesare Vasoli (eds.) - 1991 - Roma: Editori Riuniti.
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  6. Progetti di edizioni vichiane e fortuna di Vico in Toscana Eugenio Garin.Eugenio Garin - 1976 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 6:182-184.
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    The life of plants: a metaphysics of mixture.Emanuele Coccia - 2019 - Medford, MA: Polity.
    We barely talk about them and seldom know their names. Philosophy has always overlooked them; even biology considers them as mere decoration on the tree of life. And yet plants give life to the Earth: they produce the atmosphere that surrounds us and they are the origin of the oxygen that animates us. Plants embody the most direct, elementary connection that life can establish with the world. In this book, philosopher Emanuele Coccia argues that, as the very creator of (...)
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    The Organized Freedom of Love: An Interview with Eva Illouz.Emanuele Coccia & Barbara Carnevali - 2014 - Diogenes 61 (1):84-88.
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  9. La conoscibilità della trascendenza di Dio e della sua azione creatrice in Giovanni Duns Scoto.A. Coccia - 1994 - Miscellanea Francescana 94 (3-4):367-392.
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  10. Vita e opere del Bessarione.Antonio Coccia - 1973 - Miscellanea Francescana 73:3-4.
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    Essays in Legal Philosophy.Eugenio Bulygin - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK. Edited by Carlos Bernal Pulido.
    Eugenio Bulygin is a distinguished representative of legal science and legal philosophy as they are known on the European continent - no accident, given the role of the civil law tradition in his home country, Argentina. Over the past half-century, Bulygin has engaged virtually all major legal philosophers in the English-speaking countries, including H.L.A. Hart, Ronald Dworkin, and Joseph Raz. Bulygin's essays, several written together with his eminent colleague and close friend Carlos E. Alchourrón, reflect the genre familiar from (...)
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    Fuerzas, facultades y formas a priori en Kant.Eugenio Moya - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:49-71.
    Para el autor de este artículo, el rechazo kantiano de la identificación de su concepto de a priori con la noción leibniciana de lo innato solo puede comprenderse de manera clara y precisa, si recurrimos a la concepción kantiana de la epigénesis como modelo epistemológico; es decir, si consideramos las facultades cognitivas como fuerzas formativas que se componen con otras fuerzas de la naturaleza para hacer posible la adquisición originaria de intuiciones y conceptos a priori.
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    (1 other version)Das Museum für zeitgenössische Natur.Emanuele Coccia - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 11 (2020).
    Im letzten Jahrhundert hat sich das Museum von einer Institution, die sich auf die Vergangenheit und ihre Bewahrung konzentriert, zu einem Instrument der Wahrsagerei über die Zukunft von Kunst und Gesellschaft gewandelt. Der Aufsatz schlägt vor, ebenso die Museen für Naturgeschichte zu transformieren und für das Konzept einer Zeitgenossenschaft der Natur mit den entsprechenden Untersuchungsinstrumenten zu öffnen, sodass sie sich zu neuen Museen für zeitgenössische Natur entwickeln können. During the last century, art museums evolved from institutions focussing on the past (...)
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  14. Destruit totam scientiam moralem: Pensiero e legge nell'averroismo latino.Emanuele Coccia - 2005 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 52 (1-2):332-367.
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    Els habitants de la frontera: sobre mètode, modernitat i crisi.Eugenio Trías - 1985 - Barcelona: Ediciones 62.
  16. Análisis comparado en materia de obligaciones entre el derecho romano y el derecho moderno.Eugenio Urdaneta - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 10 (2):324-342.
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    (1 other version)Algunas respuestas a los críticos.Eugenio Bulygin - 2013 - Análisis Filosófico 33 (1):103-123.
    Este trabajo analiza los aspectos más destacados de la polémica entre Juan Carlos Bayón y Eugenio Bulygin acerca de las lagunas jurídicas, el principio de prohibición y el alcance de la discreción judicial. En esta disputa, Bulygin defiende cuatro tesis centrales, enunciadas en Normative Systems : una cuidadosa distinción entre normas y proposiciones normativas es esencial para resolver el problema de las lagunas jurídicas, la versión débil del principio de prohibición no sirve para mostrar que no existen lagunas, la (...)
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    Child Well-Being in Times of Confinement: The Impact of Dialogic Literary Gatherings Transferred to Homes.Laura Ruiz-Eugenio, Esther Roca-Campos, Susana León-Jiménez & Mimar Ramis-Salas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  19. Descartes's Theory of Substance: Why He was Not a Trialist.Eugenio E. Zaldivar - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (3):395 - 418.
    In this work I argue that Descartes was not a trialist by showing that the main tenets of trialist interpretations of Descartes's theory of substance are either not supported by the text or are not sufficient for establishing the trialist interpretation.
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    La vie des plantes: une métaphysique du mélange.Emanuele Coccia - 2016 - Paris: Éditions Payot & Rivages.
    Nous en parlons à peine et leur nom nous échappe. La philosophie les a toujours négligées ; même la biologie les considère comme une simple décoration de l'arbre de la vie. Et pourtant, les plantes donnent vie à la Terre : elles fabriquent l'atmosphère qui nous enveloppe, elles sont à l'origine du souffle qui nous anime. Les végétaux incarnent le lien le plus étroit et élémentaire que la vie puisse établir avec le monde. Sous le soleil et les nuages, en (...)
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    Measuring Organizational Legitimacy in Social Media: Assessing Citizens’ Judgments With Sentiment Analysis.Antonino D’Eugenio, Katia Meggiorin, Laura Illia, Elanor Colleoni & Michael Etter - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (1):60-97.
    Conventional quantitative methods for the measurement of organizational legitimacy consider mainly three sources that make judgments about organizations visible: news media, accreditation bodies, and surveys. Over the last decade, however, social media have enabled ordinary citizens to bypass the gatekeeping function of these institutional evaluators and autonomously make individual judgments public. This inclusion of voices beyond functional and formally organized stakeholder groups potentially pluralizes the ongoing discussions about organizations. The individual judgments in blogs, tweets, and Facebook posts give indication about (...)
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    The Passions, Character, and the Self in Hume.Eugenio Lecaldano - 2002 - Hume Studies 28 (2):175-193.
    In the long history of the interpretations of Hume's theses on the self and personal identity, it is by now widely accepted that the conclusions reached in the first book of the Treatise must be considered in light of what the philosopher adds on these themes in the second and third books. Furthermore, there is no longer much support for the reading, which saw a contradiction here, given that while in the Book 1 he denies the reality of the self (...)
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    A comment on Maurizio Viroli’s Prophetic Times.Eugenio Biagini - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (7):1300-1303.
    ‘Where there is no vision, the people perish’ (Proverbs 29:18) reads like a commentary on poor leadership. In the Vulgate prophetia is the word that the King James’ Bible translators rendered as ‘v...
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    Bureaucratization in Public Research Institutions.Mario Coccia - 2009 - Minerva 47 (1):31-50.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the nature of bureaucratization within public research bodies and its relationship to scientific performance, focusing on an Italian case-study. The main finding is that the bureaucratization of the research sector has two dimensions: public research labs have academic bureaucratization since researchers spend an increasing part of their time in administrative matters (i.e., preparing grant applications, managing grants/projects, and so on); whereas universities mainly have administrative bureaucratization generated by the increase over time of (...)
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    La “scienza della natura umana” di Hume e la bellezza dal Trattato ai Saggi.Eugenio Lecaldano - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 25.
    In the “Foreword” to the publication in 1739 of the first two parts of the Treatise on _Human Nature_, devoted to the intellect and the passions, Hume promised, “If I am fortunate enough to be successful, I will proceed to examine morality, politics and criticism, an examination that will complete this Treatise on Human Nature”. This essay takes a general look at Hume's aesthetic reflection, highlighting its dominant developments and crucial passages, in an attempt to show how the methodological and (...)
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    Acknowledgments-based networks for mapping the social structure of research fields. A case study on recent analytic philosophy.Eugenio Petrovich - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-40.
    In the last decades, research in science mapping has delivered several powerful techniques, based on citation or textual analysis, for charting the intellectual organization of research fields. To map the social network underlying science and scholarship, by contrast, science mapping has mainly relied on one method, co-authorship analysis. This method, however, suffers from well-known limitations related to the practice of authorship. Moreover, it does not perform well on those fields where multi-authored publications are rare. In this study, a new method (...)
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    Hors de la maison.Emanuele Coccia - 2018 - Multitudes 72 (3):101-108.
    Dès ses origines, l’écologie a toujours voulu présupposer l’existence parmi les êtres vivants non-humains d’un ordre, d’un équilibre naturel qu’il est nécessaire d’affirmer pour nier ou refouler l’apparente « guerre de tous contre tous » censée régner entre les différentes espèces naturelles. L’article essaie de définir les présupposés théologiques de cette idée d’ordre, et de montrer qu’au centre de l’interaction entre toutes les espèces, il y a une activité d’inclusion et d’inséparation qui se manifeste par l’alimentation.
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    Il leone imbrigliato: artisti, istituzioni, pubblico.Maurizio Coccia - 2019 - Roma: Castelvecchi.
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  29. Paolo Prodi, Settimo non rubare. Furto e mercato nella storia dell'Occidente.E. Coccia - 2009 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 22 (58):721.
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  30. Sobre las catástrofes naturales y sobre la noche en particular.Emanuele Coccia - 2016 - In Juan Acerbi, Hernán Borisonik, Ludueña Romandini & Fabián Javier (eds.), Viviendo la catástrofe: inseguridad, capitalismo y política. Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur, Argentina: Ediciones UNTDF.
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    Trame del sé: lo sguardo fenomenologico di Nishida Kitarō.Letizia Coccia - 2016 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Nietzsche e la storia: storicità e ontologia della vita.Eugenio Mazzarella - 2000 - Napoli: Guida Editori.
  33. Substance and the Substance of Minds in Descartes and Locke.Eugenio Zaldivar - 2012 - Dissertation, University of Florida
  34.  38
    “My Lady Tells Me I'm Good Woman…”: a Bulgarian Female Migrant's Life-Story Between Assistance Relations and Care Practices.Eugenio Zito - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):334-352.
    In this article, I report on a Bulgarian female migrant caregiver's “life-story,” especially focusing on her relationship with an old Italian woman, on the care practices performed in her favor in Italy, and on her daughter and parents still living in Bulgaria. I chose to do it by means of an anthropological approach based on experience as field of mediation between personal dimensions and historical and social processes and therefore centered on the body conceived as historical product, the influence of (...)
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    Philosophy as Performed in Plato's "Theaetetus".Eugenio Benitez & Livia Guimaraes - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 47 (2):297 - 328.
    We examine the "Theaetetus" in the light of its juxtaposition of philosophical, mathematical and sophistical approaches to knowledge, which we show to be a prominent feature of the drama. We suggest that clarifying the nature of philosophy supersedes the question of knowledge as the main ambition of the "Theaetetus". Socrates shows Theaetetus that philosophy is not a demonstrative science, like geometry, but it is also not mere word-play, like sophistry. The nature of philosophy is revealed in Socrates' activity of examination (...)
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    A Quantitative Portrait of Analytic Philosophy : Looking Through the Margins.Eugenio Petrovich - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers an unprecedented quantitative portrait of analytic philosophy focusing on two seemingly marginal features of philosophical texts: citations and acknowledgements in academic publications. Originating from a little network of philosophers based in Oxford, Cambridge, and Vienna, analytic philosophy has become during the Twentieth century a thriving philosophical community with thousands of members worldwide. Leveraging the most advanced techniques from bibliometrics, citations and acknowledgments are used in this book to shed light on both the epistemology and the sociology of (...)
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  37. Un perduto epitafio per lo storico Sozomeno?Eugenio Amato - 2009 - Byzantion 79:20-24.
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    Lessici filosofici dell'età moderna: linee di ricerca.Eugenio Canone (ed.) - 2012 - Roma: Leo S. Olschki editore.
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    A educação das relações étnico-raciais no currículo praticado em uma escola no campo.Benedito Eugenio & Catiana Nery Leal - 2022 - Odeere 7 (3):167-180.
    O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre as relações étnico-raciais no currículo de uma escola do campo. O objetivo foi identificar de que forma conteúdos de história e cultura afro-brasileira e africana são trabalhados pelos professores das disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa, História, Ciências e Artes da Escola Municipal Margarida Maria Alves, localizada na cidade de Amargosa-Ba. Para a produção dos dados, realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo estudo de caso utilizando a entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados foram organizados segundo (...)
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  40. Ancora sul 'verum-factum'prima di Vico.Eugenio Garin - 1972 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 2:59-61.
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  41. (1 other version)Cronache di Filosofia italiana.Eugenio Garin - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (1):112-114.
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  42. NOTE (E. Garin, 1978).Eugenio Garin - 2013 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (1):185-186.
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  43. Note sulla cultura a Firenze alla fine dell'Ottocento.Eugenio Garin - 1985 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 5 (1):1.
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    Avaliação da percepção de marketing: uma abordagem quantitativa.Eugênio Antonio Maia Giglio - 2006 - Think - Caderno de Artigos e Casos ESPM/RS 4 (2):29-35.
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    Una nueva biblioteca de Teología y una gran obra eclesiológica.Eugenio González - 1964 - Salmanticensis 11 (3):553-560.
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    Analogical versus discrete theories of possibility.Eugenio S. G. Lombardo - 2002 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 80 (3):307 – 320.
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  47. Provincia Franciscana de Granada.Eugenio Martínez Manjon, José María Estévez Andamoyo & Miguel Vallecillo Martín - 1988 - Verdad y Vida 46 (182):315-346.
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  48. El hombre: corporalidad y temporalidad.Eugenio Pucciarelli - 1984 - Escritos de Filosofía 7 (13/14):169.
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  49. La controversia de los humanismos.Eugenio Pucciarelli - 1976 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 16 (24):51.
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    Une nouvelle théorie du sommeil et Des rèves.Eugenio Rignano - 1921 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 28 (3):525 - 535.
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