Results for 'F. Lain'

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  1.  20
    Automated Multiclass Artifact Detection in Diffusion MRI Volumes via 3D Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Convolutional Neural Networks.Nabil Ettehadi, Pratik Kashyap, Xuzhe Zhang, Yun Wang, David Semanek, Karan Desai, Jia Guo, Jonathan Posner & Andrew F. Laine - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Diffusion MRI is widely used to investigate neuronal and structural development of brain. dMRI data is often contaminated with various types of artifacts. Hence, artifact type identification in dMRI volumes is an essential pre-processing step prior to carrying out any further analysis. Manual artifact identification amongst a large pool of dMRI data is a highly labor-intensive task. Previous attempts at automating this process are often limited to a binary classification of the dMRI volumes or focus on detecting a single type (...)
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    To Take the Writer’s Meaning: An Unpublished Manuscript on “Peirce and Modern Semiotic” by Walker Percy.Kenneth Laine Ketner - 2018 - In Leslie Marsh (ed.), Walker Percy, Philosopher. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 133-150.
    Percy has been studied under several headings: Catholic, Southerner, Existentialist. Two such aspects, however, have been neglected: the strong influence of Charles Sanders Peirce, plus Percy’s deep competence in laboratory science. His typescript essay, “Peirce and Modern Semiotic,” presented here, shows that Percy was well ahead of his contemporaries in understanding the scientific and philosophical importance of Peirce’s Semeiotic, the Theory of Semeioses. Percy particularly pointed to the experiential importance of “taking the other’s meaning.” He regarded that common phenomenon as (...)
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  3. The outlook of the tekhne iatrike and the medical act to the third millenium.Roberto F. Araya - 1996 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 17 (2).
    Medicine is arriving at a new millenium. One of its most urgent tasks is to reconcile social health demands with a renewed medical paradigm capable of including them. This challenge requires a reexamination of the definition of medicine.This work takes up the original greek definition of medicine (Tekhne Iatrike) and the Medical Act according to P. Lain Entrago, and analyzes Heidegger's interpretation of Tekhne. It points out the two main ways in which current medical practice is sustained: the Instrumental (...)
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    F. Budi Hardiman (ed.), Franz Magnis-Suseno: Sosok dan Pemikirannya, Jakarta: Kompas, 2016, x+342 hlm.Toety Heraty N. Roosseno - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (2):214-230.
    Buku berjudul Franz Magnis Suseno: Sosok dan Pemikirannya, berisi tiga belas artikel yang terdiri dari empat artikel mengenai sosok Franz Magnis-Suseno, lima artikel mengenai pemikiran Magnis, dan empat artikel sebagai catatan, ditulis oleh beliau-beliau yang tidak diragukan lagi profesionalisme mereka. Baiklah kini dimulai dengan mengulas dahulu lima pokok pemikiran yang secara singkat dapat disebut secara tematis: 1) tentang Pancasila, 2) tentang Etika Dialog, 3) tentang sosok agama modern, 4) tentang menalar Tuhan dari dunia, 5) tentang pendekatan ilmiah sesuai teori multijagat (...)
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    Paul F. Knitter, Jesus and the Other Names: Christian Mission and Global Responsibility, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1996, xix + 193 hlm. Gavin D’Costa, The Meeting of Religions and the Trinity, Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 2000, xi + 187 hlm. [REVIEW]Franz Magnis-Suseno - 2010 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 9 (2):283-289.
    Debat tentang pluralisme tetap berlangsung di Indonesia, karena itu dua buku yang akan dibahas di sini sangat relevan. Paul F. Knitter, seorang teolog Katolik, merumuskan suatu pandangan pluralistik mirip dengan yang diharamkan oleh Majelis Ulama Indonesia pada 2005, sedangkan Gavin D’Costa dalam bukunya dengan tajam membongkar “pluralisme” itu. Dua-duanya berargumentasi secara teologis, atas dasar pengandaian-pengandaian Kristiani-Katolik. Dalam bab pertama Knitter menggariskan kembali perjalanan teolo- gisnya dari eksklusivisme, melalui inklusivisme, ke posisi yang dinama- kannya “pluralisme.“ Knitter tidak hanya menolak anggapan (yang (...)
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    F. Budi Hardiman, Seni Memahami Hermeneutik dari Schleiermacher sampai Derrida, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 2015, 343 hlm.Franz Magnis-Susesno - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):95-97.
    Hermeneutika adalah ilmu tentang pemahaman. Mengapa pemahaman perlu ada ilmunya? Karena, sebagaimana kita tahu dari pengalaman sehari-hari, kita sering salah paham. Kita mendengar persis apa yang dikatakan orang lain, tetapi kita salah tangkap juga dan terjadi masalah. Hal yang sama berlaku bagi ekspresi-ekspresi manusia lain. Misalnya, ada monumen. Ambil batu-batuan di Stonehenge di Inggris yang diperkirakan sudah berumur ribuan tahun. Tentang maksud tiang-tiang batu itu para ahli tetap masih menerka-nerka. Tetapi seorang penduduk Jakarta, begitu melihat fotonya, langsung merasa (...)
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  7. The Principles of Linguistic Philosophy.F. Waismann & R. Harré - 1965 - Foundations of Language 5 (1):128-134.
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    Characterization of rock material by point load strength index test and direct cut.Ernesto Patricio Feijoo Calle & Paúl Andrés Almache Rodríguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):11-22.
    The objective of this work is to establish a relationship between the cutting time in rocks, determining a speed and the point load strength index test, Is, to characterize the rock in terms of resistance and avoid sending samples to laboratories. As a first stage, on andesite samples, 5 x 5 x 10 cm test tubes were made. After the elaboration they were subjected to cutting, using an electric floor cutter and the time was evaluated. This cut was made in (...)
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  9. 1 and 2 Thessalonians.F. F. Bruce - 1982
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    Repression and liberation in the church: II. An anatomy of liberation.F. J. Laishley - 1988 - Heythrop Journal 29 (3):329-342.
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    Rudolf Arnheim, The Power of The Center: A Study of Composition in The Visual Arts.F. David Martin - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (4):448-450.
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  12. Subjectivity between ethics and nature-The question of Deep-Ecology.F. Viola - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 89 (4):537-552.
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  13.  23
    Incidence and Gender Differences for Handedness among Greek Adolescents and Its Association with Familial History and Brain Injury.F. Vlachos, E. Avramidis, G. Dedousis, E. Katsigianni, I. Ntalla, M. Giannakopoulou & M. Chalmpe - 2013 - Research in Psychology and Behavioral Sciences 1 (1):6-10.
  14. (1 other version)Funkt︠s︡ionalʹnai︠a︡ semantika ot︠s︡enki.E. M. Volʹf - 1985 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by G. V. Stepanov.
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    Boekbesprekingen.F. Malmberg, P. Fransen, P. Smulders, J. De Fraine, I. de la Potterie, L. Rood, R. Leys, V. van Bulck, J. De Munter, A. V. Kol, E. Huffer, A. Poncelet, M. de Tollenaere, H. Geurtsen, F. Elliott, L. Vander Kerken, L. Steins Bisschop, A. van Leeuwen, Th Mulder, L. Cleymans, J. Kijm, A. Dockx, M. De Tollenaere, J. Rupert, E. Vandenbussche, J. Beyer, A. De Bil, P. Ploumen, J. Nota, A. van Kol & C. Sträter - 1953 - Bijdragen 14 (3):315-348.
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  16. Papers of Th. Stcherbatsky.F. I. Shcherbatskoĭ - 1969 - [Calcutta]: Indian Studies: Past & Present. Edited by Harish C. Gupta & Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya.
    A Buddhist philosopher on monotheism; text, translation with critical introduction of Nāgārjuna's Īśvarakartṛtva-nirākṛtiḥ-viṣṇoḥ-ekakartṛtva-nirākaraṇa.--History of materialism in India.--Theory of poetry in India.--Scientific achievements of ancient India.--Establishment of the existence of other minds; free translation of Dharmakīrti's Santānāntara-siddhi with Vinītadeva's Santānāntara-siddhi-ṭīkā.
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    The Concept of Sin.F. R. Tennant - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 1912, this book by F. R. Tennant was intended to redress the vague and inconsistent conceptions of sin that were popularly held at the beginning of the twentieth century. Tennant maintained that for any ongoing debate to remain meaningful, it was imperative that definitions of key terms should keep pace with discussion. Therefore his study aimed at providing a clear, logical definition of what sin in Christian doctrine represented, whilst also bringing to bear the importance of ethics (...)
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  18. Is awareness a framework for high-level cerebral functions?F. Anceau - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S98 - S99.
  19. Il principio di ragion sufficiente nella costruzione scientifica.F. Enriques - 1909 - Scientia 3 (5):1.
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  20.  12
    Le « recyclage des femmes ». Représentations télévisuelles de la formation professionnelle.Françoise F. Laot - 2020 - Clio 52:229-251.
    Cet article explore le moment où le thème de la formation professionnelle des femmes, longtemps négligé, s’invite dans le débat public sous la pression d’organisations internationales et nationales. À partir d’un corpus de documentaires et reportages filmés diffusés à la télévision française entre 1958 et 1973 et de différents fonds d’archives, il analyse l’émergence d’une figure de femme en formation professionnelle féminine, celle d’une femme au foyer souhaitant (re)trouver un travail après une longue interruption pour raison familiale. Cette figure en (...)
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  21.  76
    The Restoration of Science.F. S. Marvin - 1928 - The Monist 38 (1):1-17.
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    Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie. Band. I Heft; 1 vol. in-8°, 160 pages.F. P. - 1888 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 25:108-111.
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    Italian Wine - C. Vandermersch: Vins et amphores de Grand Grèce et de Sicile, IV e -III e s. avant J.-C. (Études I). Pp. 279; many maps, drawings and tables in text. Naples: Centre Jean Bérard, 1994 (1995).F. R. Serra Ridgway - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):345-346.
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    The Dyscolus Again.F. H. Sandbach - 1962 - The Classical Review 12 (03):204-.
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    Psychology and Psychical Research.F. C. S. Schiller - 1930 - The Monist 40 (3):439-452.
  26. Sur la mémoire affective.F. Paulhan - 1902 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 54:545-569.
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  27. Protecting human subjects in brain research: a pragmatic perspective.F. G. Miller, J. J. Fins & J. Illes - forthcoming - Neuroethics. Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice and Policy.
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  28. Munṭalaqāt wa-āfāq qirāʼat Muḥammad Shaḥrūr al-muʻāṣirah lil-dhikr.ʻAlī Biljarāf - 2022 - al-Qāhirah: al-Maktab al-ʻArabī lil-Maʻārif.
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  29.  18
    The Philosophy of Music: A Comparative Investigation into the Principles of Musical Aesthetics.F. R. Prout - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (4):482-483.
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  30. Teoreticheskie problemy sovetskogo i︠a︡zykoznanii︠a︡.F. P. Filin (ed.) - 1968 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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  31.  9
    The Norwegian Adaptation of the Big Five Inventory-2.Hallvard Føllesdal & Christopher J. Soto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Two studies were conducted to assess the psychometric properties of scores from the Norwegian adaptation of the Big Five Inventory-2. In Study 1, the BFI-2 was translated to Norwegian and the scores from a convenience sample demonstrated good psychometric properties. BFI-2 scores from subsamples correlated in expected ways with self- and other ratings of the Big Five, and with self-ratings of empathic concern and perspective taking. In Study 2, after some minor improvements in translation, the psychometric properties of BFI-2 scores (...)
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  32.  22
    De l'humanisation de la technique.F. Gonseth - 1956 - Dialectica 10 (2):99-112.
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  33.  8
    Tacitus Ann. IV, 48.F. Jacob - 1851 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 6 (1-4):80-80.
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  34.  26
    Prof. Perry's realism.F. C. S. Schiller - 1914 - Mind 23 (91):386-395.
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  35. Rouse on the Legitimation of Scientific Knowledge/F. Remedios.Remedios F. Fuller - 2003 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 33 (4):444-463.
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  36. Réflexions Sur Nos Réflexions Sur Nous-Mêmes Conférence En Mémoire de F.M. Alexander Par Devant la Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, 27th Octobre, 1984.David Gorman & F. Matthias Alexander - 2000
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  37. Arabic notes on some passages of Lope de Vega's La'Dorotea'.F. D. L. Granja - 1996 - Al-Qantara 17 (1):221-229.
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  38. Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians.F. W. Grosheide - 1953
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  39. Society as Constructed Ontology?F. Grote - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (2):217-218.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Ontology, Reality and Construction in Niklas Luhmann’s Theory” by Krzysztof C. Matuszek. Upshot: The question of whether contingency can be limited concerns the foundations of sociological systems theory as a theory of cognition. This commentary argues that while such limits may seem plausible and apparent at first, they would consequentially give rise to an ontological notion of society within society. Rather, the commentary proposes to understand the limits identified in the target article as social (...)
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  40. The problem of defining social.F. Zich - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (3):376-394.
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    Miscellen: 1. Zur Frage des Papyrusmonopols.F. Zucker - 1917 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 74 (1-4):184-186.
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  42. Nationalism in Europe, 1890-1940. By Oliver Zimmer.F. S. Zuckerman - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (7):777.
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    X. Zur Textherstellung und Erklärung von Philodems V. Buch Ποιημάτων.F. Zucker - 1927 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 82 (1-4):247-272.
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  44. Morphologische Forschung.F. Zwicky - 1959 - [Zürich]: Kommissionsverlag Buchdr. Winterthur.
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  45. Tomorrow and the refining industry F.K. F. Heddon - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 45--22.
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  46. (1 other version)Psychology and Primitive Culture.F. C. Bartlett - 1924 - Mind 33 (132):433-436.
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  47. Introduction. Life encore la Metaphysique.F. Wolff - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  48.  10
    Darwinism and Modern Socialism.F. W. Headley - 1909 - Routledge.
    An adamant fan of Darwin, F.W. Headley attempts to argue the difficulties of believing in Socialism and Darwinism simultaneously and highlights issues which could prevent Socialism from being put into practice. Originally published in 1909, this study uses examples of communities in countries such as England and India to illustrate Headley’s key belief that societies only function well if they do not interfere with the fight for existence and natural selection. This title will be of interest to students of Philosophy, (...)
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  49.  8
    The morality of laughter.F. H. Buckley - 2003 - Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.
    Laughter as superiority -- The elements of laughter -- The one necessary thing -- Objections to the normative thesis -- Comic virtues and vices -- The social virtues -- The charismatic virtues -- Machine law -- Machine scholarship -- Machine art and machine cities -- The battle of the norms -- Resistance to laughter -- The sociability thesis -- Conclusion.
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  50. The matching hypothesis-factors influencing dating preferences.F. Y. Wong, D. R. McCreary, C. C. Bowden & S. M. Jenner - 1991 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Psychology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 2. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 27-31.
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