Results for 'Farabi Ibn Kora'

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  1.  27
    Chapter Four–“Ejected from the Present and Its Certainties”: The Indeterminate Temporality of Hypertext.Shelley la JetéeJackson, Farabi Ibn Kora & Milorad Paviˇc - 2004 - In Paul Harris & Michael Crawford (eds.), Time and uncertainty. Boston: Brill. pp. 39.
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    Al-Farabi's commentary and short treatise on Aristotle's De interpretatione. Fārābī, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Abū Naṣr al- Fārābī & Abū-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al- Farābī - 1981 - London: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press. Edited by F. W. Zimmermann.
    "Al-Farabi of Baghdad (c. 870-950) is the first major representative of the medieval Arabic Aristotelianism which came to influence the Christian West so profoundly. In the Islamic world his writings on logic set the pattern for the future and virtually created Islamic philosophy. He is also important as a witness to the study of Aristotle in late antiquity, demonstrating a knowledge of Galen and the exegetical tradition of Porphyry. This translation is based on a fresh study of the Arabic (...)
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  3. Das Buch der Ringsteine Farabis.Isma Il Ibn Al-Husain Farabi, M. Al-Farani & Horten - 1906 - Druck Und Verlag der Aschendorffschen Buchhandlung.
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    Alfarabi, the political writings.Abū-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al- Farābī, Alfarabi, Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Al- Fārābī, Abū Naṣr Muḥammad B. Muḥammad al- Alfarabi, محمد بن محمد أبو نصر الفارابي & Fārābī - 2001 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Edited by Charles E. Butterworth.
    Selected aphorisms -- Enumeration of the sciences, chapter 5 -- Book of religion -- The harmonization of the two opinions of the two sages: Plato the Divine and Aristotle.
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  5. Buch der Ringsteine Alf'r'bis Neu Bearbeitet Und Mit Auszügen Aus Dem Kommentar des Emir Ismail El F'r'nî Erläutert. 1. Teil: Einleitung Und Übersetzung von Max Horten.Isma'il Ibn Al-Husayn Farabi, Max Joseph Heinrich Farani & Horten - 1904 - Aschendorff.
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    Opera omnia quae Latina lingua conscripta reperiri potuerunt.Abū-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al- Farābī - 1969 - Frankfurt.: Minerva. Edited by Fārābī, William Chalmers & Gherardo.
    De scientiis: translation by Gerard of Cremona of (romanized: Ibsā al-ʻulūm)--De intellectu et intellecto: anonymous translation of (romanized: Risālah fi al-ʻaql).
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  7. The Limitations of Human Knowledge According to Al-Farabi, ibn Bajja, and Maimonides.Shlomo Pines - 1979 - In Isadore Twersky (ed.), Studies in medieval Jewish history and literature. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. pp. 1--82.
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    Sarajevski uvod u arapsku filozofiju: kritika kritike filozofa: Farabi, Ibn Sina, Gazali, Ibn Rušd, evropski averoisti, rjec̈nik.Orhan Bajraktarević - 2016 - Sarajevo: El-Kalem.
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    Ibn Bāğğa's Commentaries on al-Fārābī's Letter and Five Aphorisms.Terence J. Kleven - 2015 - Quaestio 15:275-286.
    The purpose of this study is to provide evidence that Ibn Bāǧǧa’s commentaries on al- Fārābī’s logical writings reveal a perpetuation of al-Fārābī’s logic in Andalusia and that they also assist us in the recognition of the nature and achievement of this logic. Ibn Bāǧǧa’s Introduction or Eisagoge is a commentary on al-Fārābī’s introductory Letter and the Five Aphorisms, as well as subsequent logical treatises of al-Fārābī. Ibn Bāǧǧa, in agreement with al-Fārābī, presents logic as consisting of five syllogistic arts, (...)
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  10. Remark on Al-Fārābī's missing modal logic and its effect on Ibn Sīnā.Wilfrid Hodges - 2019 - Eshare: An Iranian Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):39-73.
    We reconstruct as much as we can the part of al-Fārābī's treatment of modal logic that is missing from the surviving pages of his Long Commentary on the Prior Analytics. We use as a basis the quotations from this work in Ibn Sīnā, Ibn Rushd and Maimonides, together with relevant material from al-Fārābī's other writings. We present a case that al-Fārābī's treatment of the dictum de omni had a decisive effect on the development and presentation of Ibn Sīnā's modal logic. (...)
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    İbn Rüşd'ün Telhîsu'l-Makûl't'ta, Farabi'nin 'Küllî ve Şahıs Araz' Tahliline Dair Eleştirisi ya da Ontolojik ve Epistemik Cevher Üzerine.Mehmet Birgül - 2019 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 9 (9:3):843-879.
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    The Transformation of Power of Imagination (Mutahayyilah) from al-Fārābī to Ibn Sīnā.Ömer Ali Yildirim - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:2):85-109.
    Canlı varlığın iç duyularından biri olarak kabul edilen mütehayyile gücü duyum ve akletme arasına yerleştirilir. Genel olarak bu güç Aristoteles’in fantazya olarak ifade ettiği güce karşılık gelirken İslam felsefesi içerisinde “musavvire”, “vehim”, “muhayyile”, “mütehayyile” ve “ortak duyu” olarak ifade edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada İslam düşünce tarihinin iki büyük filozofu Fârâbî ile İbn Sînâ’nın bu güce dair görüşlerini incelenmeye çalışılacağım. Her iki filozofun da nefsin güçlerine dair şemalarında yer alan ve “mütehayyile” olarak ifade edilen bu güce Fârâbî’nin atfettiği eylemlerle İbn Sînâ’nın atfettiği (...)
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    V poiskakh prekrasnogo: Alʹ-Farabi i Ibn Sina.Naili︠a︡ Khusainovna Zholmukhamedova - 2014 - Almaty: Institut filosofii, politologii i religiovedenii︠a︡, KN MON RK. Edited by Z. K. Shaukenova.
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    Tipolojik Yaklaşım Ve İbn Haldun İle Farabi’nin Toplum Görüşleri Üzerine.Sefer Yavuz - 2014 - Dini Araştırmalar 17 (44):95-120.
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    Haberci Olarak Şair, Kâhin ve Nebî: Fârâbî ve İbn Sînâ Bağlamında Bir Değerlendirme.Nursema Kocakaplan - 2023 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 9 (1):31-54.
    İnsanlardaki nefsin yetkinlik seviyesi ve mizacın denge oranı eşit düzeyde olmadığından onların ay-üstü âlemden ulaşan haber içerikli mesajları kabullerinde farklılıklar ortaya çıkar. Akıl yetisi yetkin, sezgisi kuvvetli, taklit kabiliyeti yüksek olan insanların diğerlerine kıyasla ay-üstü âlemden feyz edileni kabulü güçlüdür. Makalede ay-üstü âlemden iletileni kabul eden ve bilinmeyen olaylara ilişkin haber veren insanlar hakkındaki bilgi üç aşamalı olarak verilmiştir: (i) Platon’un şair, kâhin, âşık arasında yaptığı ayrımın Aristoteles ve Plutarkhos felsefesindeki yeri. (ii) İslam öncesi dönemde şair ile kâhinlerin konumu ve (...)
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  16. Definition in the Philosophy of Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, and Ibn Sina.Kiki Kennedy-day - 1995 - Dissertation, New York University
    In this dissertation we observe the diachronic development of certain vocabulary items which form the basis of discourse in Islamic philosophy in the Arabic language. Using a set of philosophical terms from al-Kindi, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina we analyze the use of each term, first individually and then comparatively. To examine philosophical terms in their natural setting, we will look at the philosophers' own definitions of these terms. Thus, we observe how definitions and their use change over two centuries, (...)
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  17.  64
    La musique arabe Tome 1. Baron Rodolphe d'Erlanger, Al-Fārābī, Abū N-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad Ibn Tarkhān Ibn Uzlagh.George Sarton - 1933 - Isis 20 (1):280-283.
  18. (1 other version)Al-Fārābi on the Role of Philosophy of History in the History of Civilization.Georgios Steiris - 2018 - In Steiris Georgios (ed.), Christian and Islamic Philosophies of Time. Vernon Press. pp. 135-144.
    This volume constitutes an attempt at bringing together philosophies of time—or more precisely, philosophies on time and, in a concomitant way, history—emerging from Christianity’s and Islam’s intellectual histories. Starting from the Neoplatonic heritage and the voice of classical philosophy, the volume enters the Byzantine and Arabic intellectual worlds up to Ibn Al-Arabi’s times. A conscious choice in this volume is not to engage with, perhaps, the most prominent figures of Christian and Arabic philosophy, i.e., Augustine on the one hand and (...)
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  19.  40
    Nurture over Nature: Habitus from al-Fārābī through Ibn Khaldūn to ʿAbduh.Erez Naaman - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (1):1.
    Habitus is a logical and ethical Aristotelian concept that was first introduced to the Islamic world through the translation of Greek philosophical works into Arabic in the ninth century. Following its introduction and until the nineteenth century, thinkers and scholars of the Islamic world naturalized it creatively in various intellectual systems. In ethical usage, habitus is a disposition that, once acquired and well established through a process of accustoming, allows humans to perceive and act in certain ways without deliberation or (...)
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  20.  27
    İbn Meymûn İle Spinoza’nın Vahiy ve Nübüvvet Tasavvurlarının Karşılaştırılması.Kemal İlhan - 2023 - Atebe 9:45-68.
    Bu makale kapsamında, XII. yüzyılda yaşamış önemli Yahudi din âlimlerinden Musa bin Meymûn (öl. 601/1204) ile XVII. yüzyılda yaşamış olan ve düşünceleri neticesinde ateist olduğu suçlamasıyla yirmi dört yaşındayken aforoz edilip bağlı bulunduğu Yahudi cemaatinden kovulan Spinoza’nın (öl. 1088/1677) vahiy ve nübüvvet anlayışları ele alınmıştır. Spinoza, Teolojik-Politik İnceleme adlı eserinde, teolojinin felsefeden ayrılması gerekliliğini göstermek amacındadır. Spinoza’nın bu arzusu onu, İbn Meymûn’la ve onun temsil ettiği gelenekle karşı karşıya getirmiştir. Neticede Spinoza’nın vahiy ve nübüvvet konusunda İbn Meymûn’dan etkilendiği ve onunla (...)
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  21. İbn Sînâ’da İdrak Mertebeleri ve İkinci Felsefî Ma’kûller.Sedat Baran - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (1):291-312.
    İdrak ve niteliği felsefenin en önemli problemlerinden biridir. İbn Sînâ hissî, hayalî, vehmî ve aklî olmak üzere dört farklı idrak mertebesi dillendirir. Buna göre insan nefsi nesnelerin suretlerini duyu yetileriyle algılar. Daha sonra bu suretleri hayal yetisine teslim eder. Akabinde akıl bu sureti barındırdığı maddî eklentilerden arındırarak aklî suretlerin oluşumu için gerekli zeminleri hazırlar. Daha sonra faal akıl insan nefsine aklî suretleri verir. İnsan zihninde duyularla algılanan bu kavramlardan başka kavramlar da vardır. Bu küllî kavramların yeri nesnel âlem değil öznel (...)
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    Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī and Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAdī: On whether body is a substance or a quantity. Introduction, editio princeps and translation.Stephen Menn & Robert Wisnovsky - 2017 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 27 (1):1-74.
    The “lost” Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī treatises recently discovered in the Tehran codex Marwī 19 include a record of a philosophical debate instigated by the Ḥamdānid prince Sayf-al-Dawla. More precisely, Marwī 19 contains Yaḥyā’s adjudication of a dispute between an unnamed Opponent and Yaḥyā’s younger relative Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAdī (who also served as al-Fārābī’s assistant), along with Ibrāhīm's response to Yaḥyā’s adjudication, and Yaḥyā’s final word. At issue was a problem of Aristotelian exegesis: should “body” be understood as falling under the (...)
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  23.  10
    Ibn Sīnā face à Al-Ghazālī (1058-1111). La défense philosophique de la théologie musulmane.Katarzyna Pachniak - 2018 - Noesis 32:173-187.
    Cet article traite de la philosophie de Abū Ḥāmid Ḥāmid Muḥammad Muḥammad Ibn Muḥammad al-Ghazālī, l’un des intellectuels les plus célèbres et les plus éminents de l’histoire de la philosophie islamique. Al-Ghazālī était une personnalité particulière, il ne se considérait pas comme un philosophe. Il convient de noter cependant que, comme il l’a fièrement annoncé, il avait une connaissance approfondie du raisonnement philosophique. Dans ses deux ouvrages célèbres, Le but des philosophes et L’incohérence des philosophes, il a présenté un rejet (...)
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  24. Ibn Ḥazm on Heteronomous Imperatives and Modality. A Landmark in the History of the Logical Analysis of Norms.Shahid Rahman, Farid Zidani & Walter Young - 2022 - London: College Publications, ISBN 978-1-84890-358-6, pp. 97-114., 2021.: In C. Barés-Gómez, F. J. Salguero and F. Soler (Ed.), Lógica Conocimiento y Abduccción. Homenaje a Angel Nepomuceno..
    The passionate and staunch defence of logic of the controversial thinker Ibn Ḥazm, Abū Muḥammad ʿAlī b. Aḥmad b. Saʿīd of Córdoba (384-456/994-1064), had lasting consequences in the Islamic world. Indeed, his book Facilitating the Understanding of the Rules of Logic and Introduction Thereto, with Common Expressions and Juristic Examples (Kitāb al-Taqrīb li-ḥadd al-manṭiq wa-l-mudkhal ilayhi bi-l-alfāẓ al-ʿāmmiyya wa-l-amthila al-fiqhiyya), composed in 1025-1029, was well known and discussed during and after his time; and it paved the way for the studies (...)
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    Ibn Bājja on Taṣawwur and Taṣdīq: Science and Psychology.Miquel Forcada - 2014 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 24 (1):103-126.
    RésuméIl est bien connu que les notions detaṣawwur(conceptualisation) et detaṣdīq(assentiment) sont tout à fait centrales dans l’épistémologie de la philosophie arabo-islamique. La “conceptualisation” désigne la définition d'un objet de connaissance, et l’“assentiment” la reconnaissance de la véracité de la définition, par un raisonnement d'un certain type. Parmi les auteurs ayant traité ces deux thèmes le plus en profondeur figure al-Fārābī, qui a exercé sur Ibn Bājja une influence décisive. Cet article analyse les passages relatifs àtaṣawwurettaṣdīqdans les notes d'Ibn Bājja aux (...)
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  26. Ibn Bājja on Medicine and Medical Experience.Miquel Forcada - 2011 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 21 (1):111-148.
    RésuméLe présent article propose la liste des œuvres médicales composées par Ibn Bājja, donne une présentation synthétique de celles qui nous ont été transmises et étudie le métacommentaire au commentaire de Galien sur lesAphorismesd'Hippocrate (Sharḥ fī al-Fuṣūl). Ce texte montre une influence profonde d'al- Fārābī, en particulier dans sa conception de l'expérience médicale, qui remonte à la façon dont ce dernier construit l'expérience (tajriba) comme le procédé inductif, décrit par Aristote dans lesSeconds Analytiques, produisant les prémisses de la démonstration. Sur (...)
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  27. Yahyá ibn 'Adi and Averroes on «Metaphysics» Alpha Elatton'.Peter Adamson - 2010 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 21:343-374.
    L'A. confronta due commenti su quello che nel mondo arabo viene considerato il primo libro della Metaphysica di Aristotele: alpha Elatton. Dopo averne delineato i contenuti e la penetrazione nel mondo arabo grazie alle traduzioni di Ustat e Ishaq ibn Hunayn, l'A. esamina due importanti commenti a quest'opera: Yahyá Ibn 'Adi, un commentatore cristiano della scuola di Baghdad e Averroè . I due autori leggono il testo in modo molto diverso: questo suggerisce una grande differenza tra Averroè e la scuola (...)
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    “Seeking Maximus’ the Confessor philosophical sources: Maximus the Confessor and al-Fārābī on representation and imagination”.Georgios Steiris - 2017 - In Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher. Eugene Oregon: Cascade Books / Wipf and Stock. pp. 316-331.
    It has been repeatedly stated that Maximus the Confessor’s (c. 580–662) thought is of eminently philosophical interest, and his work has been approached from a philosophical point of view in a number of monographs. However, no dedicated collective scholarly engagement on Maximus the Confessor as a philosopher has been produced. Although Maximus’ treatises reflect a strong philosophical background, prior research has failed to determine with clarity his specific philosophical sources and predilections. Besides apologetic purposes, he referred occasionally to purely philosophical (...)
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  29.  25
    The Philosophy of Ibn 'Arabi.Rom Landau - 1959 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Ibn al-ʻArabī.
    Originally published 1959. Ibn ‘Arabi is one of the most significant thinkers of Islam. Yet he is far less widely known in the Western world than Ibn Sina, Al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd or even Al Farabi. This volume provides original interpretations and illustrations to some of Ibn ‘Arabi’s ideas, as well as including a number of his texts in English.
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    Ibn Ṭumlūs (Alhagiag Bin Thalmus d. 620/1223), Compendium on Logic al-Muḫtaṣar fī al-manṭiq: أبو الحجاج يوسف بن محمد بن طملوس الشقري (ت. 620هـ/ 1223م)، المختصر في المنطق.Fouad Ben Ahmed - 2019 - BRILL.
    The present volume offers a complete critical Arabic edition of Ibn Ṭumlūs' opus on logic, entitled _Compendium on Logic_ (al-Mukhtaṣar fī al-manṭiq). The text covers all the parts of “the expanded Organon”, as it was known from the time of al-Fārābī to that of Ibn Rushd. With an English and Arabic introduction, notes and indices.
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    En la Tierra como en el Cielo”: Profecía y clase en las obras de Ibn Daud.Michelle Hamilton - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (1):173-182.
    Abraham ibn Daud’s Exalted Faith adapts to rabbinic thought and Jewish tradition the Andalusi Aristotelian model that was the framework for understanding God, man, and man’s purpose in the universe. Ibn Daud defines Jewish belief for the perplexed scholar, arguably providing a genealogy and epistemological justification for the scholarly class—based on acquisition of knowledge of the (Aristotelian) universe and culminating in achieving prophethood. The Aristotelian universe presented in the Exalted Faith offers a version of the elitism Stroumsa argues if at (...)
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  32. Being and Essence in the Philosophical System of Aristotle and Farabi.T. Kamalizadeh - 2008 - Avicennian Philosophy Journal 12 (39):94-111.
    In his investigation of the concept of "Being", Aristotle relates the question of "existence" to the question "essence" and considers essence as "whatness" and quiddity. Although in his logical discussions he treats the concepts of "existence" and "whatness" separately and makes a distinction between them, but does not extend this distinction to the area of philosophical topics. But in the prepatetic Islamic system of Philosophy, explanation and distinction between "Being" and "quidity" is without doubt one of the most fundamental philosophical (...)
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    Some Notes on Hasdai Crescas’s use of Abraham Ibn Daud.Resiane Fontaine - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):419-427.
    Abraham Ibn Daud es conocido como el filósofo que en su _Ha-Emunah ha-Ramah_ (escrito originalmente en árabe ca. 1160) incorporó el aristotelismo de los _falāsifah_ musulmanes al-Farabi y Avicena al ámbito de reflexión judío. Unos 250 años después, Ḥasdai Crescas sometió este sistema a una severa crítica en su _Or Ha-Shem_ (ca. 1410). En su introducción, Crescas clasifica a Ibn Daud como un filósofo aristotélico, pero no se refiere más a él. Basándose en investigaciones previas, el artículo examina la (...)
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    What is the Arabic for zoon politikon? Ethics and politics in Ibn Tufayl (d. 581/1185).Corrado la Martire - 2022 - Doctor Virtualis 17:79-105.
    È possibile delineare due filoni interpretativi sul _Hayy b. Yaqzān_ (_Il vivente, figlio del desto_) di Ibn Tufayl: secondo l’uno, l’opera è uno sguardo realistico su un solitario in una società corrotta e si ispira agli insegnamenti della _Repubblica_ di Platone; secondo l’altro, l’opera ritrae un ideale puro e astratto di vita ascetica e insiste sull’imperativo morale dell’isolamento. Tuttavia entrambe queste interpretazioni precludono qualsiasi possibilità di felicità per l’uomo o per il filosofo all’interno di una società. In altre parole, tendono (...)
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    Ibn Ṭumlūs of Alcira (d. 620/1223) on Jurisprudential Inferences and Logic. Introduction, Edition, and Translation of Al-qawl fī al-maqāyīs al-fiqhiyyah[REVIEW]Fouad Ben Ahmed - 2023 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 65:3-33.
    The “Averroism” of Ibn Ṭumlūs (d. 620/1223) has already been attested to by both biographers and textual evidence. Conversely, a close reading of a section in his Kitāb al-Qiyās of his Mukhtaṣar fī al-mantiq (Compendium on Logic) reveals that this “Averroism” has a specific resonance. Unlike Ibn Rushd (d. 595/1198), Ibn Ṭumlūs belongs to this group of philosophers who dedicated a special section to the examination of jurisprudential inferences, titled by him “al-Qawl fī al-maqāyīs al-fiqhiyyah”, which is a part of (...)
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  36. Gundissalinus’s Application of al-Farabi’s Metaphysical Programme. A Case of Epistemological Transfer.Nicola Polloni - 2016 - Mediterranea 1:69-106.
    This study deals with Dominicus Gundissalinus’s discussion on metaphysics as philosophical discipline. Gundissalinus’s translation and re-elaboration of al-Fārābī’s Iḥṣā’ al-ʿulūm furnish him, in the De scientiis, a specific and detailed procedure for metaphysical analysis articulated in two different stages, an ascending and a descending one. This very same procedure is presented by Gundissalinus also in his De divisione philosophiae, where the increased number of sources –in particular, Avicenna– does not prevent Gundissalinus to quote the entire passage on the methods of (...)
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    The Islamization of Aristotelism in the Metaphysics of Ibn Sina.Natalia V. Efremova - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):39-54.
    The article analyzes the activity of the greatest classic of the Islamic philosophy - Ibn Sina, aimed at the revision of Aristotelianism, mainly in terms of its synthesis with Islamic monotheism. Preferential attention is paid to the metaphysical section of Avicennian multivolume encyclopedia “The Healing”. Instead of Aristotelian God / the Prime Mover as the final cause, which serves as the source of the movement of the world, Avicenna establishes God / Necessary Being, who acts as the Giver of being. (...)
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    The Concept of Love in Ibn Debbag's Thought.A. Z. Ahmet - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):995-1027.
    In Sufism, the subject of love or divine love is considered as one of the most valuable concepts and the most important foundations on which the Sufis build their way of knowing Allah. For this reason, it has aroused the interest of many people, especially mystical and literary circles, from different religions, languages, races and cultures since ancient times. If there were no conversation or love, many of the literary texts would not exist today. This phenomenon, which has been handled (...)
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  39. Utopias in the Islamic Middle Ages: Ibn Ṭufayl and Ibn al-Nafīs.Marco Lauri - 2013 - Utopian Studies 24 (1):23-40.
    The purpose of this essay is to examine two important treatises of the Islamic classical age in the light of utopian discourse. The works considered are the “philosophical novels” Risālat Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān f ī asrār al-ḥikmat al-mašriqiyya (Treatise of the Alive, son of the Awake, on the secrets of oriental wisdom) by Ibn Ṭufayl (d. 1185) and Risālat Kāmiliyya f ī al-Sīra al-Nabawiyya (Treatise of Kāmil on the Life of the Prophet) by Ibn al-Naf īs (d. 1288). Together with (...)
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  40. Los "artículos de necesario conocimiento para quien se inicie en el arte de la lógica", de Abu Nars Al-Fârâbî. [REVIEW]Rafael Ramón Guerrero - 1986 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 6:143-154.
    The first book consecrated to logic, written by an andalusian author is Ibn Hazm’s Kitªb al-taqrÌb li-Êadd al-manðiq (“Introduction to definition of logic”). Where, the author seeks to adapt the logic to the simple language of the jurists. Here it is pointed out how this important treatise can depend on the logical school of Bagdad.
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    Mulla Sadrā’s Proof of Ideas.Fevzi YİĞİT - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (3):1127-1141.
    In this article, I will discuss Mulla Sadrā's proof of ideas together with his evaluations of Fārābī, Ibn Sīnā and Suhrawardī's views. The aim of the article is to try to provide a certain opinion about the proof that Sadrā developed. It is seen that Sadrā generally exhibits a dual attitude about ideas. Sadrā's first attitude is to match the theologians' teaching of names, Suhrawardi's view of the master of genres, the sufists' a'yan al-sābita theory and the Peripatetics’ concept of (...)
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    Metaphysics in Islamic philosophy.Fadlou Shehadi - 1982 - Delmar, N.Y.: Caravan Books.
    A study of the concept of Being in Islamic philosophy, with special emphasis upon the contributions of Al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, & Mulla Sadra.
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    The Issue of Demonstrativeness of the Five Syllogistical Arts in Peripatetic Logicians in Islam.Murat Kelikli - 2023 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 7 (2):11-33.
    In ancient philosophy, Logic was seen as the instrument and method of philosophy. However, sometimes detailed and profound discussions have been made about the demonstrativeness of philosophical sciences. Most philosophers have accepted that the mathematical sciences were especially demonstrative and likewise, most of the natural sciences are demonstrative for them. But can metaphysics be demonstrative or not? This is one of the fundamental issues around which the great debates were made in Islamic philosophy. While these issues are known to specialists (...)
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    Falsafa: a filosofia entre os árabes - uma herança esquecida.Miguel Attie Filho - 2002 - São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Editora Palas Athena.
    Membro do Centro de Estudos de Filosofia Patrística e Medieval de São Paulo, Attie Filho é estudioso da filosofia de língua árabe, dedicando-se especialmente à obra de Avicena, sobre a qual prepara sua tese de doutorado na Universidade de São Paulo. Em 'Falsafa - a filosofia entre os árabes', o autor apresenta - tanto para os estudiosos de filosofia quanto para o leitor culto de um modo geral - um panorama do período clássico da filosofia entre os árabes, a partir (...)
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    The Issue of Demonstrativeness of the Five Syllogistical Arts in Peripatetic Logicians in Islam.Ali Tekin - 2023 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 7 (2):11-33.
    In ancient philosophy, Logic was seen as the instrument and method of philosophy. However, sometimes detailed and profound discussions have been made about the demonstrativeness of philosophical sciences. Most philosophers have accepted that the mathematical sciences were especially demonstrative and likewise, most of the natural sciences are demonstrative for them. But can metaphysics be demonstrative or not? This is one of the fundamental issues around which the great debates were made in Islamic philosophy. While these issues are known to specialists (...)
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    Medieval Islamic Philosophical Writings.Muhammad Ali Khalidi (ed.) - 2004 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophy in the Islamic world emerged in the ninth century and continued to flourish into the fourteenth century. It was strongly influenced by Greek thought, but Islamic philosophers also developed an original philosophical culture of their own, which had a considerable impact on the subsequent course of Western philosophy. This volume offers new translations of philosophical writings by Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ghazali, Ibn Tufayl, and Ibn Rushd. All of the texts presented here were very influential and invite comparison with (...)
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    Günümüzün Türkiye’sinde Mantıktaki Ana Eğilim ve Kimi Öneriler.Zekiye Kutlusoy - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi 51:355-361.
    The first Turkish logic books in Turkey were written in the second half of the 19th century. Based on the views of Aristotle's logic, Al Farabi-Ibn Sina embodied the tradition of classical logic approach in Turkey. In this framework, studies began to investigate the basic concepts, problems and discussions of classical logic (general logic). Especially the first half of the 20th century translations done and developments in logic posed pioneering work of symbolic logic by introducing it to Turkey, while (...)
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    (1 other version)Maimonides’ Demonstrations.Josef Stern - 2001 - Medieval Philosophy & Theology 10 (1):47-84.
    It is well known that Maimonides rejects the Kalam argument for the existence of God because it assumes the temporal creation of the world, a premise for which he says there is no “cogent demonstration (burhan qat'i) except among those who do not know the difference between demonstration, dialectics, and sophistic argument.”Moses Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed, trans. Shlomo Pines (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963), I:71:180. All references are to this translation; parenthetic in-text references are to part, chapter, (...)
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    Life and Works.T. M. Rudavsky - 2010-02-12 - In Steven Nadler (ed.), Maimonides. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 1–18.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Maimonides' Life Philosophical Influences Early Works Major Works Reception of Maimonides' Works further reading.
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    Islamic and Jewish Philosophers.Oliver Leaman & David E. Cooper - 1991 - In Robert L. Arrington (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophers. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 665–690.
    Averroes is the Latin name of Abu'l Walid ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Rushd (1126–1198 ce), who was born in Cordoba, Spain. He was a public official, serving as both royal physician and judge, but his political career was often difficult, and by the time of his death he had suffered banishment to North Africa. He is an outstanding representative of the great cultural achievements of Muslim Spain, and produced philosophical works which came to resonate through the West for many (...)
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