Results for 'Felipe Arámburo Manilla'

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  1.  9
    problemas fundamentales de la modalización y el fenómeno del tiempo en Martin Heidegger.Felipe Arámburo Manilla - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 91:83-107.
    En el siguiente artículo se busca plantear la problemática de los modos de ser a partir del fenómeno del tiempo. Se presenta la exposición de los distintos problemas acerca de los modo de ser en la temática de la ontología fundamental. El primer problema se refiere a la modalidad primaria de presentación del Dasein como «punto de partida» en torno a los modos de ser en general. El segundo problema de la modalización consiste en la caracterización de los distintos modos (...)
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    El uso de indicadores formales en la temática del modo de ser de la vida fáctica en el joven Heidegger.Felipe Arámburo Manilla - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (1):27-43.
    La meta del siguiente ensayo es explicar las raíces metódicas que conciernen al uso de los indicadores normales y así vislumbrar el giro que Heidegger le da concepto de fenómeno en vistas a desarrollar la temática de los modo de ser. La intención no es llevar a cabo una exposición histórica o sistemática acerca de los indicadores formales, menos aún confrontar el pensamiento del Heidegger joven con su maestro Husserl en torno al concepto de fenómeno, sino más bien tomaré pasajes (...)
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    Um tipo de justiça infalível: a Justiça Eterna.Felipe Dos Santos Durante - 2010 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 1 (1):116.
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    Entrevista com Luiz Felipe de Alencastro.Luiz Felipe de Alencastro, Joana Barossi & Pedro Paulo Pimenta - 2022 - Discurso 52 (1):168-178.
    Entrevista com Luiz Felipe de Alencastro.
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  5. Arbitrariedad y posibilidad de alteración de lenguajes en Wittgenstein.Felipe Castañeda - 2002 - Ideas Y Valores 51 (118):57-77.
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  6. Is God the Best Explanation of Things?: A Dialogue.Felipe Leon & Joshua Rasmussen - 2019 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book provides an up to date, high-level exchange on God in a uniquely productive style. Readers witness a contemporary version of a classic debate, as two professional philosophers seek to learn from each other while making their cases for their distinct positions. In their dialogue, Joshua Rasmussen and Felipe Leon examine classical and cutting-edge arguments for and against a theistic explanation of general features of reality. The book also provides original lines of thought based on the authors’ own (...)
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    (1 other version)Perception, attention and demonstrative thought: In defense of a hybrid metasemantic mechanism.Felipe Nogueira de Carvalho - 2020 - Manuscrito 43 (2):16-53.
    Demonstrative thoughts are distinguished by the fact that their contents are determined relationally, via perception, rather than descriptively. Therefore, a fundamental task of a theory of demonstrative thought is to elucidate how facts about visual perception can explain how these thoughts come to have the contents that they do. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how cognitive psychology may help us solve this metasemantic question, through empirical models of visual processing. Although there is a dispute between attentional and (...)
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    Die politische Leidenschaft der Kritik. Matthias Bohlender, Anna-Sophie Schönfelder und Matthias Spekker (Hrsg.): „Kritik im Handgemenge“: Die Marx’sche Gesellschaftskritik als politischer Einsatz.Felipe Catalani - 2018 - Marx-Engels Jahrbuch 2017 (1):268-274.
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  9. Olfactory Objects.Felipe Carvalho - 2014 - Disputatio 6 (38):45-66.
    The philosophy of perception has been mostly focused on vision, to the detriment of other modalities like audition or olfaction. In this paper I focus on olfaction and olfactory experience, and raise the following questions: is olfaction a perceptual-representational modality? If so, what does it represent? My goal in the paper is, firstly, to provide an affirmative answer to the first question, and secondly, to argue that olfaction represents odors in the form of olfactory objects, to which olfactory qualities are (...)
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    Teorías pragmáticas.Mariano Aramburo Y. Machado - 1929 - Madrid: C.a ibero-americana de publicaciones.
    La vida noble.--Los valores humanos.--Janua pacis.--El derecho natural.--Leyes de biología nacional.--Los ministros de la ley.
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  11. Hegel y la revolución francesa.Felipe Boburg - 1989 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 65:235-242.
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    A tarefa da experiência antepredicativa na constituição do sentido do objeto: um estudo da Vª investigação lógica husserliana.Felipe Bragagnolo - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 17 (1):177-192.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar como se constitui o sentido do objeto a partir da experiência antepredicativa da consciência como expresso na Vª Investigação Lógica de Husserl. Compreendemos a experiência antepredicativa como a base de sustentação dos atos intencionais da consciência, sendo esta experiência da ordem do que é vivido e não do que é objetivado. A experiência antepredicativa está fundada nos dados sensuais da consciência, isto é, das sínteses que ocorrem sem qualquer atividade explícita de objetivação. Para atingir (...)
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    La Cuarta Investigación Lógica revisitada.Felipe Fuentealba Rivas - 2024 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 21:79-99.
    Este trabajo relee la Cuarta Investigación Lógica de Edmund Husserl, la cual se expone el proyecto de una gramática lógica pura. Examinamos dos asuntos centrales y que han suscitado diversas interpretaciones: a) El modo de aplicación de la teoría del todo y de las partes a las expresiones; y b) La posibilidad de que el argumento contenga otro argumento implícito y contradictorio (ver Bundgaard, 2004, 2010). Ante eso postulamos con respecto a (a), que, si bien la postura de Husserl es (...)
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  14. Emotional sharing and the extended mind.Felipe León, Thomas Szanto & Dan Zahavi - 2019 - Synthese 196 (12):4847-4867.
    This article investigates the relationship between emotional sharing and the extended mind thesis. We argue that shared emotions are socially extended emotions that involve a specific type of constitutive integration between the participating individuals’ emotional experiences. We start by distinguishing two claims, the Environmentally Extended Emotion Thesis and the Socially Extended Emotion Thesis. We then critically discuss some recent influential proposals about the nature of shared emotions. Finally, in Sect. 3, we motivate two conditions that an account of shared emotions (...)
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  15. (1 other version)A gênese antropológica da religião em Ludwig Feuerbach.Felipe Assunção - 2013 - Revista Inquietude 4 (2):9-27.
    Resumo: Feuerbach em A essência do cristianismo desenvolve uma investigação sobre a origem humana de Deus, sobretudo, na religião cristã e este artigo procura reconstruir a fundamentação teórica de nosso autor que, a partir de uma teoria da consciência e essência humanas, alicerça uma crítica/desvendamento da alienação religiosa que o permitirão demonstrar, assim, a verdade integralmente antropológica de Deus e da religião, afirmando, também, a perfeição e infinitude das qualidades essenciais do homem enquanto ser consciente de seu gênero.
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    Fredric Jameson, o la singularidad dialéctica de la teoría.Felip Vidal Auladell - 2007 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 40:173-182.
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  17. La constitución onto-teo-logica de la metafisica.Felipe Boburg - 1989 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 66:300-319.
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    Notas para la simulación de una cultura inclusiva. Marxismo analítico, Fórum de Barcelona y el movimiento revolucionario indígena de cara al siglo XXI.Felipe Curcó Cobos - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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    Nuevas tendencias de la historiografía newtoniana.Felipe Ochoa - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 35:7-13.
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    Logics which capture complexity classes over the reals.Felipe Cucker & Klaus Meer - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (1):363-390.
    In this paper we deal with the logical description of complexity classes arising in the real number model of computation introduced by Blum, Shub, and Smale [4]. We adapt the approach of descriptive complexity theory for this model developped in [14] and extend it to capture some further complexity classes over the reals by logical means. Among the latter we find NC R , PAR R , EXP R and some others more.
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  21. Considering the causal role of behavior in evolution.Íñigo Ongay de Felipe - 2012 - Ludus Vitalis 20 (37):127-135.
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    El atributo “ciencia” como predicado esencial de Dios / «Science» as an Essential Predicate of God.José M. Felipe Mendoza - 2014 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 21:163.
    Thomas Aquinas summarizes almost exclusively the attribute of knowledge in God in Q. D. De Veritate II: De scientia Dei. The absence of confrontation, in its substance, between this text and contemporary studies, referring primarily to the Sacred Doctrine or Theology as science, are treated in this paper integrally with those investigations. However, the approaches differ substantially. In those studies the metaphysical question for theology as a science is prioritized; in this work, however, the essence of God as a science (...)
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  23. El entretien de M. Pascal et M. de sacy: Historia Del texto, hipótesis sobre su composición Y prespectivas de investigación.Op Felipe Trigueros Buena - 2009 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 49 (3):375-422.
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    Fonseca on Topics.Donald Felipe - 1996 - In Ignacio Angelelli & María Cerezo, Studies on the History of Logic: Proceedings of the III. Symposium on the History of Logic. Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 43-64.
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    Rawls: Limites da constituição internacional da justiça.Sônia T. Felipe - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (4):615-632.
    Este artigo revisa as criticas apontadaspor Pablo da Silveira à teoria da justiça de JohnRawls. proposta para ordenar uma sociedade dospovos. Os problemas da estabilidade, do consensojustaposto e da razão pública. tratados por Rawlsde forma insatisfatória em sua obra mais recente,The LaW of Peoples. são aqui revisitados. nointuito de verificar a pertinência daquelas críticase as implicações para a teoria da justiça de Rawls,da substituição dos conceitos de cidadão pelo depovo e consenso justaposto por consensoconstitucional, razão política por razão pública.Considero, criticamente, (...)
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    What does the public think about microplastics? Insights from an empirical analysis of mental models elicited through free associations.Marcos Felipe-Rodriguez, Gisela Böhm & Rouven Doran - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Microplastics are an issue of rising concern, in terms of their possible implications for both the environment and human health. A survey was distributed among a representative sample of the adult Norwegian population to explore the public understanding of microplastics. Respondents were asked to report the first thing that came to mind when they read or heard the word “microplastics,” based on which a coding scheme was developed that served to categorize the obtained answers into thematic clusters. Results indicate that (...)
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    Reconstrução para além do Estado constitucional: a recepção de Facticidade e Validade na obra de Axel Honneth.Felipe Chieregato Gretschischkin & Ricardo Juozepavicius Gonçalves - 2022 - Dois Pontos 18 (2).
    O presente trabalho visa apresentar a recepção que Axel Honneth faz da obra de Facticidade e Validade de Jürgen Habermas. Argumenta-se que, por mais que Honneth não explicite isso em seus escritos posteriores a publicação do livro de Habermas, a obra exerce influência determinante em suas produções que culminam em O direito da liberdade. Assim, apresenta-se tanto a primeira crítica a de Honneth a Habermas, quanto os momentos posteriores de diálogo com a Facticidade e Validade. Ao final, busca-se identificar as (...)
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    Da afirmação da vontade de vida: "Suplemento 45".Felipe Cardoso Martins Lima, Marcelo Prates de Souza & Edy Klévia Fraga de Souza - 2010 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 1 (2):150.
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    Conhecimento testemunhal – A visão não reducionista.Felipe de Mattos Müller - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (2):126-143.
    In this essay we consider the possibility of knowledge being transferred or transmitted via testimony. Initially, we present an introduction to the epistemology of testimony, by indicating their origin in a tradition that has John Locke, David Hume and Thomas Reid as their representatives. We present a version of the non-reductionist thesis. We show that the non-reductionist about knowledge must request from the speaker a testimonial epistemic performance that is truth conductive, as well as intellectual integrity from the listener.
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    Vigil'ncia, Capitalismo e a Corrosão da Liberdade Social.Felipe Gonçalves Silva - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 35 (35):121-143.
    O artigo busca trazer contribuições a uma crítica da vigilância voltada a seus efeitos disruptivos nas condições sociais de manutenção da ordem democrática. Para isso, ele propõe integrar as análises de Christian Fuchs sobre a vigilância, pautadas na crítica da economia política e nas características distintivas do capitalismo informacional, ao projeto de atualização da eticidade democrática defendido por Axel Honneth em O Direito da Liberdade. A conjugação destes dois aportes teóricos permitirá compreender a vigilância como uma das principais fontes de (...)
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  31. Philosophy of science and the replicability crisis.Felipe Romero - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (11):e12633.
    Replicability is widely taken to ground the epistemic authority of science. However, in recent years, important published findings in the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences have failed to replicate, suggesting that these fields are facing a “replicability crisis.” For philosophers, the crisis should not be taken as bad news but as an opportunity to do work on several fronts, including conceptual analysis, history and philosophy of science, research ethics, and social epistemology. This article introduces philosophers to these discussions. First, I (...)
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  32. The Problem of Creation Ex Nihilo: A New Argument against Classical Theism.Felipe Leon - 2024 - In Mirosław Szatkowski, Ontology of Divinity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 291-304.
    It’s constitutive of classical theism that there is a necessarily existent personal god who is also the creator of the universe, where the latter claim includes at least the following three theses: (i) God is wholly distinct from the natural world; (ii) God is the originating or sustaining cause of the natural world; and (iii) God created the natural world ex nihilo, i.e., without the use of pre-existing materials. Call this tripartite component of classical theism the classical view of creation. (...)
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    ¿Cómo pensar el cuerpo al margen de la idea de sujeto corporal? ‘Mera presencia’ y ‘claro del ser’ en ‘Zollikoner Seminare’ de Heidegger.Felipe Johnson - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (1):85-98.
    . Este artículo se propone discutir las dificultades que pertenecen al ejercicio de pensarnos en cuanto corporales. Guía de estas reflexiones son los índices heideggerianos sobre la corporalidad humana realizados en Zollikoner Seminare. Dichos seminarios advierten que la actual experiencia de nuestro cuerpo, pese a poder ser estimada como inmediata, se halla mediada por nuestros propios supuestos epocales y se enraiza ya en el pensar ontológico de Occidente. Así, este artículo intentará examinar las aporías filosóficas de tal mediación histórico-epocal, exponiendo (...)
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  34. Novelty versus Replicability: Virtues and Vices in the Reward System of Science.Felipe Romero - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1031-1043.
    The reward system of science is the priority rule. The first scientist making a new discovery is rewarded with prestige, while second runners get little or nothing. Michael Strevens, following Philip Kitcher, defends this reward system, arguing that it incentivizes an efficient division of cognitive labor. I argue that this assessment depends on strong implicit assumptions about the replicability of findings. I question these assumptions on the basis of metascientific evidence and argue that the priority rule systematically discourages replication. My (...)
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  35. Díaz L., Justina.“Identidad y.S. Felipe Grismaldo - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (147).
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  36. Fernando de Valdés. Documentos inéditos.I. I. Felipe & D. el Inquisidor General - 1969 - Salmanticensis 16:329-72.
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    Implicit Manipulation of Face Processing Performance with LTP/LTD-like Visual Stimulation.Pegado Felipe, Boets Bart & Op De Beeck Hans - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Rawls:Entre o socialismo real e o capitalismo liberal.Sônia T. Felipe - 1996 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 1 (2):89-96.
    Neste artigo discute-se o modo como a teoria de Rawls enfatiza a eqüidade.
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    Legality and Commitment.Felipe Jiménez - 2025 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 29 (3).
    Many philosophers believe there is no general, content-independent duty to obey the law. Yet at least some (and perhaps many) citizens and officials believe law makes a real difference—independently of its content and of prudential considerations—regarding what they should do. This paper offers an argument that vindicates the latter belief, even if skeptics are right in thinking that law cannot generate a general duty to obey. Under this argument, whether law makes a real practical difference, independently of its content and (...)
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  40. Mercado, igualdad y libertad en las democracias modernas.Felipe Mansilla - 1995 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 81:131-136.
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  41. La oración en los salmos.Felipe Ramos - 2003 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:7-44.
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  42. Por la humanidad.Felipe Williams - 1961 - Asunción,: Editorial "El Gráfico,".
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    Marx y la alienación.Felipe Zavala - 1986 - México: Editorial Porrúa.
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  44. El sentido ontológico de la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty.Felipe Boburg - 1995 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 84:284-313.
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  45. Percepción y realidad.Felipe Boburg - 1991 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 72:219-229.
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  46. ¿Es relevante la verdad para la teoría política?: (un diálogo en torno a la democracia pragmatista).Felipe Curcó Cobos - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 43 (131):41-66.
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  47. Más frenos para la reforma educativa.Felipe Romero - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:127-129.
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  48. The (Un)desirability of Immortality.Felipe Pereira & Travis Timmerman - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (2):e12652.
    While most people believe the best possible life they could lead would be an immortal one, so‐called “immortality curmudgeons” disagree. Following Bernard Williams, they argue that, at best, we have no prudential reason to live an immortal life, and at worst, an immortal life would necessarily be bad for creatures like us. In this article, we examine Bernard Williams' seminal argument against the desirability of immortality and the subsequent literature it spawned. We first reconstruct and motivate Williams' somewhat cryptic argument (...)
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  49. Why there isn’t inter-level causation in mechanisms.Felipe Romero - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3731-3755.
    The experimental interventions that provide evidence of causal relations are notably similar to those that provide evidence of constitutive relevance relations. In the first two sections, I show that this similarity creates a tension: there is an inconsistent triad between Woodward’s popular interventionist theory of causation, Craver’s mutual manipulability account of constitutive relevance in mechanisms, and a variety of arguments for the incoherence of inter-level causation. I argue for an interpretation of the views in which the tension is merely apparent. (...)
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  50. From Modal Skepticism to Modal Empiricism.Felipe Leon - 2016 - In Bob Fischer & Felipe Leon, Modal Epistemology After Rationalism. Cham: Springer.
    This collection highlights the new trend away from rationalism and toward empiricism in the epistemology of modality. Accordingly, the book represents a wide range of positions on the empirical sources of modal knowledge. Readers will find an introduction that surveys the field and provides a brief overview of the work, which progresses from empirically-sensitive rationalist accounts to fully empiricist accounts of modal knowledge. Early chapters focus on challenges to rationalist theories, essence-based approaches to modal knowledge, and the prospects for naturalizing (...)
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