Results for 'Fernando Huesca'

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  1. Sobre la muerte.Fernando Huesca Ramón - 2008 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 9 (16):159-165.
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  2. Post tenebras lux : un estudio de caso desde la estética institucionalista de Hegel.Fernando Huesca Ramón - 2021 - In Raquel Gutiérrez Estupiñán, Jaime Villarreal & Miguel Sáenz (eds.), Encuadres del discurso cinematográfico. Monterrey, Nuevo León, México: Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
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  3. La revolución de independencia de Luis Villoro : filosofía, historia y las luchas por la democracia.Fernando Huesca Ramón - 2022 - In Claudia Tame Domínguez, López López & José Luis (eds.), Reflexiones críticas sobre la filosofía de Luis Villoro: un homenaje en el centenario de su nacimiento. [Puebla, Mexico?]: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
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    Philosophy of Mind in Hegel’s Encyclopedia: Towards a Sociohistorical Theory of Human Cognition.Fernando Huesca - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):425-431.
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    Naturalizando la epistemología psicodélica.Chris Letheby & Fernando Huesca - 2022 - Reflexiones Marginales.
    Resumen. El objetivo de este ensayo consiste en mostrar que tipo de conocimiento de puede adquirir en las experiencias psicodélicas, pero tomando como marco de referencia una posición naturalista. En este texto se analizan tres formas en las que esto es posible: 1) la introspección psicodinámica o el saber qué, 2) el saber cómo, que se vincula con el aprendizaje de alguna habilidad concreta y 3) el conocimiento por familiaridad. No son todas las que son posibles, pero si son suficientes (...)
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  6. Motivación divina y mortal: sobre el movimiento de la vida en Aristóteles y Heidegger.Jussi Backman - 2022 - In Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez, Ricardo Gibu Shimabukuro & Jean Orejarena Torres (eds.), Aristóteles y la fenomenología del siglo XX: Estudios en torno a la presencia de Aristóteles en la obra de Heidegger y Husserl. Editorial Biblos. pp. 639-667.
    Spanish translation of Jussi Backman, "Divine and Mortal Motivation: On the Movement of Life in Aristotle and Heidegger,” Continental Philosophy Review 38 (2005): 241–261. -/- Translated by Fernando Huesca Ramón, translation revised by Jean Orejarena Torres and César Mora Alonso.
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    El futuro es el terrorista más buscado. La postmodernidad y el fin del desprecio a la filosofía de la historia.Fernando Bayón - 2009 - Isegoría 40:29-47.
    El ensayo consta de tres partes: en la primera, se establece una breve genealogía de la afinidad entre el nacimiento de la Filosofía de la historia y la noción de Progreso. En la segunda, se extraen algunas consecuencias políticas del hecho de que la idea de Progreso se tradujera como pura aceleración del tiempo histórico. Finalmente, se problematiza la idea de la muerte del Tiempo en tanto efecto postmoderno de la aceleración del Progreso. Y se realiza una crítica a las (...)
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    Der Logos der Sophistik und die Philosophie: Untersuchung zur Eigentümlichkeit der sophistischen Rationalitätsausübung.Fernando Oreja - 2022 - Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
    Dieses Buch problematisiert "die Sophistik" als Gegenstand der Philosophiegeschichte und stellt die These auf, "die Sophistik" sei das Resultat einer philosophischen Operation. Anhand der kritischen Diskussion relevanter Texte von Platon und Aristoteles wird versucht, eine eigentümliche sophistische Logos-Form zu rekonstruieren. Der Konflikt zwischen Sophistik und Philosophie wird als ein Konflikt zwischen einer parametrischen und einer strategischen Rationalitätsform dargestellt.
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  9. La percepción de la forma a la luz de la psicología aristotélico-tomista.Fernando M. Palmés - 1947 - Pensamiento 3 (10):147-172.
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  10. Educación y comunicación en el Eutidemo de Platón.Fernando Pascual - 2010 - Alpha Omega 13 (2):177-206.
    The Euthydemus offers important elements of Platonic thought, from which emerges the need to study philosophy in order to achieve a good life. This article offers a brief introduction to this work of Plato. It then presents an analysis of several ideas that appear throughout the discussion, putting special emphasis on those dealing, directly or indirectly, with the main theme of the Dialogue . It concludes with a synthesis of the arguments given in the work.
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    The co-ordination principles: A problem for bilateralism.Fernando Ferreira - 2008 - Mind 117 (468):1051-1057.
    In "'Yes" and "No'" (2000), Ian Rumfitt proposed bilateralism--a use-based account of the logical words, according to which the sense of a sentence is determined by the conditions under which it is asserted and denied. One of Rumfitt's key claims is that bilateralism can provide a justification of classical logic. This paper raises a techical problem for Rumfitt's proposal, one that seems to undermine the bilateralist programme.
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  12. Towards a Many-Dimensional Modal Logic for Substructural Categorial Logic.Tim Fernando - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 139-151.
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    Commuting Conversions vs. the Standard Conversions of the “Good” Connectives.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2009 - Studia Logica 92 (1):63-84.
    Commuting conversions were introduced in the natural deduction calculus as ad hoc devices for the purpose of guaranteeing the subformula property in normal proofs. In a well known book, Jean-Yves Girard commented harshly on these conversions, saying that ‘one tends to think that natural deduction should be modified to correct such atrocities.’ We present an embedding of the intuitionistic predicate calculus into a second-order predicative system for which there is no need for commuting conversions. Furthermore, we show that the redex (...)
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    Ciudad y ciudadanía: senderos y contemporáneos de la filosofía política.Fernando Quesada (ed.) - 2008 - Madrid: Editorial Trotta.
    La presente obra reúne los temas imprescindibles de un curso de filosofía política, dirigido tanto a estudiantes como a lectores interesados en la historia, los fundamentos y las implicaciones actuales de esta disciplina. La primera parte trata de la tradición liberal, los socialismos, las dimensiones del nacionalismo, el feminismo como proyecto filosófico-político y la institución de la democracia. La segunda parte aborda en profundidad un amplio abanico de cuestiones, desde la globalización o los problemas de legitimación del poder, pasando por (...)
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    Algumas notas sobre a ressignificação cristã de tapeinos.Fernando Rey Puente - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-11.
    O objetivo deste breve texto é o de mostrar como de Aristóteles a Agostinho houve uma revalorização do termo tapeinos, um conceito de menor importância no âmbito da ética aristotélica indicando aquele que se rebaixa ou se diminui ante outra pessoa. Faremos um breve excurso pelo uso desse termo por um autor pagão, Epicteto, e por dois autores cristãos, Atanásio de Alexandria e Basílio de Cesaréia, antes de chegarmos até o seu uso em Agostinho de Hipona, pensador no qual o (...)
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    Rediscovering Richard Held: Activity and Passivity in Perceptual Learning.Fernando Bermejo, Mercedes X. Hüg & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  17. Quality Assurance in Legal Translation: Evaluating Process, Competence and Product in the Pursuit of Adequacy.Fernando Prieto Ramos - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (1):11-30.
    Building on a functionalist framework for decision-making in legal translation, a holistic approach to quality is presented in order to respond to the specificities of this field and overcome the shortcomings of general models of translation quality evaluation. The proposed approach connects legal, contextual, macrotextual and microtextual variables for the definition of the translation adequacy strategy, which guides problem-solving and the rest of the translation process. The same parameters remain traceable between the translation brief and the translation product both in (...)
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    Burnout and Stress Measurement in Police Officers: Literature Review and a Study With the Operational Police Stress Questionnaire.Cristina Queirós, Fernando Passos, Ana Bártolo, António José Marques, Carlos Fernandes da Silva & Anabela Pereira - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Research has demonstrated that policing is a stressful occupation and has a negative impact on police officers’ mental and physical health, performance, and interactions with citizens. Mental health at the workplace has become a concern due to the costs of depression, anxiety, burnout, and even suicide, which is high among police officers.To ameliorate occupational health, it is crucial therefore to identify stress and burnout levels on a regular basis. However, the instruments frequently used to measure stress have not valorized the (...)
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    Deconstrucción de los relatos evangélicos de la pasión. Sobre el arraigo de la ficción en la Historia de las religiones.Fernando Bermejo - 2015 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 20:37-68.
    Las más elementales exigencias de rigor crítico e independencia siguen a menudo sin cumplirse hoy en día en la reconstrucción histórica de la figura del judío Yeshua ben Yosef, en parte porque el carácter inconsistente de las fuentes evangélicas no es tomado en serio. El presente artículo analiza las incongruencias de los relatos de la pasión, muestra en ellos los indicios de un proceso de despolitización, y señala el carácter insostenible de varias afirmaciones clave de muchos historiadores contemporáneos sobre el (...)
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    A modal logic for non-deterministic discourse processing.Tim Fernando - 1999 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8 (4):445-468.
    A modal logic for translating a sequence of English sentences to a sequence of logical forms is presented, characterized by Kripke models with points formed from input/output sequences, and valuations determined by entailment relations. Previous approaches based (to one degree or another) on Quantified Dynamic Logic are embeddable within it. Applications to presupposition and ambiguity are described, and decision procedures and axiomatizations supplied.
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    Jazz and Philosophical Contrapunteo: Philosophies of La Vida in the Americas on Behalf of Radical Democracy.Gregory Fernando Pappas - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (1):1-25.
    the saap 2020 conference in mexico is the culmination of an internal and gradual transformation in SAAP that has taken many years. I came to this organization as a graduate student. I was then the only Latino and Leonard Harris the only African American philosopher in SAAP. Thanks to the efforts of many scholars and presidents, SAAP has come to recognize the important philosophical contributions of female, African American, Indigenous, and Latinx philosophers. Let's not take for granted how we got (...)
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  22. Inertia in Temporal Modification.Tim Fernando - unknown
    Inertia is enshrined in Newton’s first law of motion, a body at rest or in uniform motion remains in that state unless a force is applied to it. Now, consider (1). (1) Pat stopped the car before it hit the tree. Can we conclude from (1) that the car struck the tree? Not without further information such as that supplied in (2). (2) But the bus behind kept going. A post-condition for Pat stopping the car is that the car be (...)
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    Algumas reflexões sobre o sistema de avaliação.Fernando Antônio Leite de Oliveira - 2008 - Educação E Filosofia 1 (2):77-79.
    Desde 1980 têm-se feito discussões, na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, para mudar o sistema de avaliação. Em diversas ocasiões, foram feitas consultas a diversas instância da comunidade sobre o quê e em que todas as vezes a discussão ficou retida em algum ponto sem que houvesse um progresso, nos passos seguintes. A rigor, a única mudança visível em todo esse período foi a eliminação das provas finais do semestre. A discussão sobre a alteração da nota mínima de aprovação, de 54 (...)
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  24. El Desarrollo de la industria en Costa Rica.Fernando Herrero Acosta & Leonardo Garnier Rímolo - forthcoming - Pensamiento.
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  25. The collective memory and the essential tension history.Fernando Broncano - 1997 - Endoxa 9:51-75.
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    A logical formalisation of false belief tasks.Anthia Solaki & Fernando R. Velázquez-Quesada - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics:1-51.
    Theory of Mind (ToM), the cognitive capacity to attribute internal mental states to oneself and others, is a crucial component of social skills. Its formal study has become important, witness recent research on reasoning and information update by intelligent agents, and some proposals for its formal modelling have put forward settings based on Epistemic Logic (EL). Still, due to intrinsic idealisations, it is questionable whether EL can be used to model the high-order cognition of ‘real’ agents. This manuscript proposes a (...)
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  27. Reichenbach's e, R and S in a finite-state setting.Tim Fernando - manuscript
    Reichenbach's event, reference and speech times are interpreted semantically by stringing and superposing sets of temporal formulae, structured within regular languages. Notions of continuation branches and of inertia, bound (in a precise sense) by reference time, are developed and applied to the progressive and the perfect.
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    El individuo aristotélico. Entre la particularidad y la singularidad.Luis Fernando Fallas López - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 34:147-185.
    Se hace una revisión del uso e implicaciones de la expresión Ka fKaoTov en buena parte de la obra aristotélica -interesan de manera especial en este estudio los tratados que conforman el Organon, pero sin dejar de lado textos ontológicos, cosmológicos, éticos, políticos y biológicos del filósofo-. Dicha fórmula designa al individuo en la lógica discursiva del Estagirita, pero los modos en que se va comprendiendo no son completamente congruentes; así, se pasa de un singularismo, que supone una identidad única (...)
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    Confronting Racism in Medicine: Stories of Resistance.Aletha Maybank & Fernando De Maio - 2021 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 11 (3):265-269.
  30. George Santayana: entre América y Europa.Fernando GenovÉs - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):5-14.
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    A desrepresentação do "outro" nos trabalhos de vídeo-arte de Maurício Dias e Walter Riedweg.Fernando Do Nascimento Gonçalves, Andre Gomes & Ana Paula Santos - 2011 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 18 (2).
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    Effects of partial reinforcement in an autoshaping procedure.Fernando A. Gonzalez - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (5):299-301.
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  33. From the Golden Age To El Dorado: (Metamorphosis of a Myth).Fernando Ainsa - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (133):20-46.
    The geographical Utopias that present a New World, from classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages to the exploration and conquest of American territories by Spain, give a two-fold vision of the myth of gold. On the one hand, the legendary lands in which were found the wealth and power generated by the coveted metal—El Dorado, El Paititi, the City of the Caesars—establish the direction of a venture toward the unknown, and a geography of the imaginary marked the ubiquitous sign of (...)
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    Endangerment, biodiversity and culture.Fernando Vidal & Nélia Dias (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
    This book explores the notion of endangerment which stands at the heart of a network of concepts, values and practices dealing with objects considered threatened by extinction, and with the procedures aimed at preserving them. It looks at some of the fundamental ways in which this process involves science, but also more than science: not only data and knowledge and institutions, but also affects and values. With a focus on endangerment sensibility, it encapsulates tensions between the normative and the utilitarian, (...)
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    A short note on Spector's proof of consistency of analysis.Fernando Ferreira - 2012 - In S. Barry Cooper (ed.), How the World Computes. pp. 222--227.
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    Globalización y Migración.Fernando Garrido Ferradanes - 2004 - Aposta 6:1.
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  37. Ltl∗∗.Tim Fernando - unknown
    Schubert’s proposal ([Sch00]) that sentences not only describe but also characterize situations is worked out in the context of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), a well-known propositional logic with linear future operators (e.g. [HR04]). The resulting formalism LTL∗∗ illustrates an approach that diverges from Schubert’s FOL∗∗ in technical details but shares many (if not all) its motivations.
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  38. La aporía de las antropologías totalizantes como pregunta a Los teólogos.Juan Fernando Selles - 2010 - Salmanticensis 57 (2):273-297.
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    Morality, Law, and Practical Reason.Enrique Benjamin R. Fernando Iii - 2021 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 22 (2):186-204.
    Morality is a normative system of guidance that figures into practical reason by telling people what to do in various situations. The problem, however, is that morality has inherent gaps that often render it inefficacious. First, it may be indeterminate due to the high level of generality in which its principles are formulated. Second, moral terms such as ‘good’ and ‘right’ may be so vague that they fail to specify the requisite behavior. And third, its subjective aspect, which is a (...)
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  40. Revised october.Tim Fernando - unknown
    judgments of acceptability A basic choice point is whether the conjunction of two propositions each separately acceptable must be deemed acceptable Concepts of acceptability closed under conjunction are analyzed within Keisler s weak logic for generalized quanti ers or more speci cally lter quanti ers In a di erent direction the notion of a lter is generalized so as to allow sets with probability non in nitesimally below to be acceptable..
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    Monteiro da Rocha and the international debate in the 1760s on astronomical methods to find the longitude at sea: his proposals and criticisms to Lacaille’s lunar-distance method.Fernando B. Figueiredo & Guy Boistel - 2022 - Annals of Science 79 (2):215-258.
    In the 1760s, the international debate on the solution to determining longitude at sea is at its acme. Two solutions emerge, the mechanical and the astronomical ones. The Portuguese mathematician and astronomer José Monteiro da Rocha (1734–1819) is well aware of that debate. For him, Harrison’s No. 4 marine timekeeper cannot be seen as a solution. The desirable solution could only be astronomical. In a manuscript from c. 1765, which unfortunately he fails to publish, Monteiro da Rocha is very critical (...)
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    La probabilità delle cinque vie in S. Tommaso.Fernando Fiorentino - 1992 - Idee 19:31-70.
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    The Humanist as Engineer Manifesto.Fernando Flores - unknown
    The manifesto of a new philosophy of technology.
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    El accidente veloz:(notas sobre el vértigo contemporáneo).Fernando Castro Flórez - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 47:59-67.
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  45. Justiça Global e Democracia.Fernando Aranda Fraga - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (1):248-253.
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    Abduction: A categorical characterization.Fernando Tohmé, Gianluca Caterina & Rocco Gangle - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (1):78-90.
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  47. Legal reasoning and legal theory revisited.Fernando Atria - 1999 - Law and Philosophy 18 (5):537-577.
    This article deals with the relation between a theory of law and a theory of legal reasoning. Starting from a close reading of Chapter VII of H. L. A. Hart's The Concept of Law, it claims that a theory of law like Hart's requires a particular theory of legal reasoning, or at least a theory of legal reasoning with some particular characteristics. It then goes on to say that any theory of legal reasoning that satisfies those requirements is highly implausible, (...)
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  48. Individualidad e individuación según Edith Stein.Fernando Haya - 2004 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 32:159-174.
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    The notion of language deviations in St. Augustine’s Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata.Fábio Fortes & Fernando Adão de Sá Freitas - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 27:e02710.
    The notion of linguistic correction with which Augustine of Hippo introduced his Ars pro fratrum mediocritate breuiata seems central to the philosopher's grammatical discussion, not only because of the various examples that Augustine offers about the definitions of barbarism and soloecism at the end of this treatise, but also because the subject of correction and, consequently, of the deviations of language, are also presented in other non-grammatical works: The confessions, De ordine and De doctrina Christiana. In this article, we propose (...)
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  50. First principles, substance and action: studies in Aristotle and Aristotelianism.Fernando Inciarte Armiñán - 2005 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Lourdes Flamarique.
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