Results for 'Ferruccio Biolcati-Rinaldi'

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  1.  39
    What Data Sources and Bibliometric Indicators for Social Sciences? Some Results from a Case Study.Ferruccio Biolcati Rinaldi - 2012 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 26 (2):171-202.
  2.  26
    F. Biolcati Rinaldi, Povertà, teoria e tempo.G. L. Venturini - 2006 - Polis 20 (3):480-481.
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    La edad crepuscular: interpretación de la obra de René Guénon.Vicente Alberto Biolcati - 1988 - Buenos Aires: Ediciones Fidelidad.
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    Recognition of Facial Emotional Expressions Among Italian Pre-adolescents, and Their Affective Reactions.Giacomo Mancini, Roberta Biolcati, Sergio Agnoli, Federica Andrei & Elena Trombini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Keeping an eye on serial order: Ocular movements bind space and time.Luca Rinaldi, Peter Brugger, Christopher J. Bockisch, Giovanni Bertolini & Luisa Girelli - 2015 - Cognition 142:291-298.
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    Cut elimination for entailment relations.Davide Rinaldi & Daniel Wessel - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (5):605-625.
    Entailment relations, introduced by Scott in the early 1970s, provide an abstract generalisation of Gentzen’s multi-conclusion logical inference. Originally applied to the study of multi-valued logics, this notion has then found plenty of applications, ranging from computer science to abstract algebra. In particular, an entailment relation can be regarded as a constructive presentation of a distributive lattice and in this guise it has proven to be a useful tool for the constructive reformulation of several classical theorems in commutative algebra. In (...)
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    Entwurf einer neuen Ästhetik der Tonkunst.Ferruccio Busoni - 1916 - Leipzig: Insel-Verl..
    Reproduktion des Originals: Entwurf einer neuen Ästhetik der Tonkunst von Ferruccio Busoni.
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  8.  19
    The Name is the Meaning: Language Used for the So-Called ‘MENA’.Patrizia Rinaldi - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-20.
    Contemporary international migration is directly related to the construction of the nation-state. The variations in this migration are multiple, depending on the type of mobility, the territories and the characteristics of the people who practice it. One kind of migration that has been particularly important at the end of the twentieth century and so far in the twenty-first century is that of minors who migrate without being accompanied by their parents. The legal definitions, bureaucratic practices and rights of these minors-turned-migrants (...)
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  9.  33
    A History and Interpretation of the Logic of Hegel.Giacomo Rinaldi (ed.) - 1992 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    Outlines a systematic historical account of the developments of Hegel's logic, both in his own works and those of his most significant followers. This study then provides an interpretation and internal criticism from an idealistic-transcendental philosophical perspective.
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  10. Anatomia dell’autenticità.Ferruccio Vigna - 2018 - L'ombra 11.
    Quello di autenticità è un concetto che tutti crediamo intuitivamente di capire, ma che poi troviamo difficile definire a parole. È successo anche a me, tanto che ho preferito affrontare la questione rivolgendomi ai moderni depositari del sapere. Secondo Wikipedia, l’autenticità coincide in sintesi con la verità. Autentico è – leggo - ciò che si riferisce alla nostra vera interiorità, al di là di quello che vogliamo apparire o crediamo di essere. Nel concreto, però, di fronte al problema di spiegare (...)
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  11.  17
    Chi era il socialista Adriano Olivetti?Giuseppe De Rinaldis - 2011 - Trento: UNI service.
  12.  2
    Saggio sulla metafisica di Harris.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1984 - Bologna: Li Causi.
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  13.  55
    An Apology for Hegel’s Idealism Against its Realist Metaphysician Critics.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1987 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (1):53-62.
    It is almost unanimously acknowledged that the formation of Hegel’s philosophy was largely determined by the appropriation and further development of some fundamental achievements of Kant’s transcendental idealism - first of all his polemic against the “old metaphysics” or, as Hegel also said, the “empty metaphysics of the understanding”. The most decisive assumption of this metaphysics consisted, indeed, in the belief that the totality of our universe could be exhaustively resolved into a plurality of isolated entities, devoid of any “internal,” (...)
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  14. Attualità di Hegel. Autocoscienza, concretezza e processo in Gentile e in Christensen.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1989 - Studi Filosofici 12:63.
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  15.  27
    Autodétermination et promotion de la santé chez les adultes présentant une déficience intellectuelle.Romina Rinaldi, Valentine Malou, Hélène Geurts & Marie-Claire Haelewyck - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-3 (14-3):202-222.
    Despite major improvements in the conceptual and functional approach of disability, some fundamental inequities remain. Among them, lacks in health access and health status are of importance both for research and public health policies. Particularly as regards intellectual disability (ID), in which major inequities remain and contrast with specific and sometimes increased somatic and mental health needs. In this context, health promotion initiatives designed for adult with intellectual disabilities should succeed to integrate several variables such as a holistic view of (...)
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  16.  53
    A Few Critical Remarks on Croce’s Historicism.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1987 - Idealistic Studies 17 (1):53-69.
    The philosophic, historical, and literary Italian culture of the first half of our century was largely dominated by a trend of thought that can be correctly called “Neo-idealist,” the most prominent exponents of which were Giovanni Gentile and Benedetto Croce. The latter’s very broad scientific activity moved, and attained its highest and most durable achievements, in the ambit of the theory and history of Italian and European literature, of civil historiography, and of social and political theory. We cannot here attempt (...)
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  17.  27
    A Few Critical Remarks on Collingwood's Philosophy of Art.G. Rinaldi - 2021 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 27 (1):49-74.
  18.  78
    A Hegelian Critique of Derrida’s Deconstructionism.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1999 - Philosophy and Theology 11 (2):311-347.
    This article offers a general “immanent” critique of Derrida’s Deconstructionism, whose positive outcome is an argument for the continuing viability of a Hegel-oriented idealistic metaphysics. Derrida’s thought is construed as an unspokenly skeptical and nihilistic development of Heidegger’s existential ontology and of the sensu latiori “structuralist” trend of contemporary human sciences. The main difficulties pointed out hinge on (§ 1) the relationship deconstructionism establishes between thought and language, speech and writing, and phonetic and non-phonetic writing, (§ 2) its paradoxical concept (...)
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  19.  34
    A helping hand putting in order: Visuomotor routines organize numerical and non-numerical sequences in space.Luca Rinaldi, Samuel Di Luca, Avishai Henik & Luisa Girelli - 2016 - Cognition 152 (C):40-52.
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  20.  8
    Absoluter Idealismus und zeitgenössische Philosophie: Bedeutung und Aktualität von Hegels Denken = Absolute idealism and contemporary philosophy: meaning and up-to-dateness of Hege's thought.Giacomo Rinaldi - 2012 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    Die Entwicklung der zeitgenossischen Philosophie ist durch Hegels Denken entscheidend beeinflusst worden. Die Grunde fur seine andauernde Aktualitat aber sind selten verstanden worden. Im Gegensatz zu vielen Hegel-Interpreten wird hier der -absolute Idealismus- als das Wesen der Philosophie Hegels erkannt. Die -dialektische Methode- und das -System- bilden eine untrennbare Einheit. Auf dieser Grundlage erfolgt in einer streng theoretisch-systematischen Perspektive eine konsistente Auslegung von Hegels -Philosophie des unendlichen Selbstbewusstseins-. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt legt die Arbeit auf die Auseinandersetzung mit dem gegenwartigen amerikanischen (...)
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  21.  81
    Corruption dynamics in democratic societies.Sergio Rinaldi, Gustav Feichtinger & Franz Wirl - 1998 - Complexity 3 (5):53-64.
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  22.  24
    Commentary: From ‘sense of number’ to ‘sense of magnitude’ – The role of continuous magnitudes in numerical cognition.Luca Rinaldi & Luisa Girelli - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  23. Dilemmi di strada e di confine: per un'alternativa.Giorgio Rinaldi - 2004 - Roma: [S.N.].
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  24.  36
    Diodoro di Tarso, Antiochia e Ie ragioni della polemica antiallegorista.Giancarlo Rinaldi - 1993 - Augustinianum 33 (1-2):407-430.
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  25.  11
    Due interpreti dell'Etica di Spinoza: Harold H. Joachim e Karl Jaspers.Giacomo Rinaldi - 2017 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
  26.  9
    Etica, politica, storia universale: atti del congresso internazionale (Urbino, 24-27 ottobre 2018).Giacomo Rinaldi & Giacomo Cerretani (eds.) - 2020 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Gioberti e il problema relgioso del risorgimento.Ruggero Rinaldi - 1929 - Firneze,: Vallecchi.
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  28.  79
    Intentionality and Dialectical Reason.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1986 - The Monist 69 (4):568-583.
    The historical origin of the concept of ‘intentionality’, as is well-known, is very remote, dating back to the age of scholastic philosophy. In the epistemological theories worked out by medieval thinkers, from Thomas Aquinas up to the latest minor exponents of the nominalistic trend, the concept of ‘intentio’ is very often to be found, there playing a role of undoubtedly primary importance. Sometimes it means the universal ‘concept’ abstracted by the human understanding from sense datum; sometimes, instead, both the act (...)
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  29. Infant-toddler centers and preschools as places of culture.Carla Rinaldi - 2008 - In Alexandra Miletta & Maureen McCann Miletta, Classroom Conversations: A Collection of Classics for Parents and Teachers. The New Press.
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  30.  7
    It's Game Time!: Games to Enhance Classroom Learning.Nicholas J. Rinaldi - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    It's Game Time!: Games to Enhance Classroom Learning enables the teacher to decide when and how to use games to effectively complement their teaching philosophy and style to meet the needs of their students by providing over 40 games that can be used in any class at any level.
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  31.  10
    L'etica dell'idealismo moderno.Giacomo Rinaldi - 2016 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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  32.  19
    La fede incredula di Manuel Bueno.Serena Rinaldi - 2013 - Societ〠Degli Individui 46:171-184.
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  33.  48
    Logical possibility.F. Rinaldi - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (1):81-99.
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  34.  44
    L’Antico Testamento nella polemica anticristiana di Porfirio di Tiro.Giancarlo Rinaldi - 1982 - Augustinianum 22 (1-2):97-111.
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  35.  46
    Method and Speculation in Fichte’s Later Philosophy.Giacomo Rinaldi - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 30:153-161.
  36. Moralità e prassi politica nel diritto di guerra in Francisco Suárez.Teresa Rinaldi - 2002 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 79 (1):53-87.
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  37. Musica e verismo.Mario Rinaldi - 1932 - Roma,: Fratelli de Santis.
    La nostra via.--L'esempio dei grandi.--Il "verismo" e la musica.-- Influenze straniere.--Mascagni e il suo stile.--Puccini e la sua maniera.--Gli altri.--Sinfonismo e verismo.--Oltre a "realtà.".
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  38. Origine e finalità della società politica nel De Legibus di Francisco Suárez.Teresa Rinaldi - 2001 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 78 (2):169-201.
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  39.  23
    Poorer Well-Being in Children With Misophonia: Evidence From the Sussex Misophonia Scale for Adolescents.Louisa J. Rinaldi, Rebecca Smees, Jamie Ward & Julia Simner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveMisophonia is an unusually strong aversion to a specific class of sounds – most often human bodily sounds such as chewing, crunching, or breathing. A number of studies have emerged in the last 10 years examining misophonia in adults, but little is known about the impact of the condition in children. Here we set out to investigate the well-being profile of children with misophonia, while also presenting the first validated misophonia questionnaire for children.Materials and MethodsWe screened 142 children using our (...)
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  40.  13
    Remembering the Hegelian Philosopher Robert R. Williams.Giacomo Rinaldi - 2017 - The Owl of Minerva 49 (1):143-148.
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    Sognatori e Visionari ‘Biblici’ nei Polemisti Anticristiani.Giancarlo Rinaldi - 1989 - Augustinianum 29 (1-3):7-30.
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  42.  26
    Truth and Logic in Harold H. Joachim's Philosophy.G. Rinaldi - 2018 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 24 (1):91-110.
    In this essay I try, first of all, to outline the development of Joachim's epistemology from his most significant book, The Nature of Truth (1906), to his posthumous Logical Studies (1948), which gathers together the lectures on Logic delivered by him at the University of Oxford in the years up to his death in 1938. The conception of truth as systematic coherence, upheld by him in his earlier work in a lively polemic against Bertrand Russell's empirical-realist 'correspondence theory of truth' (...)
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  43.  22
    The Development of Giovanni Gentile's Political Thought.G. Rinaldi - 2018 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 24 (1):111-140.
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  44. Teoria Etica.Giacomo Rinaldi - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (2):397-398.
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  45.  67
    The `Idea of Knowing’ in Hegel’s Logic.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1991 - Philosophy and Theology 6 (1):55-78.
    I first outline the arguments by which Hegel upholds the validity of his ‘rationalistic’ ideal of an ‘absolute knowing’, and then attempt to state precisely the sense in which such a Hegelian conception can be rightfully styled ‘idealistic’, and the reasons why it turns out to be preferable to the opposite empirical-realistic outlook. Thirdly, I examine his critique of ‘finite knowing’. Finally, I enumerate the fundamental features of that ‘speculative (i.e., strictly philosophical) knowing’ which, as the Absolute Idea, Hegel sets (...)
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  46.  16
    The Metaphysical Presuppositions of Hegel’s Philosophy of Self-Consciousness.Giacomo Rinaldi - 2016 - In Allegra De Laurentiis, Hegel and Metaphysics: On Logic and Ontology in the System. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 89-108.
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  47.  43
    The New Center for the Epistemology of the Human Sciences at the University of Urbino.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1993 - The Owl of Minerva 25 (1):120-120.
    A widespread commonplace in contemporary continental philosophy is that an idealistic metaphysics of mind - in the wake of Kant, Fichte, Hegel, or Gentile - on the one hand, and a consistently “scientific” description and explanation of human experience and social praxis, on the other, are two quite irreconcilable theoretical enterprises. Although a philosophical clarification of languages, methodologies, and results of the particular sciences is generally held to be unavoidable by the scientists themselves, most epistemologists would still maintain that it (...)
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  48.  51
    Two Poems.Nicholas Rinaldi - 1967 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 42 (3):413-414.
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  49.  20
    Warum Und Inwiefern Ist Hegels »absoluter Idealismus« Heute Noch Aktuell?Giacomo Rinaldi - 2004 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 6 (1):95-101.
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  50.  50
    Women Writers and Detectives in Nineteenth-Century Crime Fiction: The Mothers of the Mystery Genre. By Lucy Sussex.Lucia Rinaldi - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (3):426 - 426.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 3, Page 426, June 2012.
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