Results for 'Filipina Bondokova'

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  1. Iz sŭkrovishtnit︠s︡ata na sŭvetskii︠a︡ pedagogicheski opit: izbrani statii ot v. "Uchitelʹskai︠a︡ gazeta," 1986 godina.Marii︠a︡ Vladimirova & Filipina Bondokova (eds.) - 1987 - Sofii︠a︡: DI "Narodna prosveta".
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    Migrant filipina domestic workers and the international division of reproductive labor.Rhacel Salazar Parreñas - 2000 - Gender and Society 14 (4):560-580.
    This article examines the politics of reproductive labor in globalization. Using the case of migrant Filipina domestic workers, the author presents the formation of a three-tier transfer of reproductive labor in globalization between the following groups of women: middle-class women in receiving nations, migrant domestic workers, and Third World women who are too poor to migrate. The formation of this international division of labor suggests that reproduction activities, as they have been increasingly commodified, have to be situated in the (...)
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    Maid Or Madam? Filipina Migrant Workers and the Continuity of Domestic Labor.Pei-Chia Lan - 2003 - Gender and Society 17 (2):187-208.
    This article examines the complexity of feminized domestic labor in the context of global migration. I view unpaid household labor and paid domestic work not as dichotomous categories but as structural continuities across the public and private spheres. Based on a qualitative study of Filipina migrant domestic workers in Taiwan, I demonstrate how women travel through the maid/madam boundary—housewives in home countries become breadwinners by doing domestic work overseas, and foreign maids turn into foreign brides. While migrant women sell (...)
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  4. Episcopologio dominicano de Filipinas. 3. Diocesis de Manila y Jaro y prelatura de Batanes y Babuyanes.M. Gonzalez Pola - 1990 - Studium 30 (3):447-483.
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  5. The Labor of Care: Filipina Migrants and Transnational Families in the Digital Age.[author unknown] - 2018
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    Resilience and the brown babe's burden: writings by Filipina philosophers.Tracy Llanera (ed.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume explores the various ways that the concept and practice of resilience inhabit the thinking and lived experiences of Filipina philosophers. It features broad and intersectional philosophical approaches in its examination of the idea of resilience, including but not limited to feminist theory, social and political philosophy, critical theory, pragmatism, virtue theory, social epistemology, and decolonial theory. The authors explore, in various ways, both the double-edged nature of resilience, and other key assumptions and ideas about human resilience and (...)
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    Feminist-Pragmatist Reflections on the Filial Obligations of a Filipina American Daughter.Celia T. Bardwell-Jones - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (2):384-390.
    In this essay, I reflect on the contradictions that arise from a personal experience of conflict with my father and the clash of traditional Filipino gender norms in the context of the practice of name changes within the institution of marriage and intersecting feminist critiques of patriarchy. My understanding of the Tagalog amor propio is self-love or self-pride within Filipino culture and signifies one's authority, place, and meaning in the community. As a concept of authority, amor propio encourages practices of (...)
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    Examining Gender and Resistance with Filipina Hong Kongers through Cellphilm Production and Collaborative Writing.Casey Burkholder, Jianne Soriano & Alecxis Ramos-Pakit - 2021 - Studies in Social Justice 15 (1):25-42.
    Hong Kong’s non-white ethnic minorities – including its Filipina residents – are often described in media and policy discourses as a unified group. Speaking back to this misconception, in this article we describe the gendered experiences of two 23-year old Filipinas born and raised in Hong Kong through what Claudia Mitchell has described as girl method – research with girls for girls and about girls’ concerns – in our case producing visual depictions of girlhood in cellphilms and collaborative writing. (...)
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    A Call for Healing: Transphobia, Homophobia, and Historical Trauma in Filipina/o/x American Activist Organizations.Karen B. Hanna - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (3):696-714.
    I argue that for those who migrate to other countries for economic survival and political asylum, historical trauma wounds across geographical space. Using the work of David Eng and Nadine Naber on queer and feminist diasporas, I contend that homogeneous discourses of Filipino nationalism simplify and erase transphobia, homophobia, and heterosexism, giving rise to intergenerational conflict and the passing-on of trauma among activists in the United States. Focusing on Filipina/o/x American activist organizations, I center intergenerational conflict among leaders, highlighting (...)
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    “Para a conversão das almas”: conquista espiritual, governo civil e defesa dos nativos nas Filipinas. A época missionária, 1565-1581.Carlos Guilherme Rocha - 2016 - Dialogos 20 (2):132.
    Este artigo analisa a atuação dos missionários agostinianos e franciscanos descalços na primeira fase da colonização espanhola das ilhas Filipinas. Através de correspondências e relatos dos freis e autoridades civis atuantes nas ilhas, são destacados os modelos de ‘bom governo’ projetados pelos religiosos, bem como os mecanismos pelos quais os eclesiásticos influenciaram ou tentaram influenciar o processo de conquista do arquipélago asiático, especialmente no que toca à incorporação dos nativos e à prática da encomienda.
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  11. Misioneros dominicos de Filipinas en la España de fines del XVIII.A. Esponera Cerdan - 1995 - Studium 35 (2):233-265.
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    On Gendered Journeys, Spiritual Transformations and Ethical Formations in Diaspora: Filipina Care Workers in Israel.Claudia Liebelt - 2011 - Feminist Review 97 (1):74-91.
    Research on migrant care and domestic workers has focused on their multiple dislocations and exclusions in the diaspora, analysing a highly gendered global economy of care and domestic work. This article investigates the role of ritual performance and spirituality in female care workers’ projects of migration and in the emergence of their feminized and racialized subjectivities. On the basis of anthropological research in Israel and the Philippines, it analyses Filipina care workers’ narratives of migration to Israel as a form (...)
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  13. La Biblioteca de la Universidad de Santo Tomás en manila, Filipinas: una nota bibliográfica sobre libros raros de filosofía, 1500-1800.Donald Felipe - 1993 - Analogía Filosófica 7 (2):169.
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  14. Episcopologio dominicano de las diocesis de Nueva Caceres y Cebri, en Filipinas.M. Gonzalez Pola - 1990 - Studium 30 (2):281-316.
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  15. Episcopologio dominicano de la diocesis de Nueva Segovia, en Filipinas.M. González Pola - 1989 - Studium 29 (3):489-533.
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    Fray Martín Ignacio de Loyola, OFM: Dos memoriales a Felipe II sobre China, Filipinas y las Indias Orientales.José Ignacio Tellechea Idígoras - 1997 - Salmanticensis 44 (3):377-405.
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  17. Dimension cultural de la evangelizacion de los dominicos en Filipinas in Dominicos en Oriente.Antonio M. Molina - 1987 - Studium 27 (3):555-569.
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    Looking Through the Sweetheart, Flamboyant and Insane: Rereading Rizal’s Critique of the 19th Century Filipina in Noli Me Tangere.Fleurdeliz Altez-Albela - 2020 - Kritike 14 (1):198-213.
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    The Social Ontology of Care among Filipina Dependency Workers.Celia T. Bardwell-Jones - 2020 - In Corey McCall & Phillip McReynolds (eds.), Decolonizing American Philosophy. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. pp. 177-203.
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  20. Evangelización de los dominicos en Filipinas en los siglos XVI y XVII.Manuel González Pola - 1992 - Studium 32 (2):351-396.
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  21. Fray José Hevia Campomanes, obispo de Nueva Segovia, durante la revolución e independencia de Filipinas.Fm Gonzalez Pola - 1999 - Studium 39 (2):289-322.
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  22. Animal practices and the racialization of Filipinas in Los Angeles.Marcie Grifth, Jennifer Wolch & Unna Lassiter - 2002 - Society and Animals 10 (3).
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  23. La primera comunidad de dominicos en Filipinas y la defensa de los derechos de los naturales (1587-1605).M. Medina - 1989 - Ciencia Tomista 116 (2):333-363.
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  24. Felipe II y los agustinos de Filipinas: Cara y cruz.Isacio Rodríguez Rodríguez - 1998 - Ciudad de Dios 211 (3):703-727.
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    The Cultural Production of the Not-Yet-Filipina/o-Subject in the Discourses of the Human Sciences.Hannah Maria Tavares - 2006 - Educational Studies 40 (2):124-145.
  26. El Beato Juan de Santo Domingo Martinez, OP (1577-1619), misionero de Filipinas y martir de Japon.J. Delgado Garcia - 1987 - Ciencia Tomista 114 (1):133-162.
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  27. Domingo de Salazar, OP, primer obispo de Filipinas (1512-1594): un luchador por la justicia y la liberacion en Filipinas durante el siglo XVI in Dominicos en Oriente. [REVIEW]L. Gutiérrez - 1987 - Studium 27 (3):461-480.
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    Book Review: Global Cinderellas: Migrant Domestics and Newly Rich Employers in Taiwan. By Pei-Chia Lan. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2006, 322 pp., $79.95 (cloth), $22.95 (paper). Serving the Household and the Nation: Filipina Domestics and the Politics of Identity in Taiwan. By Shu-Ju Ada Cheng. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2006, 277 pp., $83.00. [REVIEW]Leslie Salzinger - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (1):129-132.
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    Book Review: The Labor of Care: Filipina Migrants and Transnational Families in the Digital Age by Valerie Francisco-Menchavez. [REVIEW]Cecilia A. Green - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (3):494-496.
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    Aparicio López, Teófilo, O. S. A., Misioneros y colonizadores Agustinos en Filipinas. [REVIEW]B. Rano - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (3):586-587.
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    Inverted Odysseys: Adventure and homecoming in the global subrogation of women’s care work in Jose Y. Dalisay’s Soledad’s Sister.José Duke Bagulaya - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Many Filipina care workers are subrogated to the position of mothers in the more affluent states of Asia. As a consequence, they oftentimes play as the unofficial teachers of the children. In this article, I analyse the process of global subrogation, which often end in what I call an inverted odyssey of the Filipina domestic helper. Using the concept of invertedness in commodity fetishism, this article reads Jose Dalisay’s Soledad’s Sister as an inverted odyssey which views the migration (...)
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    Emotion in the thought of Sartre.Joseph P. Fell - 1965 - New York,: Columbia University Press.
    Available for the first time in English, this is the definitive account of the practice of sexual slavery the Japanese military perpetrated during World War II by the researcher principally responsible for exposing the Japanese government's responsibility for these atrocities. The large scale imprisonment and rape of thousands of women, who were euphemistically called "comfort women" by the Japanese military, first seized public attention in 1991 when three Korean women filed suit in a Toyko District Court stating that they had (...)
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    Conjuring Hands: The Art of Curious Women of Color.Gloria J. Wilson, Joni Boyd Acuff & Vanessa López - 2021 - Hypatia 36 (3):566-580.
    The verb “to conjure” is a complex one, for it includes in its standard definition a great range of possible actions or operations, not all of them equivalent, or even compatible. In its most common usage, “to conjure” means to perform an act of magic or to invoke a supernatural force, by casting a spell, say, or performing a particular ritual or rite. But “to conjure” is also to influence, to beg, to command or constrain, to charm, to bewitch, to (...)
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    Some Prospects for Travel Studies in Philippine Women's University.Mark Joseph Santos - 2023 - Bidlisiw Journal 3 (2):1-13.
    Cristina Pantoja Hidalgo, Professor Emeritus of English & Comparative Literature at the University of the Philippines (UP) and one of the foremost contemporary Filipina scholars on travel studies, once wrote: -/- All travel writing is, in a sense translation. Travelers come to an unknown place and try to “translate” it, i.e. to make it comprehensible, for themselves first, and then for their readers (Hidalgo 2020). -/- Travel writing as an act of translation is not only personal (i.e., making the (...)
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    Toward a Science of Human Nature.Daniel N. Robinson (ed.) - 1982 - Columbia University Press.
    Available for the first time in English, this is the definitive account of the practice of sexual slavery the Japanese military perpetrated during World War II by the researcher principally responsible for exposing the Japanese government's responsibility for these atrocities. The large scale imprisonment and rape of thousands of women, who were euphemistically called "comfort women" by the Japanese military, first seized public attention in 1991 when three Korean women filed suit in a Toyko District Court stating that they had (...)
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    ‘You like to Mix things up on Purpose …? Hoy, what are you trying to Prove?’: Representations of Recent (hi)Stories in Jessica Hagedorn's The Gangster of Love.Marta Vizcaya Echano - 2007 - Feminist Review 85 (1):70-82.
    This paper examines how The Gangster of Love (1996), the second novel by Filipino American artist and writer Jessica Hagedorn, dismantles ready-made assumptions about the construction of minority and mainstream cultures. Spanning the period from the 1970s to the early 1990s, Gangster depicts the life of Rocky Rivera, a Filipina American young artist. As it portrays Rocky's family and friends, the novel examines the drastic re-articulation of the US's self-image brought about by Filipino Americans and other groups marginalized as (...)
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    From “Balcony Talk” and “Practical Prayers” to Illegal Collectives: Migrant Domestic Workers and Meso-Level Resistances in Lebanon.Amrita Pande - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (3):382-405.
    In this study I highlight the spatial exclusions that migrant domestic workers experience in Lebanon. I argue that migrant domestic workers constantly challenge such spatial exclusions by using the exact spaces that they are excluded from as the bases for a meso-level of resistances—strategic acts that cannot be classified as either private and individual or as organized collective action. I highlight three kinds of such resistive activities: the strategic dyads forged across balconies by the most restricted live-in workers, the small (...)
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    Between Women of Color: The New Social Organization of Reproductive Labor.Patricia Roach, Valerie Damasco, Lolita Lledo, Cynthia Cranford & Jennifer Nazareno - 2022 - Gender and Society 36 (3):342-367.
    In this article, we examine citizenship inequalities in paid reproductive labor. Through an analysis of elder care in Los Angeles, California, based on interviews with Filipina home care agency workers and owners, we delineate citizen divisions made up of two interlocking dimensions. The longstanding U.S. welfare state abdication of responsibility for elder care for its citizens generates a racialized, gendered citizenship division that facilitates another citizenship division between women of color. The outsourcing of elder care by the government to (...)
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    Romarias in lives: ciberdevoções e santuários virtuais em tempo de pandemia.Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos - forthcoming - Horizonte:1305.
    Em 2019 o mundo se viu diante de um cenário desafiador, com a eclosão da pandemia do coronavírus e a implementação de políticas públicas voltadas para a reclusão da população. Diante disso, emergiu uma reorientação da prestação de serviços e das práticas de sociabilidades, inclusive, com forte impacto no âmbito religioso. Este artigo tem como escopo o uso da rede social Facebook no processo de informação e transmissão das celebrações em santuários católicos. Foram analisados os conteúdos de 92 santuários das (...)
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    Working feminism.Geraldine Pratt - 2004 - Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
    Working Feminism looks at key concepts and debates within feminist theory and puts them to work concretely in relation to the real problems faced by Filipina ...
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    A Feminist Reimagining of Mary’s Role in Philippine Colonial Catholicism’s Economy of Salvation Through the Works of Jose Rizal.Rosallia Domingo - 2023 - In Soraj Hongladarom, Jeremiah Joven Joaquin & Frank J. Hoffman (eds.), Philosophies of Appropriated Religions: Perspectives from Southeast Asia. Springer Nature Singapore. pp. 365-376.
    This paper explores the writings of Jose Rizal as a source of insight into the predominant role of Mary, as the Mother of God, in Christian devotion and salvation during the Spanish Colonial period in the Philippines. It demonstrates the implication of the contradiction of the feminine spiritual authority of Mary—as the mediatrix of salvation, on the one hand, and the symbol of religious oppression, on the other hand—to the construction of the Filipina identity in Philippine Colonial Catholicism. It (...)
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    Disrupting Disruptions: Charting and Challenging Notions of Gender in Philippine Feminist Theologizing.Rae Sanchez - 2022 - Feminist Theology 30 (3):332-352.
    The growing discipline of feminist theology in Asia and in the world, which involves many Filipinas, entails an increasing attentiveness to gender diversity beyond heteronormative expectations and a broader sense of solidarity among women and others who have experienced exclusion due to gender. An analysis of writings by Philippine feminist theologians Mary John Mananzan, Judette Gallares, and Agnes Brazal, using a threefold schema of “inclusion/addition,” “deconstruct and transform,” and “critique, reject, and start again,” reveals heteronormative gender assumptions and a pattern (...)
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  43. Rizal’s Letter to the Malolos Young Women: A Vindication of Filipino Women’s Rights during His Time.Rosallia Domingo - 2011 - Philosophia 39 (2).
    The author argues that Jose Rizal’s “Letter to the young women of Malolos” is a vindication of Filipino women’s rights during his time. The author examines the situation of the Filipino women as depicted in the “Letter.” Then she presents Mary Wollstonecraft’s notion of vindication of women’s rights to demonstrate that Rizal’s “Letter” is an instance of such a vindication as it calls for Filipina empowerment.
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    Brill Online Books and Journals.Marcie Griffith, Jennifer Wolch & Unna Lassiter - 2002 - Society and Animals 10 (3):221-248.
    Many factors contribute to the racialization of minority groups in the United States. Some individual characteristics, such as skin color or phenotype, are an obvious holdover from colonial times. Cultural differences in representational practices, customs and rituals, and belief systems are now more significant in racialization. Although not typically a focus of academic scrutiny, some of these differences involve contrasts in nature-society relations, and more specifically, nonhuman animal-society relations. In order to examine the relationship between culturally based animal practices and (...)
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    The Philosophy of Sr. Mary John Mananzan: Some Contributions to Filipino Philosophy.Leslie Anne L. Liwanag & Feorillo P. A. Demeterio - 2017 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 18 (2):182-205.
    This paper is premised on the thought that aside from Emerita Quito, who is generally considered in the Philippines as the "Filipino philosopher, " there is another Filipina philosopher who is unfortunately ignored in the various philosophy circles in the country but whose works and scholarship can easily rival those of the former. This paper, therefore, surveys the thoughts of Mary John Mananzan in order to understand her contributions to the development of Filipino philosophy. To attain such a goal, (...)
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    “I’m Not Thinking of It as Sexual Harassment”: Understanding Harassment across Race and Citizenship.Audrey Huntley, Barbara MacQuarrie, Jacquie Carr & Sandy Welsh - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (1):87-107.
    How do diverse groups of women in Canada define sexual harassment? To answer this question requires incorporating race and citizenship into the analysis of sexual harassment. The authors use data from seven focus groups of Canadian women. The white women with full citizenship rights most easily identify with existing legal understandings of sexual harassment and believe they have the right to report their harassment. For women of color and women without full citizenship rights, issues of racialized sexual harassment emerge as (...)
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    Diversified Transnational Mothering via Telecommunication: Intensive, Collaborative, and Passive.Odalia M. H. Wong & Yinni Peng - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (4):491-513.
    Recent research argues that the use of information and communication technology has created a new channel through which transnational mothers can fulfill their maternal duties from afar. However, the literature pays little attention to the diversity of mothering practices via telecommunication. To fill this gap, our qualitative research on Filipina domestic workers in Hong Kong elaborates on the complexity and diversity of transnational mothering via mobile communication by demonstrating three patterns for the performance of maternal duties: intensive, collaborative, and (...)
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    Taking La Lucha to Heart ll.Rachel Bundang - 2011 - Feminist Theology 20 (1):54-58.
    This essay is a version of a presentation given at a session of the American Academy of Religion annual meeting in 2009, celebrating the work of Cuban-American theologian and ethicist Ada María Isasi-Díaz. The author traces the development of Isasi-Díaz’s work articulating Mujerista Theology and connects it with her own work as a Filipina in the United States developing Asian/ Pacific American Feminist Theology by pointing to 1) the intellectual kinship of having been formed in similar circles and circumstances (...)
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  49. Translating the Idiom of Oppression: A Genealogical Deconstruction of FIlipinization and the 19th Century Construction of the Modern Philippine Nation.Michael Roland Hernandez - 2019 - Dissertation, Ateneo de Manila University
    This doctoral thesis examines the phenomenon of Filipinization, specifically understood as the ideological construction of a “Filipino identity” or ‘Filipino subject-consciousness” within the highly determinate context provided by the Filipino ilustrado nationalists such as José Rizal, Marcelo H. del Pilar and their fellow propagandists inasmuch as it leads to the nineteenth (19th) century construction of the modern Philippine nation. Utilizing Jacques Derrida’s deconstructive thinking, this study undertakes a genealogical critique engaged on the concrete historical examination of what is meant by (...)
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  50. Women’s Labour in Movement. From Servants and Housewives to Racialised Domestic and Care Workers.Ana Maria Miranda Mora - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):111-121.
    This paper examines migrant women’s labour and the location of poor and racialised working women in the context of the contemporary care crisis. In the first part, I briefly reconstruct, the feminist critiques of the Marxist capitalist social (re)production theory and, the Decolonial and Postcolonial feminist criticisms of the Marxist universal model of the capitalist mode of (re)production and its conceptualisation of marginalised and excluded subjects. This analysis sets the ground for understanding the debts and innovations of Marx’s political economy (...)
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