Results for 'Franc Morandi'

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  1.  16
    (1 other version)Classer et « encyclopéder » aujourd’hui : la reconfiguration des formats de connaissances.Franc Morandi - 2013 - Hermes 66:, [ p.].
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    Philosophies of Difference: A Critical Introduction to Non-Philosophy.François Laruelle - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    In the first English translation of his work, Laruelle explores the major European thinkers from Nietzsche to Derrida to define his own 'non-philosophical' ...
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  3. Literal Meaning.François Récanati - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    According to the dominant position among philosophers of language today, we can legitimately ascribe determinate contents to natural language sentences, independently of what the speaker actually means. This view contrasts with that held by ordinary language philosophers fifty years ago: according to them, speech acts, not sentences, are the primary bearers of content. François Recanati argues for the relevance of this controversy to the current debate about semantics and pragmatics. Is 'what is said' determined by linguistic conventions, or is it (...)
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  4. Mental Files.François Récanati - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Over the past fifty years the philosophy of language and mind has been dominated by a nondescriptivist approach to content and reference. This book attempts to recast and systematize that approach by offering an indexical model in terms of mental files. According to Recanati, we refer through mental files, the function of which is to store information derived through certain types of contextual relation the subject bears to objects in his or her environment. The reference of a file is determined (...)
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    In praise of blandness: proceeding from Chinese thought and aesthetics.François Jullien - 2004 - New York: Zone Books.
    Already translated into six languages, Francois Jullien's In Praise of Blandness hasbecome a classic. Appearing for the first time in English, this groundbreaking work of philosophy,anthropology, aesthetics, and sinology is certain to stir readers to think and experience what mayat first seem impossible: the richness of a bland sound, a bland meaning, a bland painting, a blandpoem. In presenting the value of blandness through as many concrete examples and original texts aspossible, Jullien allows the undifferentiated foundation of all things -- (...)
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  6. From meaning to content : issues in meta-semantics.François Recanati - 2018 - In Derek Ball & Brian Rabern (eds.), The Science of Meaning: Essays on the Metatheory of Natural Language Semantics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    According to a widespread picture due to Kaplan, there are two levels of semantic value: character and content. Character is determined by the grammar, and it determines content with respect to context. In this chapter Recanati criticizes that picture on several grounds. He shows that we need more than two levels, and rejects the determination thesis: that linguistic meaning as determined by grammar determines content. Grammatical meaning does not determine assertoric content, he argues, but merely constrains it — speaker’s meaning (...)
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    This Strange Idea of the Beautiful.François Jullien - 2014 - New York: Seagull Books. Edited by Michael Richardson & Krzysztof Fijałkowski.
    François Jullien explores what it means when we say something is beautiful. Bringing together ideas of beauty from both Eastern and Western philosophy, Jullien challenges the assumptions underlying our commonly agreed upon definition of what is beautiful and offers a new way of beholding art. Looking specifically at how Chinese texts have been translated into Western languages, Jullien reveals how the traditional Chinese refusal to isolate or abstract beauty is obscured in translation in order to make the works more understandable (...)
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    Éthique.François Baudin - 2017 - Nancy: Kaïros.
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    Philosophie et vérité: livre I.François Baudin - 2013 - Nancy: Kaïros.
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    Perception, perspective, perspicacité =.Françoise Buisson, Christelle Lacassain-Lagoin & Florence Marie (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Les articles de ce recueil, réunis par des membres du Centre de Recherche en Poétique, Histoire Littéraire et Linguistique (EA 3003) de l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, explorent les notions de perception, perspective et perspicacité dans plusieurs champs de recherche (linguistique, littérature, histoire des idées, philosophie et arts) et à diverses époques, du Moyen Age à la modernité. De l'univers sonore médiéval à l'esthétique de Debussy, de la linguistique populaire à l'étude linguistique des relations entre perception, cognition (...)
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  11. Foucault contre lui-même: introduction.François Caillat - 2014 - In Leo Bersani (ed.), Foucault contre lui-même. Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
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    Parole risquée.François Chirpaz - 1989 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Incessante et fragile. C'est sous ce signe que la parole se manifeste et qu'elle est ici prise en compte car son enjeu dernier est celui de l'existence dans toute sa contradiction. Le langage introduit l'individu dans l'espace de la communaute et il fait de lui un homme en le faisant entrer dans le monde de ses semblables. La parole, elle, fait decouvrir a l'homme la singularite de l'existant qu'il est : un etre dans la vie qui n'existe que dans le (...)
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  13. Beauté(s).François-Marie Deyrolle, Camille Saint-Jacques, Éric Suchère & Estèla Alliaud (eds.) - 2023 - [Clermont-Ferrand]: FRAC, Fonds régional d'art contemporain d'Auvergne.
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    La raison pure et les antinomies.François Jean Marie Auguste Evellin - 1907 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
  15. t. 1. Le poème de Parménide.Par Denis O'brien En Collaboration Avec Jean FrèRe Pour la Traduction FrançAise - 1987 - In Pierre Aubenque (ed.), Etudes sur Parménide. Paris: J. Vrin.
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  16. Note sur le droit naturel.François Guisan - 1940 - Lausanne,: F. Rouge & cie. s.a..
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    L'ontologie de Merleau-Ponty.François Heidsieck - 1971 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    Ce petit essai paru dix ans après la mort du philosophe entendait s'opposer à l'étude très répandue d'Alphonse de Waehlens, qui insistait sur l'ambiguïté de Merleau-Ponty, divisé entre phénoménologie et ontologie. Nous lui répondions, prenant appui sur la publication posthume : Le Visible et l'Invisible, que l'ambiguïté était dépassée par une véritable ontologie, comme l'avaient bien vu peu avant nous André Robinet et le Révérend Père Xavier Tilliette. Les travaux récents d'Emmanuel de Saint-Aubert, que nous admirons profondément, poussent beaucoup plus (...)
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  18. Alexandre Vinet.François Jost - 1950 - Lausanne,: Payot.
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  19. Le feu et le fleuve: Héraclite et la Renaissance.Françoise Joukovsky - 1991 - Genève: Libr. Droz.
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    La transparence du matin: rouvrir des possibles dans nos vies.François Jullien - 2023 - Paris: Éditions de l'Observatoire.
    Dans son choix grec, la philosophie a pensé la vie, mais non pas vivre ; et le religieux, qui prenait en charge la question du vivre, est aujourd'hui en retrait. De là que vivre soit laissé en friche, abandonné au prêche ou bien au truisme ; et que prospèrent le Développement Personnel et le marché du Bonheur vendant vivre comme du ± tout positif?.00Or vivre est paradoxal, s'étendant du vital au vivant. Il est à la fois la condition de toutes (...)
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    Do children derive exact meanings pragmatically? Evidence from a dual morphology language.Franc Marušič, Rok Žaucer, Amanda Saksida, Jessica Sullivan, Dimitrios Skordos, Yiqiao Wang & David Barner - 2021 - Cognition 207 (C):104527.
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  22. The incompletion of Being and time and the question of subjectivity.François Raffoul - 2015 - In Lee Braver (ed.), Division III of Heidegger’s Being and Time: The Unanswered Question of Being. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
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  23. Réalité juridique et réalité sociale.François Russo - 1942 - Paris,: Recueil Sirey.
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    Kierkegaard.Françoise Sur - 1967 - Paris,: Éditions du Centurion.
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    The inhuman: reflections on time.Jean-François Lyotard - 1991 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    "In a wide-ranging discussion the author examines the philosophy of Kant, Heidegger, Adorno and Derrida and looks at the works of modernist and postmodernist artists such as Cezanne, Debussy and Boulez. Lyotard addresses issues such as time and memory, the sublime and the avant-garde, and the relationship between aesthetics and politics. Throughout his discussion he considers the close but problematic links between modernity, progress and humanity, and the transition to postmodernity. Lyotard claims that it is the task of literature, philosophy (...)
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  26. Meaning and force: The pragmatics of performative utterances.François Récanati - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Professor Recanati's book is a major new contribution to the philosophy of language. Its point of departure is a refutation of two views central to the work of speech-act theorists such as Austin & Searle: that speech acts are essentially conventional, & that the force of an utterance can be made fully explicit at the level of sentence-meaning & is in principle a matter of linguistic decoding. The author argues that no utterance can be fully understood simply in terms of (...)
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    The politics of Jean-François Lyotard.Chris Rojek, Bryan S. Turner & Jean-François Lyotard (eds.) - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Jean-Francois Lyotard is often considered to be the father of postmodernism. Here leading experts in the field of cultural and philosophical studies, including Barry Smart, John O' Neill and Victor J. Seidler, tackle many of the questions still being asked about this controversial figure.
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    (1 other version)Peregrinations: law, form, event.Jean-François Lyotard - 1988 - New York: Columbia University Press.
  29. Libidinal Economy.Jean-François Lyotard - 1993 - London: Indiana University Press. Edited by Iain Hamilton Grant.
    Lyotard is considered one of the most brilliant and influential of French post-structuralist thinkers. Published in 1974 by Minuit, Économie libidinale is, of all his work to date, the most creative in its mode of writing and in its theorizing: a stunning, dense, brilliant piece in which Lyotard, ranging from Marxist and Freudian theory to contemporary arts, argues that political economy is charged with passions and, reciprocally, that passions are infused with the political.
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    Suarez et le système de la métaphysique.Jean-François Courtine - 1990 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Une étude de l’apport de l’œuvre de Francisco Suarez (1548-1617) à la métaphysique. Rééxaminant notamment les Disputationes metaphysicae (1597), Jean-François Courtine définit le « moment Suarez » dans l’histoire de la métaphysique et son impact sur la philosophie moderne.
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    Lessons on the analytic of the sublime: Kant's Critique of judgment, [sections] 23-29.Jean-François Lyotard - 1994 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Philosophical aesthetics have seen an amazing revival over the past decade, as a radical questioning of the very grounds of Western epistemology has revealed that descriptions of what used to be seen as specific to aesthetic experience can instead be viewed as a general model for human cognition. In this revival, no text in the classical corpus of Western philosophy has been more frequently discussed and debated than the dense, complex paragraphs inserted into Kant's Critique of Judgment as sections 23-29: (...)
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    The Lyotard reader.Jean-François Lyotard - 1989 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. Edited by Andrew E. Benjamin.
    The Lyotard Reader is a collection of Jean-Francois Lyotard's most important and significant papers to date. While they are all written from within philosophy, they seek to address subjects as wide-ranging as film, painting, psychoanlaysis, Judaism and politics. The originality of Lyotard's work means that it cannot be readily situated within any one philosophical tradition. Instead he returns philosophy itself to debates across a range of areas and, in so doing, redefines the philosophical enterprise.
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    Un féminisme décolonial.Françoise Vergès - 2019 - Paris: La Fabrique éditions.
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    Are Better Workers Also Better Humans? On Pharmacological Cognitive Enhancement in the Workplace and Conflicting Societal Domains.Tony Pustovrh, Franc Mali & Simone Arnaldi - 2018 - NanoEthics 12 (3):301-313.
    The article investigates the sociocultural implications of the changing modern workplace and of pharmacological cognitive enhancement as a potential adaptive tool from the viewpoint of social niche construction. We will attempt to elucidate some of the sociocultural and technological trends that drive and influence the characteristics of this specific niche, and especially to identify the kind of capabilities and adaptations that are being promoted, and to ascertain the capabilities and potentialities that might become diminished as a result. In this context, (...)
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    La philosophie expérimentale de Diderot et la chimie: philosophie, sciences et arts.François Pépin - 2012 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    L'idée de philosophie expérimentale révèle l'originalité de Diderot à partir de sa manière de pratiquer la philosophie. Inscrite dans une division sociale du travail intellectuel pensée à partir de Bacon, elle se tourne résolument vers les sciences expérimentales, notamment la chimie. Devenant un point de vue philosophique, celle-ci éclaire plusieurs traits centraux de la pensée diderotienne, notamment sa critique des sciences physico-mathématiques, son matérialisme et sa philosophie du vivant.
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    Le symbolisme de la pierre à travers l'histoire: "de la Bible à la pierre philosophale".Jean-François Blondel - 2015 - Escalquens: Éditions Trajectoire.
    De la pierre de Jacob, décrite dans la Bible à la pierre philosophale ; des mégalithes de Stonehenge à la pierre cubique des francs-maçons, combien de fois la pierre a-telle été représentée en tant que symbole! L'auteur invite le lecteur à faire ce voyage dans l'espace et dans le temps, où, systématiquement, la pierre va se trouver associée à un événement qui a marqué l'humanité : les mégalithes, alignés dans la direction du lever du soleil aux solstices, les "pierres tombées (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Epistemología y ciencias sociales.François Guéry, Manuel Castells & Emilio De Ipola (eds.) - 1980 - Lima, Perú: Ediciones Contemporáneas.
    La epistemología / Guéry, François -- Práctica epistemológica y ciencias sociales, o, Cómo desarrollar la lucha de clases en el plano teórico sin internarse en la metafísica / Catells, Manuel y De Ipola, Emilio.
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    La loi du plus faible.François Guéry - 2023 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    Quel message la nature nous livre-t-elle? La force s'impose-t-elle automatiquement? La théorie de l'évolution, trahie par le darwinisme social, répond-elle suffisamment aux problèmes éthiques de notre temps? Finalement, la raison du plus fort est-elle toujours la meilleure? Le préjugé est tenace : les plus forts feraient la loi. La nature le dément pourtant : les plus faibles, à l'exemple de l'enfant à naître, sont l'objet d'une protection remarquable dès leur conception et bénéficient génétiquement de pouvoirs de survie considérables. Dans cet (...)
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    Explorations allemandes.Jean-François Kervégan - 2019 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Explorer l'Allemagne, c'est explorer quelque chose qui était là avant d'exister : un emplacement sur la carte de l'Europe, une tache dans son histoire, au mieux une "culture", comme on dit quand on ne sait comment nommer les choses. C'est aussi se confronter à des constructions intellectuelles grandioses qui ont eu pour auteurs, entre autres Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Marx, mais aussi Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger. Pourtant, si la philosophie a pour territoire l'universel, pourquoi s'intéresser à la philosophie allemande? Et d'abord, peut-il (...)
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    Textes dispersés.Jean-François Lyotard - 2012 - Leuven: Leuven University Press. Edited by Herman Parret.
    The fourth volume in the series "Jean-Franðcois Lyotard: Writings on Contemporary Art and Artists" contains 48 texts written by Lyotard between the early seventies and 1998, the year of his death. Nine of these texts are previously unpublished papers on general aesthetics and the theory of art. The remaining 39 essays deal with 27 specific artists: Luciano Berio, Richard Lindner, René Guiffrey, Gianfranco Baruchello, Henri Maccheroni, Riwan Tromeur, Albert Ayme, Manuel Casimiro, Ruth Francken, Barnett Newman, Jean-Luc Parant, François Lapouge, Sam (...)
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    Comment peut-on être laïque?, ou, L'esprit de la laïcité.Jean-François Melcer - 2024 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La laïcité est enthousiasmante. On finirait par en douter à force de confondre la neutralité ouverte de l'État avec une culture du consensus minimal, le désaccord avec l'offense, l'impartialité avec une tolérance trop convenue pour ne pas finir par être affligeante. Il suffit, pour s'en convaincre, de réanimer les débats qui ont vu s'opposer ses glorieux fondateurs : les Ferdinand Buisson et autres Jean Jaurès. Cet art exige que nous puissions prendre du recul par rapport aux polémiques qui défraient la (...)
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    The Seduction of Fiction: A Plea for Putting Emotions Back into Literary Interpretation.Jean-François Vernay - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    By meshing psychology with literary analysis, this book inspires us to view the reading of fictional works as an emotional and seductive affair between reader and writer. Arguing that current teaching practices have contributed to the current decline in the study of literature, Jean-François Vernay's plea brings a refreshing perspective by seeking new directions and conceptual tools to highlight the value of literature. Interdisciplinary in focus and relevant to timely discussions of the vitality between emotion and literary studies, particularly within (...)
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    Hermeneutic philosophy and Plato: Gadamer's response to the Philebus.Christopher Gill & François Renaud (eds.) - 2010 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
    This volume of new essays by an international group of scholars examines the response of Hans-Georg Gadamer to Plato, especially to the Philebus. The book studies Gadamer's interpretative approach to the dialogues and unwritten doctrines of Plato. It also shows how, for Gadamer, reading Plato was intimately interconnected with formulating his own philosophical views. The volume also brings out how Gadamer influenced Donald Davidson in his reading of Plato and his philosophical thought. The volume thus explores a fascinating case-study of (...)
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    André Comte-Sponville.François L'Yvonnet & André Comte-Sponville (eds.) - 2020 - Paris: Éditions de l'Herne.
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    Exploring Some Challenges of the Pharmaceutical Cognitive Enhancement Discourse: Users and Policy Recommendations.Toni Pustovrh & Franc Mali - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (2):137-158.
    The article explores some of the issues that have arisen in the discourse on pharmaceutical cognitive enhancement (PCE), that is, the use of stimulant drugs such as methylphenidate, amphetamine and modafinil by healthy individuals of various populations with the aim of improving cognitive performance. Specifically, we explore the presumed sizes of existing PCE user populations and the policy actions that have been proposed regarding the trend of PCE. We begin with an introductory examination of the academic stances and philosophical issues (...)
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    Plotin.Jean-François Pradeau - 2019 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    La vie et l'oeuvre : c'est Plotin en personne qui ici se raconte en enseignant sa philosophie. Quand le maître se fait l'initiateur : la plus belle, la plus vivante et la plus facile voie pour découvrir, comprendre et intégrer une pensée majeure. Quand Plotin (205-270) arrive à Rome, c'est pour y enseigner la philosophie de Platon. Formé à Alexandrie, il se donne pour mission de défendre une culture païenne que la philosophie stoïcienne ne parvient plus à servir. Il veut (...)
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    L'héritage d'Aristote aujourd'hui: science, nature et société: actes de la rencontre interdisciplinaire organisée à l'Institut d'etudes scientifiques de Cargèse du 5 au 8 mars 2019 par la Fédération de recherche environnement et société (FR CNRS 3041 FRES).Françoise Graziani & Pierre Pellegrin (eds.) - 2020 - Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso.
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    The hyphen: between Judaism and Christianity.Jean-François Lyotard - 1999 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanity Books. Edited by Eberhard Gruber & Jean-François Lyotard.
    This brilliant and engaging critical encounter between Jean-Francois Lyotard and Eberhard Gruber has as its focus a single punctuation mark-the hyphen connecting "Jew" and "Christian" in the expression "Judeo-Christian." While focusing on the nature, meaning, and function of this hyphen, the authors are able to analyze many of the essential differences between Judaism and Christianity, as well as the most significant historical and political consequences of these differences from the Roman Empire to the Shoah. Beginning with a reading of the (...)
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  49. Environmental challenge and animal agency.Marek Pinka & Françoise Wemelsfelder - 2018 - In Michael C. Appleby, Anna Olsson & Francisco Galindo (eds.), Animal welfare. Boston, MA: CABI.
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  50. Reasons and justifiability.Laura Schroeter & François Schroeter - 2018 - In Karen Jones & François Schroeter (eds.), The Many Moral Rationalisms. New York: Oxford Univerisity Press.
    Traditional normative realists are committed to the idea that different individuals manage to pick out on the very same property with terms like ‘morally right’, despite variations in their understanding and use of the term. How is this possible? In this chapter, we sketch a metasemantic account that promises to vindicate traditional normative realism within a broadly rationalist framework. We will first introduce a metasemantic principle that ties reference determination to what is justifiable from the perspective of the conceptually competent (...)
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