Results for 'Francesca Martines'

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  1.  24
    On predicting others’ words: Electrophysiological evidence of prediction in speech production.Cristina Baus, Natalie Sebanz, Vania de la Fuente, Francesca Martina Branzi, Clara Martin & Albert Costa - 2014 - Cognition 133 (2):395-407.
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    The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Francesca Fremantle and Chogyam Trungpa.Martin Boord - 1990 - Buddhist Studies Review 7 (1-2):149-150.
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    Youth Football Players’ Psychological Well-Being: The Key Role of Relationships.Eleonora Reverberi, Chiara D’Angelo, Martin A. Littlewood & Caterina Francesca Gozzoli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:567776.
    The work examines the influence of the relationship that football players have with significant others on their psychological wellbeing (PWB), adopting a psychosocial perspective. According to this perspective, PWB can be considered a basic condition for an effective talent development and holistic growth of young athletes. Current literature on talent development in sport has been analyzed to support the theoretical hypothesis of psychosocial perspective. Thus, it has been tested empirically through a Structural Equation Model. Analysis reveals a strong and positive (...)
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    (1 other version)Martin Heidegger e il pensiero della cura.Francesca Brencio - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
  5. Martin Heidegger e la riflessione sul male. Dall’etica originaria ai Quaderni Neri.Francesca Brencio - 2017 - Magazzino di Filosofia 10:39-95.
  6. Martin Heidegger and the thinking of evil: from the original ethics to the Black Notebooks.Francesca Brencio - 2016 - Ius Fugit 19:87-134.
  7. (1 other version)Petrarch in Britain: Interpreters, Imitators, and Translators over 700 years.Martin Mclaughlin, Letizia Panizza & Peter Hainsworth - unknown - Proceedings of the British Academy 146.
    I : PETRARCH'S BRITAIN 1: Piero Boitani: Petrarch and the barbari Britanni II: PETRARCH AND THE SELF 2: Jennifer Petrie: Petrarch solitarius 3: Zygmunt G. Baranski: The Ethics of Ignorance: Petrarch's Epicurus and Averroes and the Structures of the De Sui Ipsius et Aliorum Ignorantia 4: Jonathan Usher: Petrarch's Second Death III: PETRARCH IN DIALOGUE 5: Francesca Galligan: Poets and Heroes in Petrarch's Africa: Classical and Medieval Sources 6: Enrico Santangelo: Petrarch reading Dante: the Ascent of Mont Ventoux 7: (...)
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  8. I Quaderni Neri di Martin Heidegger. Osservazioni ‘inutili’ eppure necessarie.Francesca Brencio - 2016 - Idee 12:13-36.
  9.  26
    From Fixing to Thinking: Martin Heidegger’s Contribution to Medical Cares.Francesca Brencio - 2021 - In Carmine Di Martino, Heidegger and Contemporary Philosophy: Technology, Living, Society & Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 149-168.
    This paper aims to pursue two goals: first, it will explore the encounter and dialogue between Martin Heidegger’s thinking toward medicine, and in particular, psychiatry. Second, it will look toward understanding how this encounter can illuminate clinical practices and provide significant contributions within the fields of medical education and healthcare. The broader horizon of this paper is to underline how embracing a different approach to health can be of interest to both a medical and philosophical audience, inviting the former to (...)
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  10. «…this phenomenon, which is none too happily designated as ‘empathy’». Martin Heidegger’s critique of empathy.Francesca Brencio - 2022 - Bollettino Filosofico 37:243-251.
    F. Brencio (2022), «…this phenomenon, which is none too happily designated as ‘empathy’». Martin Heidegger’s critique of empathy, in “Bollettino Filosofico”, 37, 243-251, ISSN: 1593 – 7178, E-ISSN 2035 - 2670.
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  11. Sufferance, freedom and meaning: Viktor Frankl and Martin Heidegger.Francesca Brencio - 2015 - Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana 18:217-246.
  12. Essere e fondamento in Martin Heidegger.Francesca Brencio - 2005 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia dell'Università Degli Studi di Perugia.
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    L’essere ed il destino della metafisica occidentale nella riflessione di Martin Heidegger.Francesca Brencio - 2002 - Oros 1 (1).
  15.  6
    La densité. Essai de caractérisation d’une propriété esthétique.Hugo Martin - 2024 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 33 (1):163-177.
    Comment qualifier cette adéquation, face au détail d’un tableau, entre la chose représentée et le médium pictural, cette impression d’un détail qui s’impose, qui semble sortir du mur? À partir d’un détail architectural dans une fresque de Piero della Francesca, nous déplions le concept de densité. L’analyse des qualités intrinsèques et formelles du détail ne suffisant pas à décrire l’effet produit sur le regardeur, nous postulons, au fil d’un parcours à travers les natures mortes de Chardin, que la densité (...)
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    A learning-theoretic characterisation of Martin-Löf randomness and Schnorr randomness.Francesca Zaffora Blando - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (2):531-549.
    Numerous learning tasks can be described as the process of extrapolating patterns from observed data. One of the driving intuitions behind the theory of algorithmic randomness is that randomness amounts to the absence of any effectively detectable patterns: it is thus natural to regard randomness as antithetical to inductive learning. Osherson and Weinstein [11] draw upon the identification of randomness with unlearnability to introduce a learning-theoretic framework (in the spirit of formal learning theory) for modelling algorithmic randomness. They define two (...)
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  17. Presentación del volumen F. W. von Herrmann – F. Alferi, Martin Heidegger. La verita’ sui Quaderni Neri. [REVIEW]Francesca Brencio - 2016 - Differenz. Revista Internacional de Estudios Heideggerianos y Sus Derivas Contemporaneas 2:25-258.
  18. World, time and anxiety. Heidegger’s existential analytic and psychiatry.Francesca Brencio - forthcoming - Folia Medica.
    Martin Heidegger has been one of the most influential but also criticized philosophers of the XX century. With Being and Time (1927) he sets apart his existential analytic from psychology as well as from anthropology and from the other human sciences that deny the ontological foundation, overcoming the Cartesian dualism in search of the ontological unit of an articulated multiplicity, as human being is. Heidegger’s Dasein Analytic defines the fundamental structures of Dasein such as being-in-the-world, a unitary structure that discloses (...)
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    (1 other version)Heidegger and Binswanger: just a misunderstanding?Francesca Brencio - forthcoming - The Humanistic Psychologist.
    Ludwig Binswanger has been one of the first psychiatrists who used in his medical approach the Daseinsanalyse of Martin Heidegger in order to understand the mental disorders of his patients. However, as it is well-known, one of the most critical interlocutor of Binswanger was Heidegger himself. Rebuilding the controversial case of Ellen West and the relationship between Heidegger and Binswanger on the ground of analysis of human being, the aim of this paper is to verify if Heidegger’s approach can give (...)
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  20. Foundation and poetry. Heidegger as a reader of Hölderlin.Francesca Brencio - 2014 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 1 (1).
    Around 1930, Martin Heidegger approached Hölderlin’s poetry, welcoming his solicitations and hints in order to redeem the experience of the usage of language after the linguistic interruption of Being and Time that showed him the poverty of metaphysical language. Linguistic poverty is closely linked to metaphysical poverty and to the historical and destiny-related impossibility to grasp Being. From the 1930s onwards, the issue concerning the sense of Being becomes for Heidegger an issue concerning the sense of language. Heidegger appears to (...)
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    Care and being-in-the world: Heidegger’s philosophy and its implications for psychiatry.Francesca Brencio - 2014 - Journal of European Psychiatry Association 29 (1).
    Philosophy is one of the disciplines that can more adequately provide a contribution to the definition of the focus and limits of psychiatry in the definition of human being. Substantial, comprehensive contributions to this field come from Martin Heidegger, one of the most prominent and seminal philosophers of the 20th century. During the 50's the Italian psychiatrist Franco Basaglia comes up with the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and he gains the concept of human being as’Being-in-the- world’, central point in every (...)
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  22.  11
    Francesca Simeoni, Trascendenza e cambiamento in Filone di Alessandria. La chiave del paradosso.Smaranda Marculescu - 2022 - Philosophie Antique 22.
    Le volume analyse le lien entre transcendance et changement comme clé de la relation entre Dieu et l’être humain dans la pensée de Philon d’Alexandrie. Au cœur de l’enquête se trouve un verset biblique, Exode 3, 14, analysé dans deux versions, celle des Septante et la version massorétique. Francesca Simeoni (dorénavant FS), opte pour la traduction « Je suis Celui qui est/existe (Ἐγώ εἰμι ὁ ὤν) », selon la version des Septante, en s’appuyant sur les considérations de Martin Buber (...)
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  23. The Social World of the Florentine Humanists.L. Martines - 1963
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    Verdade e Evidência da Existência de Deus Em São Boaventura.Paulo Martines - 2024 - Basilíade - Revista de Filosofia 6 (11):23-38.
    O tema da existência de Deus é apresentado por São Boaventura a partir de três vias que conduzem o pensamento humano à certeza natural, enquanto adesão firme à verdade que a inteligência conhece, seja segundo as razões eternas, seja por meio de provas demonstrativas. Essas três vias consideram respectivamente, o autoconhecimento da alma; o reconhecimento do mundo exterior, na relação entre as criaturas e o criador; e o plano da evidência imediata e suficiente por si para engendrar a verdade indubitável. (...)
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  25.  84
    A interpretação do Proslogion por Karl Barth.Paulo Ricardo Martines - 1996 - Trans/Form/Ação 19:231-239.
    The chief aim of this paper is to present some essential elements of the interpretation to the Proslogion carried out by Karl Bathr in his book S. Anselme, Fides Quaerens Intellectum. La preuve de l'existence de Dieu . Taking Anselm's "theological programme" as a point of departure, Barth indentifíes the central lines for the reading of the chapters 2-4 of the Proslogion. We shall attempt to point out both the signifícance and the achievement of that interpretation as a contribution to (...)
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  26. Addenda to the Life of Antonio Corbinelli.'.Lauro Martines - 1957 - Rinascimento 8:3-19.
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    Gilles Gaston Granger, La théorie aristotélicienne de la science.Isabelle Martinès - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (1-2):249-251.
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    Livre-arbítrio E predestinação divina em anselmo de cantuária.Paulo Ricardo Martines - 2003 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 48 (3):391-396.
    O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar a “famosissima quaestio” que envolve a relação entre a presciência, a predestinação e a graça de Deus com o livre-arbitrio humano, segundo Anselmo de Cantuária. Essa discussão aparece em seu último tratado, Ze concorda, escrito provavelmente entre 1107-1108. Nesta obra, Anselmotetoma e confirma a definição de liberdade como um poder de conservar a retidão da vontade, examinando isso à luz da graça divina.
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  29.  17
    La meditación según Anselmo de Canterbury.Paulo Martines - 2019 - Patristica Et Medievalia 40 (1).
    Con el tema de la meditación somos introducidos directamente en el ámbito de la espiritualidad monástica, de la cual San Anselmo de Canterbury es uno de los representantes más significativos de la Alta Edad Media. Como monje benedictino, él reconoce y vive plenamente la reflexión sobre sí mismo entendida como introspección: se trata del ejercicio del retiro para, en silencio, buscar a Dios. El distanciarse del mundo y el amor del reino de Dios constituyen los signos más indicativos de la (...)
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  30.  19
    O ato moral segundo Tomás de Aquino.Paulo Martines - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (SPE):249-264.
    Resumo: Ao considerar as ações que são propriamente humanas, as quais pertencem ao homem enquanto homem, Tomás de Aquino destaca aquelas ações que procedem da vontade deliberada e que visam a um determinado fim, uma orientação que será caracterizada como algo inscrito no próprio ser da criatura e acompanhada de certo conhecimento. Este artigo almeja estudar a constituição do ato moral para Tomás, fazendo ressaltar não apenas a centralidade da vontade na constituição desse ato, mas também certos assuntos pertinentes à (...)
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    The designation id quod summum omnium and the "divine names" in Anselm of Canterbury.Paulo Martines - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1):67-78.
    Anselmo de Cantuária investiga no Proslogion (caps. 5-12) se o conteúdo de nossas palavras se refere de modo adequado à substância criadora. Essa obra de Anselmo pode ser considerada como uma meditação realizada por um espírito que busca entender aquilo que inicialmente crê a respeito do ser divino. O Proslogion nos oferecerá um caminho para pensar o sentido da busca de razões no domínio exclusivo da fé, do esforço da palavra humana para encontrar aquilo que já fora dito por outra (...)
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  32.  12
    The Mediterranean Wall. Among Sovereignty, Borders and Identities.Lucia Martines - 2017 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 10 (1).
    The essay intends to highlight as the walls constitute the elements of that “imaginary geography”, according to a definition of Edward Said, that realizing an attempt of defence of the State sovereignty, admits at same times its fragility. Symbolically representing a function and an effectiveness that in reality they do not exercise, such walls appear as “theatrical and spectacularised performance of the power”, disappointing responses in the face of the challenges and of today's questions. Analysing the convergence of the Mediterranean (...)
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    Gherardo Ortalli, Pingatur in Palatio: La pittura infamante nei secoli XIII–XVI, Rome: Jouvence, 1979. Paper. Pp. 206; 8 plates. L 6,500. [REVIEW]Lauro Martines - 1980 - Speculum 55 (4):874-875.
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    Note di lettura.Simona Bertolini, Maura Franchi, Lucia Martines, Corrado Piroddi & Alberto Siclari - 2015 - Società Degli Individui 53:153-168.
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  35. The Routledge Handbook of Metaphysical Grounding.Michael J. Raven (ed.) - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    A collection of 37 essays surveying the state of the art on metaphysical ground. -/- Essay authors are: Fatema Amijee, Ricki Bliss, Amanda Bryant, Margaret Cameron, Phil Corkum, Fabrice Correia, Louis deRosset, Scott Dixon, Tom Donaldson, Nina Emery, Kit Fine, Martin Glazier, Kathrin Koslicki, David Mark Kovacs, Stephan Krämer, Stephanie Leary, Stephan Leuenberger, Jon Litland, Marko Malink, Michaela McSweeney, Kevin Mulligan, Alyssa Ney, Asya Passinsky, Francesca Poggiolesi, Kevin Richardson, Stefan Roski, Noel Saenz, Benjamin Schnieder, Erica Shumener, Alexander Skiles, Olla (...)
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    Santa Francesca Romana e papa Eugenio IV: profezia e potere a Roma al tempo del Concilio di Basilea.Francesca Canepuccia - 2022 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 34 (66):31-44.
    A cavallo tra i due concili di Costanza e Basilea, che hanno fortemente influito sul giudizio della Chiesa in relazione alle donne visionarie, si staglia la figura di Francesca Bussa dei Ponziani. Le visioni politiche di Francesca rappresentano un fulgido esempio di come i modelli brigidini e cateriniani siano stati ripresi e rimodellati su un nuovo, mutato contesto storico. La sua consolidata autorità le consentì di ammonire a più riprese papa Eugenio IV riguardo alla sua partecipazione al concilio (...)
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  37. Francesca Brezzi e Fina Birulés su La sapienza di Diotima.Francesca Brezzi & Fina Birulés - 1998 - la Società Degli Individui 2.
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  38.  46
    Corpo e spazio. A partire da Francesca Woodman.Francesca Brencio (ed.) - 2014
  39.  33
    Art museums, old paintings, and our knowledge of the past.David Carrier - 2001 - History and Theory 40 (2):170–189.
    Art museums frequently remove old paintings from their original settings. In the process, the context of these works of art changes dramatically. Do museums then preserve works of art? To answer this question, I consider an imaginary painting, The Travels and Tribulations of Piero's Baptism of Christ, depicting the history of display of Piero della Francesca's Baptism of Christ. This example suggests that how Piero's painting is seen does depend upon its setting. According to the Intentionalist, such changes in (...)
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  40. Aria, Terra, Acqua, Fuoco I Quattro Elementi E le Loro Metafore / a Cura di Francesca Rigotti, Pierangelo Schiera = Luft, Erde, Wasser, Feuer : Die Vier Elemente Und Ihre Metaphern / Hrsg. Von Francesca Rigotti, Pierangelo Schiera.Francesca Rigotti & Pierangelo Schiera - 1996
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  41. (1 other version)Can ‘eugenics’ be defended?Francesca Minerva, Diana S. Fleischman, Peter Singer, Nicholas Agar, Jonathan Anomaly & Walter Veit - 2021 - Monash Bioethics Review 39 (1):60-67.
  42. William James at the boundaries: philosophy, science, and the geography of knowledge.Francesca Bordogna - 2008 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    At Columbia University in 1906, William James gave a highly confrontational speech to the American Philosophical Association (APA). He ignored the technical philosophical questions the audience had gathered to discuss and instead addressed the topic of human energy. Tramping on the rules of academic decorum, James invoked the work of amateurs, read testimonials on the benefits of yoga and alcohol, and concluded by urging his listeners to take up this psychological and physiological problem. What was the goal of this unusual (...)
  43. Ontologia qualitativa, fenomenologia della persona. Intervista a Francesca De Vecchi.Simone Santamato & Francesca De Vecchi - 2024 - Mimesis Scenari.
    In this paper, I interview Francesca De Vecchi (Full Professor of Theoretical Philosophy in Vita-Salute San Raffaele University) about her qualitative ontology and its social and normative implications. If at the foundation of our lifeworld there are significantly qualitative experiences, phenomenology can investigate the most important contemporary issues, such as gender disparity, socio-virtuality depersonalizations and political urgencies.
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    Martin Buber - Anachronismus oder neue Chance für die Pädagogik?Martin Buber, Willehad Lanwer-Koppelin, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy & Jutta Vierheilig - 1996
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  45. Biochemical functions.Francesca Bellazzi - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    Function talk is a constant across different life sciences. From macro-evolution to genetics, functions are mentioned everywhere. For example, a limb’s function is to allow movement and RNA polymerases’ function is to transcribe DNA. Biochemistry is not immune from such a characterization; the biochemical world seems to be a chemical world embedded within biological processes. Specifically, biochemists commonly ascribe functions to biomolecules and classify them accordingly. This has been noticed in the recent philosophical literature on biochemical kinds. But while a (...)
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  46. Communicative competence and theory of mind in autism: A test of relevance theory.Francesca G. E. Happé - 1993 - Cognition 48 (2):101-119.
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    Conscientious objection in Italy: Table 1.Francesca Minerva - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (2):170-173.
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    Space, Number, and Geometry From Helmholtz to Cassirer.Francesca Biagioli - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a reconstruction of the debate on non-Euclidean geometry in neo-Kantianism between the second half of the nineteenth century and the first decades of the twentieth century. Kant famously characterized space and time as a priori forms of intuitions, which lie at the foundation of mathematical knowledge. The success of his philosophical account of space was due not least to the fact that Euclidean geometry was widely considered to be a model of certainty at his time. However, such (...)
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  49.  63
    The Ethics of Cryonics: Is It Immoral to Be Immortal?Francesca Minerva - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    Cryonics—also known as cryopreservation or cryosuspension—is the preservation of legally dead individuals at ultra-low temperatures. Those who undergo this procedure hope that future technology will not only succeed in reviving them, but also cure them of the condition that led to their demise. In this sense, some hope that cryopreservation will allow people to continue living indefinitely. This book discusses the moral concerns of cryonics, both as a medical procedure and as an intermediate step toward life extension. In particular, Minerva (...)
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  50. On defining the notion of complete and immediate formal grounding.Francesca Poggiolesi - 2016 - Synthese 193 (10).
    The aim of this paper is to provide a definition of the the notion of complete and immediate formal grounding through the concepts of derivability and complexity. It will be shown that this definition yields a subtle and precise analysis of the concept of grounding in several paradigmatic cases.
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