Results for 'Francis Bayer'

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  1. Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis, J.A. Jacobson and Charles B. Smith. 2009. The patient as victim and vector: Ethics and infectious disease: New York: Oxford University Press, ISBN 019533583X. [REVIEW]Ronald Bayer - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (2):249-250.
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    Should rapid tests for hiv infection now be mandatory during pregnancy? Global differences in scarcity and a dilemma of technological advance.Charles B. Smith, Margaret P. Battin, Leslie P. Francis & Jay A. Jacobson - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):86–103.
    Since testing for HIV infection became possible in 1985, testing of pregnant women has been conducted primarily on a voluntary, ‘opt-in’ basis. Faden, Geller and Powers, Bayer, Wilfert, and McKenna, among others, have suggested that with the development of more reliable testing and more effective therapy to reduce maternal-fetal transmission, testing should become either routine with ‘opt-out’ provisions or mandatory. We ask, in the light of the new rapid tests for HIV, such as OraQuick, and the development of antiretroviral (...)
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  3. Přírodní filosofie Jana Bayera: Její mosaický charakter a raně novověké inspirace.Jan Čížek - 2021 - Filosoficky Casopis 69 (1):711-736.
    The Natural Philosophy of Jan Bayer The main focus of this study is a reconstruction of the natural philosophy of the early modern Prešov's scholar Jan (Johannes) Bayer (1630–1674), with special regard to its Mosaic profile. After a critical reading of the research done on Bayer up to this point, the author concludes that Bayer’s natural-philosophical work, as such, has not yet been satisfactorily analyzed, nor has its connection to its supposedly two most important sources, (...) Bacon and Jan Amos Comenius, been sufficiently explored. The study therefore concentrates on a critical analysis of Bayer’s interpretation of creation and his natural history, which are then both situated in the philosophical context of their time. The author then notes that although Bayer’s project of erecting an original and on the (especially Aristotelian) tradition independent Mosaic natural philosophy ended in failure, the thinker’s work can be assessed as a valuable attempt to synthesize Baconian and Comenian motifs while at the same time reflecting broader intellectual contexts of the period. (shrink)
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  4. The genesis of public health ethics.Ronald Bayer & Amy L. Fairchild - 2004 - Bioethics 18 (6):473–492.
    ABSTRACT As bioethics emerged in the 1960s and 1970s and began to have enormous impacts on the practice of medicine and research – fuelled, by broad socio‐political changes that gave rise to the struggle of women, African Americans, gay men and lesbians, and the antiauthoritarian impulse that characterised the New Left in democratic capitalist societies – little attention was given to the question of the ethics of public health. This was all the more striking since the core values and practices (...)
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  5. Internalism empowered: how to bolster a theory of justification with a direct realist theory of awareness.Benjamin Bayer - 2012 - Acta Analytica 27 (4):383-408.
    Abstract The debate in the philosophy of perception between direct realists and representationalists should influence the debate in epistemology between internalists and externalists about justification. If direct realists are correct, there are more consciously accessible justifiers for internalists to exploit than externalists think. Internalists can retain their distinctive internalist identity while accepting this widened conception of internalistic justification: even if they welcome the possibility of cognitive access to external facts, their position is still quite distinct from the typical externalist position. (...)
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  6. Coming to Know Principles in Posterior Analytics II 19.Greg Bayer - 1997 - Apeiron 30 (2):109-142.
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    Means, ends and the ethics of fear-based public health campaigns.Ronald Bayer & Amy L. Fairchild - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6):391-396.
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  8. A role for abstractionism in a direct realist foundationalism.Benjamin Bayer - 2011 - Synthese 180 (3):357-389.
    Both traditional and naturalistic epistemologists have long assumed that the examination of human psychology has no relevance to the prescriptive goal of traditional epistemology, that of providing first-person guidance in determining the truth. Contrary to both, I apply insights about the psychology of human perception and concept-formation to a very traditional epistemological project: the foundationalist approach to the epistemic regress problem. I argue that direct realism about perception can help solve the regress problem and support a foundationalist account of justification, (...)
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  9. G. W. F. Hegel, Lectures on the History of Philosophy, 1825-26. Volume II: Greek Philosophy (review).Thora Ilin Bayer - 2007 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45 (4):664-665.
    Thora Ilin Bayer - G. W. F. Hegel, Lectures on the History of Philosophy, 1825-26. Volume II: Greek Philosophy - Journal of the History of Philosophy 45:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 45.4 664-665 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Reviewed by Thora Ilin Bayer Xavier University of Louisiana Robert F. Brown, editor and translator. G. W. F. Hegel, Lectures on the History of Philosophy, 1825–26. Volume II: Greek Philosophy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2006. Pp. xiv + 375. (...)
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    Confessions of a lapsed Neo-Davidsonian: events and arguments in compositional semantics.Samuel Louis Bayer - 1997 - New York: Garland.
    Chapter 1 Introduction How are participants associated with the eventualities they participate in? Are there events? Thematic roles? ...
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    Mass Testing and Mass Treatment for Epidemic HIV: The Ethics of Medical Research is No Guide.R. Bayer - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (3):301-302.
    In 2009, in a provocative article in the Lancet , Granich et al . proposed a radical public health intervention to address the vast human toll exacted by the HIV epidemic in regions with generalized epidemics where millions are infected. The proposal, based on modeling, suggested that universal screening for HIV and immediate treatment for all found to be infected, regardless of immune status, could ultimately reverse an epidemiological course that has appeared resistant to efforts at prevention.
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    Moral Philosophy and moral education.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2017 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    Moral Philosophy and Moral Education considers the interconnections of ethics, education, and the philosophy of culture as related to the human concern with self-knowledge. The individual self finds its inner life writ large in the forms of culture such as religion, art, and history. Such forms of cultural life represent and embody normative ideals that can provide the necessary content to shape the character and the conduct of civic life. Thora Ilin Bayer draws upon the ancient Greek view of (...)
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    Commentary: “Whiteness and Colourblindness”.Gerd Bayer - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-5.
    This commentary argues that, in discussing the racial and cultural identities of cinematic representations of humanoid AI robots, nuances and differentiations are beneficial. It suggests that the essay on which the present text comments does not sufficiently acknowledge the range of identities found in AI films, in particular in Alex Garland's Ex Machina.
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    Freedom and Tradition in Hegel: Reconsidering Anthropology, Ethics, and Religion (review).Thora Ilin Bayer - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (2):322-323.
    Thora Ilin Bayer - Freedom and Tradition in Hegel: Reconsidering Anthropology, Ethics, and Religion - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:2 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.2 322-323 Thomas A. Lewis. Freedom and Tradition in Hegel: Reconsidering Anthropology, Ethics, and Religion. Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005. Pp. xiii + 258. Cloth, $32.50. Central to the purpose of this book is an examination of Hegel's conception of ethics. This examination is most welcome because between (...)
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    Cassirer's Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms: A Philosophical Commentary.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2001 - New Haven: Yale University Press. Edited by Ernst Cassirer.
    A commentary on Ernst Cassirer's "Metaphysics of Symbolic Forms". It offers an introduction to the metaphysical views that underlie the philosopher's conceptions of symbolic form and human culture. It also focuses on the meaning of Cassirer's claim that philosophy is not itself a symbolic form.
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    The Dual Epidemics of Tuberculosis and AIDS.Ronald Bayer, Nancy Neveloff Dubler & Lawrence O. Gostin - 1993 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 21 (3-4):277-278.
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  17. Definition through Demonstration: The Two Types of Syllogisms in Posterior Analytics II.8.Greg Bayer - 1995 - Phronesis 40 (3):241-264.
    This paper highlights an important distinction underlying the possibility of inquiry, between first _identifying the subject of inquiry and ultimately _explaining it: that the former can be achieved before and without the latter is a presupposition of inquiry. I believe Aristotle is keenly aware of this in _Posterior Analytics, II.8, where he shows how a scientific demonstration can "manifest" a definition. I argue that such a demonstration consists of two sorts of syllogisms, one identifying the definiendum, the other explaining it. (...)
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  18. Classification and explanation in Aristotle's theory of definition.Greg Bayer - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):487-505.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Classification and Explanation in Aristotle’s Theory of DefinitionGreg Bayer1. introductiona problem lies at the heart of Aristotle’s theory of definition. On the one hand, Aristotle says in Topics VI.4 that “the one who defines well must define by means of genus1 and differentia” (141b25–7); indeed his view of definition most often seems to be confined to its role of picking out the definiendum by indicating the class it belongs (...)
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  19. Introduction: ethical theory and public health.Ronald Bayer, Lawrence O. Gostin, Bruce Jennings & Bonnie Steinbock - forthcoming - Public Health Ethics: Theory, Policy, and Practice.
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    The unity of the Proslogion: reason and desire in the monastic theology of Anselm of Canterbury.John Bayer - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    Interpretations of Anselm's Proslogion range between the extremes of 'rationalism' and 'fideism' because of the challenge of unifying its philosophical and devotional aspects. In this book, Bayer argues that a 'monastic interpretation' - or an interpretation that takes seriously the intellectual significance of our existential commitments - offers a powerful compromise. Through an extensive study of Anselm's spiritualty, especially as it is manifested in his letters and homiletic works, coupled with a profound study of Anselm's philosophy of language in (...)
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    Personal Experiences of Research Misconduct and the Response of Individual Academic Scientists.Alan E. Bayer & John M. Braxton - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (2):198-213.
    From a national U.S. sample of senior academic biochemists, ninety-four indicated that they personally knew of an incident of scientific wrongdoing. Among these individuals, less formal actions against an offending individual were endorsed when either actions were believed to have the potential to publicly embarrass the offending individual, or the actions might adversely affect the professional career of the whistleblower. These relationships remain significant after controlling for professional status, career age, and current level of formal departmental administrative responsibility. Study limitations (...)
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  22.  10
    Vernunft ist Sprache: Hamanns Metakritik Kants.Oswald Bayer - 2002 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: BoD – Books on Demand. Edited by Benjamin Gleede & Ulrich Moustakas.
    Das Wort »Metakritik«, heute eine gängige philosophische Vokabel, (er-)findet der Königsberger Publizist und Schriftsteller Johann Georg Hamann (1730–1788) im Zuge seiner intensiven Auseinandersetzung mit Kants ›Kritik der reinen Vernunft‹. – Das vorliegende Buch bietet erstmals eine durchgängige, eingehende und umfassende Kommentierung der ›Metakritik über den Purismum der Vernunft‹ (1784) und ihrer Begleittexte. In seinem Sprachdenken ist Hamann ein entscheidender Vermittler zwischen dem angelsächsischen Empirismus und dem Frühidealismus in Deutschland. Über ihre spezifische Kantkritik hinaus ist Hamanns ›Metakritik‹ philosophiegeschichtlich und systematisch von (...)
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  23. Martin Luther's Theology: A Contemporary Interpretation.Oswald Bayer & Thomas H. Trapp - 2008
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  24. The Elusiveness of Doxastic Compatibilism.Benjamin Bayer - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (3):233-252.
    This paper evaluates recent proposals for compatibilism about doxastic freedom, and attempts to refine them by applying Fischer and Ravizza’s moderate reasons-responsiveness compatibilism to doxastic freedom. I argue, however, that even this refined version of doxastic compatibilism is subject to challenging counter-examples and is more difficult to support than traditional compatibilism about freedom of action. In particular, it is much more difficult to identify convincing examples of the sort Frankfurt proposed to challenge the idea that responsibility requires alternative possibilities.
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    Guidelines for Confidentiality in Research on AIDS.Ronald Bayer, Carol Levine & Thomas H. Murray - 1984 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 6 (6):1.
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  26. How Not to Refute Quine: Evaluating Kim's Alternatives to Naturalized Epistemology.Benjamin Bayer - 2007 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (4):473-495.
    This paper offers an interpretation of Quine's naturalized epistemology through the lens of Jaegwon Kim's influential critique of the same. Kim argues that Quine forces a false choice between traditional deductivist foundationalism and naturalized epistemology and contends that there are viable alternative epistemological projects. However it is suggested that Quine would reject these alternatives by reference to the same fundamental principles (underdetermination, indeterminacy of translation, extensionalism) that led him to reject traditional epistemology and propose naturalism as an alternative. Given this (...)
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    The Limits of Privacy: Surveillance and the Control of Disease.Ronald Bayer & Amy Fairchild - 2002 - Health Care Analysis 10 (1):19-35.
    What justified the Center for Disease Control's1999 determination to require HIV casereporting? Why were names necessary? Why didopponents view the reporting of names with suchalarm? This paper retells the history of theencounters over HIV reporting that had occurredsince the mid 1980s. In placing HIV reportingwithin a larger context, however, we understandthe clash between privacy and public healthnecessity as a complex issue, both inhistorical and contemporary practice. Byunderscoring the similarities and differenceswith the histories of surveillance for otherinfectious diseases, vaccination, occupationaldiseases, cancer, (...)
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  28. When Worlds Collide: Health Surveillance, Privacy, and Public Policy.Ronald Bayer & Amy Fairchild - 2010 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 77 (2):905-928.
    Surveillance serves as the eyes of public health. It has provided the foundation for planning, intervention, and disease prevention and has been critical for epidemiology research into patterns of morbidity and mortality for a wide variety of disease and conditions. Registries have been essential for tracking individuals and their conditions over time. Surveillance has also served to trigger the imposition of public health control measures, such as contact tracing, mandatory treatment, and quarantine. The threat of such intervention and long-term monitoring (...)
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    Giambattista Vico: keys to the New science: translations, commentaries, and essays.Thora Ilin Bayer, Donald Phillip Verene & Giambattista Vico (eds.) - 2009 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Introduction : interpreting The new science -- Synopsis of universal law -- The true and the certain : from On the one principle and one end of universal law -- A new science is essayed : from On the constancy of the jurisprudent -- On Homer and his two poems : from the dissertations -- Vico's address to his readers from a lost manuscript on jurisprudence -- Vico's reply to the false book notice : the Vici vindiciae -- Vico's "ignota (...)
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  30. Vico and Naples: The Urban Origins of Modern Social Theory.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (4):498-499.
    This work concerns the development of the thought of Giambattista Vico (1668–1744) during approximately the first half of his career at the University of Naples, from his appointment as Professor of Rhetoric in 1699 to the appearance of his First New Science in 1725. It concentrates on Vico’s short history of the failed coup against Spanish rule in Naples, his series of inaugural university orations on pedagogy, and the three books of his work on universal law, the Diritto universale. Professor (...)
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    A Comparative Reading Essay in Terms of Rhetoric: An Example of Verses in Surah al-Baqarah in which the Word Rizq is Used.İsmail Bayer & Esra Hacimüftüoğlu - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):559-575.
    Religion, environment, tradition, needs, and character determine the framework of people's eating habits. In this context, a special area is reserved for nutrition in the Qur'an. One of the prominent words in the relevant field is “rizq,” referring to things that Allah gives to all creatures for their own benefit. Broadly, children, spouse, action, knowledge, and wisdom can also be evaluated in this context. This study aims to reach detailed data on the subject by examining the verses where the word (...)
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    Cassirer's normative philosophy.Thora Ilin Bayer - 1993 - Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (3-4):431-441.
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    The Future of Vico Studies.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2000 - New Vico Studies 18:71-76.
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    Vico’s Theory of Education for the Common Good.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2002 - New Vico Studies 20:19-24.
    Elio Gianturco said, of De mente heroica (On the Heroic Mind) “it is one of the most inspired ‘invitations to learning’ ever penned. . . . The eros of learning has seldom been expressed in more electrifying terms.”Vico advocates the humanist ideal that the goal of education is the realization of the natural bond between eloquence and wisdom. The educated person has the goal of becoming “wisdom speaking” (la sapienza che parla). The aim of the individual in any system of (...)
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    Gays and the Stigma of Bad Blood.Ronald Bayer - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (2):5-7.
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    The American, British and Dutch Responses to Unlinked Anonymous HIV Seroprevalence Studies: An International Comparison.Ronald Bayer, L. H. Lumey & Lourdes Wan - 1991 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 19 (3-4):222-230.
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    Gelungener Normbruch?Daria Bayer - 2023 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 31 (1):107-126.
    On the occasion of the Last Generation’s protest actions, the political categories of civil disobedience and civil resistance have been discussed increasingly within criminal law. These discussions are rarely linked to Émile Durkheims theorem of necessary deviation from social rules. Durkheim describes deviation as a phenomenon that is to a certain extent necessary in a functioning society because it enables the natural development of society and the collective change of ideas. Similarly, public sanctioning of norm-breaking is to some extent necessary (...)
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  38. Method in aesthetics.Raymond Bayer - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (4):308-324.
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  39. Metaethical Problems for Ethical Egoism, Reconsidered.Benjamin Bayer - manuscript
    Until recently it has been conventional to assume that ethical egoism is "ethical" is name, alone, and that no account that considers one's own interests as the standard of moral obligation could count as seriously "ethical." In recent years, however, philosophers have shown increasing respect for more sophisticated forms of ethical egoism which attempt to define self-interest in enriched terms characterizing self-interest as human flourishing in both material and psychological dimensions. But philosophers are still skeptical that any conception of self-interest (...)
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    Surveillance and privacy.Ronald Bayer & Amy L. Fairchild - forthcoming - Public Health Ethics: Theory, Policy, and Practice.
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  41. Quine’s Pragmatic Solution to Sceptical Doubts.Benjamin Bayer - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (2):177-204.
    In this paper I examine a series of criticisms that have been levelled against Quine's naturalized epistemology, regarding its response to the problem of scepticism. Barry Stroud and Michael Williams, assuming that Quine wishes to refute scepticism, argue that Quine not only fails to undertake this refutation, but is also committed to theses (such as the inscrutability of reference and the underdetermination of theory by evidence) which imply versions of scepticism of their own. In Quine's defence, Roger Gibson argues that (...)
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    Social Exclusion Shifts Personal Network Scope.Joseph B. Bayer, David J. Hauser, Kinari M. Shah, Matthew Brook O’Donnell & Emily B. Falk - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  43. ›Orthodoxie‹ und ›Häresie‹ im öffentlichen Diskurs des vorrevolutionären Frankreich.Oswald Bayer - 2001 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 43 (1).
    In diesem Aufsatz geht der Autor der Frage nach, ob und in wiefern die theologische Annahme, daß das Christusgeschehen paradigmatisch für den Begriff des Handeln Gottes ist, verständlich ist. Der Verfasser analysiert dafür die Geschichte der Leben-Jesu-Forschung und versucht die christologischen Konsequenzen der verschiedene Interpretationen für die Konstruktion eines Modells des Handeln Gottes herauszufinden. Er benützt Gedanken geschichtsphilosophischer Art um eine solche Ausdehnung der Vorstellung des Christusgeschehens zu verteidigen, daß auch andere Zeiten als das erste Jahrhundert einzuschließen sind. Damit zeigt (...)
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  44. Actes.Raymond Bayer - 1951 - Hermann.
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    Authority and Critique.Oswald Bayer - 2022 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 64 (4):400-408.
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    Aesthetics and dialectics esthétique et dialectique aesthetik und dialektik esthétique et dialectique.R. Bayer - 1948 - Dialectica 2 (2):199-204.
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    Aids and liberalism: A response to Patricia Illingworth.Ronald Bayer - 1992 - Bioethics 6 (1):23–27.
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    (1 other version)Art as symbolic form: Cassirer on the educational value of art.Thora Ilin Bayer - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (4):51-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.4 (2006) 51-64 MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Art as Symbolic Form: Cassirer on the Educational Value of ArtThora Ilin BayerIntroductionAmong the papers that Ernst Cassirer left at his death in 1945 is a fully written out lecture labeled "Seminar of Education, March 10th, 1943," which also bears the title "The Educational Value of Art." It may have been prepared for a session of Cassirer's (...)
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    Aids And The Gay Community: Between The Specter And The Promise Of Medicine.Ronald Bayer - 1985 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 52.
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  50. A Positive Evidentialist Account of Epistemic Possibility.Benjamin Bayer - manuscript
    This paper observes that in the midst of a thickening debate over the concept of “epistemic possibility,” nearly every philosopher assumes that the concept is equivalent to a mere absence of epistemic impossibility, that a proposition is epistemically possible if and only if our knowledge does not entail that it is false. I suggest that it is high time that we challenge this deeply entrenched assumption. I assemble an array of data that singles out the distinctive meaning and function of (...)
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