Results for 'Fransesc Esteva'

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  1.  46
    Equational characterization of the subvarieties of BL generated by t-Norm algebras.Fransesc Esteva, Lluís Godo & Franco Montagna - 2004 - Studia Logica 76 (2):161 - 200.
    In this paper we show that the subvarieties of BL, the variety of BL-algebras, generated by single BL-chains on [0, 1], determined by continous t-norms, are finitely axiomatizable. An algorithm to check the subsethood relation between these subvarieties is provided, as well as another procedure to effectively find the equations of each subvariety. From a logical point of view, the latter corresponds to find the axiomatization of every residuated many-valued calculus defined by a continuous t-norm and its residuum. Actually, the (...)
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  2.  52
    Residuated fuzzy logics with an involutive negation.Francesc Esteva, Lluís Godo, Petr Hájek & Mirko Navara - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (2):103-124.
    Residuated fuzzy logic calculi are related to continuous t-norms, which are used as truth functions for conjunction, and their residua as truth functions for implication. In these logics, a negation is also definable from the implication and the truth constant $\overline{0}$ , namely $\neg \varphi$ is $\varphi \to \overline{0}$. However, this negation behaves quite differently depending on the t-norm. For a nilpotent t-norm (a t-norm which is isomorphic to Łukasiewicz t-norm), it turns out that $\neg$ is an involutive negation. However, (...)
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  3.  94
    On the standard and rational completeness of some axiomatic extensions of the monoidal t-Norm logic.Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert, Lluís Godo & Franco Montagna - 2002 - Studia Logica 71 (2):199 - 226.
    The monoidal t-norm based logic MTL is obtained from Hájek''s Basic Fuzzy logic BL by dropping the divisibility condition for the strong (or monoidal) conjunction. Recently, Jenei and Montgana have shown MTL to be standard complete, i.e. complete with respect to the class of residuated lattices in the real unit interval [0,1] defined by left-continuous t-norms and their residua. Its corresponding algebraic semantics is given by pre-linear residuated lattices. In this paper we address the issue of standard and rational completeness (...)
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  4.  35
    First-order t-norm based fuzzy logics with truth-constants: distinguished semantics and completeness properties.Francesc Esteva, Lluís Godo & Carles Noguera - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):185-202.
    This paper aims at being a systematic investigation of different completeness properties of first-order predicate logics with truth-constants based on a large class of left-continuous t-norms . We consider standard semantics over the real unit interval but also we explore alternative semantics based on the rational unit interval and on finite chains. We prove that expansions with truth-constants are conservative and we study their real, rational and finite chain completeness properties. Particularly interesting is the case of considering canonical real and (...)
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  5.  17
    Agenda y sentido de los movimientos antisistémicos.Gustavo Esteva - 2008 - Polis 19.
    Los movimientos sociales contemporáneos se hacen antisistémicos en su propia dinámica, cuando profundizan sus empeños y descubren la naturaleza e interconexiones de los obstáculos que enfrentan. Empieza a generalizarse la intuición, anticipada por pensadores radicales del último medio siglo, de que estamos al fin de una era. A partir de las experiencias de la Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca, reflexiono en este trabajo sobre la necesidad de limpiar nuestras miradas –contaminadas aún por la era que termina- al concebir (...)
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  6.  19
    La influencia de Alejandro de Humboldt en dos artistas venezolanos del siglo XIX.Roldán Esteva-Grillet - 2009 - Arbor 185 (740):1185-1196.
    A lo largo del siglo XIX en la pintura latinoamericana se introducen varios temas nuevos, entre ellos el paisaje, ya no más como escenario de escenas patrióticas, religiosas o costumbristas. El modelo propuesto por Alejandro de Humboldt en su libro Vue des cordillères et monuments des peuples indigènes de l’Amérique, de 1810, para el estudio científico del paisaje, va a ser seguido no sólo por artistas alemanes, sino por nacionales como Carmelo Fernández Páez y Ramón Bolet Peraza quienes abordarán modestamente (...)
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  7. Para una crítica del gusto en Venezuela.Roldán Esteva Grillet - 1992 - Caracas: Fundarte.
    In nine essays, each related to a different time frame, author analyzes diverse aspects of Venezuelans' cultural behavior in regard to what the author considers 'taste.' Witty and amusing, often sarcastic and colloquial, book does not lose perspective of the historical context. A curious x-ray of Venezuelan idiosyncrasies"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.
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  8.  16
    Regenerar el tejido social de la esperanza.Gustavo Esteva - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 33.
    Se presenta la hipótesis de que la mirada más allá de la modernidad puede descubrir la nueva sociedad que ha estado surgiendo en el vientre de la vieja. La insurrección de saberes subyugados e imaginaciones reprimidas, que caracteriza la transición, estaría definiendo una nueva perspectiva e interpretación del mundo, que serían expresión de la resistencia a la destrucción aún vinculada al viejo orden social y de los empeños de construcción del nuevo.
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  9.  30
    Sobre el método y los problemas de la antropología estructural.Claudio Esteva Fabregat - forthcoming - Convivium. Revista de Filosofía, 1969, Núm. 30, P. 3-54.
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  10.  42
    The $L\Pi$ and $L\Pi\frac{1}{2}$ logics: two complete fuzzy systems joining Łukasiewicz and Product Logics. [REVIEW]Francesc Esteva, Lluís Godo & Franco Montagna - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (1):39-67.
    In this paper we provide a finite axiomatization (using two finitary rules only) for the propositional logic (called $L\Pi$ ) resulting from the combination of Lukasiewicz and Product Logics, together with the logic obtained by from $L \Pi$ by the adding of a constant symbol and of a defining axiom for $\frac{1}{2}$ , called $L \Pi\frac{1}{2}$ . We show that $L \Pi \frac{1}{2}$ contains all the most important propositional fuzzy logics: Lukasiewicz Logic, Product Logic, Gödel's Fuzzy Logic, Takeuti and Titani's (...)
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  11.  49
    A complete many-valued logic with product-conjunction.Petr Hájek, Lluis Godo & Francesc Esteva - 1996 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 35 (3):191-208.
    A simple complete axiomatic system is presented for the many-valued propositional logic based on the conjunction interpreted as product, the coresponding implication (Goguen's implication) and the corresponding negation (Gödel's negation). Algebraic proof methods are used. The meaning for fuzzy logic (in the narrow sense) is shortly discussed.
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  12.  61
    Distinguished algebraic semantics for t -norm based fuzzy logics: Methods and algebraic equivalencies.Petr Cintula, Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert, Lluís Godo, Franco Montagna & Carles Noguera - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (1):53-81.
    This paper is a contribution to Mathematical fuzzy logic, in particular to the algebraic study of t-norm based fuzzy logics. In the general framework of propositional core and Δ-core fuzzy logics we consider three properties of completeness with respect to any semantics of linearly ordered algebras. Useful algebraic characterizations of these completeness properties are obtained and their relations are studied. Moreover, we concentrate on five kinds of distinguished semantics for these logics–namely the class of algebras defined over the real unit (...)
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  13.  52
    Logics of formal inconsistency arising from systems of fuzzy logic.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Francesc Esteva & Lluís Godo - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):880-904.
    This article proposes the meeting of fuzzy logic with paraconsistency in a very precise and foundational way. Specifically, in this article we introduce expansions of the fuzzy logic MTL by means of primitive operators for consistency and inconsistency in the style of the so-called Logics of Formal Inconsistency (LFIs). The main novelty of the present approach is the definition of postulates for this type of operators over MTL-algebras, leading to the definition and axiomatization of a family of logics, expansions of (...)
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  14.  68
    On elementary equivalence in fuzzy predicate logics.Pilar Dellunde & Francesc Esteva - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (1-2):1-17.
    Our work is a contribution to the model theory of fuzzy predicate logics. In this paper we characterize elementary equivalence between models of fuzzy predicate logic using elementary mappings. Refining the method of diagrams we give a solution to an open problem of Hájek and Cintula (J Symb Log 71(3):863–880, 2006, Conjectures 1 and 2). We investigate also the properties of elementary extensions in witnessed and quasi-witnessed theories, generalizing some results of Section 7 of Hájek and Cintula (J Symb Log (...)
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  15. On the expressive power of Łukasiewicz square operator.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Francesc Esteva, Tommaso Flaminio & Lluis Godo - forthcoming - Journal of Logic and Computation.
    The aim of the paper is to analyze the expressive power of the square operator of Łukasiewicz logic: ∗x=x⊙x⁠, where ⊙ is the strong Łukasiewicz conjunction. In particular, we aim at understanding and characterizing those cases in which the square operator is enough to construct a finite MV-chain from a finite totally ordered set endowed with an involutive negation. The first of our main results shows that, indeed, the whole structure of MV-chain can be reconstructed from the involution and the (...)
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  16.  60
    Perfect and bipartite IMTL-algebras and disconnected rotations of prelinear semihoops.Carles Noguera, Francesc Esteva & Joan Gispert - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (7):869-886.
    IMTL logic was introduced in [12] as a generalization of the infinitely-valued logic of Lukasiewicz, and in [11] it was proved to be the logic of left-continuous t-norms with an involutive negation and their residua. The structure of such t-norms is still not known. Nevertheless, Jenei introduced in [20] a new way to obtain rotation-invariant semigroups and, in particular, IMTL-algebras and left-continuous t-norm with an involutive negation, by means of the disconnected rotation method. In order to give an algebraic interpretation (...)
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  17.  27
    On Some Varieties of MTL-algebras.Carles Noguera, Francesc Esteva & Joan Gispert - 2005 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (4):443-466.
    The study of perfect, local and bipartite IMTL-algebras presented in [29] is generalized in this paper to the general non-involutive case, i.e. to MTL-algebras. To this end we describe the radical of MTL-algebras and characterize perfect MTL-algebras as those for which the quotient by the radical is isomorphic to the two-element Boolean algebra, and a special class of bipartite MTL-algebras,.
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  18.  39
    On triangular norm based axiomatic extensions of the weak nilpotent minimum logic.Carles Noguera, Francesc Esteva & Joan Gispert - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (4):387-409.
    In this paper we carry out an algebraic investigation of the weak nilpotent minimum logic and its t-norm based axiomatic extensions. We consider the algebraic counterpart of WNM, the variety of WNM-algebras and prove that it is locally finite, so all its subvarieties are generated by finite chains. We give criteria to compare varieties generated by finite families of WNM-chains, in particular varieties generated by standard WNM-chains, or equivalently t-norm based axiomatic extensions of WNM, and we study their standard completeness (...)
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  19.  51
    Degree-Preserving Gödel Logics with an Involution: Intermediate Logics and Paraconsistency.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert & Lluis Godo - 2021 - In Ofer Arieli & Anna Zamansky, Arnon Avron on Semantics and Proof Theory of Non-Classical Logics. Springer Verlag. pp. 107-139.
    In this paper we study intermediate logics between the logic G≤∼, the degree preserving companion of Gödel fuzzy logic with involution G∼ and classical propositional logic CPL, as well as the intermediate logics of their finite-valued counterparts G≤n∼. Although G≤∼ and G≤ are explosive w.r.t. Gödel negation ¬, they are paraconsistent w.r.t. the involutive negation ∼. We introduce the notion of saturated paraconsistency, a weaker notion than ideal paraconsistency, and we fully characterize the ideal and the saturated paraconsistent logics between (...)
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  20. Maximality in finite-valued Lukasiewicz logics defined by order filters.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert & Lluis Godo - 2019 - Journal of Logic and Computation 29 (1):125-156.
    In this paper we consider the logics L(i,n) obtained from the (n+1)-valued Lukasiewicz logics L(n+1) by taking the order filter generated by i/n as the set of designated elements. In particular, the conditions of maximality and strong maximality among them are analyzed. We present a very general theorem that provides sufficient conditions for maximality between logics. As a consequence of this theorem, it is shown that L(i,n) is maximal w.r.t. CPL whenever n is prime. Concerning strong maximality (i.e. maximality w.r.t. (...)
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  21.  34
    Commutative integral bounded residuated lattices with an added involution.Roberto Cignoli & Francesc Esteva - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):150-160.
    A symmetric residuated lattice is an algebra such that is a commutative integral bounded residuated lattice and the equations x=x and =xy are satisfied. The aim of the paper is to investigate the properties of the unary operation ε defined by the prescription εx=x→0. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for ε being an interior operator. Since these conditions are rather restrictive →0)=1 is satisfied) we consider when an iteration of ε is an interior operator. In particular we consider the (...)
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  22.  39
    On the set of intermediate logics between the truth- and degree-preserving Łukasiewicz logics.Marcelo E. Coniglio, Francesc Esteva & Lluís Godo - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):288-320.
    The aim of this article is to explore the class of intermediate logics between the truth-preserving Lukasiewicz logic L and its degree-preserving companion L<⁠. From a syntactical point of view, we introduce some families of inference rules (that generalize the explosion rule) that are admissible in L< and derivable in L and we characterize the corresponding intermediate logics. From a semantical point of view, we first consider the family of logics characterized by matrices defined by lattice filters in ⁠[0,1], but (...)
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  23.  37
    Subvarieties of BL-algebras generated by single-component chains.Antonio Di Nola, Francesc Esteva, Pere Garcia, Lluís Godo & Salvatore Sessa - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (7):673-685.
    In this paper we study and equationally characterize the subvarieties of BL, the variety of BL-algebras, which are generated by families of single-component BL-chains, i.e. MV-chains, Product-chain or Gödel-chains. Moreover, it is proved that they form a segment of the lattice of subvarieties of BL which is bounded by the Boolean variety and the variety generated by all single-component chains, called ŁΠG.
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  24. Teixeira Mendes na Academia Maranhense de Letras.Paulo Estevão Berrêdo Carneiro - 1973 - Rio de Janeiro: [Departamento de Imprensa Nacional].
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  25.  32
    Strict core fuzzy logics and quasi-witnessed models.Marco Cerami & Francesc Esteva - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (5-6):625-641.
    In this paper we prove strong completeness of axiomatic extensions of first-order strict core fuzzy logics with the so-called quasi-witnessed axioms with respect to quasi-witnessed models. As a consequence we obtain strong completeness of Product Predicate Logic with respect to quasi-witnessed models, already proven by M.C. Laskowski and S. Malekpour in [19]. Finally we study similar problems for expansions with Δ, define Δ-quasi-witnessed axioms and prove that any axiomatic extension of a first-order strict core fuzzy logic, expanded with Δ, and (...)
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  26.  88
    Sobre el método y los problemas de la antropología estructural.Claudi Esteva Fabregat - 1969 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 30:3-54.
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  27. Sobre modos de identidad en la cultura.Claudio Esteva Fabregat - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 23:31-68.
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  28.  65
    On ockham algebras: Congruence lattices and subdirectly irreducible algebras.P. Garcia & F. Esteva - 1995 - Studia Logica 55 (2):319 - 346.
    Distributive bounded lattices with a dual homomorphism as unary operation, called Ockham algebras, were firstly studied by Berman (1977). The varieties of Boolean algebras, De Morgan algebras, Kleene algebras and Stone algebras are some of the well known subvarieties of Ockham algebra. In this paper, new results about the congruence lattice of Ockham algebras are given. From these results and Urquhart's representation theorem for Ockham algebras a complete characterization of the subdirectly irreducible Ockham algebras is obtained. These results are particularized (...)
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  29.  1
    On Nilpotent Minimum logics defined by lattice filters and their paraconsistent non-falsity preserving companions.Joan Gispert, Francesc Esteva, Lluís Godo & Marcelo E. Coniglio - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Nilpotent Minimum logic (NML) is a substructural algebraizable logic that is a distinguished member of the family of systems of Mathematical Fuzzy logic, and at the same time it is the axiomatic extension with the prelinearity axiom of Nelson and Markov’s Constructive logic with strong negation. In this paper our main aim is to characterize and axiomatize paraconsistent variants of NML and its extensions defined by (sets of) logical matrices over linearly ordered NM-algebra with lattice filters as designated values, with (...)
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  30. Interpretations of fuzzy sets.Enrique H. Ruspini & Francesc Esteva - 1998 - In Enrique H. Ruspini, Piero Patrone Bonissone & Witold Pedrycz, Handbook of fuzzy computation. Philadelphia: Institute of Physics.
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  31.  33
    Simplified Kripke Semantics for K45-Like Gödel Modal Logics and Its Axiomatic Extensions.Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez, Olim Frits Tuyt, Francesc Esteva & Lluís Godo - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):1081-1114.
    In this paper we provide a simplified, possibilistic semantics for the logics K45, i.e. a many-valued counterpart of the classical modal logic K45 over the [0, 1]-valued Gödel fuzzy logic \. More precisely, we characterize K45 as the set of valid formulae of the class of possibilistic Gödel frames \, where W is a non-empty set of worlds and \ is a possibility distribution on W. We provide decidability results as well. Moreover, we show that all the results also apply (...)
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  32. Gustavo Esteva and Madhu Suri Prakash, Grassroots Post-modernism: Remaking the Soil of Cultures.P. M. Martin - 2001 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 4:276-277.
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  33. Francesc Esteva Lluıs Godo Franco Montagna.Franco Montagna - 2004 - Studia Logica 76:155-194.
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  34.  84
    A proof of standard completeness for Esteva and Godo's logic MTL.Sándor Jenei & Franco Montagna - 2002 - Studia Logica 70 (2):183-192.
    In the present paper we show that any at most countable linearly-ordered commutative residuated lattice can be embedded into a commutative residuated lattice on the real unit interval [0, 1]. We use this result to show that Esteva and Godo''s logic MTL is complete with respect to interpretations into commutative residuated lattices on [0, 1]. This solves an open problem raised in.
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  35.  88
    Kripke semantics, undecidability and standard completeness for Esteva and Godo's logic MTL∀.Franco Montagna & Hiroakira Ono - 2002 - Studia Logica 71 (2):227-245.
    The present paper deals with the predicate version MTL of the logic MTL by Esteva and Godo. We introduce a Kripke semantics for it, along the lines of Ono''s Kripke semantics for the predicate version of FLew (cf. [O85]), and we prove a completeness theorem. Then we prove that every predicate logic between MTL and classical predicate logic is undecidable. Finally, we prove that MTL is complete with respect to the standard semantics, i.e., with respect to Kripke frames on (...)
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  36.  20
    ItUML and Esteva-Godo-style standard completeness.Eunsuk Yang - 2023 - CHUL HAK SA SANG - Journal of Philosophical Ideas 89 (89):341-357.
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  37.  18
    Walking on the Edge of the Abyss: Conversations with Gustavo Esteva.Kin Chi Lau, Rafael Escobedo & David Barkin (eds.) - 2023 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    The book is a collection of essays written by Gustavo Esteva over the last 20 years. In this book, Gustavo Esteva, renowned in Mexico as a philosopher on education and on developmentalism, collects four major areas of his writings: on learning, development, autonomy, and interculturality. A memorial to a great thinker, this book stimulates thoughts on developmentalism across the global south.
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  38.  35
    Petr Hájek, Lluis Godo, and Francesc Esteva. A complete many-valued logic with product-conjunction. Archive for mathematical logic, vol. 35 , pp. 191–208. [REVIEW]Franco Montagna - 2000 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 6 (3):346-347.
  39.  23
    The Anomie of the Earth: Philosophy, Politics, and Autonomy in Europe and the Americas.Federico Luisetti, John Pickles & Wilson Kaiser (eds.) - 2015 - Duke University Press.
    The contributors to _The Anomie of the Earth_ explore the convergences and resonances between Autonomist Marxism and decolonial thinking. In discussing and rejecting Carl Schmitt's formulation of the nomos—a conceptualization of world order based on the Western tenets of law and property—the authors question the assumption of universal political subjects and look towards politics of the commons divorced from European notions of sovereignty. They contrast European Autonomism with North and South American decolonial and indigenous conceptions of autonomy, discuss the legacies (...)
  40.  64
    Advances in the ŁΠ and logics.Petr Cintula - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (5):449-468.
    The ŁΠ and logics were introduced by Godo, Esteva and Montagna. These logics extend many other known propositional and predicate logics, including the three mainly investigated ones (Gödel, product and Łukasiewicz logic). The aim of this paper is to show some advances in this field. We will see further reduction of the axiomatic systems for both logics. Then we will see many other logics contained in the ŁΠ family of logics (namely logics induced by the continuous finitely constructed t-norms (...)
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  41.  22
    Co-Creation in the Commonwealth: Understanding Right Relationship in Place.Mark Beatham - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (2):236-248.
    ABSTRACT Could public education as a cultural institution promote the commonwealth? This paper argues proper education enfranchises the young through proper relationships to place, past and present, culture and creation, life, and work. Wendell Berry is the principal guide and standard in describing and considering proper relationships in the commonwealth and their consequences. Other major authors include Wes Jackson, Gustavo Esteva, Vine Deloria, Alan Watts, Matthew Crawford, Roger Scruton, Nablan and Trimble, Alison Gopnik. Proper relationships, defined essentially in terms (...)
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  42.  51
    Łukasiewicz Negation and Many-Valued Extensions of Constructive Logics.Thomas Macaulay Ferguson - 2014 - In Proc. 44th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic. IEEE Computer Society Press. pp. 121-127.
    This paper examines the relationships between the many-valued logics G~ and Gn~ of Esteva, Godo, Hajek, and Navara, i.e., Godel logic G enriched with Łukasiewicz negation, and neighbors of intuitionistic logic. The popular fragments of Rauszer's Heyting-Brouwer logic HB admit many-valued extensions similar to G which may likewise be enriched with Łukasiewicz negation; the fuzzy extensions of these logics, including HB, are equivalent to G ~, as are their n-valued extensions equivalent to Gn~ for any n ≥ 2. These (...)
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  43.  20
    Axiomatization of non-associative generalisations of Hájek's BL and psBL.Yaroslav Petrukhin - 2020 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (1):1-15.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper, we consider non-associative generalisations of Hájek's logics BL and psBL. As it was shown by Cignoli, Esteva, Godo, and Torrens, the former is the logic of continuous t-norms and their residua. Botur introduced logic naBL which is the logic of non-associative continuous t-norms and their residua. Thus, naBL can be viewed as a non-associative generalisation of BL. However, Botur has not presented axiomatization of naBL. We fill this gap by constructing an adequate Hilbert-style calculus for naBL. (...)
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