  1.  18
    “That’s just, like, your opinion” – European citizens’ ability to distinguish factual information from opinion.Andreas C. Goldberg & Franziska Marquart - forthcoming - Communications.
    In the current media landscape, it is becoming increasingly difficult for citizens to rely on trustworthy information, not least because reliable facts are mixed with dubious claims, unsubstantiated opinions, or outright lies. The ability to distinguish factual from other types of mediated information is becoming increasingly crucial, but we know little about how well-equipped citizens are to make these distinctions. In an original survey study conducted in ten European countries, we asked respondents whether they considered six different statements relating to (...)
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    Corrupt politicians? Media priming effects on overtly expressed stereotypes toward politicians.Franziska Marquart & Florian Arendt - 2015 - Communications 40 (2):185-197.
    The present study investigates whether or not reading about corrupt politicians influences peoples’ subsequent judgments toward political actors’ supposed corruptness. We expected this media stereotype priming effect to be dependent on pre-existing implicit stereotypes. It was hypothesized that only those participants would show a media priming effect who already have a strong automatic association between ‘politicians’ and ‘corrupt’ in memory prior to reading a further facilitative article. Conversely, people who do not have a comparable biased cognitive association should not. Data (...)
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    Like-minded and cross-cutting talk, network characteristics, and political participation online and offline: A panel study.Christian von Sikorski, Franziska Marquart & Jörg Matthes - 2021 - Communications 46 (1):113-126.
    We test the role of like-minded and cross-cutting political discussion as a facilitator of online and offline political participation and examine the role of strong versus weak network ties. Most prior research on the topic has employed cross-sectional designs that may lead to spurious relationships due to the lack of controlled variables. The findings of a two-wave panel survey controlling the autoregressive effects suggest that cross-cutting talk with weak ties significantly dampens online but not offline political participation. However, no such (...)
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