Results for 'French Nietzscheanism'

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  1.  17
    Nietzschean Critique and the Hegelian Commodity, or the French Have Landed.Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe - 1999 - Critical Inquiry 26 (1):70-84.
  2.  17
    A Nietzschean-Type Perspectivism: Derrida’s Reading of Heidegger’s Thesis on the Animal.Mauro Senatore - 2021 - Research in Phenomenology 51 (1):78-98.
    On the occasion of the publication of Derrida’s unedited seminar Geschlecht III: Sex, Race, Nation, Humanity, which includes significant pages on Heidegger’s discourse on animality, this article proposes reopening the dossier that the French philosopher had dedicated to that discourse throughout his work. It aims to elaborate an overall interpretation of this dossier in the light of the grammatological account of the living, which, at the moment of sketching his intellectual biography, Derrida himself acknowledges as the shared feature of (...)
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  3. Decadence of the French Nietzsche.James Brusseau - 2005 - Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
    Decadence in philosophy means evaluating truth claims exclusively in terms of provocation, in terms of how vigorously they generate subsequent thought. The best truth/book/essay/video doesn’t settle questions, but produces still more thought, writing, production. -/- Decadence privileges the history of thinking over the history of truth. Thought’s history runs from base servility (the best thinking eliminates the need for itself by culminating in universal truth, Platonism), to dialectical servility (the ceaseless interplay of interpretation as a verb, and as a noun, (...)
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    Why We Are Not Nietzscheans.Luc Ferry, Alain Renaut & Robert de Loaiza (eds.) - 1997 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    "To think with Nietzsche against Nietzsche." Thus the editors describe the strategy adopted in this volume to soften the destructive effects of Nietzsche's "philosophy with a hammer" on French philosophy since the 1960s. Frustrated by the infinite inclusiveness of deconstructionism, the contributors to this volume seek to renew the Enlightenment quest for rationality. Though linked by no common dogma, these essays all argue that the "French Nietzsche" transmitted through the deconstructionists must be reexamined in light of the original (...)
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    A Nietzschean Beauvoir? Becoming who one is as a being with others.Christine Daigle - 2011 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 27 (1):61-71.
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    Foucault's Nietzschean Genealogy: Truth, Power, and the Subject.Michael Mahon - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    Illuminates the influence of 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche on 20th-century French philosopher Michel Foucault, focusing on the notion of genealogy.
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    “Ethics, a Matter of Style?”. Bernard Williams and the Nietzschean Legacy.Paolo Babbiotti - 2024 - Topoi 43 (2):549-556.
    The aim of my paper will be to provide a commentary on the introduction to the French edition of Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy (1985) by Bernard Williams (1929–2003) and to show the Nietzschean legacy that is made explicit there. In this introduction, called “L'éthique, question de style?” and published in 1990, Williams reflects on some of the problems of style that his book poses to French readers, to whom he feels his work is less familiar. Furthermore, (...)
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    Foucault and Deleuze: Making a Difference with Nietzsche.Wendy Grace - 2014 - Foucault Studies 17:99-116.
    Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze are regarded as French “Nietzscheans” par excellence. By drawing attention to the articulation of “difference” in contemporary thought, this paper attempts to go beyond the label ‘Nietzschean’ in an effort to discern two distinct philosophical trajectories inspired by Nietzsche. I suggest that Deleuze reads Nietzsche as an empiricist whose philosophy of nature critically undermines representational modes of thought from Plato to Hegel and beyond. Difference is therefore given in itself. Foucault, on the other hand, (...)
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    Nihilism, Neonihilism, Hypernihilism: ‘Nietzsche aujourd’hui’ Today?Ashley Woodward - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):244-264.
    The ‘French reading’ of Nietzsche crystallized almost 50 years ago at the 1972 conference at Cerisy-la-Salle, Nietzsche aujourd’hui. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual conference of the Friedrich Nietzsche Society, with the theme of ‘The Politics of Difference’, Newcastle University, 20–21 September 2018. Nietzsche’s fortunes have since undergone some dramatic shifts in France, but there are signs that he is once again on the ascendency, in particular the 2016 edited collection Pourquoi nous sommes Nietzschéens (...)
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  10. Two Relations between Thinking and Truth, Delivered at Trent University, Canada, 1999.James Brusseau - manuscript
    The relation between thinking and truth in philosophy is explored in terms of this question: which one serves the other? The essay argues that a conception of philosophy as truth serving thought can be perceived in the work of French Nietzschean philosophers.
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    Metaphilosophy.Henri Lefebvre - 2016 - New York: Verso.
    Leading French thinker with his key work on philosophical thought In Metaphilosophy, Henri Lefebvre works through the implications of Marx’s revolutionary thought to consider philosophy’s engagement with the world. Lefebvre takes Marx’s notion of the “world becoming philosophical and philosophy becoming worldly” as a leitmotif, examining the relation between Hegelian–Marxist supersession and Nietzschean overcoming. Metaphilosophy is conceived of as a transformation of philosophy, developing it into a programme of radical worldwide change. The book demonstrates Lefebvre’s threefold debt to Hegel, (...)
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    From Comte to Baudrillard.Andrew Wernick - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (6):55-75.
    The article offers a critical but sympathetic reflection on the development of classical and post-classical French sociology. From Comte onwards, I suggest, the modern French treatment of the social has been preoccupied with socio-theological questions; and even with the radical deconstruction of any society-god, this continues to be the case. There are distinctive historical reasons for this (including the Catholic inheritance and an enduring legitimacy problem for the Republican state); but the significance of the issues raised by this (...)
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    Alexandre Kojève: revolution and terror.Alexey M. Rutkevich - 2024 - Studies in East European Thought 76 (1):25-39.
    When discussing the French Revolution and Napoleon in his lectures from 1933 to 1939, Alexandre Kojève had in mind events in Russia. The clash between the “old order,” with its Masters, and the worker Slaves corresponded for him more with the images of pre-revolutionary Russian journalism than with the wigged aristocrats and French bourgeoisie of the end of the eighteenth century. In his lectures, behind Napoleon, as a revolutionary emperor, there exists, however secretly or openly, the figure of (...)
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  14.  8
    Foucault.Pierre Billouet - 1999 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    English summary: Michel Foucault (1926-1984) - paradoxical philosopher, Professor at the College de France, political militant, and social activist - shocked a world that had barely recovered from the Death of God by announcing the imminent death of mankind: Man is no more than a subject for discourse (Les Mots et les Choses, 1966) and disciplinary subjugation (Surveiller et punir, 1975). Foucault the archeologist was initially interested not so much in the surface as he was in the depth of areas (...)
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  15.  12
    Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, or the realm of shadows.Henri Lefebvre - 2020 - Brooklyn: Verso Books.
    The great French Marxist philosopher weighs up the contributions of the three major critics of modernity With the translation of Lefebvre's philosophical writings, his stature in the English-speaking world continues to grow. Though certainly within the Marxist tradition, he consistently saw Marx as an 'unavoidable, necessary, but insufficient starting point'. Unsurprisingly, Lefebvre always insisted on the importance of Hegel to understanding Marx. But the imposing Metaphilosophy also suggested the significance he ascribed to Nietzsche, in the 'realm of shadows' through (...)
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    Deleuze y la inversión del kantismo.Pablo Pachilla - 2018 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 30 (1):147-162.
    “Deleuze and the Inversion of Kantism”. In this paper we aim to look into French philosopher Gilles Deleuze’s work in order to see whether there is such a thing as a ‘reversal of Kantianism’, parallel to his more well-known reversal of Platonism. To this end, we will propose, firstly, to read in the key of reversal the movements made by Deleuze regarding intensity and extension, on the one hand, and the paradox of inner sense, on the other. Then, we (...)
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  17. Nietzsche and Philosophy.Gilles Deleuze & Michael Hardt (eds.) - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Praised for its rare combination of scholarly rigor and imaginative interpretation, _Nietzsche and Philosophy_ has long been recognized as one of the most important analyses of Nietzsche. It is also one of the best introductions to Deleuze's thought, establishing many of his central philosophical positions. In _Nietzsche and Philosophy_, Deleuze identifies and explores three crucial concepts in Nietzschean thought-multiplicity, becoming, and affirmation-and clarifies Nietzsche's views regarding the will to power, eternal return, nihilism, and difference. For Deleuze, Nietzsche challenged conventional philosophical (...)
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  18.  43
    Baudrillard and Postmodernist Nihilism.Jacek Dobrowolski - 2009 - Dialogue and Universalism 19 (3-5):167-177.
    The following is an attempt to grasp synthetically the strategy and development of Jean Baudrillard’s intellectual standpoint. My view emphasizes late ideas by French Philosopher, while the earlier ones are treated from this perspective as preliminary. After having left Marxist and post-Marxist positions, Baudrillard developed an original and idiosyncratic way of thinking about contemporary world that—inspired by Nietzschean idea that the power of interpretation prevails over representation of truth—evolves around rejection of the traditional ideas of the social, reality and (...)
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    Nietzsche's Corps/E: Aesthetics, Politics, Prophecy, or, the Spectacular Technoculture of Everyday Life.Geoff Waite - 1996 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Appearing between two historical touchstones—the alleged end of communism and the 100th anniversary of Nietzsche’s death—this book offers a provocative hypothesis about the philosopher’s afterlife and the fate of leftist thought and culture. At issue is the relation of the dead Nietzsche and his written work to subsequent living Nietzscheanism across the political spectrum, but primarily among a leftist _corps_ that has been programmed and manipulated by concealed dimensions of the philosopher’s thought. If anyone is responsible for what Geoff (...)
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  20. Review by ( Kellner - unknown
    The translation of Pierre Klossowski's Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle finally provides an English-speaking audience with access to one of the most influential texts in the French Nietzsche tradition. First published in France in 1969, Klossowski's text consummated over three decades of intense work and discussion on Nietzsche's most enigmatic and original ideas. Working with Bataille and the famous College de Sociologie, Klossowski published a series of important studies of Nietzsche culminating in Nietzsche and the Vicious Circle which Foucault (...)
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    La inversión del platonismo en la obra de Gilles Deleuze.Valeria Sonna - 2018 - Dianoia 63 (80):97-118.
    Resumen Propongo interpretar la inversión de Deleuze del platonismo como la creación de conceptos nuevos a partir de elementos teóricos tomados de la filosofía del propio Platón. En primer lugar, consideraré el origen nietzscheano de la inversión y su interpretación heideggeriana, de la cual, creo, Deleuze se vale para ciertos argumentos. En segundo lugar, me basaré en la hipótesis de Francis Wolff e Isabelle Ginoux de que la filosofía platónica tiene un carácter ambiguo en la obra deleuziana para analizar esa (...)
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  22.  55
    Introduction: Whispers of the Flesh: Essays in Memory of Pierre Klossowski.Ian James & Russell Ford - 2005 - Diacritics 35 (1):3-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 35.1 (2005) 3-6MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]Whispers of the Flesh Essays in Memory of Pierre KlossowskiIan JamesRussell Ford Pierre Klossowski—novelist, essayist, painter, and translator—was one of the most startling, original, and influential figures in twentieth-century French intellectual culture. The older brother of the well-known painter Balthus and a close associate of Georges Bataille, Klossowski's diverse oeuvre includes novels, philosophical essays, and translations, as well as paintings and (...)
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  23.  22
    A interpretação nietzschiana de Pierre Hadot.Stefano Busellato - 2021 - Cadernos Nietzsche 42 (1):253-274.
    Resumo: Com a própria concepção de “filosofia como modo de viver”, Pierre Hadot inaugurou uma das mudanças de paradigmas exegéticos mais significativas do período recente. Elaborada a partir de autores antigos, as características e as razões interpretativas desse novo paradigma tornam a proposta de Hadot capaz de abarcar outras épocas e autores diversos. Dentre eles, um papel de destaque é confiado a Friedrich Nietzsche, sobre o qual Hadot detém-se com regularidade e insistência em muitas de suas obras. O presente artigo (...)
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    «The powerful, non-organic life which grips the world». Vitalism and Ontology in Gilles Deleuze.Giulio Piatti - unknown
    «THE POWERFUL, NON‐ORGANIC LIFE WHICH GRIPS THE WORLD». VITALISM AND ONTOLOGY IN GILLES DELEUZE It is well known that Gilles Deleuze is the heir of a complex vitalistic tradition, beginning with Henri Bergson’s Creative Evolution and spanning through an important part of 20th century French philosophy. According to this line of thought, philosophy has to sharpen its vision in order to grasp the irreducible nature of the living. On one hand Deleuze seems to explicitly follow these intuitions, on the (...)
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  25.  14
    The Oceanic Feeling: Experiencing the Eternal through Swimming.Evan Boyle - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society.
    Recent times have seen an emergence of cold-water sea swimming as a popular pasttime for increased numbers of people in coastal regions. Within this paper, we seek to outline the philosophical relationship between water and society, right back to Thales. From this we continue through anthropological sources to highlight the relationship between culture and the sea throughout much of human history. Sociology offers only piecemeal theoretical bases for this relationship. Here, the concept of liminality is deployed as a mechanism through (...)
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  26. Grand theory on trial: Kafka, Derrida, and the will to power.Nina Pelikan Straus - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):378-393.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Grand Theory on Trial:Kafka, Derrida, and the Will to PowerNina Pelikan StrausIn summa: so that man may respect himself he must be capable of doing evil.(Nietzsche, The Will to Power)1IThe following pages offer evidence that in The Trial Kafka invents characters who deploy a Nietzschean-sourced language of deconstruction related to what we now call theory; that in "Before the Law" Kafka's priest deconstructs The Law to which K. is (...)
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    Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century: The German Tradition ed. by Kristin Gjesdal and Dalia Nassar (review).Alison Stone - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):336-337.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century: The German Tradition ed. by Kristin Gjesdal and Dalia NassarAlison StoneKristin Gjesdal and Dalia Nassar, editors. Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century: The German Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 336. Hardback, $99.00."How plausible, [Dalia Nassar and I] kept asking, is it that women published philosophy in the early modern period and then simply ceased to think and publish (...)
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    What Is Called Thinking.Barbara Skarga & Jacek Dobrowolski - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (1-2):151-169.
    The following is an attempt to grasp synthetically the strategy and development of Jean Baudrillard’s intellectual standpoint. My view emphasizes late ideas by French Philosopher, while the earlier ones are treated from this perspective as preliminary. After having left Marxist and post-Marxist positions, Baudrillard developed an original and idiosyncratic way of thinking about contemporary world that—inspired by Nietzschean idea that the power of interpretation prevails over representation of truth—evolves around rejection of the traditional ideas of the social, reality and (...)
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    ‘Elementary aesthetics’, hedonist ethics: The philosophical foundations of Feuerbach's late works.Paul Bishop - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (3):298-309.
    In contrast to the conventional view of Ludwig Feuerbach as a left-wing Young Hegelian, this article argues that his primary contribution to philosophy is to be found in his later ethics, the basis of which may be discerned in his earlier writings. Over and above recent work on Feuerbach's aesthetics, his relation to Herder, and the relationship between aesthetics and ‘theological politics’ in his thought, Feuerbach's philosophy can re-evaluated, in relation to Epicurus and the French libertin tradition, as articulating (...)
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    Nietzsche E ribot: Multiplicidade E filosofia da subjetividade.Wilson Antonio Frezzatti Jr - 2013 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):263-291.
    The critiques against the concept of subject or the philosophy of subjectivity are very clear in the writings of Nietzsche. Despite these critiques, we can ask whether they result in overcoming the notion of subject or in a simple change of this conception, with the conservation of the general assumptions of a philosophy of subjectivity. In this article, which focuses on the aspect of multiplicity, we investigated whether the rejection of the unity of the subject is sufficient to reject also (...)
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  31. (1 other version)The movement-image, the time-image and the paradoxes of literary and other modernisms.Garin Dowd - 2005 - In . pp. 90-109.
    Which modernism or modernisms circulate in Deleuze’s two-volume work on cinema? Can one meaningfully claim that both or either The Movement-Image and The Time-Image maintain connections with literary modernism? What relationship if any may be forged between theoretical debates in the areas of literary and film studies as these have been influenced by engagement with Deleuze’s work on cinema? The first obstacle to any successful negotiation of these questions lies in the absence in the books of any reference to the (...)
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    A investigação arqueológica como diagnóstico do presente: uma crítica ao pensamento antropológico.Fernanda Gomes da Silva - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (4):65-84.
    This article aims to produce a perusal of the archaeological investigation undertaken by Michel Foucault as a diagnostic work of the present. This posture seeks to establish a critique of the dominant anthropological thinking in the French scenario of the nineteen sixties. For this task, we describe the conceptual apparatus forged in the Archeology of Knowledge to follow a double movement of strong Nietzschean presence: at the same time that Foucault makes his critique of the humanisms that permeate the (...)
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  33.  24
    (1 other version)Nietzsche y los filósofos de la diferencia.Diana M. Muñoz González - 2013 - Franciscanum 55 (159).
    Nietzsche’s great influence on contemporary French philosophy, especially during the last decades of the twentieth century, might be considered as the main inspiration for the emergence of the so-called «philosophy of difference». This paper retraces the key moments of that influential presence, relating the event of Nietzsche’s revival in the late sixties with the effect generated in France by the powerful interpretation offered by Heidegger. An interpretation, whose hermeneutical research for the foundation and definite unity of the nietzschean thought, (...)
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  34.  29
    To Have Done With the Death of Philosophy.Vernon W. Cisney & Ryder Hobbs - 2023 - Symposium 27 (1):33-54.
    In this essay, we read Derrida’s Theory and Practice seminar against the backdrop of the theme of the “death of philosophy,” prominent in 1960s French philosophy. This theme takes two forms—one Nietzschean-Heideggerian and the other Hegelian-Marxian. We summarize both before turning to Derrida’s treatment of Althusser’s views on the Hegelian-Marxian form of this death. Althusser posits a distinction between theory in the general sense and Theory as a designation for Marxist dialectical materialism. Derrida gives two specific criticisms of Althusser (...)
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    Philosophy and Literature: A Bibliographic Survey.François H. Lapointe - 1977 - Philosophy and Literature 1 (3):366-385.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:François H. Lapointe PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE: A BIBLIOGRAPHIC SURVEY ThL· survey is limited to articles written in English that have appeared in journals published between 1 January 1974 and 31 December 1976. Abbott, Don. "Marxist Influences on the Rhetorical Theory of Kenneth Burke." Philosophy and Rhetoric 7 (1974): 217-33. Abel, Lionel. "Jacques Derrida: His 'Difference' With Metaphysics." Salmagundi no. 25 (1974): 3-21. Adamowski, T. H. "Character and Consciousness: D. (...)
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  36.  17
    O Epicuro de Nietzsche: a influência constante e ambígua de Epicuro na construção dos filosofemas nietzschianos.Thomas Lesser - 2023 - Cadernos Nietzsche 44 (2):169-192.
    The purpose of our study is to demonstrate through an array of three themes that the role of the thought of Epicurus is central throughout the works of Friedrich Nietzsche. In doing so, we are going to study several themes among which the duality between the Apollonian and the Dionysian, the Übermensch and finally décadence (as the word is used in French by Nietzsche) and which Nietzsche associates to Epicurus in his last period. Our theoretical proposal consists of saying (...)
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  37. The End Times of Philosophy.François Laruelle - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):160-166.
    Translated by Drew S. Burk and Anthony Paul Smith. Excerpted from Struggle and Utopia at the End Times of Philosophy , (Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing, 2012). THE END TIMES OF PHILOSOPHY The phrase “end times of philosophy” is not a new version of the “end of philosophy” or the “end of history,” themes which have become quite vulgar and nourish all hopes of revenge and powerlessness. Moreover, philosophy itself does not stop proclaiming its own death, admitting itself to be half dead (...)
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    Dialogue with Nietzsche.William McCuaig (ed.) - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    For more than forty years, Gianni Vattimo, one of Europe's most important and influential philosophers, has been a leading participant in the postwar turn that has brought Nietzsche back to the center of philosophical enquiry. In this collection of his essays on the subject, which is a dialogue both with Nietzsche and with the Nietzschean tradition, Vattimo explores the German philosopher's most important works and discusses his views on the _Ubermensch_, time, history, truth, hermeneutics, ethics, and aesthetics. He also presents (...)
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  39. Radical Conservatism and the Heideggerian Right: Heidegger, de Benoist, Dugin.Jussi Backman - 2022 - Frontiers in Political Science 4.
    The paper studies the significance of Martin Heidegger's philosophy of history for two key thinkers of contemporary radical conservatism and the Identitarian movement, Alain de Benoist and Aleksandr Dugin. Heidegger's often-overlooked affinities with the German “conservative revolution” of the Weimar period have in recent years been emphasized by an emerging radical-conservative “right-Heideggerian” orientation. I first discuss the later Heidegger's “being-historical” narrative of the culmination and end of the metaphysical foundations of Western modernity in the contemporary Nietzschean era of nihilism and (...)
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    Dialogue with Nietzsche.Gianni Vattimo - 2006 - Columbia University Press.
    For more than forty years, Gianni Vattimo, one of Europe's most important and influential philosophers, has been a leading participant in the postwar turn that has brought Nietzsche back to the center of philosophical enquiry. In this collection of his essays on the subject, which is a dialogue both with Nietzsche and with the Nietzschean tradition, Vattimo explores the German philosopher's most important works and discusses his views on the _Ubermensch_, time, history, truth, hermeneutics, ethics, and aesthetics. He also presents (...)
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    Sobre la lectura rortyana de la obra de Michel Foucault.Joaquín Fortanet - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14:99-117.
    RESUMENEste texto plantea un seguimiento pormenorizado de la interpretación que Richard Rorty realiza de la obra de Michel Foucault. Dicha lectura es primordial a la hora de establecer un Foucault con dos rostros: uno americano y otro francés. Dicha división permite realizar una lectura en clave liberal de la obra de Foucault, abriendo así la posibilidad, en la filosofía de Rorty, para utilizar la filosofía post-nietzshcheana como instrumento adecuado al neo-pragmatismo.PALABRAS CLAVE FOUCAULT, RORTY, CRÍTICA, PODER, NEO-LIBERALISMOABSTRACTThis paper proposes a detailed (...)
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  42. The Prescience of the Untimely: A Review of Arab Spring, Libyan Winter by Vijay Prashad. [REVIEW]Sasha Ross - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):218-223.
    continent. 2.3 (2012): 218–223 Vijay Prashad. Arab Spring, Libyan Winter . Oakland: AK Press. 2012. 271pp, pbk. $14.95 ISBN-13: 978-1849351126. Nearly a decade ago, I sat in a class entitled, quite simply, “Corporations,” taught by Vijay Prashad at Trinity College. Over the course of the semester, I was amazed at the extent of Prashad’s knowledge, and the complexity and erudition of his style. He has since authored a number of classic books that have gained recognition throughout the world. The Darker (...)
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  43. Der normative Minimalismus als die verteidigungsfähigste Version von Nietzsches Amoralismus.Rogério Lopes - 2011 - In Volker Caysa & Konstanze Schwarzwald (eds.), Nietzsche - macht - größe. Nietzsche - philosoph der größe der macht oder der macht der größe? deGruyter. pp. 131-144.
    In this paper I intend to identify the kind of Amoralism Nietzsche is arguing for in his writings of the middle period. In the first part of the paper, I focus on the presuppositions as well as on the motivation underlying this version of the amoralist position. Nietzsche diagnoses a normative conflict between intellectual integrity and the metaphysical presuppositions of our moral vocabulary and practices. This diagnosis leads him to the conclusion that we should reform a substantive part of our (...)
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  44. Le paradoxe du progrès : Cournot, Stent et Ruyer.Philippe Gagnon - 2014 - In Michel Weber Vincent Berne (ed.), Chromatikon X : Annales de la philosophie en procès – Yearbook of Philosophy in Process. pp. 71-90.
    This text reconsiders the philosophizing into the future of mankind and futurology done by molecular biologist Gunther Stent in *The Coming of the Golden Age* in the light of Raymond Ruyer's critical notice published in the aftermath of the publication of Stent's book in French translation. For Ruyer, it is an occasion to revisit his own take on what he called in his last work a "theology of the opposition between the organic and the rational," and to restate in (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Convalescence.Philip N. Lawton - 1987 - Philosophy Research Archives 13:151-179.
    Nietzsche wrote that he owed his philosophy to his long sickness, which he called “the teacher of great suspicion”. The present paper considers the related ideas of the will to power and the eternal return in the light of Nietzsche’s concepts of sickness and health. This reading of Nietzsche’s works is guided by the interpretations of Gilles Deleuze and Pierre Klossowski, whose commentaries have been most influential in shaping French neo-Nietzscheanism since 1965; however, those passages literally or metaphorically (...)
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  46.  23
    International Nietzsche Research Group in Brazil: GEN–Nietzsche Studies Group.Scarlett Marton - 2016 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47 (3):479-487.
    The Nietzsche Studies Group in Brazil is an international research group that gathers Brazilian scholars of Nietzschean philosophy and, more recently, also French and Italian researchers. Founded by Scarlett Marton in 1996, GEN was originally linked to the Philosophy Department of University of São Paulo. Having spread throughout the country, GEN continues to advance Nietzsche studies and, toward this goal, welcomes different interpretations of Nietzsche’s thought. As a pioneering initiative in South America, the Nietzsche Studies Group in Brazil intends (...)
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    Author’s response: Steven French: There are no such things as theories. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 288 pp, £55.00.Steven French - 2021 - Metascience 30 (1):23-29.
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    The Saint and the Cynic: Resentment and Jewishness in Améry, Sloterdijk, and Wyschogrod.Menachem Feuer - 2016 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 24 (3):95-116.
    The constellation of pain, resentment, the body, and time – as they exist in the wake of the Enlightenment and in the dawn of a new barbarism - is found throughout the work of Jean Améry and Peter Sloterdijk. Both thinkers were especially influenced by Nietzsche’s readings of resentment, his challenge to the Enlightenment, and his turn to the body as the basis of a new kind of thinking which starts with pain, dwells in irreversible time, and ends with the (...)
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    French Poststructuralism.French Poststructuralism - 2012 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26 (2):299-320.
  50.  94
    Defending eliminative structuralism and a whole lot more.Steven French - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 74:22-29.
    Ontic structural realism argues that structure is all there is. In (French, 2014) I argued for an ‘eliminativist’ version of this view, according to which the world should be conceived, metaphysically, as structure, and objects, at both the fundamental and ‘everyday’ levels, should be eliminated. This paper is a response to a number of profound concerns that have been raised, such as how we might distinguish between the kind of structure invoked by this view and mathematical structure in general, (...)
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