Results for 'Frédéric Manns'

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  1.  45
    La mort de Marie dans le texte de la Dormition de Marie.Frédéric Manns - 1979 - Augustinianum 19 (3):507-515.
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    Une tradition liturgique juive sous-jacente à Jacques 1, 21b.Frédéric Manns - 1988 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 62 (2-3):85-89.
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    Luc 7, 47 et les traditions juives sur Rahab.Frédéric Manns - 1987 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 61 (1-2):1-16.
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    Une ancienne prière au Saint-Sépulcre de Jérusalem.Frédéric Manns - 1980 - Augustinianum 20 (1-2):233-241.
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    « Le péché, c'est Bélial » Un : 3,4 à la lumière du judaïsme.Frédéric Manns - 1988 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 62 (1):1-9.
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    Reid and his French disciples: aesthetics and metaphysics.James W. Manns - 1994 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    This book offers a thorough account of Thomas Reid's philosophy, focussing on his expressionist aesthetics, then traces his influence in nineteenth-century ...
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    Awareness predicts the magnitude of single-cue trace eyeblink conditioning.James W. Manns, R. Clark & L. R. Squire - 2000 - Hippocampus 10 (2):181-186.
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    Beauty and objectivity in Thomas Reid.James Manns - 1988 - British Journal of Aesthetics 28 (2):119-131.
  9. Representation, relativism and resemblance.James W. Manns - 1971 - British Journal of Aesthetics 11 (3):281-287.
  10.  8
    In Memoriam: Eva Lundgren Gothlin (1957-2006).Ula Manns - 2007 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 23 (1):142-144.
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  11. Aesthetics (A. Neill).J. Manns - 1999 - Philosophical Books 40:142-142.
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    Art and rationality: A response to Peter Kivy.James Manns - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 35 (2):217-218.
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  13. Goodman on Metaphor.James Manns - 1977 - Personalist 58 (2):173-8.
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    Intentionalism in John Dewey's Aesthetics.James Manns - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (3):411 - 423.
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    Metaphor and paraphrase.James W. Manns - 1975 - British Journal of Aesthetics 15 (4):358-366.
  16.  27
    On composing "by the rules".James Manns - 1994 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 52 (1):83-91.
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    Philosophy and Aesthetics.James W. Manns - 1998 - Routledge.
  18.  66
    Sense and Signification in Reid and Descartes: A Critique of Yolton's Reading.James W. Manns - 1997 - Dialogue 36 (3):511-526.
    RésuméLe but de cet article est de mettre en évidence les différences entre Descartes et Reid au sujet du rôle que chacun assigne aux sensations dans le processus perceptuel. Dans Perceptual Acquaintance, John Yolton ne trouve quepeu de choses dans les conceptions de Reid qui ne soient pas déjà de quelque façon présentes chez Descartes. Je soutiens au contraire que la théorie des sensations-comme-signes de Reid constitue un développement considérable par rapport à celle de Descartes ou à quoi que ce (...)
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  19.  80
    (1 other version)Theodore Jouffrey: Precursor of Ordinary Language Philosophy.James W. Manns - 1991 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 3 (1):12-19.
  20. The Nature of a Nature in Leibniz.James Manns - 1987 - Studia Leibnitiana 19:173.
    J'ai pour but dans cet article de montrer que le concept leibnizien de la nature d'une substance individuelle se résoud en “formule ontic”, pour ainsi dire, qui à la tois unifie et specifie la suite complete des états particuliers par laquelle passe cette substance dans son évolution éternelle. Je critique l'interpretation qui soutient que telles natures ne sont que les idées dans l'esprit de Dieu qui double cette suite d'états , et je montre que ma version s'harmonise mieux avec le (...)
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  21.  43
    Thomas Reid and.James W. Manns - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (4):864-866.
    This book announces itself to be an introduction to the philosophy of Thomas Reid which seeks to attain this goal through a critical examination of Reid's principal doctrines. The central focus, as the title indicates, is Reid's own critique of "the way of ideas"--that philosophical approach commonly linked to empiricism, which regards the individual mind as having direct access only to ideas, thus rendering the external, material world either problematic or fictitious.
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    The Riddle of nature and nurture – lateralization has an epigenetic trait.Martina Manns - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):602-603.
    Vallortigara & Rogers's (V&R's) proposal that directional asymmetries evolved under social pressures raises questions about the ontogenetic mechanisms subserving the alignment of asymmetries in a population. Neuro-ontogenetic principles suggest that epigenetic factors are decisively involved in the determination of individual lateralization and that genetic factors align their direction. Clearly, directional asymmetry has an epigenetic trait.
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  23.  11
    The Scottish Influence on French Aesthetic Thought: Later Developments.James W. Manns - 1991 - Journal of the History of Ideas 52 (1):103-119.
  24.  13
    The Scottish Influence on French Aesthetic Thought.James Manns - 1988 - Journal of the History of Ideas 49 (4):633.
  25. Is the use of modafinil, a pharmacological cognitive enhancer, cheating?Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Pablo de Lora Deltoro, Thomas Cochrane & Christine Mitchell - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (2):251-267.
    Drugs used to provide improvement of cognitive functioning have been shown to be effective in healthy individuals. It is sometimes assumed that the use of these drugs constitutes cheating in an academic context. We examine whether this assumption is ethically sound. Beyond providing the most up-to-date discussion of modafinil use in an academic context, this contribution includes an overview of the safety of modafinil use in greater depth than previous studies addressing the issue of cheating. Secondly, we emphasize two crucial, (...)
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  26. Classical conditioning, awareness, and brain systems.Robert E. Clark, Joseph R. Manns & Larry R. Squire - 2002 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (12):524-531.
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    Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny.Kate Manne - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Down Girl is a broad, original, and far ranging analysis of what misogyny really is, how it works, its purpose, and how to fight it. The philosopher Kate Manne argues that modern society's failure to recognize women's full humanity and autonomy is not actually the problem. She argues instead that it is women's manifestations of human capacities -- autonomy, agency, political engagement -- is what engenders misogynist hostility.
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    Musique et philosophie à l’'ge classique. [REVIEW]James W. Manns - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (1):155-156.
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    Thomas Reid on Practical Ethics. [REVIEW]James W. Manns - 1991 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (1):144-145.
    This volume consists of three principal parts. Its centerpiece is a collection of Thomas Reid's lectures and papers on practical ethics, heretofore unpublished; this is preceded by an introductory essay and followed by an extended commentary.
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    Thomas Reid on Freedom and Morality. [REVIEW]James Manns - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 45 (4):880-881.
    This book is careful and insightful, both in its analysis of Reid and in its treatment of the question of free will. While the title might suggest a balance of attention between the issues of freedom and morality, in truth this is a book about freedom, and it is only because moral responsibility has long been linked with freedom that Reid's moral philosophy receives any attention.
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  31.  17
    Are you trying to be funny? Communicating humour in deafblind conversations.Meredith Bartlett, Shimako Iwasaki, Howard Manns & Louisa Willoughby - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (5):584-602.
    Humour is a prevalent feature in any form of human interaction, regardless of language modality. This article explores in detail how humour is negotiated in conversations among deafblind Australians who are fluent users of tactile Australian Sign Language. Without access to the visual or auditory cues that are normally associated with humour, there is a risk that deafblind interactants will misconstrue humorous utterances as serious, or be unsure whether their conversation partner has got the joke. In this article, we explore (...)
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  32.  37
    Théodore jouffroy's contributions to the common sense tradition.Edward H. Madden & James W. Manns - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (4):573-584.
  33. Victor Cousin: Commonsense and the Absolute.James W. Manns and Edward H. Madden - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (3):569-590.
    Not only did he found his own school of philosophy, known as eclecticism, but he reintroduced into French intellectual life the study and appreciation of the history of philosophy, and produced studies and translations--of Plato and Proclus, Descartes and Pascal--that stand to this day as paradigms of exegetical thoroughness. And it was he who first pointed out to his countrymen that there was some serious philosophical work being carried out on the other side of the Rhine.
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    Sources of Opacity in Computer Systems: Towards a Comprehensive Taxonomy.Sara Mann, Barnaby Crook, Lena Kästner, Astrid Schomäcker & Timo Speith - 2023 - 2023 Ieee 31St International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (Rew):337-342.
    Modern computer systems are ubiquitous in contemporary life yet many of them remain opaque. This poses significant challenges in domains where desiderata such as fairness or accountability are crucial. We suggest that the best strategy for achieving system transparency varies depending on the specific source of opacity prevalent in a given context. Synthesizing and extending existing discussions, we propose a taxonomy consisting of eight sources of opacity that fall into three main categories: architectural, analytical, and socio-technical. For each source, we (...)
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  35.  19
    Thomas Mann und Alfred Baeumler: eine Dokumentation.Thomas Mann, Marianne Baeumler, Alfred Baeumler, Hubert Brunträger & Hermann Kurzke - 1989
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    Book Review: Frederic Lawrence Holmes, Investigative Pathways: Patterns and Stages in the Careers of Experimental Scientists. [REVIEW]Frederic Lawrence Holmes - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):585-588.
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  37. Sémantique pour la logique déontique.Sart Frédéric - 1995 - Logique Et Analyse 38:89-106.
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  38. The real consequences of justice.Frederic Reamer - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick (eds.), This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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  39. (1 other version)A logical analysis of some value concepts.Frederic Fitch - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):135-142.
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    Propositions as the Only Realities.Frederic B. Fitch - 1971 - American Philosophical Quarterly 8 (1):99 - 103.
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    Symbolic logic.Frederic Brenton Fitch - 1952 - New York,: Ronald Press Co..
  42. A revision of hohfeld's theory of legal concepts.Frederic B. Fitch - 1967 - Logique Et Analyse 10:269-276.
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  43. Generative AI entails a credit–blame asymmetry.Sebastian Porsdam Mann, Brian D. Earp, Sven Nyholm, John Danaher, Nikolaj Møller, Hilary Bowman-Smart, Joshua Hatherley, Julian Koplin, Monika Plozza, Daniel Rodger, Peter V. Treit, Gregory Renard, John McMillan & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - Nature Machine Intelligence 5 (5):472-475.
    Generative AI programs can produce high-quality written and visual content that may be used for good or ill. We argue that a credit–blame asymmetry arises for assigning responsibility for these outputs and discuss urgent ethical and policy implications focused on large-scale language models.
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  44. Let's call it plectics'.Murray Gell-Mann - 1995 - Complexity 1 (5):96.
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    III. Übersetzungen.Michael Hißmann - 2012 - In Ausgewählte Schriften: Herausgegeben von Gideon Stiening Und Udo Roth. Akademie Verlag. pp. 261-282.
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    II. Beiträge in Zeitschriften.Michael Hißmann - 2012 - In Ausgewählte Schriften: Herausgegeben von Gideon Stiening Und Udo Roth. Akademie Verlag. pp. 199-260.
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    The humanist question of the "good nature" in the phenomenological uses of Descartes.Frédéric Lelong - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    Ce texte a pour objet de comparer différentes lectures phénoménologiques de la théorie cartésienne de la connaissance, en montrant comment celle-ci est mobilisée pour répondre à certaines inquiétudes contemporaines. En premier lieu, nous pouvons constater une tension intéressante entre le modèle d’un « monde crépusculaire » de la science cartésienne développé par Jean-Luc Marion et celui d’un « monde de lumière » décrit par Emmanuel Levinas dans De l’existence à l’existant. Alors que le premier traduit l’emprise métaphysique d’une volonté de (...)
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    Derrida Un-Cut: Cixous's Art of Hearts1.Frédéric Regard - 2007 - Paragraph 30 (2):1-16.
    This article concerns the Portrait of Jacques Derrida, drawn by Hélène Cixous in 2001. The pages I choose to focus on are nine extracts of Derrida's footnoted additions to an essay by Geoffrey Bennington, either annotated or highlighted, sometimes both, in Cixous's hand in red, blue or black pen. The central point I develop is that Cixous's close relation to Derrida is not so much to an intimate friend whose skin could be touched, as to Derrida qua writing being, Derrida (...)
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    Faulty Burials: Reinventing Psychoanalysis.Frédéric Regard - 2013 - Paragraph 36 (2):255-269.
    Spectrality has always been a threat to order, to the logic of difference and binary opposites — a threat therefore to the classic law of ontology, which deconstructionist thinkers and writers have consistently sought to subvert, prominently among them Jacques Derrida and Hélène Cixous. While also engaging in an implicit dialogue with Louis Althusser's theory of ‘interpellation’, Cixous and Derrida have reinvented the psychoanalysis of gender-production through their reading of each other. Spectrality is for them an injunction to preserve otherness (...)
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  50. Notes and News.Frederic Lyman Wells - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (26):721.
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