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Gérard Genette [24]Gérard Genette [2]G. Genette [1]
  1.  24
    Narrative Discourse: An Essay in MethodTextual Strategies: Perspectives in Post-Structuralist Criticism.Steven Ungar, Gerard Genette, Jane E. Lewin & Josue V. Harari - 1980 - Substance 9 (3):96.
  2.  47
    The aesthetic relation.Gérard Genette - 1999 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    The Aesthetic Relation is a companion volume to The Work of Art: Immanence and Transcendence, published by Cornell in 1997.
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    Essays in aesthetics.Gérard Genette - 2005 - Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
    Over the course of the past forty years, Ge;rard Genette’s work has profoundly influenced scholars of narratology, poetics, aesthetics, and literary and cultural criticism, and he continues to be one of France’s most influential theorists. The eighteen pieces in Essays in Aesthetics are of international interest because they are concerned either with universal aesthetic problems (the receiver’s relationship to an aesthetic object, abstract art, the role of repetition in aesthetics, genre theory, and the rapport between literature and music) or with (...)
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  4.  74
    Structure and Functions of the Title in Literature.Gérard Genette & Bernard Crampé - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (4):692-720.
    Wishing to contribute to the brief history of title science, I would argue that the difference in terminology between “secondary title” and “subtitle” is too weak for the mind to grasp; and since, as Duchet has noted, the principal feature of his “subtitle” is to contain a more or less explicit generic indication, it would be simpler and more vocative to rebaptize it as such, thereby freeing the term “subtitle” to resume its usual present meaning. Hence these three terms: “title” (...)
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  5.  9
    Esthétique et poétique.Timothy Binkley & Gérard Genette - 1992 - Seuil.
    Depuis le début de ce siècle, l'art et la littérature n'ont cessé de déborder leurs limites et de bousculer leurs catégories. Cette démarche radicale a contribué, en retour, à réveiller une théorie jusqu'alors quelque peu engourdie dans des conceptions héritées de la fin du XVIIIe siècle, aux confins des âges classique et romantique. Les études ici réunies témoignent de ce renouveau de l'esthétique, particulièrement dans la philosophie de tradition analytique. Leur trait commun est le caractère relativiste de leurs critères. Les (...)
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  6. Imbach, R. 0 Isokrates 9, 7.G. Genette, B. Gerth, B. Geyer, R. Glei, C. Göbel, Th Gomperz, T. González da Santalla, M. Grabmann, Gregorius Nyssenus & E. Grumach - unknown - Augustinus 7:8.
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    « La mort de Marcel », un inédit de Bergotte.Gérard Genette - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):175-178.
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  8.  21
    Langage poétique, poétique du langage.Gérard Genette - 1971 - In Julia Kristeva, Josette Rey-Debove & Donna Jean Umike-Sebeok (eds.), Essays in semiotics. The Hague,: Mouton. pp. 4--423.
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  9.  35
    The Gender and Genre of Reverie.Gérard Genette & Thaïs E. Morgan - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 20 (2):357-370.
  10.  50
    The Proustian Paratexte.Gerard Genette & Amy G. McIntosh - 1988 - Substance 17 (2):63.
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  11.  23
    Cratylus' KingdomMimologiques: Voyage en Cratylie.Stephanie Merrim & Gerard Genette - 1981 - Diacritics 11 (1):44.
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