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Giacomo Marramao [31]G. Marramao [5]
  1.  66
    Messianism without delay: On the "post-religious" political theology of Walter Benjamin.Giacomo Marramao - 2008 - Constellations 15 (3):397-405.
  2. Furio Cerutti's Global Challenges for Leviathan.Luca Fonnesu, Giacomo Marramao & Vittorio Emanuele Parsi - 2010 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 2 (3):257-271.
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    Global Challenges for Leviathan di Furio Cerutti.Luca Fonnesu, Giacomo Marramao & Vittorio Emanuele Parsi - 2009 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 22 (1):225-236.
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    Against power: for an overhaul of critical theory.Giacomo Marramao - 2016 - [Newark]: University of Delaware Press. Edited by Patrick Camiller.
    In this book Giacomo Marramao focuses on the work of two great Central European writers, Elias Canetti and Herta Müller, each of whom, in different periods and contexts, offered a philosophical genealogy of forms of domination and a radical diagnosis of power, command and law. This book explores the issue of power from a philosophical literary perspective. It tackles the linguistic and literary relations between the notions of "power" and "potential".
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    Benjamin e la scuola di Francoforte.Giacomo Marramao - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Diálogos: Marramao y Arroyo.Giacomo Marramao - 2017 - Barcelona (España): Gedisa Editorial. Edited by Francesc Arroyo.
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    Experimentum mundi: Fabio Mauri e il viaggio dell'arte.Giacomo Marramao - 2009 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 22 (2):399-404.
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    El orden desencantado.Giacomo Marramao - 1990 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 30:83-112.
    La aparición en nuestro siglo de una concepción postmoderna del poder responde a un proceso gradual cuyos hitos más importantes son las teorías políticas y sociales de Max Weber, Talcott Parsons, Hans Kelsen y Niklas Luhmann. Con la profundización en sus postulados básicos, el autor pretende darles sentido como fases de un devenir ontológico en el que desde una concepción sustancialista y antropomórfica del orden político hobbesiano se acaba en una compleja interpretación funcionalista y sistémica del poder.
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    Il Marxismo di Gramsci.Giacomo Marramao - 1977 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1977 (31):224-229.
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    (1 other version)Korsch in Italy.G. Marramao - 1975 - Télos 1975 (26):174-184.
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    L'ordre désenchanté : sens et paradoxes de la rationalité politique.Giacomo Marramao - 1988 - Hermes 1:187.
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    L'ordine disincantato.Giacomo Marramao - 1985 - Roma: Editori riuniti.
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    La passione del presente: breve lessico della modernità-mondo.Giacomo Marramao - 2008 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    Minima temporalia: tempo, spazio, esperienza.Giacomo Marramao - 1990 - Milano: Il Saggiatore.
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    Passaggio a Occidente: filosofia e globalizzazione.Giacomo Marramao - 2009 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    Power and secularization: the categories of time.Giacomo Marramao - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers a geneaological understanding of the condition of our time by reconstructing the complex story of the transition from the 'cyclical time' of the classic era to the 'linear and infuturant time' of the modern world. Time is therefore understood not as a simple vector, but as a trans-political form par excellence, which involves the fundamental philosophical and political categories of the modern constellation: beginning with the concepts of progress, revolution, liberation, and alternative. Arguing that the process of (...)
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    Pensare Babele. L'universale, il multiplo, la differenza.Giacomo Marramao - 2007 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 20 (3):449-460.
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  18. Paradojas del universalismo.Giacomo Marramao - 1993 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 1:7-20.
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  19. Palabra-clave (metapolítica) : más allá de los esquemas binarios acción/sistema y comunicación/estrategia.Giacomo Marramao - 1990 - In Giuseppe Duso & Martha Rivero, Pensar la política. México: UNAM.
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    Soberanía: para una historia crítica del concepto.Giacomo Marramao - 1989 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 29:35-44.
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  21. Thinking Babel Universality, Multiplicity, Difference.Giacomo Marramao - 2010 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 2 (3):3-20.
    In introducing his argument - which resumes and develops the philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of globalisation advanced in his book Westward Passage (forthcoming from Verso, London-New York) - Giacomo Marramao takes the film Babel, by the Mexican director Alejandro Gonzáles Iñárritu, as the point of departure for his discussion: the film depicts the globalised world as a complex space at once interdependent and differentiated in character, constituted like a mosaic, composed of a multiplicity of "asynchronic" ways and forms of (...)
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    (1 other version)Theory of the Crisis and the Problem of Constitution.G. Marramao - 1975 - Télos 1975 (26):143-164.
  23.  12
    The passage West: philosophy and globalisation.Giacomo Marramao - 2012 - New York: Verso.
    Nostalgia for the present -- Identity and contingency: zones of conflict -- Dämmerung: the twilight of sovereignty: state, subjects, and fundamental rights -- The exile of the Nomos: Carl Schmitt and the Globale Zeit -- Gift, exchange, obligation: Karl Polanyi and social philosophy -- Universalism and politics of difference: democracy as a paradoxical community -- The oriental mirror: Voltaire and the roots of intolerance -- Ciphers of difference -- Europe after the Leviathan: technology, politics, constitution -- After Babel: towards a (...)
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  24. Which ontology after metaphysics? Conversations with Gianni Vattimo and Richard Rorty.Giacomo Marramao - 2006 - In Santiago Zabala, Weakening Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo. Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
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