Results for 'Gabriella Rosso'

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  1. Riflessioni rosminiane per il nostro tempo: atti dell'Accademia "Società degli amici" MMXIX.Gabriella Rosso (ed.) - 2022 - [Santa Tecla]: Infilaindiana Edizioni.
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    An Interview with Paul de Man.Stephano Rosso & Paul de Man - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (4):788-795.
    Rosso: Can you say something more about the differences between your work and Derrida’s?De Man: I’m not really the right person to ask where the difference is, because, as I feel in many respects close to Derrida, I don’t determine whether my work resembles or is different from of Derrida. My initial engagement with Derrida—which I think is typical and important for all that relationship which followed closely upon my first encounter with him in Baltimore at the colloquium on (...)
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    Are maternal reflective functioning and attachment security associated with preadolescent mentalization?Anna Maria Rosso, Paola Viterbori & Alda M. Scopesi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:149441.
    This study investigated the impact of maternal reflective functioning (RF) and attachment security on children’s mentalization. The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) was administered to mothers in a sample of 41 mother–preadolescent dyads. AAI transcripts were rated in terms of the Berkeley AAI System ( Main and Goldwyn, 1998 ) and the Reflective Functioning Scale (RFS; Fonagy et al., 1998 ). Preadolescent mentalization was assessed using a semi-structured interview adapted from O’Connor and Hirsch (1999) and also by analyzing mental-state talk produced (...)
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    Intergenerational Transmission of Reflective Functioning.Anna M. Rosso & Cinzia Airaldi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Further Look at Reading the Mind in the Eyes-Child Version: Association With Fluid Intelligence, Receptive Language, and Intergenerational Transmission in Typically Developing School-Aged Children.Anna Maria Rosso & Arianna Riolfo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:586065.
    A number of tasks have been developed to measure the affective theory of mind (ToM), nevertheless, recent studies found that different affective ToM tasks do not correlate with each other, suggesting that further studies on affective ToM and its measurement are needed. More in-depth knowledge of the tools that are available to assess affective ToM is needed to decide which should be used in research and in clinical practice, and how to interpret results. The current study focuses on the Reading (...)
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  6. ¿Son los objetos técnicos construcciones sociales?Hernán Nicolás Rosso - 2020 - Scientia in Verba Magazine 6 (1):121-132.
    En este ensayo intentaremos realizar una pequeña aproximación al pensamiento de Gilbert Simondon, filósofo francés cuya obra podría resumirse en sus dos tesis doctorales defendidas en 1958, una de las cuales no fue publicada de forma completa sino póstumamente. No obstante, lo dicho, tras el creciente interés en su pensamiento comenzaron a publicarse ya nacido este milenio, en particular en Argentina, sus cursos sobre percepción, imaginación, invención, información, comunicación y tecnología. A pesar de su escueta obra, Simondon es un filósofo (...)
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    Montesquieu and the power of the metaphor.Corrado Rosso - 1994 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 49 (1):21-33.
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  8. Belief merging and the discursive dilemma: an argument-based account to paradoxes of judgment aggregation.Gabriella Pigozzi - 2006 - Synthese 152 (2):285-298.
    The aggregation of individual judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a collective decision on the same propositions is called judgment aggregation. Literature in social choice and political theory has claimed that judgment aggregation raises serious concerns. For example, consider a set of premises and a conclusion where the latter is logically equivalent to the former. When majority voting is applied to some propositions (the premises) it may give a different outcome than majority voting applied to another set of propositions (the (...)
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    Les demi-silences de Mademoiselle Volland: sur la jalousie.Jeannette Geffriaud Rosso - 1995 - Diderot Studies 26:109-124.
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    Ability Emotional Intelligence, Attachment Models, and Reflective Functioning.Anna Maria Rosso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous studies have reported a significant positive association between ability emotional intelligence and attachment security. However, these studies may, to some extent, be misleading because they relied on self-report measures of attachment security. Furthermore, to our knowledge, no study has yet investigated the relationship between ability EI and mentalization, operazionalized as reflective functioning, although EI and RF were assumed to be “conceptual cousins.” In an attempt to overcome some of the limitations of the previous research, the current study investigated the (...)
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  11. Aspects inédits du XVIIIe siècle: de Montesquieu à la Revolution.Corrado Rosso - 1992 - Pise: Libreria Goliardica.
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    Diderot et le portrait.Jeannette Geffriaud Rosso - 1998 - Pise: Libreria Goliardica.
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    Dolore, felicità, uguaglianza: saggi di storia delle idee.Corrado Rosso - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS. Edited by Martino Rossi Monti.
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    Ermeneutica come ontologia della libertà: studio sulla teoria dell'interpretazione di Luigi Pareyson.Alberto Rosso - 1980 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Ein „Zusammengehen ohne Zusammenkommen“. Der Entstehungsprozess des intellektuellen Netzwerkes um die Zeitschrift Die Kreatur.Enrico Rosso - 2019 - Naharaim 13 (1-2):73-97.
    This research article aims to deliver an analytical representation of the intellectual environment of the culture journal Die Kreatur (1926–1930), a religious-dialogical quarterly edited by Martin Buber, Joseph Wittig, and Viktor von Weizsäcker and enlivened by some of the most prominent figures of German-Jewish interwar culture (among others W. Benjamin, H. S. Bergman, E. Rosenstock-Huessy, F. Rosenzweig, E. Simon, and L. Strauss). Building on a recognition of the problematic relationship between the dialogical model claimed in the programmatic foreword of the (...)
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    Felice Casorati’s work on finite differences and its influence on Salvatore Pincherle.Riccardo Rosso - 2015 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 69 (2):153-215.
    This paper, which is mainly based on unpublished material, focuses on the scientific influence that Felice Casorati exerted on Salvatore Pincherle. This influence can be traced, in particular, in Casorati’s work on the finite-difference calculus as conceived and published between 1879 and 1880 when Pincherle was living in Pavia. Casorati’s work has an interesting back story related to his entry to the 1880 Grand Prix of the French Académie des Sciences that helps us in understanding Casorati’s personality. Moreover, the correspondence (...)
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    Figure e dottrine della filosofia dei valori.Corrado Rosso - 1973 - Napoli: Napoli : Guida.
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    From the revolutionary class to the human subjectivity. On the autonomous subject in Cornelius Castoriadis’ work.Germán Rosso - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (16):135-157.
    In this paper we propose the exam of one of the key points in the work of Cornelius Castoriadis: autonomy, as individual and collective project. Our purpose is to review the development in his view of the subject that motorizes social transformation. For this, we start from Castoriadis' critics to the role that Marxist theory assigns to the proletariat as a revolutionary class to reach an idea of human subjectivity with reflection and deliberation capacities. We will highlight the contributions of (...)
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  19. Hungarian letter+ hungarian nationalism.C. Rosso - 1987 - Filosofia 38 (3):240-250.
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    Hans Otto Horch (Hg.): Handbuch der deutsch-jüdischen Literatur, Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter 2016, VII + 630 S.Enrico Rosso - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 72 (1):89-93.
  21.  19
    Il futuro tra le parole degli architetti.Michela Rosso & Andrea Ronzino - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 71:38-49.
    Il concetto, le declinazioni e le implicazioni delle possibili idee di futuro, nel campo dell’architettura -tanto in quello pratico quanto in quello speculativo- sono da molto tempo fertile oggetto di dibattito per l’architetto, rappresentando un tassello importante per la costruzione teorica disciplinare. Oltre ad essere direttamente coinvolti per mezzo dell’oggetto plasmato dal progetto e osservati mediante la lente teoretica degli scritti, l’interpretazione e l’uso dell’idea di futuro sono strumenti ineludibili nell’esercizio dell’architettura, sia essa disegnata o costruita. Quali aspetti di questa (...)
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  22. Kant e la Rivoluzione francese: molte rivoluzioni in una = Kant and the French Revolution: many revolutions in one.Corrado Rosso - 1989 - [Bologna]: Università degli studi di Bologna.
  23. La Bruyère e la morale dei Caratteri.Corrado Rosso - 1963 - Filosofia 14 (2):213-264.
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    La cofradía de las arañas.Pedro Mege Rosso - 2017 - Aisthesis 62:151-171.
    We analyze central mythical material in the ideology of female mapuche textile masters and the initiation ritual that the aspirants to the title of textile master undertake. These myths refer to foundational mythical narratives that explain the key categories upon which the ideology of the female textile masters is built. The myth establishes the contextual and practical frame of the performative aspects of the ritual and the essential categorical system that every novice weaver must dominate. Likewise, textile initiation practices are (...)
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    L'occhio e il suo inconscio.Pierino il Rosso - 1999 - Milano: Cortina Raffaello.
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  26. Letter from dornach, or anthropology today.Corrado Rosso - 1985 - Filosofia 36 (3):265-270.
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  27. Letter from the Canary-islands+ history and current relation to Spain.Corrado Rosso - 1984 - Filosofia 35 (1):42-51.
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    La “Lettera alle Vergini” Atanasio e Ambrogio.Giuseppe Rosso - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (3):421-452.
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    Moralismo critico nella letteratura francese.Corrado Rosso - 1997 - Pisa: Libreria goliardica.
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  30. Moralisti del bonheur.Corrado Rosso - 1977 - Pisa: Libreria goliardica.
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  31. Montesquieu moralista, dalle leggi al "bonheur.".Corrado Rosso - 1965 - Pisa,: Goliardica.
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  32. Montesquieu moraliste: des lois au bonheur.Corrado Rosso - 1971 - [Bordeaux]: Ducros.
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    P. Le Galès: Le città europee. società urbane, globalizzazione, governo locale.E. Rosso - 2006 - Polis 20 (3):487-489.
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    Questioni di epistemologia ed etica.Marino Rosso (ed.) - 1979 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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    Sensibilità, immaginazione e bellezza: introduzione alla dimensione estetica nelle tre Critiche di Kant.Pierino il Rosso - 1981 - Verona: Libreria universitaria editrice.
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    Saggezza in salotto: moralisti francesi ed espressione aforistica.Corrado Rosso - 1991 - Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane.
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    Sobre la dimensión representacional de la psique según Cornelius Castoriadis.Germán Rosso - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11 (2):406-431.
    El presente trabajo se propone recuperar la reflexión filosófica y psicoanalítica de Cornelius Castoriadis para profundizar en la comprensión de la dimensión representacional de la actividad anímica. En el primer apartado se retoma el modo en que este autor se posiciona al respecto de la obra freudiana y sus planteos acerca de la articulación entre psique, representación e imaginación. Luego, se aborda la capacidad primigenia de representación que Castoriadis postula al nivel de la psique, revisitando los problemas de la delegación (...)
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    The Paris Commune: French Politics, Culture, and Society at the Crossroads of the Revolutionary Tradition and Revolutionary Socialism.G. A. Rosso - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (1):244-247.
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    (1 other version)Virtú e critica della virtú nei moralisti francesi: La Rochefoucauld, La Bruyère, Vauvenargues.Corrado Rosso - 1964 - Torino,: Edizioni di "Filosofia".
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  40. Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous.Gabriella Coleman - unknown
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  41. The Relationship Between Alexithymia and Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review.Gabriella Martino, Andrea Caputo, Carmelo M. Vicario, Antonino Catalano, Peter Schwarz & Maria C. Quattropani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    As Time Goes by: Anxiety Negatively Affects the Perceived Quality of Life in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes of Long Duration.Gabriella Martino, Antonino Catalano, Federica Bellone, Giuseppina Tiziana Russo, Carmelo Mario Vicario, Antonino Lasco, Maria Catena Quattropani & Nunziata Morabito - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Alexithymia and Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review.Gabriella Martino, Andrea Caputo, Peter Schwarz, Federica Bellone, Walter Fries, M. C. Quattropani & C. M. Vicario - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Belief merging, judgment aggregation and some links with social choice theory.Gabriella Pigozzi - manuscript
    In this paper we explore the relation between three areas: judgment aggregation, belief merging and social choice theory. Judgment aggregation studies how to aggregate individual judgments on logically interconnected propositions into a collective decision on the same propositions. When majority voting is applied to some propositions it may however give a different outcome than majority voting applied to another set of propositions. Starting from this so-called doctrinal paradox, the paper surveys the literature on judgment aggregation, and shows that the application (...)
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    Editorial: Psychological Factors as Determinants of Medical Conditions.Gabriella Martino, Viviana Langher, Valentina Cazzato & Carmelo Mario Vicario - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Burnout and perceptions of conscience among health care personnel: A pilot study.Gabriella Gustafsson, Sture Eriksson, Gunilla Strandberg & Astrid Norberg - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (1):23-38.
    Although organizational and situational factors have been found to predict burnout, not everyone employed at the same workplace develops it, suggesting that becoming burnt out is a complex, multifaceted phenomenon. The aim of this study was to elucidate perceptions of conscience, stress of conscience, moral sensitivity, social support and resilience among two groups of health care personnel from the same workplaces, one group on sick leave owing to medically assessed burnout (n = 20) and one group who showed no indications (...)
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    Parental Moral Distress and Moral Schism in the Neonatal ICU.Gabriella Foe, Jonathan Hellmann & Rebecca A. Greenberg - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):319-325.
    Ethical dilemmas in critical care may cause healthcare practitioners to experience moral distress: incoherence between what one believes to be best and what occurs. Given that paediatric decision-making typically involves parents, we propose that parents can also experience moral distress when faced with making value-laden decisions in the neonatal intensive care unit. We propose a new concept—that parents may experience “moral schism”—a genuine uncertainty regarding a value-based decision that is accompanied by emotional distress. Schism, unlike moral distress, is not caused (...)
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    Carl Schmitt and the politics of hostility, violence and terror.Gabriella Slomp - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Carl Schmitt's friend/enemy principle is exposed to in-depth philosophical analysis and historical examination with the aim of showing that the political follows hostility, violence and terror as form follows matter. The book argues that the partisan is an umbrella concept that includes the national and global terrorist.
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    Conversation and Behavior Games in the Pragmatics of Dialogue.Gabriella Airenti, Bruno G. Bara & Marco Colombetti - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (2):197-256.
    In this article we present the bases for a computational theory of the cognitive processes underlying human communication. The core of the article is devoted to the analysis of the phases in which the process of comprehension of a communicative act can be logically divided: (1) literal meaning, where the reconstruction of the mental states literally expressed by the actor takes place: (2) speaker's meaning, where the partner reconstructs the communicative intentions of the actor; (3) communicative effect, where the partner (...)
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    Learning and Processing Abstract Words and Concepts: Insights From Typical and Atypical Development.Gabriella Vigliocco, Marta Ponari & Courtenay Norbury - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (3):533-549.
    The Affective grounding hypothesis suggests that affective experiences play a crucial role in abstract concepts’ processing (Kousta et al. 2011). Vigliocco and colleagues test the role of affective experiences as well as the role of language in learning words denoting abstract concepts, comparing children with typical and atypical development. They conclude that besides the affective experiences also language plays a critical role in the processing of words referring to abstract concepts.
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