Garth W. Green [4]Garth Green [2]
  1.  93
    Fichte’s Critique of Kant’s Doctrine of Inner Sense.Garth W. Green - 2007 - Idealistic Studies 37 (3):157-178.
    In this paper, the thematic context for Fichte’s early concern with the character of the forms of intuition, and specifically inner intuition, is adumbrated. This context is provided by means of a brief exposition of Kant’s doctrine of time as the form of inner sense, and its dual role; its positive role in the “order of (synthetic) cognition” or ordo cognoscendi, and its negative role in the critique of Seelenlehre or “doctrine of the soul.” It is then argued, on this (...)
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    Between Kant and Hegel.Garth W. Green - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (2):423-425.
    The title already announces Henrich’s methodological reorientation, from the trajectory von Kant bis Hegel, to a constellation of post-Kantian theoretical philosophies comprehended as “three comparable and competing positions [those of Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel] that cannot be reduced to each other”. Chapters 1 through 3 provide the context for the later content of the work by introducing the theme of the formal interdependence of mind and world, of “internal experience” and our experience of a law-governed world external to us. This (...)
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  3.  65
    Kant and Henry: An Inheritance of Idealism and a 'Turn'for Phenomenology.Garth Green - 2012 - Analecta Hermeneutica 4.
  4.  13
    On Kant On the Idea of God.Garth W. Green - 2017 - Analecta Hermeneutica 9.
    In the following essay, I consider the character, and implications, of the idea of God in Kant’s theoretical philosophy. I first consider the idea of God in the Critique of Pure Reason, in which it is first established within the systematic structure of Kant’s critical philosophy. In this context, I show that Kant recognized, depicted, and subjected to critique not one, but two such ideas or concepts of God: to evince this point, I examine the more thorough treatment of the (...)
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    The Aporia of Inner Sense: The Self-Knowledge of Reason and the Critique of Metaphysics in Kant.Garth Green - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    This work identifies Kant’s doctrine of inner sense as a central element within the ‘architectonic of pure reason’ of the first Critique, exposes its variant construals, and considers the implications of its problematicity for Kant’s theoretical philosophy most generally.
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    The Significance of Self-Affection: Michel Henry’s Critique of Kant.Garth W. Green - 2016 - Analecta Hermeneutica 8.
    Michel Henry’s “Destruction ontologique” does not interpret itself. In the following interpretive essay, I will attempt to articulate its basic structure, to address its principal engagements, and, on this basis, to interpret its defining themes and positions. In the course of this attempt, I will comment also on the importance of this work in the context of Henry’s œuvre, and contemporary scholarship thereupon. One need not accept every assertion, or agree with every position, in this article to recognize its importance. (...)
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