Results for 'Georg Fritz'

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    Die anthropologie des Carl Gustav Carus.Georg Fritz Wilhelm Müller - 1937 - Berlin,: Junker und Dünnhaupt.
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  2. A Study of the Relationship Between Personal Values and Moral Reasoning of Undergraduate Business Students.George Lan, Maureen Gowing, Sharon McMahon, Fritz Rieger & Norman King - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1):121-139.
    This study examines values and value types as well as scores in levels of moral reasoning for␣students enrolled in a business program. These two factors are measured using the Schwartz Personal Values␣Questionnaire and the Defining Issues Test 2. No statistically significant differences in levels of moral␣reasoning, rankings of values, and value types could be attributed to gender. However, eight significant correlations between value types and levels of moral reasoning provide evidence that a systematic relationship exists. The relationships are not only (...)
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    (1 other version)Values, value types and moral reasoning of mba students.George Lan, Maureen Gowing, Fritz Rieger, Sharon McMahon & Norman King - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (2):183-198.
    This study uses the Schwartz Values Questionnaire and version 2 of the Defining Issues Test to investigate the values, value types (clusters of related values) and level of moral reasoning of a sample of 108 MBA students in a Canadian university. There are no statistically significant differences in the levels of moral reasoning attributed to gender. Male and female MBA students rank 'family security' and 'healthy' as their two most important values. For males, hedonism, achievement and self-direction are the three (...)
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    Fichtes leben.Fritz Georg Adolf Medicus - 1922 - Leipzig,: F. Meiner.
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  5. Grundfragen der åsthetik.Fritz Georg Adolf Medicus - 1917 - Jena,: E. Diederichs.
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  6. Kants transscendentale ästhetik und die nichteuklidische geometrie..Fritz George Adolf Medicus - 1898 - Halle a.S.,: Druck von E. Karras.
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    Book Notes. [REVIEW]Fritz Allhoff, Amy L. Peikoff, Stephen H. Phillips, Avital Simhony & George Streeter - 2005 - Ethics 115 (2):435-439.
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    Where Kings and Gods Meet.Michael W. Meister, John M. Fritz, George Michell & M. S. Nagaraja Rao - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):854.
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    Life of Henry David Thoreau.Henry Salt, George Hendrick, Willene Hendrick & Fritz Oehlschlaeger (eds.) - 2000 - University of Illinois Press.
    With the help of American friends, he revised the book and published it anew six years later. The present volume is the third version of the biography, completed in 1908 but never published in Salt's lifetime.
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    Georg Lukács in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten.Fritz Joachim Raddatz - 1972 - [Reinbek bei Hamburg]: Rowohlt.
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  11. Ethics and Cyber Warfare: The Quest for Responsible Security in the Age of Digital Warfare, by George Lucas.Fritz Allhoff - 2017 - Journal of Military Ethics 16 (1-2):124-127.
    This book review responds to George Lucas's Ethics and Cyber Warfare: The Quest for Responsible Security in an Age of Digital Warfare, laying out the structure of the work as well as highlighting areas of strength.
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    Hallische Avantgarde. Die Erfindung der Ästhetik und die Ästhetisierung des Christentums.Martin Fritz - 2014 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 21 (1-2):1-27.
    Avantgarde in Halle: The Invention of Aesthetics and the Aestheticization of Christianity. The foundation of scholarly aesthetics by the Halle philosopher Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten and Georg Friedrich Meier in the middle of the 18th century took place within a milieu that was shaped by both pietism and the Enlightenment. Martin Fritz demonstrates that aesthetics in Halle itself can be considered a synthesis of pietism and Enlightenment ideas. The sensualization of basic Christian concepts is of eminent relevance for these (...)
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  13. Why Language Exists.Fritz J. McDonald - 2012 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):1-12.
    There are words. There are sentences. There are languages. Commonsense linguistic realism is the conjunction of the three preceding claims. Linguists and philosophers including Noam Chomsky (1986, 2000), Georges Rey (2006, 2008), and Barry C. Smith (2006) have presented skeptical doubts regarding the existence of linguistic entities. These doubts provide no good reason to deny commonsense linguistic realism. Some skeptical doubts are in fact not directed at the metaphysical thesis of commonsense linguistic realism but rather only at non-metaphysical methodological concerns. (...)
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  14.  28
    George G. Iggers, "New Directions in European Historiography". [REVIEW]Fritz K. Ringer - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (3):368.
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    Die Kolumbus-Originale. Fritz Streicher.George Nunn - 1935 - Isis 24 (1):136-141.
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    Comment: Empathy and Participation—A Response to Fritz Breithaupt’s Three-Person Model of Empathy.Jan Georg Söffner - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (1):94-95.
    Fritz Breithaupt’s “Three-Person Model of Empathy” (2012) offers a brilliant approach to relate empathy to side-taking. By thereby grounding empathy in subjective observation though, it becomes difficult to focus on how empathy interferes with phenomena of shared and embedded activity. This comment therefore raises the question of how Breithaupt’s theory of empathy can be related to phenomena of participatory sense-making and second-person interaction.
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  17. Hegel-Bilanz: zur Aktualität u. Inaktualität d. Philosophie Hegels.Reinhard Heede, Joachim Ritter & Fritz Thyssen-Stiftung (eds.) - 1973 - Frankfurt (am Main),: Klostermann.
  18.  12
    Die Quantentheorie by Reiche, Fritz[REVIEW]George Sarton - 1921 - Isis 4:375-376.
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  19.  8
    Grundbegriffe in Fichtes Spätwerk: Beiträge Zum Fünften Internationalen Fichte-Kongreß »Johann Gottlieb Fichte. Das Spätwerk (1810-1814) Und Das Lebenswerk« in München Vom 14. Bis 21. Oktober 2003, Teil V.Günter Zöller & Hans Georg von Manz (eds.) - 1990 - Brill | Rodopi.
    InhaltVorwort SiglenverzeichnisWerner Beierwaltes: Zum Tode von Reinhard Lauth am 23. August 2007 Marco Ivaldo: Nachruf auf Reinhard Lauth Wilhelm Lütterfelds: »Ich allein aber verstehe es recht.« Fichtes idealistischer Verstehensbegriff und seine Paradoxie Jean-François Goubet: Über die akademische Freiheit. Analyse eines sittlich, rechtlich und philosophisch grundlegenden Begriffs in Bezug auf Fichtes Antrittsrede zum Rektorenamt im Jahre 1811 Marco Rampazzo Bazzan: Idee und Gesicht in den Fünf Vorlesungen über die Bestimmung des Gelehrten Nina W. Gromyko: Das Transzendieren als grundlegende anthropologische Konstruktion in (...)
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  20. Natur Und Geist Fritz Medicus Zum Siebzigsten Geburtstag, 23. April. 1946 / [Hrsg. Von Hans Barth Und Walter Rüegg]. Mit Portraitskizze von Cuno Amiet.Hans Barth - 1946 - E. Rentsch.
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  21. Early impact of quantum physics on chemistry: George Hevesy’s work on rare earth elements and Michael Polanyi’s absorption theory. [REVIEW]Gabor Pallo - 2011 - Foundations of Chemistry 13 (1):51-61.
    After Heitler and London published their pioneering work on the application of quantum mechanics to chemistry in 1927, it became an almost unquestioned dogma that chemistry would soon disappear as a discipline of its own rights. Reductionism felt victorious in the hope of analytically describing the chemical bond and the structure of molecules. The old quantum theory has already produced a widely applied model for the structure of atoms and the explanation of the periodic system. This paper will show two (...)
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  22. Pragmatic Encroachment and Moral Encroachment.James Fritz - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98 (S1):643-661.
    Subject-sensitive invariantism posits surprising connections between a person’s knowledge and features of her environment that are not paradigmatically epistemic features. But which features of a person’s environment have this distinctive connection to knowledge? Traditional defenses of subject-sensitive invariantism emphasize features that matter to the subject of the knowledge-attribution. Call this pragmatic encroachment. A more radical thesis usually goes ignored: knowledge is sensitive to moral facts, whether or not those moral facts matter to the subject. Call this moral encroachment. This paper (...)
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  23. Counting Incompossibles.Peter Fritz & Jeremy Goodman - 2017 - Mind 126 (504):1063–1108.
    We often speak as if there are merely possible people—for example, when we make such claims as that most possible people are never going to be born. Yet most metaphysicians deny that anything is both possibly a person and never born. Since our unreflective talk of merely possible people serves to draw non-trivial distinctions, these metaphysicians owe us some paraphrase by which we can draw those distinctions without committing ourselves to there being merely possible people. We show that such paraphrases (...)
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  24. Unfitting Absent Emotion.James Fritz - 2023 - In Russ Shafer-Landau, Oxford Studies in Metaethics Volume 18. Oxford University Press. pp. 73-96.
    The world provides us with an ocean of opportunities for fitting emotion. But we are beings with limited emotional resources, so missed opportunities are common. This chapter argues that these failures to take up fitting emotions are very frequently unfitting in their own right—so frequently, in fact, that most of us lead lives replete with unfitting absences of emotion. It begins by showing that, whenever an emotion can be unfitting in virtue of being too weak, the absence of that emotion (...)
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  25. How Fine-Grained is Reality?Peter Fritz - 2017 - Filosofisk Supplement 13 (2):52-57.
  26. The Ethics of Putting Things Into Perspective.James Fritz - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics.
    This paper looks into the ethics of positive perspective-taking. Positive perspective-taking is, roughly, an attitudinal orientation toward an object that treats that object as sufficiently good, or in other words, as meeting one’s normative expectations. Sometimes, positive perspective-taking is both prudent and virtuous. But sometimes, positive perspective-taking–especially about injustices done to others–seems morally suspicious. When is positive perspective-taking actually morally problematic, and in those cases, what is the nature of the moral problem? I argue that a complete answer to this (...)
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  27. Why fittingness is only sometimes demand-like.James Fritz - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (9):2597-2616.
    Sometimes, the fact that an attitude is fitting seems like a demand to have that attitude. But in other cases, the fact that an attitude is fitting seems more like a permission to have the attitude. I defend a proposal that can accommodate both of these appearances. I argue that there is a kind of emotionlessness, which I call apathy, that can be fitting or unfitting in just the same way that emotion can. I further argue that, in some cases, (...)
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  28. Counterfactuals and Propositional Contingentism.Peter Fritz & Jeremy Goodman - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):509-529.
    This article explores the connection between two theses: the principle of conditional excluded middle for the counterfactual conditional, and the claim that it is a contingent matter which (coarse grained) propositions there are. Both theses enjoy wide support, and have been defended at length by Robert Stalnaker. We will argue that, given plausible background assumptions, these two principles are incompatible, provided that conditional excluded middle is understood in a certain modalized way. We then show that some (although not all) arguments (...)
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    What is Nanotechnology and Why Does It Matter: From Science to Ethics.Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore - 2009 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Ongoing research in nanotechnology promises both innovations and risks, potentially and profoundly changing the world. This book helps to promote a balanced understanding of this important emerging technology, offering an informed and impartial look at the technology, its science, and its social impact and ethics. Nanotechnology is crucial for the next generation of industries, financial markets, research labs, and our everyday lives; this book provides an informed and balanced look at nanotechnology and its social impact Offers a comprehensive background discussion (...)
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  30. Terrorism and torture.Fritz Allhoff - 2003 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (1):121-134.
    After the events of 9/11, the concept of torture has emerged as one that is both pertinent and provoking. National polls have shown that some Americans support torture in some situations, though the majority still stand opposed. Torture has not received a tremendous amount of discussion in the philosophical literature, though I suspect that the leftward slant of academia would, for the most part, ensure limited support for torture. In this paper, I would like to first discuss why torture is (...)
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  31. Hans-Georg Gadamer on Education, Poetry, and History: Applied Hermeneutics.Hans-Georg GADAMER - 1992
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    Georg Simmel.Georg Lukács - 1991 - Theory, Culture and Society 8 (3):145-150.
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    There is good physics in theory reduction.Fritz Rohrlich - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (11):1399-1412.
    Theory reduction is analyzed and examples are presented from various branches of physics. The procedure takes different forms in different theories. Examples from various theories are arranged in increasing order of difficulty. Special emphasis is placed on the quantum to classical reduction. It is argued that there is good and interesting physics in theory reduction and that it deserves more attention than it has been receiving in the past.
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    ViSpa (Vision Spaces): A computer-vision-based representation system for individual images and concept prototypes, with large-scale evaluation.Fritz Günther, Marco Marelli, Sam Tureski & Marco Alessandro Petilli - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (4):896-934.
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    The electron: Development of the first elementary particle theory.Fritz Rohrlich - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra, The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 331--369.
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    Georg Simmel, on Women, Sexuality, and Love.Georg Simmel - 1984 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
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    Georg Büchnaer Jahrbuch (2005-2008)Georg Büchner Yearbook.Georg Büchner Gesellschaft, Eva-Maria Vering, Matthias Gröbel & Burghard Dedner (eds.) - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
    The aim of the Georg Büchner Yearbook, which is published at irregular intervals, is to serve Büchner research as a forum for stock-taking and innovation, reflection and debate, for documenting sources and imparting information swiftly, to support critical debate and understanding, and in so doing to cover the whole range of research findings and discussions in both their substance and their methodology. This mission statement from the foreword to the 1st volume (1981) still guides the Yearbook in all its (...)
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  38. Understanding the Dangers of Mind Changes in Political Leadership (and How to Avoid Them).Kyle G. Fritz - 2023 - Social Theory and Practice 49 (4):653-679.
    Political leaders may change their mind about a policy, or even a significant moral issue. While genuinely changing one’s mind is not hypocritical, there are reasons to think that leaders who claim such a change are merely hypocritically pandering for political advantage. Indeed, some social science studies allegedly confirm that constituents will judge political leaders who change positions as hypocritical. Yet these studies are missing crucial details that we normally use to distinguish genuine mind changers from hollow hypocrites. These details (...)
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  39. Recht und Verfassung im Mittelalter.Fritz Kern - 1919 - Historische Zeitschrift 120:1-79.
    Kern describes how law was perceived in the middle ages. Law does not have to be issued by the state, but it has to be old and good.
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    TorTure WArrANTS, SeLF-DeFeNSe, AND NeceSSiTy.Fritz Allhoff - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (3):217-240.
    Ticking time-bomb cases famously—or infamously—invite us to imagine a scenario wherein the torture of one guilty terrorist will lead to the acquisition of information that can be used to save the lives of many innocents. Despite the contemporary focus on such cases, they have a long tradition, dating to the early 1800s. And, throughout their history, they have appeared in various guises, from the literary to the public to the philosophical. The principal moral question suggested by these cases is whether (...)
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    Computerised manufacturing and empirical knowledge.Fritz Böhle & Brigitte Milkau - 1988 - AI and Society 2 (3):235-243.
    What skills are required for working with computer-controlled machines in the manufacturing area? Taking the developments in the machine building sector in Germany as an example, it becomes apparent that a human-centred approach (skill-based manufacturing) offers the companies many advantages over Tayloristic forms of work organisation and automation. Closer observations reveal that skills and qualifications based on empirical knowledge and individual capabilities, such as a feeling for machines and materials, continue to play an important part in the work with computer-controlled (...)
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  42.  13
    Words & ideas: the roots of Plato's philosophy.Fritz-Gregor Herrmann - 2007 - Oakville, CT: Distributor in the USA, David Brown Bk. Co..
    Investigating the terms such as 'Form' or 'idea', 'essence' or 'being', 'participation', 'presence' and 'community', this book aims to determine the precise historical and philosophical contexts on which Plato drew in the formulation of his thoughts.
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    Serious Singing: The Orphic Hymns as Religious Texts.Fritz Graf - 2009 - Kernos 22:169-182.
    In the wake of Albrecht Dieterich, in this paper I try to show how the overall arrangement of the hymns in the Orphic hymn book follows the progression of a nocturnal ritual. I insist on the frequency with which the hymns talk about the fear of meeting a divinity or a phasma that would be in an unkind and violent state and could drive the initiates into madness. Thus, the hymns construct the mystery experience as an event that is, at (...)
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  44.  22
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: The Phenomenology of Spirit.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's The Phenomenology of Spirit is one of the most influential texts in the history of modern philosophy. In it, Hegel proposed an arresting and novel picture of the relation of mind to world and of people to each other. Like Kant before him, Hegel offered up a systematic account of the nature of knowledge, the influence of society and history on claims to knowledge, and the social character of human agency itself. A bold new understanding of what, after Hegel, (...)
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  45. Sense, Reference, and Philosophy: The Epimenidean Dilemma and the Definition of Truth.Fritz McDonald - 2003 - Philosophical Forum 34 (3-4):477-486.
    Book reviewed:;Jerrold J. Katz, Sense, Reference, and Philosophy.
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    Sites & Signs: Photographs by Georg Aerni.Georg Aerni - 2011 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Georg Aerni is a photographic artist with a particular interest in architecture. Educated as an architect himself, he has been working with the camera on this subject with great precision and consistence for the past fifteen years. Paris, Barcelona, Hon.
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    Wine and Philosophy.Fritz Allhoff (ed.) - 2008 - Blackwell.
    In Wine & Philosophy, philosophers, wine critics, and winemakers share their passion for wine through well-crafted essays that explore wine’s deeper meaning, nature, and significance.
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Georg Biedermann - 1981 - Köln: Pahl-Rugenstein.
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    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel und sein System der Philosophie: von der "Phänomenologie des Geistes" über die "Wissenschaft der Logik" bis zu den "Vorlesungen über die Geschichte der Philosophie".Georg Biedermann - 2002 - Neustadt am Rübenberge: Angelika Lenz.
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  50. Georg (darmstadt): Eric r. kandel: Psychiatrie, psychoanalyse und die neue biologie des geistes....Julta Georg & Eric R. Kandel - 2007 - Philosophische Rundschau 54 (2):183 - 187.
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