Results for 'George Antone'

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  1. Einleben in die Verfassung oder Verfassungsänderung?Georg Anton Hugo von Below - 1926 - Langensalza,: H. Beyer.
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    A Computer-Generated Concordance to the Syriac New Testament, According to the British and Foreign Bible Society's Edition, Based on the SEDRA Database.Michael Sokoloff & George Anton Kiraz - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (4):727.
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    Lexical Tools to the Syriac New Testament.Michael Sokoloff & George Anton Kiraz - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):216.
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  4. System der Wissenschaft.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Joseph Anton Goebhart - 1807 - Bey Joseph Anton Goebhardt.
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  5. Science, philosophy, and our educational tasks.John Peter Anton & George Kimball Plochmann (eds.) - 1966 - [Buffalo]: University Council for Educational Administration.
  6. Historische Beiträge Zur Philosophie.Georg Hertling & Joseph Anton Endres - 1914 - Jos. Kösel.
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  7. Science, Philosophy, and Our Educational Tasks Papers for a Symposium Held at the Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Western Division, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 29, 1964.George Kimball Plochmann & John Peter Anton - 1966 - University Council for Educational Administration.
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  8. Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy I.John P. Anton & George L. Kustas (eds.) - 1971 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    The essays in this volume treat a wide variety of fundamental topics and problems in ancient Greek philosophy. The scope of the section on pre-Socratic thought ranges over the views which these thinkers have on such areas of concern as religion, natural philosophy and science, cosmic periods, the nature of elements, theory of names, the concept of plurality, and the philosophy of mind. The essays dealing with the Platonic dialogues examine with unusual care a great number of central themes and (...)
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  9. Buffalo Studies, Vol.II, No.2: Papers for a Symposium held at the Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Western Division, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. April 29, 1964. [REVIEW]John P. Anton & George Kimball Plochmann - 1967 - Apeiron 1 (2):32-33.
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    Lectures on philosophy of nature from the winter semester 1821/22, represented on the basis of two Anonymous revised lecture notes. Fragments. The doctrine of space and time. [REVIEW]Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Anton Fomin & Alexander Frolov - 2022 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 11 (1):343-378.
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    Parallel versus sequential processing of pictures and words.Joan G. Snodgrass & George Antone - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (1):139.
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    Through a glass darkly: Data and uncertainty in the AIDS debate.Alan Whiteside, Gavin George, Tony Barnett & Anton van Niekerk - 2003 - Developing World Bioethics 3 (1):49–76.
    We discuss the data on the epidemic--where it comes from and how it is presented. We note the limitations of the use of antenatal cli.
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  13. Gábor Forrai and George Kampis, eds., Intentionality: Past and Future Reviewed by.Anton Petrenko - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (6):411-413.
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    Corrigendum to “Learning constraints through partial queries” [Artificial Intelligence 319 (2023) 103896].Christian Bessiere, Clément Carbonnel, Anton Dries, Emmanuel Hebrard, George Katsirelos, Nadjib Lazaar, Nina Narodytska, Claude-Guy Quimper, Kostas Stergiou, Dimosthenis C. Tsouros & Toby Walsh - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 328 (C):104075.
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    Learning constraints through partial queries.Christian Bessiere, Clément Carbonnel, Anton Dries, Emmanuel Hebrard, George Katsirelos, Nina Narodytska, Claude-Guy Quimper, Kostas Stergiou, Dimosthenis C. Tsouros & Toby Walsh - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 319 (C):103896.
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    Hans-Georg Gadamer 1900-2002: A tribute from South Africa.Anton A. Van Niekerk - 2002 - South African Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):219-222.
    Three things occur in this introductory article to a volume of the South African Journal of Philosophy in tribute of Hans- Georg Gadamer who died on March 14, 2002, at the age of 102. First, some historical details of Gadamer's life are provided. Second, the nine articles in the volume are briefly introduced. The authors are Denis Schmidt (the only non- South African), Anton van Niekerk, Bert Olivier, Andrea Hurst, Leon Fouché, Danie Strauss, Pieter Duvenage, Nirmala Pillay and Gerald Pillay. (...)
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    American naturalism and Greek philosophy.John Peter Anton - 2005 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    The American way of Renaissance and the Humanistic Tradition of Greece -- The Aristotelian tradition in American naturalism -- George Santayana and Greek philosophy -- Frederick J.E. Woodbridge and the Aristotelian tradition -- John Dewey and ancient philosophies -- John H. Randall Jr.'s interpretation of Greek philosophy -- The ontology of Herbert W. Schneider -- Ernest Nagel's pragmatism and Aristotle's principle of contradiction -- The naturalistic metaphysics of Justus Buchler -- Naturalism and the platonic tradition.
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    The value of philosophy: A Canguilhemian perspective.Anton Vydra - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (4):553-564.
    This paper represents a philosophical reflection on the nature and value of philosophy itself. Georges Canguilhem somewhat scandalously argued that the fundamental value of philosophy does not lie in truth. He suggests that truth is a typical value of science because truth is what science says and what is said scientifically. Why would a philosopher depreciate his own discipline? And does he really do so? Or is there a different motivation: to help philosophy to become a much more self‐confident voice? (...)
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    Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald.Emil Anton - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):963-966.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2020), xi + 500 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fourth birthday than by reviewing a Ratzinger biography while having Apfelstrudel (...)
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    Hermeneutics and historical consciousness: An appraisal of the contribution of Hans-Georg Gadamer.Anton A. van Niekerk - 2002 - South African Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):228-241.
    In this introductory article to the volume of the South African Journal of Philosophy in tribute of Hans- Georg Gadamer, the author, first, makes a few remarks about the nature of hermeneutics and Gadamer's views on the universality of the hermeneutical experience. This universality is, in particular, explained from the perspective of the “linguistic turn” in Gadamer's thought. Secondly, there is a brief discussion of certain particular aspects of Gadamer's contribution. Aspects of that contribution that are emphasized are: Gadamer's reevaluation (...)
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    History, Ethics, and the Recognition of the Other: A Levinasian View on the Writing of History.Anton Froeyman - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    "This book introduces a new way of looking at the writing of history. Rather than as the production of knowledge or the telling of stories, it sees writing history as an ethical, existential and emotional engagement with the people from the past. The conceptual and philosophical basis for this view is provided by the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas. In the first part, the view is presented and contrasted with other, competing views, such as those of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Michel Foucualt. (...)
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    J. G. Fichtes kritische Lektüre von Franz Anton Mesmers „Allgemeine Erläuterungen über den Magnetismus und den Somnambulismus“ als Ausgangspunkt für eigene naturphilosophischen Überlegungen.Hans Georg von Manz - 2016 - Fichte-Studien 43:239-254.
    J. G. Fichte’s »Tagebuch über den [animalischen] Magnetismus« [»Diary of the [animal] Magnetism«] from 1813 consists largely of excerpts and comments on reports from patients who have been treated with applications of animal magnetism. As part of the preparations for the critical edition of Fichte’s „Tagebuch über den Magnetismus“ the central text on which Fichte founded his further philosophical considerations could be identified: It is Franz Anton Mesmer’s „Allgemeine Erläuterungen über den Magnetismus und den Somnambulismus. Als vorläufige Einleitung in das (...)
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  23. Darstellung und Kritik des Hegelschen Systems.Franz Anton Staudenmaier - 1844 - Frankfurt/M.,: Minerva-Verlag.
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    Sociology: Inquiries Into the Construction of Social Forms.Anthony J. Blasi, Anton K. Jacobs & Mathew Kanjirathinkal (eds.) - 2009 - Brill.
    Georg Simmel developed a "form" method for the newly revived field of sociology, drawing on the subjectivity/objectivity dialectic. While his book's organization differs from that of contemporary texts, his method remains implicit in the field to this day.
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    "Aristotle: Protrepticus, A Reconstruction," by Anton-Hermann Chroust. [REVIEW]George P. Klubertanz - 1966 - Modern Schoolman 43 (3):297-298.
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    The Founder of Lake-Dwelling Archaeology. Gerold Meyer von Knonau, Ferdinand KellerAus dem Briefwechsel Ferdinand Kellers. Anton LargiadèrHundert Jahre Antiquarische Gesellschaft in Zürich. Anton Largiadèr. [REVIEW]George Sarton - 1934 - Isis 22 (1):308-311.
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    August Bernhard Hasler: Pius IX , Päpstliche Unfehlbarkeit und 1. Vatikanisches Konzil. Dogmatisierung und Durchsetzung einer Ideologie, 2 Bde. Anton Hiersemann-Verlag Stuttgart 1977, 400 u. 226 pp. [REVIEW]Georg Franz-Willing & Hans-Joachim Schoeps - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 30 (4):382-384.
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    The Study of Anosognosia.George P. Prigatano - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The study of anosognosia has witnessed an unprecedented increase in interest over the last 20 years. This has resulted in numerous empirical investigations as well as theoretical writings on the nature of human consciousness and how disorders of the brain may influence the person's subjective awareness of a disturbed neurological or neuropsychological function. This edited text summarizes many of the advances that have taken place in the field of anosognosia. It reviews research findings on anosognosia for hemiplegia following stroke, Anton's (...)
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    Editors' Introduction.Cristiana Freni, Theodore D. George & Mirela Oliva - 2023 - Critical Hermeneutics 6 (2).
    Hermeneutics has a long tradition in the history of philosophy. It carries the task of Hermes to bring God’s message to humans and translate it without betraying it. This special issue of the journal Critical Hermeneutics proposes a double research track: veritative hermeneutics and hermeneutic realism. This double track testifies to the original purpose of hermeneutics to formulate fundamental philosophical questions in light of human historical experience. Opposed to relativism, veritative hermeneutics and hermeneutic realism focus on truth, objectivity, the structure (...)
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    Georg Markwald: Die Homerischen Epigramme: sprachliche und inhaltliche Untersuchungen. (Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie, 165.) Pp. 309. Königstein/Ts.: Anton Hain, 1986. DM 64. [REVIEW]P. A. Hansen - 1990 - The Classical Review 40 (2):464-464.
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    Auch eine Philosphie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menscheit.Johann Gottfried Herder & Hans Georg Gadamer - 1967 - (Frankfurt a. M.): Suhrkamp.
    Johann Gottfried Herder: Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit Edition Holzinger. Taschenbuch Berliner Ausgabe, 2013 Vollständiger, durchgesehener Neusatz mit einer Biographie des Autors bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger Erstdruck: Erstdruck: o.O. 1774 (anonym). Textgrundlage ist die Ausgabe: Sturm und Drang. Weltanschauliche und ästhetische Schriften. Herausgegeben von Peter Müller, Band 1-2, Berlin und Weimar: Aufbau, 1978. Herausgeber der Reihe: Michael Holzinger Reihengestaltung: Viktor Harvion Umschlaggestaltung unter Verwendung des Bildes: Johann Gottfried Herder (Gemälde von Anton Graff, 1785).
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    George J. Agich, Ph. D., is the FJ O'Neil Chair in the Department of Bioethics, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio. Bette Anton, MLS, is the Head Librarian of the Optometry Library/Health Sciences Information Service. This library serves the University of California at Berkeley–University of California at San Francisco Joint Medical Program and. [REVIEW]Norman L. Cantor, Ann Freeman Cook, Linda L. Emanuel, Colin Gavaghan, Katarina Guttmannova, Carlton Hegwood Jr & Helena Hoas - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9:147-149.
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    Karl Barth, Georges Cottier, Oscar Cullmann, Léopold Malevez, Anton Vögtle, Comprendre Bultmann. Un dossier, Paris, Seuil, 1970, 192p. [REVIEW]Paul-Émile Langevin - 1973 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 29 (2):210.
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    Review: Buffalo Studies, Vol.II,No.2: Science, Philosophy and our Educational Tasks: Papers for a Symposium held at the Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Western Division, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. April 29, 1964. Edited by John P.Anton and George Kimball Plochmann. [REVIEW]H. D. Rankin & P. J. Bicknell - 1967 - Apeiron 1 (2):32-33.
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    Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, By John P. Anton and George L. Kustas . Albany, N. Y.: State University of New York Press. 1971. Pp. XLVI, 650. $25.00. [REVIEW]J. Dybikowski - 1972 - Dialogue 11 (3):434-437.
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    "Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy," ed. John P. Anton and George L. Kustas. [REVIEW]John L. Treloar - 1975 - Modern Schoolman 52 (4):466-466.
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    Die zarte, aber helle Differenz: Heidegger und Stefan George.Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann - 1999 - Frankfurt: Klostermann.
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  38. Musik. Karajans Bücherschrank, oder: Vom Abstand zwischen musikalischer Praxis und Theorie / Peter Gülke ; Über Fingersätze (Auch finger haben ihr Gedächtnis) ; Parcours (du combattan?) / Pierre Boulez ; Schönberg, Berg und Webern schreiben Briefe : Postalische Wortmeldungen aus dem Alltag der drei Wiener Komponisten / Klaus Schweizer ; Über "Wirkung" und "Charakter" : Anmerkungen zum Sprachcharakter der Musik / Elmar Budde ; Les Psaumes de David : Prière et musique = Die Psalmen Davids : Gebet und Musik / Georges Athanasiadès ; Ein Arpeggio und seine Folgen : Die Matthäuspassion zwischen Bach, Mendelssohn und uns / Joshua Rifkin ; Schöpfung und Nachschöpfung : Musikalisch-literarische Betrachtungen zu Gustav Mahlers VIII. Symphonie / Michael Schwalb ; Gedanken über die Tiefendimension der Musik / Constantin Floros ; Prendre des risques ; Künstlerischer Wagemut.Henri Dutilleux - 2012 - In Karl Anton Rickenbacher & Michael Schwalb (eds.), Liber amicorum: Gespräche über Musik, Literatur und Kunst: Hommage an Karl Anton Rickenbacher. New York: Georg Olms Verlag.
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    Figuren der Resonanz: das 18. Jahrhundert und seine musikalische Anthropologie.Arne Stollberg - 2021 - Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag.
    Ab der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts vollzog sich in der Medizin ein Paradigmenwechsel von hoher ästhetischer Relevanz. Hatten die Nerven bis dahin als Transportkanäle für die „Lebensgeister“ gegolten, so trat nunmehr eine konkurrierende Theorie auf den Plan, nach der es sich um elastische Fasern handle, die in Analogie zur Saitenvibration, also über das Prinzip der Schwingung zu erklären seien. Der menschliche Leib avancierte buchstäblich zu einem Musikinstrument, das emotionale Erleben (nicht nur) von Musik zu einem Resonanzeffekt. Die Folgen dieser Sichtweise (...)
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    Preußische Kulturpolitik im Spiegel von Hegels Ästhetik: 263. Sitzung am 20. Januar 1982 in Düsseldorf.Otto Pöggeler - 1987 - Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
    Die Gedanken des folgenden Vortrags wurden erstmals am 11. November 1981 im Otto-Braun-Saal der Staatsbibliothek Preu6ischer Kulturbesitz in Berlin vorge­ tragen. Mit diesem Vortrag wurde eine Ausstellung eroffnet, in der die Staatsbiblio­ thek Preu6ischer Kulturbesitz Berlin zusammen mit dem Goethe-Museum Dussel­ dorf (Anton-und-Katharina-Kippenberg-Stiftung) und dem Hegel-Archiv der Ruhr-Universitat Bochum im Rahmen des sog. "Preu6en-Jahres" des 150. Todes­ 1 tages Hegels gedachte. Der Vortrag wurde in erweiterter und veranderter Form in der Rheinisch-Westfalischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 20. Januar 1982 gehalten - (...)
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  41. An Informal Review of The Crisis of Global Capitalism: a letter to George Soros.George Soros - unknown
    I would like to bring to your attention some systems-theoretic ideas which are relevant to the point of view you present in The Crisis of Global Capitalism . From my perspective, your book, especially Part I: Conceptual Framework , is in both orientation and content an essay in “systems theory.” My connection to what you have written is still more direct. I’m working on a book which integrates systems ideas and theories around the theme of “imperfection.” This is close to (...)
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    Anders Ahlqvist and Pamela O’Neill, eds., Celts and Their Cultures at Home and Abroad: A Festschrift for Malcolm Broun. Sydney: The University of Sydney for The Celtic Studies Foundation, 2013. Paper. Pp. x, 380; 14 black-and-white figures, 4 tables, and 4 charts. ISBN: 978-1-74210-328-0. [REVIEW]Antone Minard - 2015 - Speculum 90 (2):485-487.
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  43. Picoeconomics.George Ainslie - 1992 - Behavior and Philosophy 20:89-94.
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    Real Presences.George Steiner - 1989 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Can there be major dimensions of a poem, a painting, a musical composition created in the absence of God? Or, is God always a real presence in the arts? Steiner passionately argues that a transcendent reality grounds all genuine art and human communication. "A real tour de force.... All the virtues of the author's astounding intelligence and compelling rhetoric are evident from the first sentence onward."—Anthony C. Yu, _Journal of Religion_.
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    Defensive Force as an Act of Rescue: GEORGE P. FLETCHER.George P. Fletcher - 1990 - Social Philosophy and Policy 7 (2):170-179.
    Jewish law takes an approach to self-defense that differs dramatically from the conventional assumptions of Western secular legal systems. The central theme of Talmudic jurisprudence is that self-defense rests on a duty not to stand idly by while one's neighbor suffers. “Do not stand on the blood of one's neighbor,” as the point is cryptically put in Leviticus 19:16. This way of thinking about self-defense departs in two significant ways from common Western assumptions. First, it stresses that the roots of (...)
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    A Biographical History of Philosophy.George Henry Lewes & John Lubbock - 1900 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
    The philosopher and critic George Henry Lewes published this work in two volumes in 1845–6. This is a reissue of an 1892 printing, which brought the volumes into one book. Lewes wrote widely on literature, science and philosophy, and was also the long-term intimate companion of George Eliot. This book is a narrative history, rather than an encyclopedia, of key philosophers. It is, therefore, a partial and personal study instead of an exhaustive textbook. The first volume concentrates solely (...)
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  47. The Individual and the Social Self: Unpublished Works of George Herbert Mead.George Herbert Mead & David L. Miller - 1984 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 20 (1):72-75.
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    Dependence and Autonomy in Old Age: An Ethical Framework for Long-term Care.George Agich - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Respecting the autonomy of disabled people is an important ethical issue for providers of long-term care. In this influential book, George Agich abandons comfortable abstractions to reveal the concrete threats to personal autonomy in this setting, where ethical conflict, dilemma and tragedy are inescapable. He argues that liberal accounts of autonomy and individual rights are insufficient, and offers an account of autonomy that matches the realities of long-term care. The book therefore offers a framework for carers to develop an (...)
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  49. The Philosophy of Wittgenstein.George Pitcher - 1964 - Philosophy 41 (155):86-87.
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    On the theory of probabilities.George Boole - 1862 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 152:225-252.
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