Results for 'Georgiades, Thrasybulos Georgos'

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  1. Naming and Sounding. Time as Logos.Thrasybulos G. Georgiades - 1985
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    Rhythmus. Zum Wesen der Sprache bei Heidegger.Cathrin Nilsen - 2003 - Prolegomena 2 (1):3-17.
    According to Martin Heidegger language is the “house of Being”. It is the language that allows us to be in the world, and at the same time it is the language which throws light upon how we are there. The air of Being is called with the ancient Greek Rhythmos as a first measurement of time, and thus the articulation of our speech points out the articulation of time. With reference to the musicologist Thrasybulos Georgiades the two formations of (...)
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    Les monnaies de l'Archégésion de Délos.Anne Destrooper-Georgiades - 2001 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 125 (1):145-174.
    This article comprises the publication of the coins found in 1961-1962 during the excavation of the Archegesion by the French School at Athens. Out of context, they can tell us little about the history of the site. On the other hand, they complete the picture of the circulation of bronze coins on the island. To this end, the available numismatic evidence has been assembled. The results are compared to those of the EFA excavation at Tenos. As an appendix, a Cypriot (...)
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  4. Gregory Palamas, The Χίονες, and the Fall of Gallipoli.G. Georgiades Arnakis - 1952 - Byzantion 22:305-312.
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    Note sur les monnaies trouvées en 1991 près d'Alyki à Larnaca.Anne Destrooper-Georgiades - 1995 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 119 (2):629-638.
    Trois monnaies trouvées près d'Alyki à Larnaca sont présentées dans la « Chronique des fouilles et découvertes archéologiques à Chypre en 1991 », BCH 116 (1992), p. 796, 798 fig. 13-15. Il s'agit de trois monnaies en argent frappées l'une à Pergame à la fin du ive s., l'autre dans un atelier chypriote indéterminé au début du ve s., et la troisième en Cyrénaïque (?) au milieu du Ve s. av. J.-C. La monnaie de Pergame est d'un type bien connu. (...)
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    The Koan Fragment of the Monetary Decree.W. Kendrick Pritchett & Athanase N. Georgiadès - 1965 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 89 (2):400-440.
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    Aire 5. Fouille de la citerne 18 (NR 242).Pierre Aupert, Sandrine Marquié & Anne Destrooper-Georgiades - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (2):673-682.
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    Shared and Distinct Patterns of Functional Connectivity to Emotional Faces in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Children.Kristina Safar, Marlee M. Vandewouw, Elizabeth W. Pang, Kathrina de Villa, Jennifer Crosbie, Russell Schachar, Alana Iaboni, Stelios Georgiades, Robert Nicolson, Elizabeth Kelley, Muhammed Ayub, Jason P. Lerch, Evdokia Anagnostou & Margot J. Taylor - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Impairments in emotional face processing are demonstrated by individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, which is associated with altered emotion processing networks. Despite accumulating evidence of high rates of diagnostic overlap and shared symptoms between ASD and ADHD, functional connectivity underpinning emotion processing across these two neurodevelopmental disorders, compared to typical developing peers, has rarely been examined. The current study used magnetoencephalography to investigate whole-brain functional connectivity during the presentation of happy and angry faces in (...)
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    Hiv/aids knowledge, women’s education, epidemic severity and protective sexual behaviour in low- and middle-income countries.Dana Snelling, D. Walter Rasugu Omariba, Sungjin Hong, Katholiki Georgiades, Yvonne Racine & Michael H. Boyle - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (3):421.
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    A quotation of menander’s georgos in a letter by isidorus pelusiota.Eugenio R. Luján - 2001 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 145 (2):352-353.
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