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  1. Exploring the vulnerability of practice-like activities: an ethnographic perspective.Yemisi Bolade-Ogunfodun, Matthew Sinnicks, Kleio Akrivou & German Scalzo - 2022 - Frontiers in Sociology 7.
    Introduction: This paper explores the vulnerability of practice-like activities to institutional domination. Methods: This paper oers an ethnographic case study of a UK-based engineering company in the aftermath of its acquisition, focusing in particular on its R&D unit. Results: The Lab struggled to maintain its practice-based work in an institutional environment that emphasized the pursuit of external goods. Discussion: We use this case to develop two arguments. Firstly, we illustrate the concept of “practice-like” activities and explore their vulnerability to institutional (...)
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    In search of a fitting moral psychology for practical wisdom: Exploring a missing link in virtuous management.Kleio Akrivou & Germán Scalzo - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (S1):33-44.
    While business as a social activity has involved communities of persons embedded in dense relational networks and practices for thousands of years, the modern legal, theoretical psychological, and moral foundations of business have progressively narrowed our understanding of practical wisdom. Although practical wisdom has recently regained ground in business ethics and management studies, thanks mainly to Anscombe's recovery of virtue ethics, Anscombe herself once observed that it lacks, and has even neglected, a moral psychology that genuinely complements the nuanced philosophical (...)
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    A personalist approach to business ethics: New perspectives for virtue ethics and servant leadership.Germán Scalzo, Kleio Akrivou & Manuel Joaquín Fernández González - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S2):145-158.
    This article has a twofold purpose: first, it explores how Leonardo Polo's personalist anthropology enriches and enhances neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics and second, it highlights how this specific personalist approach brings new perspectives to servant leadership. The recently revived neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics tradition finds that MacIntyre's scholarship significantly contributes to virtue ethics in business—particularly his conception of practices, institutions, and internal/external goods. However, we argue that some of his latest insights about the virtues of acknowledged dependence and human vulnerability remain underdeveloped (...)
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    La lógica del don en las relaciones humanas: Economía y reciprocidad a la luz de los radicales polianos.Germán Scalzo & Antonio Moreno-Almárcegui - forthcoming - Studia Poliana:133-158.
    Con el fin de cuestionar la primacía del contrato sobre la lógica del don en la modernidad, se contrastan tres arquetipos de relación social a la luz de los radicales polianos, así como los tipos de reciprocidad que se derivan de cada uno de ellos. A la reciprocidad cerrada-dual moderna se opone la reciprocidad abierta-triádica, que es la que caracteriza a las relaciones de don, tanto en su versión clásica como cristiana. Se concluye que sólo el radical cristiano de la (...)
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    Pricing for a Common Good: beyond Ethical Minimalism in Commercial Practices.Javier Pinto-Garay, Ignacio Ferrero & Germán Scalzo - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (3):271-291.
    Pricing policies and fair-trade practices are critical for sustaining commercial relationships between firms and customers. Nevertheless, in current business practices, fairness has been mistakenly reduced to a minimalistic ethic wherein justice only demands legal and explicit norms to which commercial parties voluntarily agree. Aimed at giving a different explanation of commercial agreements, this paper will introduce a Virtue Ethics (VE) explanation of the relationship between pricing and the common good by taking up classical concepts related to justice in commerce. In (...)
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    Circular subsidiarity: Humanizing work through relational goods.Ana Marta González & Germán Scalzo - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (S1):705-720.
    The Fourth Industrial Revolution based on digitalization, the development of AI, robotics, big data, and increasing automation is dredging up older debates on the end of human work. This article contributes to this debate arguing that these changing circumstances represent an opportunity to advance a renewed consideration of human work. By emphasizing its most distinctively human dimensions, including gratuitousness, relationality, and meaningfulness, we propose the articulation of a social model that recognizes relational goods as a specific contribution of human work (...)
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    Ethical Leadership as a Driver of Supervisor Technical and Social Effectiveness: A Triple Helix for Cultivating Employees' Sense of Purpose.Hussam Al Halbusi, Pablo Ruiz-Palomino, Jorge Linuesa-Langreo & Germán Scalzo - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    A sense of purpose is generated when individuals perceive an authentic connection between their work and a broader transcendent life purpose beyond the self. Academics have shown significant positive effects of this driving force in life for employees and organizations, and thus the literature demands studies that analyze its antecedents, i.e., the potential factors that shape an individual's sense of purpose in life. Following an Aristotelian approach to virtue ethics in business, we analyze (1) whether ethical leadership enhances the technical (...)
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    (1 other version)Whose work? Which markets? Rethinking work and markets in light of virtue ethics.Martin Schlag, Germán Scalzo & Javier Pinto-Garay - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):4-14.
    Neo‐Aristotelian virtue ethics applied to work and business theory have received increasing attention due to Alasdair MacIntyre's philosophy. At the same time, this approach has been accused of being inapplicable, a romantic nostalgia for an ideal world far from the reality of today's markets. Moreover, the more this theory evolves, the bigger the gap seems to become, as if good work were at odds with its economic dimension. This paper aims to address this gap by explaining how MacIntyre's neo‐Aristotelianism conceives (...)
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    The Interprocessual-Self Theory in Support of Human Neuroscience Studies.Elkin O. Luis, Kleio Akrivou, Elena Bermejo-Martins, Germán Scalzo & José Víctor Orón - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:686928.
    Rather than occurring abstractly (autonomously), ethical growth occurs in interpersonal relationships (IRs). It requires optimally functioning cognitive processes [attention, working memory (WM), episodic/autobiographical memory (AM), inhibition, flexibility, among others], emotional processes (physical contact, motivation, and empathy), processes surrounding ethical, intimacy, and identity issues, and other psychological processes (self-knowledge, integration, and the capacity for agency). Without intending to be reductionist, we believe that these aspects are essential for optimally engaging in IRs and for the personal constitution. While they are all integrated (...)
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    Autonomy and Subordination.Javier Pinto-Garay, Germán Scalzo & Ignacio Ferrero - 2021 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 40 (1):47-80.
    This paper aims to integrate the concept of autonomous and subordinated work into Aristotelian organizational theory by enhancing the epistemological framework of neo-Aristotelianism and by adding a Thomistic interpretation of organizational practical knowledge. We sustain that, in order to advance our understanding of the firm in terms of excellence and the common good, the concept of practical knowledge applied to organizational theory requires reflection on the nature of work in modern organizations. For this, we will explain how an organization that (...)
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  11.  22
    The Narrative Dimension of Productive Work: Craftsmanship and Collegiality in the Quest for Excellence in Modern Productivity.Javier Pinto-Garay, Germán Scalzo & Carlos Rodríguez Lluesma - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (2):245-264.
    Alasdair MacIntyre´s criticism of Modernity essentially refers to the problem of compartmentalization, which restricts the possibility of achieving excellence in an integral lifestyle. Among other reasons, compartmentalization is especially derived from an insular valorization of the workplace based on a reductionist understanding of productivity in terms of mere efficiency. Aimed at overcoming the moral confusion derived from the overestimation of technical, skilled productivity and individualistic cooperation in private corporations, this article offers a thicker explanation of MacIntyre’s theory of productive work (...)
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    Applying the Contemplative Technopedagogy Framework: Insights for Teaching Ethics Using TV Series.Justin D. Shanks, Germán Scalzo & María Teresa Nicolás-Gavilán - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 18:143-158.
    Digital media and technology are nearly ubiquitious in contemporary higher education, As such, researchers and educators are keen to identify best practices and understand impacts. Digital media and technology present opportunities to cultivate interactive, creative teaching-learning communities. However, inclusion of digital media and technology in a course does not necessarily cultivate creative engagement or deep reflection among students. This manuscript studies how a contemplative approach to teaching with digital media, specifically TV series, can lead to more effective and engaging in (...)
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  13. Necesidad, equilibrio y don: sobre el respaldo antropológico de la economía.Alberto I. Vargas & Germán Scalzo - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (311):1165-1190.
    En la modernidad se desarrolla una antropología del equilibrio que exagera el afán humano de libertad y provoca una crisis antropológica materializada en el principio del resultado. Con ánimo de superar ese reduccionismo, el presente artículo retoma la narrativa del don —primero social, luego moral— para enriquecerla con una propuesta trascendental. El objetivo es mostrar que, aunque el hombre es un ser necesitante, lo más radical —en cuanto ser trascendentalmente abierto y respaldado donalmente— es su capacidad donal. Este respaldo antropológico (...)
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    ACEVEDO ALVES, ANDRÉ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ MANUEL The Salamanca School, Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers, Continuum, New York - London, 2010, XII + 153 pp. [REVIEW]Germán Scalzo - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico:425-428.
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    González, A. M. (2024). Trabajo, sentido y desarrollo. Inflexiones de la cultura moderna. Dykinson. 368 pp. [REVIEW]Germán Scalzo - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 71:491-495.
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    Melé Carné, D. (2020). Valor humano y cristiano del trabajo. Enseñanzas de S. Juan Pablo II. EUNSA. Colección Astrolabio Economía y Empresa. 384 pp. [REVIEW]Germán Scalzo - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:477-480.
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    SISON, ALEJO JOSÉ G., Happiness and Virtue Ethics in Business. The Ultimate Value Proposition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2015, 317 pp. [REVIEW]Germán Scalzo - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico:611-614.