Results for 'Gertrud Jäger'

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  1.  31
    The Artificial Arithmetick in Decimals of Robert Jager.Robert Jager & Boyd Patterson - 1939 - Isis 31 (1):25-31.
  2. Language Structure: Psychological and Social Constraints.Gerhard Jäger & Robert van Rooij - 2007 - Synthese 159 (1):99 - 130.
    In this article we discuss the notion of a linguistic universal, and possible sources of such invariant properties of natural languages. In the first part, we explore the conceptual issues that arise. In the second part of the paper, we focus on the explanatory potential of horizontal evolution. We particularly focus on two case studies, concerning Zipf's Law and universal properties of color terms, respectively. We show how computer simulations can be employed to study the large scale, emergent, consequences of (...)
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    Metaphysics and the philosophy of mind.Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe - 1981 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    The intentionality of sensation -- The first person -- Substance -- The subjectivity of sensation -- Events in the mind -- Comments on Professor R.L. Gregory's paper on perception -- On sensations of position -- Intention -- Pretending -- On the grammar of "Enjoy" -- The reality of the past -- Memory, "experience," and causation -- Causality and determination -- Times, beginnings, and causes -- Soft determinism -- Causality and extensionality -- Before and after -- Subjunctive conditionals -- "Under a (...)
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    Upper Bounds for metapredicative mahlo in explicit mathematics and admissible set theory.Gerhard Jager & Thomas Strahm - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):935-958.
    In this article we introduce systems for metapredicative Mahlo in explicit mathematics and admissible set theory. The exact upper proof-theoretic bounds of these systems are established.
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    The evolution of convex categories.Gerhard Jäger - 2007 - Linguistics and Philosophy 30 (5):551-564.
    Gärdenfors (Conceptual spaces, 2000) argues that the semantic domains that natural language deals with have a geometrical structure. He gives evidence that simple natural language adjectives usually denote natural properties, where a natural property is a convex region of such a “conceptual space.” In this paper I will show that this feature of natural categories need not be stipulated as basic. In fact, it can be shown to be the result of evolutionary dynamics of communicative strategies under very general assumptions.
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    Zur Beweistheorie Der Kripke-Platek-Mengenlehre Über Den Natürlichen Zahlen.Gerhard Jäger - 1980 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 22 (3-4):121-139.
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  7. An actualistic semantics for quantified modal logic.Thomas Jager - 1982 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23 (3):335-349.
  8.  45
    Retrieval interference in reflexive processing: experimental evidence from Mandarin, and computational modeling.Lena A. Jäger, Felix Engelmann & Shravan Vasishth - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:125783.
    We conducted two eye-tracking experiments investigating the processing of the Mandarin reflexive ziji in order to tease apart structurally constrained accounts from standard cue-based accounts of memory retrieval. In both experiments, we tested whether structurally inaccessible distractors that fulfill the animacy requirement of ziji influence processing times at the reflexive. In Experiment 1, we manipulated animacy of the antecedent and a structurally inaccessible distractor intervening between the antecedent and the reflexive. In conditions where the accessible antecedent mismatched the animacy cue, (...)
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  9. Epistemic Authority.Christoph Jäger - 2025 - In Jennifer Lackey & Aidan McGlynn (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This handbook article gives a critical overview of recent discussions of epistemic authority. It favors an account that brings into balance the dictates of rational deference with the ideals of intellectual self-governance. A plausible starting point is the conjecture that neither should rational deference to authorities collapse into total epistemic submission, nor the ideal of mature intellectual self-governance be conflated with (illusions of) epistemic autarky.
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  10.  52
    Some notes on the formal properties of bidirectional optimality theory.Gerhard Jäger - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (4):427-451.
    In this paper, we discuss some formal properties of the model ofbidirectional Optimality Theory that was developed inBlutner (2000). We investigate the conditions under whichbidirectional optimization is a well-defined notion, and we give aconceptually simpler reformulation of Blutner's definition. In thesecond part of the paper, we show that bidirectional optimization can bemodeled by means of finite state techniques. There we rely heavily onthe related work of Frank and Satta (1998) about unidirectionaloptimization.
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  11. The social fabric of understanding: equilibrium, authority, and epistemic empathy.Christoph Jäger & Federica Isabella Malfatti - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1185-1205.
    We discuss the social-epistemic aspects of Catherine Elgin’s theory of reflective equilibrium and understanding and argue that it yields an argument for the view that a crucial social-epistemic function of epistemic authorities is to foster understanding in their communities. We explore the competences that enable epistemic authorities to fulfil this role and argue that among them is an epistemic virtue we call “epistemic empathy”.
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  12.  86
    Residuation, structural rules and context freeness.Gerhard Jäger - 2004 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 13 (1):47-59.
    The article presents proofs of the context freeness of a family of typelogical grammars, namely all grammars that are based on a uni- ormultimodal logic of pure residuation, possibly enriched with thestructural rules of Permutation and Expansion for binary modes.
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  13. Loops and the Geometry of Chance.Jens Jäger - forthcoming - Noûs.
    Suppose your evil sibling travels back in time, intending to lethally poison your grandfather during his infancy. Determined to save grandpa, you grab two antidotes and follow your sibling through the wormhole. Under normal circumstances, each antidote has a 50% chance of curing a poisoning. Upon finding young grandpa, poisoned, you administer the first antidote. Alas, it has no effect. The second antidote is your last hope. You administer it---and success: the paleness vanishes from grandpa's face, he is healed. As (...)
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  14.  25
    Times, beginnings, and causes.Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe - 1975 - London: Oxford University Press [for the British Academy].
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  15. Causality and determination: an inaugural lecture.Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe - 1971 - London,: Cambridge University Press.
    I IT is often declared or evidently assumed that causality is some kind of necessary connexion, or alternatively, that being caused is — non-trivially ...
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  16.  28
    Language structure: psychological and social constraints.Gerhard Jäger & Robert Rooij - 2006 - Synthese 159 (1):99-130.
    In this article we discuss the notion of a linguistic universal, and possible sources of such invariant properties of natural languages. In the first part, we explore the conceptual issues that arise. In the second part of the paper, we focus on the explanatory potential of horizontal evolution. We particularly focus on two case studies, concerning Zipf’s Law and universal properties of color terms, respectively. We show how computer simulations can be employed to study the large scale, emergent, consequences of (...)
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  17. First Order Theories for Nonmonotone Inductive Definitions: Recursively Inaccessible and Mahlo.Gerhard Jäger - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (3):1073-1089.
    In this paper first order theories for nonmonotone inductive definitions are introduced, and a proof-theoretic analysis for such theories based on combined operator forms a la Richter with recursively inaccessible and Mahlo closure ordinals is given.
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  18.  68
    The proof-theoretic analysis of transfinitely iterated fixed point theories.Gerhard Jager, Reinhard Kahle, Anton Setzer & Thomas Strahm - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (1):53-67.
    This article provides the proof-theoretic analysis of the transfinitely iterated fixed point theories $\widehat{ID}_\alpha and \widehat{ID}_{ the exact proof-theoretic ordinals of these systems are presented.
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  19.  33
    Semantic Noise and Conceptual Stagnation in Natural Language Processing.Sonia de Jager - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (3):111-132.
    Semantic noise, the effect ensuing from the denotative and thus functional variability exhibited by different terms in different contexts, is a common concern in natural language processing (NLP). While unarguably problematic in specific applications (e.g., certain translation tasks), the main argument of this paper is that failing to observe this linguistic matter of fact as a generative effect rather than as an obstacle, leads to actual obstacles in instances where language model outputs are presented as neutral. Given that a common (...)
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  20. Both Citizen and Cosmopolitan.Gertrude D. Conway - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 7:73-80.
    Among the fragments published in Zettel, one finds one of Wittgenstein's most enigmatic comments. In entry 455, he states that "the philosopher is not a citizen of any community of ideas. That is what makes him into a philosopher". The apparent incongruity between this entry and the thrust of Wittgenstein's later works initially draws one's attention, but the passage sustains interest because it is situated at the nexus of issues addressed in current philosophical debate regarding cultural pluralism. This paper attempts (...)
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  21.  50
    Nugae circa veritatem: Notes on Anton Francesco doni.Gertrud Bing - 1938 - Journal of the Warburg Institute 1 (4):304-312.
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    The apocalypse Block-books and their manuscript models.Gertrud Bing - 1942 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 5 (1):143-158.
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    (1 other version)Cover.Gertrude Fani - 2014 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 7 (2).
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    Das Spielen zwischen Intentionalität und Pathischem im Erleben & Kunstschaffen: ein Beitrag zur phänomenologischen Anthropologie.Ralf Matti Jäger - 2017 - Wendland: Verwandeln Verlag.
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    Handbuch Kriegstheorien.Thomas Jäger & Rasmus Beckmann (eds.) - 2011 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Dieses Handbuch bietet erstmals einen umfassenden und systematischen Zugang zu den Theorien des Krieges. Der erste Teil des Werkes ist interdisziplinär angelegt und es werden verschiedene Kriegstheorien dargestellt – von anthropologischen bis hin zu religiösen Ansätzen. Der zweite Teil stellt zentrale Theoretiker des Krieges vor. Der dritte Teil enthält empirische Fallstudien vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart zu Teilaspekten der Kriegstheorien. Insgesamt stellt der Band die Dynamik der theoretischen Entwicklung dar. Dabei berücksichtigt er die jeweiligen politischen, sozioökonomischen und technologischen Faktoren.
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  26. Epistemology: Contexts, Values and Disagreement. Proceedings of the 34. International Wittgenstein Symposium.Christoph Jäger & Winfried Löffler (eds.) - 2012 - Druckwerker.
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  27.  13
    Stage Comparison, Fixed Points, and Least Fixed Points in Kripke–Platek Environments.Gerhard Jäger - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (4):443-461.
    Let T be Kripke–Platek set theory with infinity extended by the axiom (Beta) plus the schema that claims that every set-bounded Σ-definable monotone operator from the collection of all sets to Pow(a) for some set a has a fixed point. Then T proves that every such operator has a least fixed point. This result is obtained by following the proof of an analogous result for von Neumann–Bernays–Gödel set theory in an earlier work by Sato, with some minor modifications.
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    Policies of the Social Sciences.Gertrud Lenzer - 1976 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 43.
  29.  50
    The semantic drift: Images of populism in post‐war American historiography and their relevance for political science.Anton Jäger - 2017 - Constellations 24 (3):310-323.
  30. Falsche Autoritäten.Christoph Jäger - 2022 - In Rico Hauswald & Pedro Schmechtig (eds.), Wissensproduktion und Wissenstransfer unter erschwerten Bedingungen. Der Einfluss der Corona-Krise auf die Erzeugung und Vermittlung von Wissen im öffentlichen Diskurs. Alber. pp. 219-243.
  31.  92
    Some theories with positive induction of ordinal strength ϕω.Gerhard Jäger & Thomas Strahm - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (3):818-842.
    This paper deals with: (i) the theory ID # 1 which results from $\widehat{\mathrm{ID}}_1$ by restricting induction on the natural numbers to formulas which are positive in the fixed point constants, (ii) the theory BON(μ) plus various forms of positive induction, and (iii) a subtheory of Peano arithmetic with ordinals in which induction on the natural numbers is restricted to formulas which are Σ in the ordinals. We show that these systems have proof-theoretic strength φω 0.
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    A well-ordering proof for Feferman's theoryT 0.Gerhard Jäger - 1983 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 23 (1):65-77.
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  33. Meta-emotions.Christoph Jäger & Anne Bartsch - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 73 (1):179-204.
    This paper explores the phenomenon of meta-emotions. Meta-emotions are emotions people have about their own emotions. We analyze the intentional structure of meta-emotions and show how psychological findings support our account. Acknowledgement of meta-emotions can elucidate a number of important issues in the philosophy of mind and, more specifically, the philosophy and psychology of emotions. Among them are (allegedly) ambivalent or paradoxical emotions, emotional communication, emotional self-regulation, privileged access failure for repressed emotions, and survivor guilt.
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  34. False Authorities.Christoph Jäger - 2024 - Acta Analytica 39 (4).
    An epistemic agent A is a false epistemic authority for others iff they falsely believe A to be in a position to help them accomplish their epistemic ends. A major divide exists between what I call "epistemic quacks", who falsely believe themselves to be relevantly competent, and "epistemic charlatans", i.e., false authorities who believe or even know that they are incompetent. Both types of false authority do not cover what Lackey (2021) calls "predatory experts": experts who systematically misuse their social-epistemic (...)
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  35.  37
    What Types of Values Enter Simulation Validation and What are Their Roles?Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn & Christoph Baumberger - 2019 - In Claus Beisbart & Nicole J. Saam (eds.), Computer Simulation Validation: Fundamental Concepts, Methodological Frameworks, and Philosophical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 961-979.
    Based on a framework that distinguishes several types, roles and functions of values in science, we discuss legitimate applications of values in the validation of computer simulations. We argue that, first, epistemic values, such as empirical accuracy and coherence with background knowledge, have the role to assess the credibility of simulation results, whereas, second, cognitive values, such as comprehensiveness of a conceptual model or easy handling of a numerical model, have the role to assess the usefulness of a model for (...)
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  36. Epistemic deontology, doxastic voluntarism, and the principle of alternate possibilities.Christoph Jäger - 2004 - In Winfried Löffler and Paul Weingartner (ed.), Knowledge and Belief. ÖBV. pp. 217-227.
  37. Skepticism, Information, and Closure: Dretske’s Theory of Knowledge.Christoph Jäger - 2004 - Erkenntnis 61 (2-3):187 - 201.
    According to Fred Dretske's externalist theory of knowledge a subject knows that p if and only if she believes that p and this belief is caused or causally sustained by the information that p. Another famous feature of Dretske's epistemology is his denial that knowledge is closed under known entailment. I argue that, given Dretske's construal of information, he is in fact committed to the view that both information and knowledge are closed under known entailment. Hence, if it is true (...)
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  38. List and Menzies on High‐Level Causation.Jens Jager - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (4):570-591.
    I raise two objections against Christian List and Peter Menzies' influential account of high-level causation. Improving upon some of Stephen Yablo's earlier work, I develop an alternative theory which evades both objections. The discussion calls into question List and Menzies' main contention, namely, that the exclusion principle, applied to difference-making, is false.
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  39.  57
    Zeit, Philosophie und Zeit-Philosophie im „Heimat“-Epos von Edgar Reitz, Vortrag aus Anlass des 90. Geburtstags von Edgar Reitz.Christoph Jäger - manuscript
  40. Epistemic Authority, Preemptive Reasons, and Understanding.Christoph Jäger - 2016 - Episteme 13 (2):167-185.
    One of the key tenets of Linda Zagzebski’s book " Epistemic Authority" is the Preemption Thesis. It says that, when an agent learns that an epistemic authority believes that p, the rational response for her is to adopt that belief and to replace all of her previous reasons relevant to whether p by the reason that the authority believes that p. I argue that such a “Hobbesian approach” to epistemic authority yields problematic results. This becomes especially virulent when we apply (...)
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  41.  34
    On Rationales for Cognitive Values in the Assessment of Scientific Representations.Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn - 2018 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 49 (3):319-331.
    Cognitive values like simplicity, broad scope, and easy handling are properties of a scientific representation that result from the idealization which is involved in the construction of a representation. These properties may facilitate the application of epistemic values to credibility assessments, which provides a rationale for assigning an auxiliary function to cognitive values. In this paper, I defend a further rationale for cognitive values which consists in the assessment of the usefulness of a representation. Usefulness includes the relevance of a (...)
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  42.  43
    The strength of admissibility without foundation.Gerhard Jäger - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3):867-879.
  43.  9
    About the Strength of Operational Regularity.Gerhard Jäger & Rico Zumbrunnen - 2012 - In Ulrich Berger, Hannes Diener, Peter Schuster & Monika Seisenberger (eds.), Logic, Construction, Computation. De Gruyter. pp. 305-324.
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    Fixed points in Peano arithmetic with ordinals.Gerhard Jäger - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 60 (2):119-132.
    Jäger, G., Fixed points in Peano arithmetic with ordinals, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 60 119-132. This paper deals with some proof-theoretic aspects of fixed point theories over Peano arithmetic with ordinals. It studies three such theories which differ in the principles which are available for induction on the natural numbers and ordinals. The main result states that there is a natural theory in this framework which is a conservative extension of Peano arithmeti.
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  45.  19
    On Looking Into the Abyss: Untimely Thoughts on Culture and Society.Gertrude Himmelfarb - 1994 - Knopf New York.
    One of America's foremost historians discusses the intellectual arrogance and spiritual impoverishment at the heart of structuralism and shows how they have led to a trivializing of the Holocaust. Reprint.
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    Eating as Natural Event and as Intersubjective Phenomenon: Towards a Phenomenology of Eating.Bernd Jager - 1999 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 30 (1):66-116.
    The consumption of food and drink becomes a fully human activity only when it takes place within a realm of hospitality. When thus situated a meal gathers together not only families, friends and neighbors, but it is also brings together divine and mortal being and unites in common courtesy the living and the dead. Natural scientific insights into human food consumption make their greatest contribution to our understanding when we situate these within the larger context of intersubjective relations. Anorexia, bulimia, (...)
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  47.  53
    Rilke's "Archaic Torso of Apollo".Bernd Jager - 2003 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 34 (1):79-98.
    What happens when in the midst of the routines of our workaday world we suddenly find ourselves in the presence of someone who regards us with intensity and demands our response? Rilke's poem explores that precise and pregnant moment when an object of scientific investigation, aesthetic contemplation or historical analysis suddenly breaks free from the constraints imposed upon it by a workaday perspective and transforms itself into a subject who beckons us to enter another world. Rilke's "Archaic Torso of Apollo" (...)
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  48.  72
    Principles of Chinese PaintingChinese Art in the Twentieth Century.Gertrude Kennedy Piatkowski, George Rowley & Michael Sullivan - 1960 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (2):243.
  49.  14
    Σ11 Choice in a Theory of Sets and Classes.Gerhard Jäger & Jürg Krähenbühl - 2010 - In Ralf Schindler (ed.), Ways of Proof Theory. De Gruyter. pp. 283-314.
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  50. Molina und das Problem des theologischen Determinismus.Christoph Jäger - 2018 - In Louis de Molina, Göttlicher Plan und menschliche Freiheit, lat.-deutsch,. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. pp. 13-178.
    Der Download enthält die penultimative Fassung (noch unter dem vorläufigen Titel "Molina über Vorsehung und Freiheit"). Diese ausführliche Einleitung zu dem Band "Luis de Molina: Göttlicher Plan und menschliche Freiheit", hg. und übersetzt von C. Jäger, H. Kraml und G. Leibold, Hamburg: Meiner 2018, rekonstruiert auf 165 S. Molinas berühmte Theorie der Willensfreiheit und die Frage ihrer Vereinbarkeit mit göttlichem Vorherwissen und göttlicher Vorsehung. Sie zeichnet wesentliche Stationen der Debatte um den theologischen Determinismus nach, wie sie sich von Augustinus und (...)
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