Results for 'Giandomenico Iannetti'

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    Linguistic synaesthesia, perceptual synaesthesia, and the interaction between multiple sensory modalities.Irene Ronga, Carla Bazzanella, Ferdinando Rossi & Giandomenico Iannetti - 2012 - Pragmatics and Cognition 20 (1):135-167.
    Recent studies on cortical processing of sensory information highlight the importance of multisensory integration, and define precise rules governing reciprocal influences between inputs of different sensory modalities. We propose that psychophysical interactions between different types of sensory stimuli and linguistic synaesthesia share common origins and mechanisms. To test this hypothesis, we compare neurophysiological findings with corpus-based analyses relating to linguistic synaesthesia. Namely, we present Williams' hypothesis and its recent developments about the hierarchy of synaesthetic pairings, and examine critical aspects of (...)
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    Cognitive gadgets and cognitive priors.Gian Domenico Iannetti & Giorgio Vallortigara - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Some of the foundations of Heyes’ radical reasoning seem to be based on a fractional selection of available evidence. Using an ethological perspective, we argue against Heyes’ rapid dismissal of innate cognitive instincts. Heyes’ use of fMRI studies of literacy to claim that culture assembles pieces of mental technology seems an example of incorrect reverse inferences and overlap theories pervasive in cognitive neuroscience.
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    Broken hearts and broken bones: contrasting mechanisms of social and physical pain.Gian Domenico Iannetti, Tim V. Salomons, Massieh Moayedi, André Mouraux & Karen D. Davis - forthcoming - Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
  4. A partire da Kant, con Rousseau.Fernando Iannetti - 1980 - In Ida Cappiello, Privato, società civile e potere: momenti della costituzione critica della ragione borghese: [scritti. Napoli: Liguori.
  5. The overlap between state law systems and sports law systems : the case of doping.Anna Di Giandomenico - 2023 - In Miroslav Imbrisevic, Sport, Law and Philosophy: The Jurisprudence of Sport. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Critical Appraisal of Scientific Inquiries with Policy Implications.Giandomenico Majone & William C. Clark - 1985 - Science, Technology and Human Values 10 (3):6-19.
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    Science and Trans-Science in Standard Setting.Giandomenico Majone - 1984 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 9 (1):15-22.
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  8. Zur Entstehung der sozialistischen Verfassung der DDR von 19681.Giandomenico Bonanni - 2005 - In Ulrich Diehl & Gabriele von Sivers, Wege zur Politischen Philosophie. Königshausen und Neumann. pp. 251--262.
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    Hegel, Evola e la conoscenza del divino: studi sulla teosofia platonico-ermetica.Giandomenico Casalino - 2018 - Genova: Arŷa edizioni.
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  10. Il diritto alla vita nelle Dichiarazioni Universali e nei Trattati internazionali sui Diritti dell'Uomo.A. Di Giandomenico - 2000 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 77 (1):113-132.
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    Vulnerabilità come risorsa e valorizzazione della differenza nelle democrazie contemporanee: profili giuridici, sociologici ed etico-politici.Anna Di Giandomenico, Consuelo Diodati & Fiammetta Ricci (eds.) - 2022 - Milano: Mimesis.
  12. La Chiesa nel tempo della post-modernità.Giandomenico Mucci - 2002 - Studium 98 (1):33-50.
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    I Tempi e le opere di Gian Domenico Romagnosi.Giandomenico Romagnosi - 1990 - Milano: Giuffrè. Edited by Ettore A. Albertoni, Robertino Ghiringhelli & Alessandro De Giorgi.
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    Opuscoli filosofici.Giandomenico Romagnosi - 1919 - Lanciano,: R. Carabba.
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  15. Scritti filosofici.Giandomenico Romagnosi & Sergio Moravia - 1974 - Milano: Ceschina. Edited by Sergio Moravia.
    v. 1. Gnoseologia, psicologia, morale.--v.2. Storia, civiltà, progresso.
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    Movement vigor: Frameworks, exceptions, and nomenclature.Rory John Bufacchi & Gian Domenico Iannetti - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44:e126.
    Shadmehr and Ahmed cogently argue that vigor of appetitive movements is positively correlated with their value, and that value can therefore be inferred by measuring vigor. Here, we highlight three points to consider when interpreting this account: (1) The correlation between vigor and value is not obligatory, (2) the vigor effect also arises in frameworks other than optimal foraging, and (3) the term vigor can be misinterpreted, thereby affecting rigor.
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    Poor judgment of distance between nociceptive stimuli.Flavia Mancini, Hannah Steinitz, James Steckelmacher, Gian Domenico Iannetti & Patrick Haggard - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):41-47.
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    The Effect of Parent Psychological Distress on Child Hyperactivity/Inattention During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Testing the Mediation of Parent Verbal Hostility and Child Emotional Symptoms.Daniela Marchetti, Lilybeth Fontanesi, Serena Di Giandomenico, Cristina Mazza, Paolo Roma & Maria Cristina Verrocchio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The coronavirus disease 2019 health crisis is strongly affecting the psychological well-being of the general population. According to a very recent literature, the imposed lockdown and social distancing measures have generated a series of negative outcomes, including fear of the future, anxiety, and somatization symptoms. Few studies have investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of parents and children, and still fewer studies have assessed the relationship between the psychological health of parents and children. The present study (...)
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  19. Review of Giandomenico Sica (ed.) What is category theory? Polimetrica, 2006. [REVIEW]John Symons - unknown
    Giandomenico Sica’s volume is a collection of eleven papers on category theory by philosophers, mathematicians, and mathematical physicists. In addition to papers of direct interest to philosophers of mathematics, the volume contains some introductory expositions of category theory along with a valuable discussion of the relationship between category theory and physics by Bob Coecke. While there are several technically difficult papers, the volume as a whole is reasonably accessible to those with some familiarity with the basics of category theory. (...)
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  20. Opere scelte di Giandomenico Romagnosi..Giovanni Domenico Romagnosi - 1936 - Roma,: Reale accademia d'Italia. Edited by Caboara, Lorenzo & [From Old Catalog].
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    "Filosofia e Medicina Sperimentale in Claude Bernard," by Mauro Di Giandomenico[REVIEW]George P. Klubertanz - 1971 - Modern Schoolman 48 (2):198-198.
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  22. Unbinding knowledge: A proposal for providing open access to past research articles, starting with the most important.Peter Suber - manuscript
    in Giandomenico Sica (ed.), Open Access, Open Problems, Milan: Polimetrica, October 20, 2006, pp. 43-58.
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  23. "Ubi fracassorium, ibi fuggitorium": Pulcinella e l’enigma della ricapitolazione del tempo.Marta Cassina - 2020 - LEA – Lingue E Letterature d'Oriente E d'Occidente 9:303-315.
    Who is Pulcinella? What does his laughter have to say about the "end of time" and the end of life of Giandomenico Tiepolo? How can the end of a life make anyone laugh like Carnival’s popular mask does? This article tries to answer such questions. By unfolding the tools that come from the realm of Giorgio Agamben’s philosophy – notably the notion of "recapitulation of time" in its relation to comedy – we will trace a path which links Michail (...)
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    Wege zur Politischen Philosophie.Ulrich Diehl & Gabriele von Sivers (eds.) - 2005 - Königshausen und Neumann.
    Der Laureatus dieser Schrift hatte 1986 Hans Jonas eröffnet, daß er an einer Politischen Philosophie arbeite, aus der, wie die Autoren dieses Bandes wissen, nichts geworden ist und von der man auch sonst nicht viel vernommen hat. Jonas wandte damals ein: "Wie wollen Sie der Politischen Vernunft auf die Beine helfen? Das Wissen über die politischen Bewußtseinsvoraussetzungen in uns und ihre Struktur in Gesellschaften ist in esoterische Teilbestände und exoterische politische Religionen, Ideologien und Denkschulen zerfallen. Diese Angelegenheit müßte einer umfassenden (...)
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    Farewell to Jokes: The Last "Capricci" of Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo and the Tradition of Irony in Venetian Painting.Philipp P. Fehl - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (4):761-791.
    Capricci are nonsense drawings that delineate an elusive but inevitable sense behind or, better, within the palpable nonsense of the elementary proposition of a drawing; they are capers on a tightrope stretched between the poles of pathos and the ridiculous. We shall succeed in not falling only if we step forward boldly and know not only what we are doing but also what we are up against in the making of a picture as well as in living in the world. (...)
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    Farewell to Jokes: The Last "Capricci" of Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo and the Tradition of Irony in Venetian Painting.Phillip Fehl - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (4):761-791.
    Capricci are nonsense drawings that delineate an elusive but inevitable sense behind or, better, within the palpable nonsense of the elementary proposition of a drawing; they are capers on a tightrope stretched between the poles of pathos and the ridiculous. We shall succeed in not falling only if we step forward boldly and know not only what we are doing but also what we are up against in the making of a picture as well as in living in the world. (...)
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