Results for 'Gianpaolo Cherchi'

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  1.  12
    Interpretazione dialettica e fantasia esatta. Sul sistema in Adorno.Gianpaolo Cherchi - 2015 - Itinera 10.
    Adorno’s negative dialectics wants to free the thought from the dictates of the system, taking position against the illusion to grasp the essence of reality by logic. Against that false idea of totality, Adorno devises a philosophy of fragment, a logic of disgregation that presupposes a different concept of totality: a fragmented, scattered and conflicting wholeness. The anti systematic thinking of Adorno is configured, however, as a systematic rejection of any systematic formulation: philosophy can at most claiming a pretension to (...)
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    Participation, Activism, and Politics: The Porto Alegre Experiment and Deliberative Democratic Theory.Gianpaolo Baiocchi - 2001 - Politics and Society 29 (1):43-72.
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    The death of cinema: history, cultural memory, and the digital dark age.Paolo Cherchi Usai - 2001 - London: BFI.
    It is estimated that about one and a half billion hours of moving images were produced in 1999, twice as many as a decade before. If that rate of growth continues, one hundred billion hours of moving images will be made in the year 2025. In 1895 there were just above forty minutes of moving images to be seen, and most of them are now preserved. Today, for every film made, thousands of them disappear forever without leaving a trace. Meanwhile, (...)
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  4. Adolf Reinach Atti non-sociali e atti sociali.Gianpaolo Bartoli - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (2):207-217.
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  5. Il sovrano o del potere di vita e di morte : tre paragrafi intorno a J.-J. Rousseau Contratto sociale, II, 5.Gianpaolo Bartoli - 2014 - In Alessandro Argiroffi & Abelardo Rivera Llano (eds.), Persona, imputabilità, ermeneutica. Torino: G. Giappichelli Editore.
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  6. La persona tra libertà e decisione: linee di ontologia del diritto nell'opera di Luigi Pareyson.Gianpaolo Bartoli - 2006 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 4 (4):565-600.
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    A Note on Vico’s Typology of Language.Marcello Cherchi - 2000 - New Vico Studies 18:77-93.
  8. Chiose postillare.Paolo Cherchi - 1980 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 10:192-193.
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    Ernesto De Martino: dalla crisi della presenza alla comunità umana.Placido Cherchi - 1987 - Napoli: Liguori. Edited by Maria Cherci.
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    The Inventors of Things in Boccaccio’s De genealogia deorum gentilium.Paolo Cherchi - 2018 - In Igor Candido (ed.), Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 244-269.
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    Le corps et le stéréotype.Gianpaolo Ferrari - 2001 - Hermes 30:85.
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    Il buono dell'economia: etica e mercato oltre i luoghi comuni.Gianpaolo Salvini - 2010 - Milano: Università Bocconi. Edited by Luigi Zingales & Salvatore Carrubba.
  13. The Civilizing Force of Social Movements: Corporate and Liberal Codes in Brazil's Public Sphere.Gianpaolo Baiocchi - 2006 - Sociological Theory 24 (4):285 - 311.
    Analysts of political culture within the "civil religion" tradition have generally assumed that discourse in civil society is structured by a single set of enduring codes based on liberal traditions that actors draw upon to resolve crises. Based on two case studies of national crises and debate in Brazil during its transition to democracy, I challenge this assumption by demonstrating that not only do actors draw upon two distinct but interrelated codes, they actively seek to impose one or another as (...)
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    Politics as interruption.Gianpaolo Baiocchi & Brian T. Connor - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 117 (1):89-100.
    In this essay we explore Rancière’s ‘politics of equals’ as an alternative conception of the political. Central to this conception is a division between instances of political contestation that address fundamental questions of equality (‘the politics of equals’) and those that are part of the management of the division of resources and positions in society (‘the police’). This distinction provides a new way of thinking about theoretical and empirical questions over logics of political action.
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    What is political about political ethnography? On the context of discovery and the normalization of an emergent subfield.Gianpaolo Baiocchi & Claudio Benzecry - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (3):229-247.
    Despite recent interest in political ethnography, most of the reflection has been on the ethnographic aspect of the enterprise with much less emphasis on the question implicit in the first word of the couplet: What is actually political about political ethnography and how much should ethnographers pre-define it? The question is complicated because a central component of the definition of what is political is actually the struggle to define its jurisdiction and how it gets distinguished from what it is not. (...)
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  16. Adolf Reinach: il diritto come "a priori" non disponibile della relazione.Gianpaolo Bartoli - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 3:513-532.
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  17. Esposizione critica della dottrina a priori del diritto civile di Adolf Reinach: saggio di filosofia del diritto privato.Gianpaolo Bartoli - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (2):219-239.
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  18. I diritti umani tra teoria e prassi.Gianpaolo Bartoli - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 2:343-346.
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  19.  34
    Tradition and Topoi in Medieval Literature.Paolo A. Cherchi - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 3 (2):281-294.
    It is embarrassing, to say the least, to admit in limine the impossibility of defining the key concepts of this paper, for I do not know either what tradition is or what topoi are. And what is even worse, I have no theoretical conclusions to present. But, after all, why define tradition? We all know what tradition is since it is one of the staples of our academic fare. Even the word itself is in great part an academic one. As (...)
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  20. Cinque piccole chiose al" gran comento" di F. Nicolini.Paolo Cherchi - 1976 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 6:159-160.
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    Juan Signes Codoñer / José Domingo Rodríguez Martín / Francisco Javier Andrés Santos. Diccionario Jurídico Bizantino Griego-Español.Alice Cherchi - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (3):1429-1432.
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  22. Petrarca, Valerio Massimo e le'concordanze delle storie'.Paolo Cherchi - 2002 - Rinascimento 42:31-65.
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    Tra avanguardia e integrazione: la narrativa italiana dopo il neorealismo.Luciano Cherchi & Renato Poggioli - 1977 - D'anna.
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    Participatory Budgeting as if Emancipation Mattered.Ernesto Ganuza & Gianpaolo Baiocchi - 2014 - Politics and Society 42 (1):29-50.
    Participatory Budgeting has by now been widely discussed, often celebrated, and is now instituted in at least 1,500 cities worldwide. Some of its central features—its structure of open meetings, its yearly cycle, and its combination of deliberation and representation—are by now well known. In this article, however, we critically reflect on its global travel and argue for more careful consideration of some of its less well-known features, namely the coupling of the budgeting meetings with the exercise of power. We disaggregate (...)
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    H. Wayne Storey, Transcription and Visual Poetics in the Early Italian Lyric.(Garland Studies in Medieval Literature, 7; Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1753.) New York and London: Garland, 1993. Pp. xxviii, 476; several black-and-white facsimiles. $75. [REVIEW]Paolo Cherchi - 1996 - Speculum 71 (1):216-217.
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    Ordine e sovversione nel mondo greco e romano: atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 25-27 settembre 2008.Gianpaolo Urso (ed.) - 2009 - Pisa: ETS.
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    The concept of auctoritas at Rome - (j.-m.) David , (f.) hurlet (edd.) L’auctoritas à Rome. Une notion constitutive de la culture politique. Actes du colloque de nanterre (10–12 septembre 2018). (Scripta antiqua 136.) Pp. 422, figs. Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2020. Paper, €25. Isbn: 978-2-35613-353-3. [REVIEW]Gianpaolo Urso - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):226-229.
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    Experimental test of the relation of confidence with the time errors in the method of constant stimuli.Sergio Cesare Masin & Gianpaolo Ceretta - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (1):31-34.
  29. Piero Boitani, Corrado Bologna, Adele Cipolla, and Mariantonia Liborio, eds. and transs.(into Italian), Alessandro nel medioevo occidentale. Introduction by Peter Dronke.(Scrittori Greci e Latini; Le Storie ei Miti di Alessandro, 9.) Verona: Arnoldo Mondadori, for the Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 1997. Pp. lxxxii, 714. L 48,000. [REVIEW]Paolo Cherchi - 2001 - Speculum 76 (2):388-391.
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  30. .Valérie Fromentin, Estelle Bertrand, Michèle Coltelloni-Trannoy, Michel Molin & Gianpaolo Urso - unknown
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    Examining the role of knowledge sharing among stakeholders and firm innovation performance: Moderating role of technology usage.Ranjan Chaudhuri, Sheshadri Chatterjee, Demetris Vrontis & Gianpaolo Basile - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1):43-57.
    Knowledge sharing is a typical activity of using different ways to share ideas, skills, expertise, and opinions among friends, family members, peers, communities, and employees. Knowledge can be shared with a firm's internal and external stakeholders, and it can improve process efficiency as well as product quality. Not many studies have examined the influence of knowledge sharing among different stakeholders of a firm and its impact on a firm's innovative performance. Also, studies that understand the role of modern technology usage (...)
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  32. Dm mrcp.Ken J. Gilhooly, Guy Groen, Alan Lesgold, Lorenzo Magnani, Gianpaolo Molino, Spyridan D. Moulopoulos, Vimla L. Patel, Henk G. Schmidt & Edward H. Shortliffe - 1992 - In David Andreoff Evans & Vimla L. Patel (eds.), Advanced Models of Cognition for Medical Training and Practice. Springer. pp. 369.
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    Executive Impairment in Alcohol Use Disorder Reflects Structural Changes in Large-Scale Brain Networks: A Joint Independent Component Analysis on Gray-Matter and White-Matter Features.Chiara Crespi, Caterina Galandra, Marina Manera, Gianpaolo Basso, Paolo Poggi & Nicola Canessa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Paolo Cherchi, Andrea Cappellano, i trovatori, e altri temi romanzi. Rome: Bulzoni, 1979. Pp. 224. [REVIEW]B. S. N. - 1980 - Speculum 55 (1):185.
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  35. Paolo Cherchi, Andreas and the Ambiguity of Courtly Love.(Toronto Italian Studies.) Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press, 1994. Pp. xv, 194. $50. [REVIEW]Sarah Spence - 1997 - Speculum 72 (1):130-131.
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    Why Bother with Cinema?, on Paolo Cherchi-Usai The Death of Cinema: History, Cultural Memory and the Digital Dark Age.David Sorfa - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (1).
    Review of Paolo Cherchi-Usai _The Death of Cinema: History, Cultural Memory and the Digital Dark Age_ Preface by Martin Scorsese London: British Film Institute, 2001 ISBN 0851708374 (pb) 0851708382 (hb) 134 pp.
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    (1 other version)Valérie Fromentin – Estelle Bertrand – Michèle Coltelloni-Trannoy – Michel Molin – Gianpaolo Urso , Cassius Dion: nouvelles lectures, Bordeaux 2016 2 Bde., 881 S., ISBN: 978-2-35613-175-1 , € 45,–Cassius Dion: nouvelles lectures. [REVIEW]Alexander Free - 2016 - Klio 101 (1):392-395.
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    Culture and political commitment in the non-orthodox Marxist Left: the case of Quaderni piacentini in pre-1968 Italy.Fabio Guidali - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (6):862-875.
    ABSTRACT Quaderni piacentini, set up in 1962 by Piergiorgio Bellocchio and Grazia Cherchi, was probably the most iconic leftist periodical in Italy before 1968. Its criticism against both the Italian Communist Party for its non-revolutionary policy and the reformist centre-left coalition, its uncompromising ethics, and its exploring into non-orthodox Marxist approaches made it representative of the intellectual New Left in Italy, against the background of advanced industrialization. This article explores the changing perception of the role of intellectuals in society (...)
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