Results for 'Gilles Godefroy'

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  1.  33
    The topological complexity of a natural class of norms on Banach spaces.Gilles Godefroy, Mohammed Yahdi & Robert Kaufman - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 111 (1-2):3-13.
    Let X be a non-reflexive Banach space such that X ∗ is separable. Let N be the set of all equivalent norms on X , equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on bounded subsets of X . We show that the subset Z of N consisting of Fréchet-differentiable norms whose dual norm is not strictly convex reduces any difference of analytic sets. It follows that Z is exactly a difference of analytic sets when N is equipped with the standard (...)
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    Law and the Public Sphere in Africa: La Palabre and Other Writings.Jean Godefroy Bidima - 2013 - Indiana University Press.
    Jean Godefroy Bidima's La Palabre examines the traditional African institution of palaver as a way to create dialogue and open exchange in an effort to resolve conflict and promote democracy. In the wake of South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the gacaca courts in Rwanda, Bidima offers a compelling model of how to develop an African public space where dialogue can combat misunderstanding. This volume, which includes other essays on legal processes, cultural diversity, memory, and the internet in (...)
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    Introduction. De la traversée : raconter des expériences, partager le sens.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2002 - Rue Descartes 36 (2):7-18.
  4.  21
    Mental Simulation of Painful Situations Has an Impact on Posture and Psychophysiological Parameters.Thierry Lelard, Olivier Godefroy, Said Ahmaidi, Pierre Krystkowiak & Harold Mouras - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Gilles Deleuze.Gilles Deleuze & David Lapoujade - 2003
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  6. The Internet and the African Academic World.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2006 - Diogenes 53 (3):93 - 100.
    A practice, a technique, an expertise cannot be left unexplored by an account that can explain their basis and organization as well as their objectives. Whether the internet is understood as a practice, or seen as a journey through a space that knows no borders, or cursed as humanity overreaching itself yet again (hybris), nevertheless its reality raises questions about our experience of the world (experimentum mundi) and explores its nature, giving an exact measure, beyond assumptions, of the relationship between (...)
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  7. Some Issues around the Double Language of Philosophers' Courage in the face of Experience.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (192):86-96.
    We have never come face to face with ‘Philosophy’, that goddess who was courted, scorned, hated, and betrayed throughout history by those who claimed to represent her - we only come into contact with her officers: philosophers, that is, human beings who exist in an economic context, have religious ideas, support political opinions, find a way through their emotional history, are paid by institutions, fanstasize about a vision of hope, have appetites, can fight, are mad keen to be noticed and (...)
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    La diversité culturelle africaine vue sous l'angle des médias.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2008 - Diogène 220 (4):138-152.
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  9. Anthropocenes and New African Discourses: "Dwelling in the World" With Poetry and Criticism.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2021 - In Jean Godefroy Bidima & Laura Hengehold, African Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century: Acts of Transition. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    African Cultural Diversity in the Media.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):122-133.
    With the disenchantment with independence in Africa, economic failure, the crimes of the elites from the independence years, the paralysis of symbolism, and finally the states' loss of dynamism, the 1990s ushered in a so-called phase of democratization. This was about rethinking citizenship and the relationship to politics. This democratization was a response to the notion of diversity. This paper claims that the answer to this diversity issue fell far short of expectations and proceeds different examples taken from social, cultural (...)
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    Aesthetic Perception and the Critique of Emblems: The Politics of the Visible in the Public Sphere in Africa.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2013 - Diogenes 60 (1):69-77.
  12.  21
    African Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century: Acts of Transition.Jean Godefroy Bidima & Laura Hengehold (eds.) - 2021 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This volume explores African philosophies’ expression of transitional acts where thought interacts with history and proposes solutions to problems. Influential thinkers from both sides of the Atlantic engage with the realm of criticism and imagination, public spaces in Africa, and the relationship between historical politics and poetics.
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    Beauté et critique des emblèmes : politiques du visible en Afrique.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2013 - Diogène 237 (1):96-108.
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  14. Conclusion.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2021 - In Jean Godefroy Bidima & Laura Hengehold, African Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century: Acts of Transition. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  15. Criticisms and self-criticisms : the decolonial question and some 'unthinkables' in Francophone experiences.Jean Godefroy Bidima - 2024 - In Joseph A. Agbakoba & Marita Rainsborough, Beyond decolonial African philosophy: Africanity, Afrotopia, and transcolonial perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Internet et le monde académique africain.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2005 - Diogène 211 (3):117-125.
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    L'acte de juger et le magistrat : de la précompréhension à l'occasion.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2002 - Rue Descartes 36 (2):181-200.
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    Palabre.Jean-Godefroy Bidima & Beatrice McGeoch - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (184):141-144.
    What is palabre? Not only an exchange of words, but also a social drama, a procedure, and set of human interactions. Palabre is therefore a putting into scene, a putting into order, and a putting into words.
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    Philosophies africaines: traversées des expériences.Jean Godefroy Bidima (ed.) - 2002 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
  20.  23
    Rationalités et procédures juridiques en Afrique.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2003 - Diogène 202 (2):81-97.
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  21. Reviews : Louis-Vincent Thomas, Les Chairs de la mort, Collection 'Les empêcheurs de penser en rond', Paris: Institut d'Édition Sanofi-Synthélabo, 2000.Jean-Godefroy Bidima & Jean Burrell - 1999 - Diogenes 47 (188):95-97.
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    Théorie critique et modernité négro-africaine: de l'école de Francfort à la "Docta Spes africana".Jean Godefroy Bidima - 1993 - Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.
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  23.  22
    Critical Theories and “Mirrors of the World”.Jean Godefroy Bidima - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 50:75-102.
    La théorie critique qui s’incarne dans plusieurs démarches épistémologiques et politiques, n’est pas un pur produit de consommation académique ni un dogme qui oblige à l’unanimité, mais un « miroir brisé » reflétant nos mondes si éclatés et déformés. Sa mission d’émancipation des années 1930 est sa carte d’identité. Elle poursuit dans les mondes du « Sud » cette mission par des « conversations » sur l’oralité (Benjamin), la crédulité (Adorno/Horkheimer), les utopies des arts (Adorno/Marcuse), les reconnaissances (Honneth) et la (...)
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  24.  34
    Rationalities and Legal Processes in Africa.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (2):69-82.
    Taking together place, time and manner, it would be possible to describe the encounter as comprising at least six modes: fragility, temporality, activity, integrity, causality and disparity. The author then explores what is meant by a rationality, and discusses the encounter between legal rationalities in Africa. The suggestion is that the law exists in Africa only in the tension between old and new, imposition and negotiation; the question at issue is the possibility of thinking ‘between-two-realities’, the ‘space-between’.
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  25. Ethnopsychiatry and its Reverses: Telling the Fragility of the Other.Jean-Godefroy Bidima - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (189):68-82.
    Reading the vast panorama of the history of Western medicine in general and psychiatry in particular sheds an interesting light not only on social constructions and representations but also on the perception of the Other by the medical institution. Colonial medicine in its struggle - praiseworthy, moreover - against epidemics, presents an interesting case here. We read in the Colonial Medical Archives at Berlin, that a certain Dr Roesener was sent to Kamerun (Cameroon), a German protectorate, to take charge of (...)
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  26. Philosophical Sketches on African Becomings.Jean-Godefroy Bidima & Beatrice McGeoch - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (184):169-196.
    When the “object” gazed at is called Africa and when the gazing subject is Africa, the observer cannot help but conclude that any gaze that is related to Africa is an intersection of gazes calling forth several questions: Who is looking at Africa? What is Africa looking at? Who looks at the one who is looking at Africa? Two problems emerge from this: the identification of the subject, and the discrimination among objects and themes produced by the limited scope of (...)
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  27.  12
    Tradition et modernité: rupture ou continuité?Godefroy Noah Onana - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Monique Castillo.
    Pt. 1. Rupture entre la tradition et la modernité -- 1. Condorcet -voltaire -- Introduction -- Courage de se servir de son entendement -- La lutte contre le fanatisme -- La conception voltairienne de Dieu -- L'appel à la tolérance -- La passion antireligieuse -- Le rejet de la métaphysique -- La religion comme superstition -- Conclusion -- 2. Joseph de maistre -- Introduction -- Le rappel du caractere protecteur de la tradition -- L'idée d'ordre -- Le providentialisme -- La (...)
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    Imagination et mouvement: Autour de Bachelard et Merleau-Ponty / sous la direction de Gilles Hieronimus et Julien Lamy.Gilles Hieronimus, Julien Lamy & Jean-Hugues Barthélémy (eds.) - 2011 - Fernelmont: E.M.E..
    Analyse de l'herméneutique du mouvement, ainsi que de son imprégnation dans la philosophie occidentale moderne, notamment en utilisant les figures centrales de Bachelard et de Merleau-Ponty. Les contributions tentent de mettre au jour les rapports qu'entretiennent imagination et mouvement, images dynamiques et schèmes moteurs.
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  29.  20
    Gilles Deleuze From a to Z.Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet - 2011 - Semiotext(E).
    A playful, personal, and profound interview with Gilles Deleuze, covering topics from “Animal” to “Zigzag.” Although Gilles Deleuze never wanted a film to be made about him, he agreed to Claire Parnet's proposal to film a series of conversations in which each letter of the alphabet would evoke a word: From A to Z. These DVDs, elegantly transtlated and subtitled in English, make these conversations available for English-speaking audiences? for the first time. In dialogue with Parnet, the philosopher (...)
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  30. Parmenides. Plato, Mary Louise Gill & Paul Ryan - 1996 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company. Edited by Mary Louise Gill & Paul Ryan.
    "Gill's and Ryan's Parmenides is, simply, superb: the Introduction, more than a hundred pages long, is transparently clear, takes the reader meticulously through the arguments, avoids perverseness, and still manages to make sense of the dialogue as a whole; there is a fine selective bibliography; and those parts of the translation I have looked at in detail suggest that it too is very good indeed." --Christopher Rowe, _Phronesis_.
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  31. A thousand plateaus: capitalism and schizophrenia.Gilles Deleuze - 1987 - London: Athlone Press. Edited by Félix Guattari.
    Suggests an open system of psychological exploration to cut through accepted norms of morality, language, and politics.
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    Tombeau de Gilles Deleuze.Gilles Deleuze & Yannick Beaubatie - 2000 - Mille Sources.
    Le livre que j'ai fait, ce n'est pas l'histoire de la philosophie, c'est un livre que j'aurai voulu faire avec0 (Michel Foucault), avec l'idée que j'ai de lui et mon admiration pour lui. Si ce livre avait pu avoir une valeur poétique, ç'aurait été ce que les poètes appellent un "tombeau". Gilles Deleuze, Pourparlers.
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  33. The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind's Hidden Complexities.Gilles Fauconnier - 2002 - Basic Books. Edited by Mark Turner.
    Until recently, cognitive science focused on such mental functions as problem solving, grammar, and pattern-the functions in which the human mind most closely resembles a computer. But humans are more than computers: we invent new meanings, imagine wildly, and even have ideas that have never existed before. Today the cutting edge of cognitive science addresses precisely these mysterious, creative aspects of the mind.The Way We Think is a landmark analysis of the imaginative nature of the mind. Conceptual blending is already (...)
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    Karten zu "Tausend Plateaus".Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari & Clemens-Carl Härle - 1993
  35.  80
    Postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism? Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg in conversation.Catherine Rottenberg, Rosalind Gill & Sarah Banet-Weiser - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (1):3-24.
    In this unconventional article, Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg conduct a three-way ‘conversation’ in which they all take turns outlining how they understand the relationship among postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism. It begins with a short introduction, and then Ros, Sarah and Catherine each define the term they have become associated with. This is followed by another round in which they discuss the overlaps, similarities and disjunctures among the terms, and the article ends with how each one (...)
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  36.  22
    La gestion du temps par les managers, et si c'était une question de rythme?Plunian Gilles - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Entretien avec Philippe Birden réalisé le samedi 25 mars 2017 par Gilles Plunian ergonome et membre de l'observatoire du temps. Gilles Plunian : Bonjour Philippe Birden pouvez-vous nous présenter les grandes lignes de votre parcours de cadre manager, au cours duquel vous avez été amené à intégrer et à réfléchir sur la question du temps? Philippe Birden : J'ai passé l'essentiel de ma vie dans la banque de particuliers au départ, puis d'entreprises, avec une spécialité qui était le (...)
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  37. Difference and Repetition.Gilles Deleuze & Paul Patton - 1994 - London: Athlone.
    This brilliant exposition of the critique of identity is a classic in contemporary philosophy and one of Deleuze's most important works. Of fundamental importance to literary critics and philosophers,Difference and Repetition develops two central concepts—pure difference and complex repetition&mdasha;and shows how the two concepts are related. While difference implies divergence and decentering, repetition is associated with displacement and disguising. Central in initiating the shift in French thought away from Hegel and Marx toward Nietzsche and Freud, _Difference and Repetition_ moves deftly (...)
  38.  37
    Desert Islands: And Other Texts, 1953-1974.Gilles Deleuze - 2004 - Semiotext(E).
    A fascinating anthology of texts and interviews written over 20 years by renowned French philosopher Gilles Deleuze. "One day, perhaps, this century will be Deleuzian," Michel Foucault once wrote. This book anthologizes 40 texts and interviews written over 20 years by renowned French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, who died in 1995. The early texts, from 1953-1966, belong to literary criticism and announce Deleuze's last book, Critique and Clinic. But philosophy clearly predominates in the rest of the book, with sharp (...)
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  39. Nietzsche and Philosophy.Gilles Deleuze & Michael Hardt (eds.) - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Praised for its rare combination of scholarly rigor and imaginative interpretation, _Nietzsche and Philosophy_ has long been recognized as one of the most important analyses of Nietzsche. It is also one of the best introductions to Deleuze's thought, establishing many of his central philosophical positions. In _Nietzsche and Philosophy_, Deleuze identifies and explores three crucial concepts in Nietzschean thought-multiplicity, becoming, and affirmation-and clarifies Nietzsche's views regarding the will to power, eternal return, nihilism, and difference. For Deleuze, Nietzsche challenged conventional philosophical (...)
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  40.  34
    Expressionism in philosophy: Spinoza.Gilles Deleuze - 1990 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    In this extraordinary work Gilles Deleuze reflects on one of the figures of the past who has most influenced his own sweeping reconfiguration of the tasks of philosophy.
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  41. L'art ornemental, arme privilégiée du pouvoir augustéen.Gilles Sauron - 2009 - In Gianpaolo Urso, Ordine e sovversione nel mondo greco e romano: atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 25-27 settembre 2008. Pisa: ETS.
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    The structured self in Hellenistic and Roman thought.Christopher Gill - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Christopher Gill offers a new analysis of what is innovative in Hellenistic--especially Stoic and Epicurean--philosophical thinking about selfhood and personality. His wide-ranging discussion of Stoic and Epicurean ideas is illustrated by a more detailed examination of the Stoic theory of the passions and a new account of the history of this theory. His study also tackles issues about the historical study of selfhood and the relationship between philosophy and literature, especially the presentation of the collapse of character in Plutrarch's Lives, (...)
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  43.  7
    Gilles Deleuze, la logique du sensible: esthétique & clinique.Adnen Jdey & Gilles Deleuze (eds.) - 2013 - [Grenoble]: De l'incidence éditeur.
    Ce n'est pas le moindre des mérites de la pensée de Gilles Deleuze que de penser l'individuation de l'art sous le signe d'une logique du sensible où esthétique et clinique sont en présuppositions réciproques. En explorant les coupes et les tensions névralgiques qui irriguent cette logique, les études ici réunies trouvent leur commune impulsion dans le souci de remettre en chantier la cartographie deleuzienne des arts, et d'interroger les écarts et les résonances internes qui l'animent. La spécificité de cet (...)
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    Psychoanalysis and Ethnology.Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari - 1975 - Substance 4 (11/12):170.
  45.  13
    Les origines de l'informatique.Gilles Dowek - 2015 - Cahiers Philosophiques 141 (2):7-15.
    Comprendre les origines de l’informatique demande de s’intéresser à quatre concepts fondamentaux : ceux d’algorithme, de machine, d’information et de langage. De leur combinaison naît cette science nouvelle qu’est l’informatique.
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    Capitalisme et schizophrénie.Gilles Deleuze - 1972
    "Mille Plateaux (Paris, Éditions de Minuit, 1980) est le second des deux volumes ayant pour sous-titre Capitalisme et schizophrénie issu de la collaboration entre le philosophe Gilles Deleuze et le philosophe et psychanalyste Félix Guattari. Cet ouvrage continue à explorer par des voies inédites - en s'attaquant notamment à une série d'erreurs afférentes selon les auteurs à l'arborescence, à l'État, au langage... - la question déjà avancée dans L'Anti-Œdipe (premier volume) d'une ontologie révolutionnaire des devenirs ("presque imperceptibles") qui ne (...)
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    Réseaux d’articles et subdivision d’entretiens : mots d'introduction pour parcourir le volume.Gilles Danino Col - forthcoming - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    1. Pourquoi un volume sur les travaux de Gilles Fauconnier? La disparition de Gilles Fauconnier il y a deux ans a révélé un paradoxe scientifique et académique surprenant : alors que Fauconnier est aujourd’hui une référence internationale incontournable dans le domaine de la linguistique cognitive et plus largement des sciences de la cognition, ses travaux ont été peu publiés et mal diffusés en France, ce qui fait de lui un auteur relativement méconnu. Le développement de la linguistique cognitive (...)
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    Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia.Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari - 1977 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
  49. What is Philosophy?Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari - 1991 - Columbia University Press.
    Deleuze and Guattari differentiate between philosophy, science, and the arts - seeing each as a means of confronting chaos - and challenge the common view that philosophy is an extension of logic. The authors also discuss the similarities and distinctions between creative and philosophical writing. Fresh anecdotes from the history of philosophy illuminate this book, along with engaging discussions of composers, painters, writers, and architects.
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    Ricoeur et la pensée allemande: de Kant à Dilthey.Gilles Marmasse & Roberta Picardi (eds.) - 2019 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
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