Results for 'Giosuè Ghisalberti'

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  1.  13
    Freud, the contemporary super-ego, and Western morality: an essay on psychopolitics.Giosue Ghisalberti - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Freud, the Contemporary Super ego and the West traces the origins of the relationship between the morality of the super ego and the destructive impulse of the death drive in the liberal democracies of the twenty first century. Giosue Ghisalberti begins by refuting the analysis by contemporary social theorists of the phenomenon described as the return of the religious, presenting instead a comprehensive set of ideas as outlined by Freud. Ghisalberti argues that the West has regressed to an (...)
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    Dilemmas of Truth in Alain Badiou's Philosophy.Giosuè Ghisalberti - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book on Alain Badiou’s philosophy begins with a central theme: the attempt to trace how Badiou has replaced the tradition of critical theory and negation with an affirmative support of his four generic procedures (art, science, love, and art) as inseparable from his revitalization of both the subject and the concept of truth. By defining four procedures as conditions of philosophy, Badiou makes the attempt to establish each as inter-related and systematically necessary to make a new proposal for thought. (...)
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    Nietzsche and the self-revelations of a martyr.Giosuè Ghisalberti - 2022 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The project examines the reasons for the many philosophical difficulties, and the failures, that Nietzsche sensed when he had concluded The Birth of Tragedy. The subsequent philosophical decision he made, on the way to reconceiving the classical ideas of tragedy, destiny, and martyrdom, allowed him to begin to conceive of what he would identify as a thinking devoted to affirmation. Everything he commits himself to writing after 1872, including the unpublished notes on myth from the Philosophenbuch, is a response to (...)
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  4. (1 other version)The Christology of Shame and the Re‐evaluations of Hellenic Ideas in 1 and 2 Timothy.Giosuè Ghisalberti - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (5).
  5.  77
    Paul's Agon.Giosuè Ghisalberti - 2012 - Philosophy and Theology 24 (1):49-66.
    In the letters written to the Thessalonians, Paul’s teaching appears to be irreconcilably divided between a still influential Judaic apocalyptic eschatology and (due to Timothy’s considerable influence in the development of the gospel), an emphasis on Hellenistic self-transformation and, in particular, how the philosophy of Epicurus contributed to the psychological health of recent converts. By interpreting the rhetoric of wrath, quiet, sleep, and childbirth, Paul’s teaching as it emerges in 1 and 2 Thessalonians reveals how the gospel must necessarily encounter, (...)
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    Giosuè Ghisalberti, Augustine’s Passions: His Transformation from a Roman Citizen to a Catholic Bishop, 354–401.Thomas Clemmons - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (2):293-296.
  7.  26
    Compositionality in a Parallel Architecture for Language Processing.Giosuè Baggio - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12949.
    Compositionality has been a central concept in linguistics and philosophy for decades, and it is increasingly prominent in many other areas of cognitive science. Its status, however, remains contentious. Here, I reassess the nature and scope of the principle of compositionality (Partee, 1995) from the perspective of psycholinguistics and cognitive neuroscience. First, I review classic arguments for compositionality and conclude that they fail to establish compositionality as a property of human language. Next, I state a new competence argument, acknowledging the (...)
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    Language, linguistics and cognition.Giosue Baggio, Michiel van Lambalgen & Peter Hagoort - 2012 - In Ruth M. Kempson, Tim Fernando & Nicholas Asher (eds.), Philosophy of linguistics. Boston: North Holland.
  9.  79
    The Processing Consequences of the Imperfective Paradox: Articles.Giosuè Baggio & Michiel Van Lambalgen - 2007 - Journal of Semantics 24 (4):307-330.
    In this paper we present a semantic analysis of the imperfective paradox based on the Event Calculus, a planning formalism characterizing a class of models which can be computed by connectionist networks. We report the results of a questionnaire that support the semantic theory and suggest that different aspectual classes of VPs in the progressive give rise to different entailment patterns. Further, a processing model is outlined, combining the semantic analysis with the psycholinguistic principle of immediacy in the framework of (...)
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    The processing consequences of compositionality.Giosue Baggio, Michiel van Lambalgen & Peter Hagoort - 2012 - In Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen & Edouard Machery (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality. Oxford University Press.
    Compositionality remains effective as an explanation of cases in which processing complexity increases due to syntactic factors only. It falls short of accounting for situations in which complexity arises from interactions with the sentence or discourse context, perceptual cues, and stored knowledge. The idea of compositionality as a methodological principle is appealing, but imputing the complexity to one component of the grammar or another, instead of enriching the notion of composition, is not always an innocuous move, leading to fully equivalent (...)
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  11.  52
    Logic as Marr's Computational Level: Four Case Studies.Giosuè Baggio, Michiel van Lambalgen & Peter Hagoort - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (2):287-298.
    We sketch four applications of Marr's levels‐of‐analysis methodology to the relations between logic and experimental data in the cognitive neuroscience of language and reasoning. The first part of the paper illustrates the explanatory power of computational level theories based on logic. We show that a Bayesian treatment of the suppression task in reasoning with conditionals is ruled out by EEG data, supporting instead an analysis based on defeasible logic. Further, we describe how results from an EEG study on temporal prepositions (...)
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  12.  23
    Formal Semantics in the Neurology Clinic: Atypical Understanding of Aspectual Coercion in ALS Patients.Giosuè Baggio, Giulia Granello, Lorenzo Verriello & Roberto Eleopra - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  13.  18
    Language processing is not a race against time.Giosuè Baggio & Carmelo M. Vicario - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Fisica aristotelica E onnipotenza di dio in Guglielmo di ockham.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1996 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 41 (163):483-492.
    A Física aristotélica é questionada em diversos de seus princípios por autores dos séculos XIII e XN, embora eles ainda a aceitem enquanto todo. Ao tratar do problema do poder absoluto de Deus, Ockham afasta-se tanto do "princípio de plenitude" do mundo neoplatônico, como também do "mundo fechado" de Aristóteles.
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    Giovanni Buridano dalla metafisica alla fisica.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1975 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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    Il compimento della felicità in Tommaso D’Aquino.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2015 - Quaestio 15:531-541.
    The main feature of happiness requires the desire to be fulfilled by the achievement of the desired good, and in this quietness the subject feels pleasure. Then the highest experience of delight consists in the achievement of the last end, of the supreme good, able to satisfy the human desire completely. Hence two different kinds of happiness arise: the one is earthly happiness, which the body takes part to, consequent to the possession of finite goods; the other is eternal happiness, (...)
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  17. Reason, intellect and enlightenment in the writings of Anselm of Aosta.A. Ghisalberti - 1999 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 91 (4):551-572.
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  18. The reason of a believer and philosophy in John Paul II's encyclical'Fides et ratio'.A. Ghisalberti - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 54 (3):491-496.
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    Logic as Marr's Computational Level: Four Case Studies.Giosuè Baggio, Michiel Lambalgen & Peter Hagoort - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (2):287-298.
    We sketch four applications of Marr's levels-of-analysis methodology to the relations between logic and experimental data in the cognitive neuroscience of language and reasoning. The first part of the paper illustrates the explanatory power of computational level theories based on logic. We show that a Bayesian treatment of the suppression task in reasoning with conditionals is ruled out by EEG data, supporting instead an analysis based on defeasible logic. Further, we describe how results from an EEG study on temporal prepositions (...)
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  20.  25
    The processing consequences of the imperfective paradox.Baggio Giosue & Van Lambalgen Michiel - 2007 - Journal of Semantics 24 (4):307-330.
    In this paper we present a semantic analysis of the imperfective paradox based on the Event Calculus, a planning formalism characterizing a class of models which can be computed by connectionist networks. We report the results of a questionnaire that support the semantic theory and suggest that different aspectual classes of VPs in the progressive give rise to different entailment patterns. Further, a processing model is outlined, combining the semantic analysis with the psycholinguistic principle of immediacy in the framework of (...)
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  21.  5
    Ideali etici E pensiero politico Nel de recuperatione terre sancte (1306) di Pierre Dubois.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):643-658.
    Pierre Dubois, um dos legistas de Filipe,o Belo, em seu tratado Sobre a recuperação daTerra Santa produziu um texto que não possuigrande importância filosófica. Entretanto, suaspropostas políticas apresentam-no como um homemcom algumas propostas interessantes, baseadasem Síger, R Bacon e R. Lullio. A necessidadeda paz, a reforma da Igreja, a unidade da fé,uma Europa de nações são alguns dos temas desenvolvidos.
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  22.  31
    Étapes de la logique.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2005 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 4 (4):521-536.
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    Tommaso d'Aquino: la teologia del filosofo.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (4):35-50.
  24. Conception of the" perennial philosophy", the work of Sofia Vanni Rovighi.Alessandro Ghisalberti - forthcoming - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica.
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  25. Gott und seine Schöpfung bei Wilhelm von Ockham.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1990 - In W. Vossenkuhl & R. Schönberger (eds.), Die Gegenwart Ockhams. Vch, Acta Humaniora. pp. 63--76.
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    La concezione Del tempo in Guglielmo di ockham.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2000 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 45 (3):381-392.
    A Física, desde Aristóteles, perguntou se sobre a noção de tempo. Guilherme de Ockham, ao tratar do assunto, critica a concepção desenvolvida por seus predecessores, fundamentada em uma leitura ontológica, enquanto ele opta por uma leitura baseada na empiria, o que o leva a considerar o tempo como um ente de razão. Com isso, abre caminho para submeter as categorias da temporalidade à análise lingüística.
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    Plausibility and Early Theory in Linguistics and Cognitive Science.Giosue Baggio, Aniello De Santo & Nancy Abigail Nuñez Hernández - forthcoming - Computational Brain and Behavior:1-13.
    Various notions of plausibility are used in cognitive science to argue for or against the “goodness of theories.” However, plausibility remains poorly understood and difcult to analyze. We review debates in the philosophy of science on uses of plausibility in the assessment of novel scientifc theories as well as recent attempts to formalize, reform, or eliminate specifc notions of plausibility. Although these discussions highlight important concerns behind plausibility claims, they fail to identify viable notions of plausibility that are sufciently diferent (...)
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  28.  51
    Role Asymmetry and Code Transmission in Signaling Games: An Experimental and Computational Investigation.Maggie Moreno & Giosuè Baggio - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (5):918-943.
    In signaling games, a sender has private access to a state of affairs and uses a signal to inform a receiver about that state. If no common association of signals and states is initially available, sender and receiver must coordinate to develop one. How do players divide coordination labor? We show experimentally that, if players switch roles at each communication round, coordination labor is shared. However, in games with fixed roles, coordination labor is divided: Receivers adjust their mappings more frequently, (...)
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  29. Fine ultimo e conoscenza intellettiva: una questione della scuola averroista bolognese del sec. XIV.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2000 - Divus Thomas 103 (3):120-142.
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  30.  6
    Guglielmo di Ockham.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1972 - Milano,: Vita e pensiero.
  31.  8
    Mondo, uomo, Dio: le ragioni della metafisica nel dibattito filosofico contemporaneo.Alessandro Ghisalberti (ed.) - 2010 - Milano: V&P.
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  32. Aristotle'metafisica'in the middle-ages, its dissemination and translation.A. Ghisalberti - 1993 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 85 (2-4):585-604.
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    Mediaeval biographies of ovid.Fausto Ghisalberti - 1946 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 9 (1):10-59.
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  34. The Time-Course of Sentence Meaning Composition. N400 Effects of the Interaction between Context-Induced and Lexically Stored Affordances.Erica Cosentino, Giosuè Baggio, Jarmo Kontinen & Markus Werning - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:248173.
    Contemporary semantic theories can be classified along two dimensions: (i) the way and time-course in which contextual factors influence sentence truth-conditions; and (ii) whether and to what extent comprehension involves sensory, motor and emotional processes. In order to explore this theoretical space, our ERP study investigates the time-course of the interaction between the lexically specified telic component of a noun (the function of the object to which the noun refers to, e.g., a funnel is generally used to pour liquids into (...)
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  35. Lexicon in action: N400 effect on affordances and telicity.Erica Cosentino, Giosue Baggio, Theresa Garwels, & Markus Werning - 2014 - In Paul Bello, Marcello Guarini, Marjorie McShane & Brian Scassellati (eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2079-84.
  36.  39
    Developmental Constraints on Learning Artificial Grammars with Fixed, Flexible and Free Word Order.Iga Nowak & Giosuè Baggio - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  37.  34
    Book Review: Cognitive Neuroscience of Natural Language Use. [REVIEW]Giosuè Baggio - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Notational Variants and Cognition: The Case of Dependency Grammar.Ryan M. Nefdt & Giosué Baggio - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (7):2867-2897.
    In recent years, dependency grammars have established themselves as valuable tools in theoretical and computational linguistics. To many linguists, dependency grammars and the more standard constituency-based formalisms are notational variants. We argue that, beyond considerations of formal equivalence, cognition may also serve as a background for a genuine comparison between these different views of syntax. In this paper, we review and evaluate some of the most common arguments and evidence employed to advocate for the cognitive or neural reality of dependency (...)
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  39.  75
    Editorial: Language Development in the Digital Age.Mila Vulchanova, Giosuè Baggio, Angelo Cangelosi & Linda Smith - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  40.  50
    Jakub Szymanik, Quantifiers and Cognition. Logical and Computational Perspectives. Springer, 2016. Pp. xii+211. ISBN: 978-3-319-28749-2 (hardcover) EUR 106,99; eBook EUR 83,29. [REVIEW]Giosuè Baggio & Heming Strømholt Bremnes - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (5):1015-1019.
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  41. FM CRASTA, L'eloquenza dei fatti. Filosofia, erudizione e scienza della natura nel Settecento veneto.A. Ghisalberti - 2008 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 100 (4):654.
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  42.  16
    Introduzione a Ockham.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1976 - Bari: Laterza.
  43.  38
    Percorsi dell'infinito nel pensiero filosofico e teologico di Duns Scoto.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2005 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50 (3):41-50.
    Based on Scotus’s metaphysics of transcendental concepts, this essay analyses the Scotist concept of the infinite as a disjunctive transcendental and as the most proper philosophical concept for the reality of God. Decisive presupposition to a positive function of the concept of infinite being in Scotus’s philosophical theology is, furthermore, the theory of the univocity of being.
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  44. Soul and body in Thomas Aquinas.A. Ghisalberti - 2005 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 97 (2):281-296.
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  45. Dieci anni di storia della filosofia mediovale (1975-86).Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1987 - Filosofia Oggi 10 (4):545-554.
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  46. Il Dio dei filosofi e il Dio dei teologi in Guglielmo di Ockham.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2000 - Sapientia 55 (207):3-12.
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    La filosofia medievale: [.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 2002 - [Colognola ai Colli] (Verona): Demetra.
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  48.  17
    Nominalismo E progresso scientifico nell'ultimo medioevo: Giovanni buridano.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1997 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 42 (3):679-687.
    Os pensadores do século XN, até poucos anos, eram considerados como críticos destruidores, que minaram as bases do saber elaborado durante o século XIIl. Nos últimos anos, mostrou-se que esta ideia é falsa. O "nominalismo" de homens como Ockham, Gregório de Rimini, João Buridano e outros, representa um momento importante na história da ciência, graças principalmente à aplicação de sua refinada lógica na releitura da física e da cosmologia. Com a revisão global da linguagem filosófica, eles criaram novas linguagens, e (...)
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  49.  13
    Ragione e filosofia nella Fides et ratio.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1999 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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  50. Sulla legge naturale in Ockham e in Marsilio.Alessandro Ghisalberti - 1979 - Medioevo 5:303-315.
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