Results for 'Giuseppe Mingione'

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  1.  22
    Beyond Conceptual Dualism: Ontology of Consciousness, Mental Causation, and Holism in John R. Searle's Philosophy of Mind.Giuseppe Vicari (ed.) - 2008 - Rodopi.
    This book is a systematic analysis of John R. Searle's philosophy of mind. Searle's view of mind, as a set of subjective and biologically embodied processes, can account for our being part of nature qua mindful beings. This model finds support in neuroscience and offers reliable solutions to the problems of consciousness, mental causation, and the self.
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  2. Ugo Spirito e lo storicismo" vichiano" di W. Sombart.Giuseppe Acocella - 1996 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 26:185-204.
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  3. Traducibilità e intraducibilità dell'inconscio.Giuseppe Martini - 2003 - Studium 99 (5):781-795.
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    Plato – The Motto of Delphi of the Alcibiades I: Between Emphases and Retractions of the Socratics?Giuseppe Mazzara - 2014 - Peitho 5 (1):13-42.
    The present article aims to examine whether this Platonic dialogue can be regarded as polemical and competing with the similar educational proposals put forward by Xenophon and Antisthenes for the young Alcibiades aspiring to power in the city of Athens. The present article has been divided into two major parts. In the first one, I propose to unify the two opposing points of view that are reflected in the interpretations of the motto: the one that takes it to be a (...)
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  5. On the Foundations of Computing.Giuseppe Primiero - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    Computing, today more than ever before, is a multi-faceted discipline which collates several methodologies, areas of interest, and approaches: mathematics, engineering, programming, and applications. Given its enormous impact on everyday life, it is essential that its debated origins are understood, and that its different foundations are explained. On the Foundations of Computing offers a comprehensive and critical overview of the birth and evolution of computing, and it presents some of the most important technical results and philosophical problems of the discipline, (...)
  6.  42
    Communication across viewpoints.Giuseppe Attardi & Maria Simi - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (1):53-75.
    A case situation arising in a normal interaction among people is the baseline for discussing properties of the theory of viewpoints. In particular we consider how to ensure agreement on the meaning of certain utterances by agents who have different perspectives on the situation, while maintaning other knowledge as private. We argue that communication should be modeled as adding facts to the common knowledge of agents. We introduce the principle of ''referent sharing'' in communications and argue that common knowledge resulting (...)
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    De nuevo sobre la interpretación Y Los principios jurídicos.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:281-292.
    Los cambios en los procesos de producción del derecho y la modificación estructural del sistema de fuentes ponen en tela de juicio el modelo de derecho diseñado por el positivismo jurídico del XIX, basado en el monopolio legislativo en la creación del derecho y en la consideración de proceso de aplicación del derecho como un procedimiento de subsunción formal. En ese nuevo escenario, el momento aplicativo y hermenéutico del derecho adquieren un protagonismo central. En las nuevas y complejas funciones que (...)
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  8. Estetismo.Giuseppe Luigi Ferretti - 1940 - Palermo,: Trimarchi.
    Sezione 1. Sullo sviluppo del concetto di creazione. L'idealismo magico. Creation, idealism and a new aestheicism.--sezione 2. Estetismo assoluto-una teoria della scienza. Coscienza ed energia-sul problema del rapporti tra psicologia e fiscia. Le monde n'est-il qu' un rêve? Vie et esthéticité. Aestetismus und der Ernst des Lebens (aus zwei Briefen).
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  9. Saggio sulla Volonta.Giuseppe Tarantino - 1898 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 45:334-334.
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    Eliciting ambiguity aversion in unknown and in compound lotteries: a smooth ambiguity model experimental study.Giuseppe Attanasi, Christian Gollier, Aldo Montesano & Noemi Pace - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (4):485-530.
    Coherent-ambiguity aversion is defined within the smooth-ambiguity model as the combination of choice-ambiguity and value-ambiguity aversion. Five ambiguous decision tasks are analyzed theoretically, where an individual faces two-stage lotteries with binomial, uniform, or unknown second-order probabilities. Theoretical predictions are then tested through a 10-task experiment. In tasks 1–5, risk aversion is elicited through both a portfolio choice method and a BDM mechanism. In tasks 6–10, choice-ambiguity aversion is elicited through the portfolio choice method, while value-ambiguity aversion comes about through the (...)
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  11. La dottrina dei secondi analitici di Aristotele: Secondo l'interpretazione di Tommaso d'Aquino (libro primo).Giuseppe Barzaghi - 2004 - Divus Thomas 107 (2):169-258.
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  12. Alienazione e feticismo nel pensiero di Marx.Giuseppe Bedeschi - 1968 - Bari,: Laterza.
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    Introduzione a Marx.Giuseppe Bedeschi - 1981 - Bari: Laterza.
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  14. La terra il cuore la memoria il mestiere di giudice.Giuseppe Benedetti - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 2:285-296.
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  15. (1 other version)Il problema penale.Giuseppe Bettiol - 1945 - Trieste,: Editrice scientifica triestina.
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  16.  50
    The Social Orders of Existence of Affordances.Giuseppe Flavio Artese & Julian Kiverstein - 2022 - Philosophia Scientiae 26:211-232.
    Central figures in the phenomenological tradition, such as Aron Gurwitsch, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, drew extensively on gestalt psychology in their writings. The dialogue between phenomenology and psychology they began continues today in the field of embodied cognitive science. We take up this conversation starting from Aron Gurwitsch’s rich phenomenological analysis of the perception of the cultural world. Gurwitsch’s phenomenological descriptions of the perception of the cultural world bear a striking resemblance to work in embodied cognitive science that takes (...)
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  17.  39
    Music in Roman Comedy by Timothy J. Moore.Giuseppe Pezzini - 2014 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (1):129-130.
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  18. Lettera a Marcella: il testamento morale dell'antichità.Giuseppe Porphyry & Faggin - 1982 - Genova: Il Basilisco. Edited by Giuseppe Faggin.
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  19. Philosophie, ontologie, idéologie.Giuseppe Prestipino - 1987 - In Mireille Delbraccio & Georges Labica (eds.), Idéologie, symbolique, ontologie. Paris: Presses du CNRS, diffusion.
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  20.  33
    Political Martyrdom and Religious Censorship in Islamic Sicily: a Case Study During the Age of Ibrāhīm II.Giuseppe Mandalà - 2014 - Al-Qantara 35 (1):151-186.
  21.  16
    A new lease of life for an old enzyme.Giuseppe Martini & Matilde Valeria Ursini - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (8):631-637.
    We review here some recent data about glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), the first and key regulatory enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway. New evidence has been presented to suggest that malaria is a selective agent for G6PD deficiency, which is the most common enzymopathy in man, and that G6PD deficiency, generally considered to be a mild and benign condition, is significantly disadvantageous in certain environmental conditions. At the molecular level, the enzyme structure has recently been elucidated and mechanisms regulating G6PD gene (...)
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    La philosophie politique de Fichte : de la forme juridique à la pensée de la pratique.Giuseppe Duso - 2001 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 56 (1):49-66.
    L’essai analyse la structure de la philosophie politique de Fichte en l’inscrivant dans le contexte formé par les concepts politiques mis en place par la doctrine du droit naturel. De cette science, qui a pour éléments principaux les droits des individus, la souveraineté et la représentation, Fichte découvre la logique, qu’il poursuit jusqu’à son aporie constitutive. Dans la période de maturité de sa pensée, le philosophe paraît dépasser l’autosuffisance du droit naturel en direction d’une philosophie de la pratique, ce qui (...)
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  23.  10
    Meglio in due che da soli: l'amore nel pensiero di Israele.Giuseppe Laras - 2009 - Milano: Garzanti.
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  24. Paolo VI e l'America Latina.Giuseppe Lazzaro - 2000 - Studium 96 (6):1055-1060.
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    Pedagogia della contestazione.Giuseppe Lisciani - 1969 - Roma,: A. Armando.
  26. Homo technologicus: tecnologia ed evoluzione.Giuseppe Longo - 1996 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 14 (1/2):145-155.
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    Le cauchemar de Prométhée: les sciences et leurs limites.Giuseppe Longo - 2023 - Paris: PUF.
    Dans la mythologie grecque, Prométhée - le 'prévoyant' - déroba le feu aux dieux et le transmit aux hommes. Zeus, courroucé par ce transfert technologique, condamna Prométhée à un châtiment itéré à l'identique, à l'infini, algorithmique. Le problème que pose l'ancien mythe est celui des limites de la connaissance. En termes modernes, jusqu'à quel point pouvons-nous transformer la nature sans une connaissance des conséquences de nos actions sur elle? Cette question nous pousse à analyser les limites des sciences : à (...)
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  28. Italia e Francia: umanesimo e giansenismo, l'Arcadia e Cartesio.Giuseppe Toffanin - 1960 - Bologna,: Zanichelli.
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    La fine del logos.Giuseppe Toffanin - 1948 - Bologna,: Zanichelli.
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    Machiavelli e il tacitismo.Giuseppe Toffanin - 1972 - Napoli,: Guida.
  31. G. W. Leibniz: dinamica e teologia. Il carteggio inedito con Jacques Lenfant.Giuseppe Tognon - 1982 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 2 (3):278.
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  33. Francisco de Vitoria e la questione indigena.Giuseppe Tosi - 2002 - Divus Thomas 105 (3):78-91.
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  34. Juan Ginés de Sep´ ulveda ei motivi di una guerra giusta.Giuseppe Tosi - 2002 - Divus Thomas 105 (3):129-158.
  35. Relectio de Indis: I titoli legittimi.Giuseppe Tosi - 2002 - Divus Thomas 105 (3):110-128.
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    Interculturalità: tra etica e politica.Giuseppe Cacciatore - 2010 - Roma: Carocci. Edited by Giuseppe D'Anna.
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    L'Officina Bolognese et Vatican II.Giuseppe Ruggieri - 2012 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 100 (1):11-25.
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  38.  19
    J. Cole, "The New Racism in Europe".Giuseppe Sciortino - 1998 - Polis 12 (3):531-532.
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  39. La Scienza come problema: dai modelli teorici alla produzione di tecnologie: una ricerca interdisciplinare.Giuseppe Semerari (ed.) - 1980 - Bari: De Donato.
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  40.  22
    ‘Delusional’ consent in somatic treatment: the emblematic case of electroconvulsive therapy.Giuseppe Bersani, Francesca Pacitti & Angela Iannitelli - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):392-396.
    Even more than for other treatments, great importance must be given to informed consent in the case of electroconvulsive therapy. In a percentage of cases, the symbolic connotation of the treatment, even if mostly and intrinsically negative, may actually be a determining factor in the patient’s motives for giving consent. On an ethical and medicolegal level, the most critical point is that concerning consent to the treatment by a psychotic subject with a severely compromised ability to comprehend the nature and (...)
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  41.  9
    Sull’ordinamento dei „Dialogi mortuorum“ di Luciano.Giuseppe Russo - 2009 - Hermes 137 (4):463-473.
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    Nicoló Cusano e l'Umanesimo italiano.Giuseppe B. Saitta - 1957 - Bologna,: Tamari.
    L'a. esamina il concetto di `amor vitae' come spiegazione della vita cosmica nel pensiero leonardiano e ritiene che questo costituisca la caratteristica inconfondibile della sua personalità. Nel secondo scritto l'a. si occupa del pensiero religioso di Leonardo «che ebbe soltanto fede nella religione serena e confortatrice della natura».
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    Leibniz: discorso di metafisica.Giuseppe Saponaro - 2003 - Roma: Bibliosofica.
  44.  4
    Complessità su misura.Giuseppe Scifo - 2017 - Udine: Forum.
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    G. Bedani e B. Haddock (a cura di), "The Politics of Italian National Identity: A Multidisciplinary Perspective".Giuseppe Sciortino - 2001 - Polis 15 (3):483-483.
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    Filosofia e potere.Giuseppe Semerari - 1973 - Bari,: Dedalo libri.
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  47. Ambiguity in Natural and Artistic Languages: A Quantum Semantic Analysis.Giuseppe Sergioli, Roberto Leporini, Roberto Giuntini & Maria Dalla Chiara - 2018 - In Giuseppe Sergioli, Roberto Leporini, Roberto Giuntini & Maria Dalla Chiara (eds.), Quantum Computation and Logic: How Quantum Computers Have Inspired Logical Investigations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    The Development of Motor and Pre-literacy Skills by a Physical Education Program in Preschool Children: A Non-randomized Pilot Trial.Giuseppe Battaglia, Marianna Alesi, Garden Tabacchi, Antonio Palma & Marianna Bellafiore - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Deliberative Agonism and Agonistic Deliberation in Hannah Arendt.Giuseppe Ballacci - 2019 - Theoria 66 (161):1-24.
    In the literature there are two well-established but opposite readings of Arendt: as an agonistic theorist and as a deliberative one. In between these two positions a smaller number of scholars have argued that in Arendt these two dimensions can to a large extent be reconciled. This paper follows this third path but tries to bring it one step further. In particular, it defends the idea that those scholars who have proposed this third reading of Arendt have fallen short of (...)
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  50.  12
    Aristotle and the Stoics on the Notion of ἐνέργεια.Giuseppe Nastasi - 2024 - Apeiron 57 (4):553-582.
    The Stoic theory of movement has never been the object of a deep investigation despite the considerable number of sources in Neoplatonist commentators. This paper explores for the first time the Stoic notion of ἐνέργεια, which plays a fundamental role in the Stoic conception of movement and generally in the characterization of interaction between bodies. I will show that the Stoics identified movement and activity, so that everything that is active is necessarily moved. This implies that the Stoics merely characterized (...)
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