Results for 'Giuseppe Tortora'

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  1. Pasquale Galluppi e il materialismo del Settecento francese.Giuseppe Tortora - 1989 - Napoli: Loffredo.
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  2. La relazione di connessione in AN Whitehead: Aspetti matematici.Giangiacomo Gerla & Roberto Tortora - 1992 - Epistemologia 15 (2):351-364.
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    Polarized and focalized linear and classical proofs.Olivier Laurent, Myriam Quatrini & Lorenzo Tortora de Falco - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 134 (2):217-264.
    We give the precise correspondence between polarized linear logic and polarized classical logic. The properties of focalization and reversion of linear proofs are at the heart of our analysis: we show that the tq-protocol of normalization for the classical systems and perfectly fits normalization of polarized proof-nets. Some more semantical considerations allow us to recover LC as a refinement of multiplicative.
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    Los actores emergentes en los procesos constituyentes latinoamericanos y su impacto en el concepto de constitución.Hugo Tórtora Aravena - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:45-67.
    This article refers to the idea of Constitution, understood as a social contract. It is argued that the emergence of new actors in the Latin American constituent processes has made it possible to appreciate the Constitutions as increasingly complex pacts. It is not only a pact “between individuals” or “between citizens”, but it can also be understood as an agreement between cultures, between human beings and nature, and even between men and women. It ends by noting that, as new groups (...)
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    The relational model is injective for Multiplicative Exponential Linear Logic (without weakenings).Daniel de Carvalho & Lorenzo Tortora de Falco - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (9):1210-1236.
  6. Coherent obsessional experiments for linear logic proof-nets.Lorenzo Tortora de Falco - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):154-171.
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    Using Mobile Devices in Teaching Large University Classes: How Does It Affect Exam Success?Tommaso Feraco, Nicole Casali, Carla Tortora, Cecilia Dal Bon, Donatella Accarrino & Chiara Meneghetti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  8. Dissezioni e intersezioni di regioni in AN Whitehead.Giangiacomo Gerla & Roberto Tortora - 1996 - Epistemologia 19 (2):289-308.
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    (1 other version)Fuzzy natural deduction.Giangiacomo Gerla & Roberto Tortora - 1990 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 36 (1):67-77.
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    “The Venice Myth” in The Happy Town by Frane Petrić?Suzana Glavaš & Matilde Tortora - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):375-384.
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  11. Il mentitore al test di Turing.Salvatore Guccione & Roberto Tortora - 1998 - Epistemologia 21 (1):95-110.
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    Giuseppe Capograssi e Pietro Piovani: riflessioni sull'opera di due maestri.Giuseppe Cacciatore - 2020 - Napoli, NA: Liguori editore.
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    Body-Centered Interventions for Psychopathological Conditions: A Review.Mary S. Tarsha, Sohee Park & Suzi Tortora - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Mons. Giuseppe Zamboni: autobiografia di una personalità integrale (1875-1950).Giuseppe Zamboni - 2001 - Verona: Archivio storico Curia diocesana. Edited by Serio De Guidi.
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  15. Silvio Trentin e Giuseppe Capograssi: similitudini e differenze.Giuseppe Gangemi - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 3 (3):377-402.
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  16. Giuseppe Arcidiacono: Relatività ed esistenza.Giuseppe Arcidiacono - 1973 - Roma,: Studium Christi. Edited by Pasqaule[From Old Catalog] Magni & Luigi Fantappiè.
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  17. Giuseppe O. Longo.Giuseppe Longo - 2001 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 19 (2):71-81.
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  18. Massoneria e illuminismo di Giuseppe Giarrizzo.Giuseppe Lissa - 1996 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 26:227-240.
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    Attualità di Giuseppe Capograssi: una filosofia politica per i tempi nuovi.Giuseppe Acocella - 2021 - Milano: Mimesis.
  20.  89
    SN and CR for free-style LKtq: linear decorations and simulation of normalization.Jean-Baptiste Joinet, Harold Schellinx & Lorenzo Tortora De Falco - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):162-196.
    The present report is a, somewhat lengthy, addendum to [4], where the elimination of cuts from derivations in sequent calculus for classical logic was studied 'from the point of view of linear logic'. To that purpose a formulation of classical logic was used, that - as in linear logic - distinguishes between multiplicative and additive versions of the binary connectives. The main novelty here is the observation that this type-distinction is not essential: we can allow classical sequent derivations to use (...)
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  21. Verona a mons. Giuseppe Zamboni.Giuseppe Zamboni (ed.) - 1969 - Verona,:
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    Rhythmic Relating: Bidirectional Support for Social Timing in Autism Therapies.Stuart Daniel, Dawn Wimpory, Jonathan T. Delafield-Butt, Stephen Malloch, Ulla Holck, Monika Geretsegger, Suzi Tortora, Nigel Osborne, Benjaman Schögler, Sabine Koch, Judit Elias-Masiques, Marie-Claire Howorth, Penelope Dunbar, Karrie Swan, Magali J. Rochat, Robin Schlochtermeier, Katharine Forster & Pat Amos - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    We propose Rhythmic Relating for autism: a system of supports for friends, therapists, parents, and educators; a system which aims to augment bidirectional communication and complement existing therapeutic approaches. We begin by summarizing the developmental significance of social timing and the social-motor-synchrony challenges observed in early autism. Meta-analyses conclude the early primacy of such challenges, yet cite the lack of focused therapies. We identify core relational parameters in support of social-motor-synchrony and systematize these using the communicative musicality constructs: pulse; quality; (...)
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  23. On malfunctioning software.Giuseppe Primiero, Nir Fresco & Luciano Floridi - 2015 - Synthese 192 (4):1199-1220.
    Artefacts do not always do what they are supposed to, due to a variety of reasons, including manufacturing problems, poor maintenance, and normal wear-and-tear. Since software is an artefact, it should be subject to malfunctioning in the same sense in which other artefacts can malfunction. Yet, whether software is on a par with other artefacts when it comes to malfunctioning crucially depends on the abstraction used in the analysis. We distinguish between “negative” and “positive” notions of malfunction. A negative malfunction, (...)
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    Cattolici e liberali. A proposito di uno scritto di Giuseppe Capograssi.Giuseppe Acocella - 2011 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 24:273-280.
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    Concordia discors: scritti in onore di Giuseppe Duso.Giuseppe Duso (ed.) - 2012 - Padova: Padova University Press.
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    Speranze e proposte formative nel primo Novecento: la lezione di Giuseppe Tarantino.Giuseppe Tarantino - 1995
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    Heidegger and Derrida on philosophy and metaphor: imperfect thought.Giuseppe Stellardi - 2000 - Amherst, N.Y.: HB, Humanity Books.
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    L'Europe des droits après la Convention.Giuseppe Bronzini - 2003 - Multitudes 4 (4):39-50.
    Giuseppe Bronzini draws up the balance sheet of fifteen months of fully public work by the Convention that brought together the European countries for the drafting of a political constitution. Even though the debates have not clearly decided between an as-yet-to-be defined federalism able to give new impetus to the European social model and a functional, strongly liberal interstate cooperation, still we see all the signs of the decline of sovereignist positions, along with the subversive potential of some of (...)
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    La bella unità: la filosofia della volontà di Giuseppe Tarantino tra ragione e passioni.Giuseppe Foglio (ed.) - 2016 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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  30. Focus: Complexityandpsychology guest editors: Giuseppe mininni and Mauro maldonato.Giuseppe Mininni - 2005 - World Futures 61 (3):165 – 173.
    Recently the complexity of discursive practices has been widely acknowledged by the humanities and social sciences. In fact, to know anything is to know in terms of one or more discourse. The "discursive turn" in psychology may be considered as a new paradigm oriented to a correct study of (wo)man only if it is able to grasp the semiotical ground of psychic experience both as an "effort after meaning" and as a "struggle over meaning." In this sense the notion of (...)
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    Time, Well-Being, and Happiness: A Preliminary Explorative Study.Mannino Giuseppe & Caronia Valentina - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):318-333.
    This article reflects on a survey carried out at a non-profit organization that deals with health care for oncological terminally ill in order to find out for those who are involved in this project each worker's time projection and well-being class. The survey has pointed out each single team member's time perspective and well-being class and allowed building a pedagogical path for work orientation that has involved the same team members.
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    Esperienza giuridica, dialettica e storia in Giuseppe Capograssi: contributo allo studio del rapporto tra Capograssi e l'idealismo.Giuseppe Zaccaria - 1976 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Ethics and Synthetic Gametes.Giuseppe Testa & John Harris - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (2):146-166.
    The recent in vitro derivation of gamete‐like cells from mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells is a major breakthrough and lays down several challenges, both for the further scientific investigation and for the bioethical and biolegal discourse. We refer here to these cells as gamete‐like (sperm‐like or oocyte‐like, respectively), because at present there is still no evidence that these cells behave fully like bona fide sperm or oocytes, lacking the fundamental proof, i.e. combination with a normally derived gamete of the opposite (...)
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    Der Mensch als Mit-Mensch. Aufsätze zur Gestalttheorie in Forschung, Anwendung und Dialog - herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Gerhard Stemberger.Giuseppe Galli & Gerhard Stemberger - 2017 - Wien, Österreich: Verlag Wolfgang Krammer.
    Giuseppe Gallis konsequentes Streben nach einer angemessenen Berücksichtigung beider Pole, des Subjektpols ebenso wie des Objektpols, sowohl in der Forschung als auch in allen Bereichen des menschlichen Lebens kommt im vorliegenden Sammelband in allen Arbeiten zum Tragen. Galli eröffnet damit auch neue Felder f8r die gestalttheoretische Forschungs- und Anwendungspraxis. Er erschließt Themen, die nicht zuletzt auch f8r die medizinischen, philosophischen, psychologischen und psychotherapeutischen Aufgabenstellungen zentral sind. Er plädiert nicht nur allgemein für einen dialogischen Ansatz in der zwischenmenschlichen Begegnung, er (...)
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    Stato e diritto in Giuseppe Palmieri.Giuseppe Antonio Arena - 1968 - Napoli,: Liguori.
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    Political Theory Between Philosophy and Rhetoric: Politics as Transcendence and Contingency.Giuseppe Ballacci - 2017 - London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan Uk.
    This book explores the significance of rhetoric from the perspective of its complex relationship with philosophy. It demonstrates how this relationship gives expression to a basic tension at the core of politics: that between the contingency of its happening and the transcendence toward which it strives. The first part of the study proposes a reassessment of the ancient quarrel between philosophy and rhetoric, as it was discussed by Plato, Aristotle, and above all Cicero and Quintilian, who ambitiously attempted to bring (...)
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    Is recursion language-specific? Evidence of recursive mechanisms in the structure of intentional action.Giuseppe Vicari & Mauro Adenzato - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 26:169-188.
    In their 2002 seminal paper Hauser, Chomsky and Fitch hypothesize that recursion is the only human-specific and language-specific mechanism of the faculty of language. While debate focused primarily on the meaning of recursion in the hypothesis and on the human-specific and syntax-specific character of recursion, the present work focuses on the claim that recursion is language-specific. We argue that there are recursive structures in the domain of motor intentionality by way of extending John R. Searle’s analysis of intentional action. We (...)
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    Probabilities of conditionals and previsions of iterated conditionals.Giuseppe Sanfilippo, Angelo Gilio, David E. Over & Niki Pfeifer - 2020 - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 121.
    We analyze selected iterated conditionals in the framework of conditional random quantities. We point out that it is instructive to examine Lewis's triviality result, which shows the conditions a conditional must satisfy for its probability to be the conditional probability. In our approach, however, we avoid triviality because the import-export principle is invalid. We then analyze an example of reasoning under partial knowledge where, given a conditional if A then Cas information, the probability of A should intuitively increase. We explain (...)
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  39. Pre-Dinnaga Buddhist Texts on Logic From Chinese Sources.Giuseppe Tucci - 1929 - Oriental Institute.
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    Filosofia, storia, politica: studi di storiografia filosofica offerti a Giuseppe Cacciatore.Giuseppe Bentivegna, Francesco Coniglione, Giancarlo Magnano San Lio & Giuseppe Cacciatore (eds.) - 2016 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.
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  41. The Semantics of Untrustworthiness.Giuseppe Primiero & Laszlo Kosolosky - 2016 - Topoi 35 (1):253-266.
    We offer a formal treatment of the semantics of both complete and incomplete mistrustful or distrustful information transmissions. The semantics of such relations is analysed in view of rules that define the behaviour of a receiving agent. We justify this approach in view of human agent communications and secure system design. We further specify some properties of such relations.
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    Outlines of a Pedagogical Interpretation of Nāgārjuna’s Two Truths Doctrine.Giuseppe Ferraro - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 41 (5):563-590.
    This paper proposes an interpretation of Nāgārjuna’s doctrine of the two truths that considers saṃvṛti and paramārtha-satya two visions of reality on which the Buddhas, for soteriological and pedagogical reasons, build teachings of two types: respectively in agreement with (for example, the teaching of the Four Noble Truths) or in contrast to (for example, the teaching of emptiness) the category of svabhāva. The early sections of the article show to what extent the various current interpretations of the Nāgārjunian doctrine of (...)
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    A theory of change for prioritised resilient and evolvable software systems.Giuseppe Primiero, Franco Raimondi & Taolue Chen - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S23):5719-5744.
    The process of completing, correcting and prioritising specifications is an essential but very complex task for the maintenance and improvement of software systems. The preservation of functionalities and the ability to accommodate changes are main objectives of the software development cycle to guarantee system reliability. Logical theories able to fully model such processes are still insufficient. In this paper we propose a full formalisation of such operations on software systems inspired by the Alchourrón–Gärdenfors–Makinson paradigm for belief revision of human epistemic (...)
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    Le regole del gioco: filosofia morale o della morale?Giuseppe Arcadu - 2012 - Milano: AlboVersorio.
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    Esperienza religiosa: atti del convegno nazionale, Milano, Università cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 17-18 novembre 2011.Giuseppe Colombo (ed.) - 2012 - Milano: V&P, Vita e pensiero.
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  46. Proclo di Atene.Giuseppe Martano - 1974 - Napoli,: Giannini.
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    Mind as an horizon of sense.Giuseppe Mininni - 2009 - World Futures 65 (2):111 – 125.
    One of the most fascinating topics of research within human sciences is the “Body-Mind Problem.” Since its beginning psychological research has focused on the notions of mind and consciousness adopting a purely naturalist perspective, which tends to explain them in terms of causal relationships and to reduce their intrinsic complexity. Conversely, the analysis of the discursive practices through which mind and consciousness reveal themselves through communication suggest the adoption of a psycho-semiotic approach, thus enhancing a “culturalist epistemology.” The aim of (...)
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    Sapienza alienata: la filosofia ebraica tra mito, storia e scetticismo.Giuseppe Veltri - 2017 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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    Eliciting ambiguity aversion in unknown and in compound lotteries: a smooth ambiguity model experimental study.Giuseppe Attanasi, Christian Gollier, Aldo Montesano & Noemi Pace - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (4):485-530.
    Coherent-ambiguity aversion is defined within the smooth-ambiguity model as the combination of choice-ambiguity and value-ambiguity aversion. Five ambiguous decision tasks are analyzed theoretically, where an individual faces two-stage lotteries with binomial, uniform, or unknown second-order probabilities. Theoretical predictions are then tested through a 10-task experiment. In tasks 1–5, risk aversion is elicited through both a portfolio choice method and a BDM mechanism. In tasks 6–10, choice-ambiguity aversion is elicited through the portfolio choice method, while value-ambiguity aversion comes about through the (...)
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    Plato and Antisthenes in the Phaedo: A Reflexive Reading. Part Two.Giuseppe Mazzara - 2020 - Peitho 11 (1):33-66.
    The purpose of this study is not so much to show the presence of Antisthenes in the dialogue, but rather to examine that to which Plato alludes. The controversy over ideas between the two Socratics is histori­cally very well-attested, as can already be seen in the Cratylus. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that this controversy must have affected Plato when he was writing the Phaedo: a dialogue in which the importance of ideas and his new logic is undeniable. Hence, (...)
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