Results for 'God's Plan'

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  1.  7
    God's plan for humanity.One Trying To Help (ed.) - 1958 - Philadelphia,: Dorrance.
  2.  13
    Signs, superstitions, and God's plan: the human quest for meaning.Brian Schmisek - 2022 - New York / Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.
    An examination of the various ways human beings make sense and meaning of the world, concluding with a call to personal agency.
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  3. Jeremiah and God’s Plans of Well-Being.[author unknown] - 2013
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    Does Open Theism Explain God’s Planning of Creation?Elliott R. Crozat - 2019 - Philosophia Christi 21 (2):407-417.
    In this essay, I assess Timothy Blank’s “The Open Theistic Multiverse.” In his article, Blank attempts to show that Open Theism explains how God can plan the creation of a multiverse containing creatures with libertarian freedom. I underscore some benefits of Blank’s article while arguing that, despite its strengths, his paper fails to provide a sufficient explanation of God’s precreational planning.
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  5. Homosexuality, Misogyny, and God’s Plan.John D. Kronen & Eric H. Reitan - 1999 - Faith and Philosophy 16 (2):213-232.
    In response to powerful criticisms of older arguments, contemporary defenders of the Church’s traditional stance on homosexuality have fashioned a new kind of argument based upon the special relationship God created between the sexes. In this paper we examine two recent incarnations of this kind of argument and show that both fail to demonstrate the inherent immorality of homosexual relationships, and at most demonstrate that homosexual relationships are inferior to heterosexual relationships in certain respects. At the end of the paper (...)
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  6. A man, a tan, "God's plan".Richard Newton - 2024 - In Jason W. M. Ellsworth & Andie Alexander (eds.), Fabricating authenticity. Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
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    (1 other version)The significance of freedom in God’s plan.Andreas May - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):8.
    By means of a synthesis of Christian faith, theology and natural sciences, the significance of freedom in God’s plan of creation and redemption was contemplated. The triune God is the foundation of all freedom. The freedom of his creatures is extremely important to God. Despite the Angelic Fall, he created our universe, in which on the path of evolution human beings were given the freedom to choose for or against God. Possibly, the humans who committed the Adamic Fall belonged (...)
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    Deciphering God’s historic plan for humanity.Claude Geffré - 2024 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 108 (4):613-614.
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  9. God’s silence.Elisa Paganini - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 157 (2):287-298.
    Vagueness manifests itself (among other things) in our inability to find boundaries to the extension of vague predicates. A semantic theory of vagueness plans to justify this inability in terms of the vague semantic rules governing language and thought. According to a supporter of semantic theory, the inability to find such a boundary is not dependent on epistemic limits and an omniscient being like God would be equally unable. Williamson (Vagueness, 1994 ) argued that cooperative omniscient beings adequately instructed would (...)
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    God’s Knowledge: A Study on The Idea of Al-Ghazālī And Maimonides.Özcan Akdağ - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):9-32.
    Whether God has a knowledge is a controversial issue both philosophy and theology. Does God have a knowledge? If He has, does He know the particulars? When we assume that God knows particulars, is there any change in God’s essence? In the theistic tradition, it is accepted that God is wholly perfect, omniscience, omnipotent and wholly good. Therefore, it is not possible to say that there is a change in God. Because changing is a kind of imperfection. On God’s knowledge, (...)
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    The bare naked truth: dating, waiting, and God's purity plan.Bekah Hamrick Martin - 2013 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan. Edited by Bekah Hamrich Martin.
    Author and speaker Rebekah Hamrick presents a humorous and informative nonfiction book on purity for teen girls that shows waiting for the man God intends may not always be easy, but it is worth the risk.
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  12. God’s Goodness, Divine Purpose, and the Meaning of Life.Jeremy Koons - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (2).
    The divine purpose theory —according to which that human life is meaningful to the extent that it fulfills some purpose or plan to which God has directed us—encounters well-known Euthyphro problems. Some theists attempt to avoid these problems by appealing to God’s essential goodness, à la the modified divine command theory of Adams and Alston. However, recent criticisms of the modified DCT show its conception of God’s goodness to be incoherent; and these criticisms can be shown to present an (...)
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    Justification: Five Views. By James K. Beilby and Paul R. Eddy. Pp. 319, SPCK, London, 2012, £15.99. Justification: A Guide for the Perplexed. By Alan J. Spence. Pp. viii, 173, T & T Clark International, London, 2012, £14.99. Justification: God's Plan and. [REVIEW]Geoffrey Turner - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (1):143-145.
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    St. Augustine's "City of God": Its Plan and Development.Roy J. Deferrari & M. Jerome Keeler - 1929 - American Journal of Philology 50 (2):109.
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    Changing God’s Mind.Gianluca Di Muzio - 2019 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 61 (2):241-255.
    Since God is perfect, he should never have a reason for changing his mind. However, some biblical passages describe God as modifying his chosen course of action in response to prayer. How could human prayers ever be efficacious if God’s mind is always independently set on doing what is best? This article examines contemporary attempts to answer the question by emphasizing the benefits of prayer for the petitioner. After exposing some difficulties with this solution, the author proposes that one can (...)
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    Human Anguish and God’s Power.David H. Kelsey - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Persons anguished by another's profound suffering are often outraged by well-intentioned efforts to console them which suggest that God 'sent' that horrific suffering to their loved one for a 'purpose' according to a tailor-made 'plan' for just that person. However, the outraged reaction simply deepens the anguish. This book argues that such 'consolation' is theologically problematic because it assumes that unrestricted power is what makes God 'God.' Against that it outlines an account of 'who' and 'what' the Triune God (...)
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    Reading God's will in the stars: Petrus Alfonsi and Raymond de Marseille defend the new arabic astrology.John Tolan - 2000 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 7:13-30.
    Pedro Alfonso y Raimundo de Marsella intentaron justificar la teoría y la práctica de la astrología en medio de un clima de escepticismo y de oposición. Ambos defendieron con firmeza el arte de la adivinación celeste, afirmando que forma parte del plan racional trazado por Dios para el Universo. Atacaron a sus oponentes (los practicantes de la astrología inferior y el clero opuesto a la astrología), llamándolos ciegos, pervertidos y bestias irracionales. Sus discusiones contribuyeron a entender la importancia de (...)
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    Malebranche's doctrine of freedom / consent and the incompleteness of God's volitions.Andrew Pessin - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (1):21 – 53.
    'God needs no instruments to act', Malebranche writes in Search 6.2.3; 'it suffices that He wills in order that a thing be, because it is a contradiction that He should will and that what He wills should not happen. Therefore, His power is His will' (450). After nearly identical language in Treatise 1.12, Malebranche writes that '[God's] wills are necessarily efficacious ... [H]is power differs not at all from [H]is will' (116). God's causal power, here, clearly traces only (...)
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  19. Evil and God's Toxin Puzzle.John Pittard - 2016 - Noûs 50 (2):88-108.
    I show that Kavka's toxin puzzle raises a problem for the “Responsibility Theodicy,” which holds that the reason God typically does not intervene to stop the evil effects of our actions is that such intervention would undermine the possibility of our being significantly responsible for overcoming and averting evil. This prominent theodicy seems to require that God be able to do what the agent in Kavka's toxin story cannot do: stick by a plan to do some action at a (...)
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    “Many are the plans”: An analysis of goals described by youth ministry leaders.Tyler S. Greenway, Kara E. Powell, Lisa E. Hanle, Patrick E. Jacques & Sarah A. Schnitker - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (3):253-268.
    This article examines the content and appraisals of youth ministry leader goals. Responses to an open-ended survey question by 378 leaders primarily working in the United States who held significant responsibility for the discipleship of high school-aged young people in their ministries were coded, resulting in 29 categories of goals. Participants named goals associated with service, relationships in general, relationships with God, biblical/gospel knowledge, and discipleship most frequently. Leaders rated each goal according to factors that contribute to goal achievement and (...)
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    Life's simple guide to God: inspirational insights for growing closer to God.David Bordon - 2007 - New York: FaithWords. Edited by Tom Winters.
    LIFE'S SIMPLE GUIDE TO GOD gives readers exactly what they need: a clear plan for getting to know the Creator of the universe. Relying on the Bible for direction, the book will offer an A-to-Z guide to help people who need a review of God's truth, those who want to find out more, or those who want to know how best to tell others about Him. Filled with practical tips and a clear process for moving closer to the (...)
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  22. Necessary Existence, Immutability, and God's Knowledge of Particulars: A Reply to Amirhossein Zadyousefi.Ebrahim Azadegan - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (1):188-196.
    From the Qur'an, Surah Maryam: -/- (21) So she conceived him, and went in seclusion with him to a remote place. (22) And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm tree: she cried (in her anguish): "Ah! would that I had died before this! Would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!" (23) But (a voice) cried to her from beneath the (palm tree): "Grieve not! for thy Lord hath provided a (...)
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  23.  30
    Of Clocks and Kings: Physics, Metaphysics, and the Role of God in Clarke’s Worldview.Lukas Wolf - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Groningen
    In this dissertation I examine how the English philosopher-theologian Samuel Clarke (1675--1729) attempted to reasonableness of Christianity and its compatibility with the new natural philosophy. In reaction to what he perceived as the problematic excesses of mechanical philosophy, with its looming threat of atheism, Clarke developed a series of arguments against atheism which aimed to show the shortcomings of a purely material or mechanical explanation of the universe, and demonstrate the overall `reasonability' of the Christian religion. Clarke aimed to demonstrate (...)
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    Self-Gift: The Heart of Humanae vitae.Janet E. Smith, John S. Grabowski, J. Budziszewski & Maria Fedoryka - 2016 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 16 (3):449-474.
    It is possible to defend the Church’s teaching that contraception is incompatible with God’s plan for sexuality in many different ways. This essay sketches the fundamental views of reality common to all the defenses and the main lines of the most prominent defenses, some based on natural law, on the theology of the body, and on the physical, psychological, and social consequences of the use of contraception. While all the defenses have merit, the argument based on the recognition that (...)
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  25. Sovereign Order of Royal El Roman Intro-angeles (polygyny) Family Sub-mission of the Jesus Christ' Holy See Teachings on His Kingdoms Mission.Hari Seldon - 2023 - Royal Journal of the Family Sub-Mission in Christ Mission 1 (1):1-5.
    Sovereign Order of Royal El Roman Intro-angeles (polygyny) Family Sub-mission of the Jesus Christ' Holy See Teachings on His Kingdoms Mission, called the SOVEREIGN ORDER OF ROYAL EL-ROMANIA, The SO°RER†‡ Mission is a Bible scriptures studies, research, publications and teachings oriented sovereign polygyny family household basis mission order whereas Council of the Queens is the major organ and Queens are the principal research associates of the mission organization, Sovereign Order of Royal El-Romania, which aim to print a book entitled "Christ (...)
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  26. Heidegger's Last God.Mark Wrathall & Morganna Lambeth - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (2):160-182.
    In this paper, we discuss Martin Heidegger's position on the so-called godlessness of our current age. Rather than holding that we must either await the advent of god or enthusiastically embrace our godlessness, Heidegger holds that a third option is available to us: we could fundamentally change the way we experience the world by leaving behind all remnants of metaphysical thinking. In Section II, we show that, despite the absence of god, our current historical moment shares a metaphysical structure with (...)
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    The Bible and the Priesthood: Priestly Participation in the One Sacrifice for Sins by Anthony Giambrone (review).Michael S. Hahn - 2024 - The Thomist 88 (4):692-697.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Bible and the Priesthood: Priestly Participation in the One Sacrifice for Sins by Anthony GiambroneMichael S. HahnThe Bible and the Priesthood: Priestly Participation in the One Sacrifice for Sins. By Anthony Giambrone, O.P. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2022. Pp. xxi + 297. $22.99 (paper). ISBN: 978-1-5409-6186-0.In the Vatican II decree on priestly training, Optatam Totius, the council Fathers prescribe a five-stage pedagogical approach to the treating (...)
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    10 lies about God: and the truths that shatter deception.Erwin W. Lutzer - 2009 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel Publications.
    God is whatever we want Him to be -- Many paths lead into God's presence -- God is more tolerant than He used to be -- God has never personally suffered -- God is obligated to save followers of other religions -- God takes no responsibility for natural disasters -- God does not know our decisions before we make them -- The fall ruined God's plan -- We must choose between God's pleasures and our own -- (...)
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    God and New Natural Law Theory.Patrick Lee - 2019 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 19 (2):279-291.
    New natural law theory holds that the basic moral principles are prescriptions to pursue the goods to which our nature orients us. Since God is the author of our nature and intelligence, these moral principles are part of his plan for creation. These principles can be known prior to knowing that God exists and prior to knowing that they are in fact directives from him. Nevertheless, since God’s plan includes our active cooperation, morally good acts cooperate with God’s (...)
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    God Laughs: And Other Surprising Things You Never Knew About Him.Elmer L. Towns - 2009 - Regal Books. Edited by Charles Billingsley.
    Finding the heart of God -- Finding God's heart -- Have you seen God's face? -- Why does God sing? -- Searching God's mind -- When God is silent -- Did you know God thinks about you? -- God has unique plans for every unsaved person -- God remembers no longer -- Did you know God reads and writes? -- The unknowable of God -- God whispers -- DoesGod have a nose? -- Wax in God's ears (...)
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    Aquinas: God and action.David B. Burrell - 1979 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    First published 30 years ago and long out of print, _Aquinas: God and Action_ appears here for the first time in paperback. This classic volume by eminent philosopher and theologian David Burrell argues that Aquinas’s is not the god of Greek metaphysics, but a god of both being and activity. Aquinas’s plan in the _Summa Theologiae_, according to Burrell, is to instruct humans how to find eternal happiness through acts of knowing and loving. Featuring a new foreword by the (...)
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    Amazing Grace: Fortune, God, and Free Will in Machiavelli's Thought.Cary J. Nederman - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (4):617-638.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Amazing Grace: Fortune, God, and Free Will in Machiavelli’s ThoughtCary J. Nederman*Machiavelli and ReligionSurely there is no political theorist about whom scholarly opinion is more divided than Niccolò Machiavelli. The subject of intense and continuous examination almost from the time of his death, Machiavelli has become if anything more enigmatic with the passage of time and the proliferation of interpretations. Although one might argue that this fact reflects the (...)
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    God Laughs: And Other Surprising Things You Never Knew About Him.Charles Billingsley - 2009 - Regal Books. Edited by Elmer L. Towns.
    Finding the heart of God -- Finding God's heart -- Have you seen God's face? -- Why does God sing? -- Searching God's mind -- When God is silent -- Did you know God thinks about you? -- God has unique plans for every unsaved person -- God remembers no longer -- Did you know God reads and writes? -- The unknowable of God -- God whispers -- DoesGod have a nose? -- Wax in God's ears (...)
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    The attributes and work of God.Richard L. Pratt - 2021 - Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing.
    We can't understand ourselves or our world without knowing God. Designed for formal or informal study, this book explores God's plan, works, and attributes and answers key questions about him.
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    The Actual World from Platonism to Plans.Walter Schultz - 2014 - Philosophia Christi 16 (1):81-100.
    “The actual world” is a familiar term in possible-worlds discourse. A desirable account of the nature and structure of the actual world that coheres with the doctrine of creation ex nihilo will include a theory of truth-making, account for the dynamics of the universe in relation to the doctrine of creation, say how so-called abstract objects are related to God, and preclude the Russell Paradox. By emending Alvin Plantinga’s theistic modal realism, this paper recovers a view of the actual world (...)
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  36.  12
    Naked Before God: Kierkegaard’s Liturgical Self.Jeffrey Hanson - 2019 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 24 (1):85-101.
    The aim of this paper is twofold. First, it seeks to demonstrate how Kierkegaard’s deployment of the idea of earnestness can furnish a sort of tonal “unity” to a narrative understanding of the Kierkegaardian self, which gestures toward a solution to the problem of how a narrative self can be unified over time and over a multiplicity of projects and plans. Second, this paper aims to give further richness to the recent work of Patrick Stokes, who argues that the narrative (...)
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    The Clerk's Tale and the grammar of assent.Linda Georgianna - 1995 - Speculum 70 (4):793-821.
    The Clerk's Tale is the most elusive and least reassuring of Chaucer's religious tales. Though bad things happen to good people in the other religious narratives in the Canterbury collection, repeated assurances in those tales confirm that the world is governed by a powerful God intent on rewarding his faithful followers. By comparison, the Clerk and his tale are disturbingly silent on the subject of God's plan until the very end, leading many readers to categorize the tale as (...)
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    (1 other version)History unveiled: Theological perspectives from St John’s Revelation.Daniel Mihoc - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):6.
    This article aims to highlight St John’s peculiar perspectives on the meaning and the consequences of Christ’s sacrificial death for our apparently evil-dominated history and to bring a new light on the mystery of evil the Book of Revelation speaks about. My analysis begins with St John’s Christocentric perspective on history, continues with the significance of its driving forces revealed in the vision of the seals and ends with an evaluation of the evil triad, which tries to stop the unfolding (...)
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    Does God Play Dice? A Response to Niels H. Gregersen, "The Idea of Creation and the Theory of Autopoietic Processes".Rudolf B. Brun - 1999 - Zygon 34 (1):93-100.
    The idea that the Creator has a plan for creation is deeply rooted in the Christian notion of Providence. This notion seems to suggest that the history of creation must be the execution of the providential plan of God. Such an understanding of divine providence expects science to confirm that cosmic history is under supernatural guidance, that evolution is therefore oriented toward a goal—to bring forth human beings, for example. The problem is, however, that science finds evidence for (...)
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  40. Augustine, On Free Choice of the Will (388-395).God'S.. Foreknowledge Evil - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Gregory M. Reichberg & Bernard N. Schumacher (eds.), The Classics of Western Philosophy: A Reader's Guide. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 88.
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    The Godly Image: Christ & Salvation in Catholic Thought from St. Anselm to Aquinas.Romanus Cessario - 1989 - St Bede's Publications.
    Hailed as a vital contribution to Thomistic studies, The Godly Image presents an exhaustive study of St. Thomas' theological delineation of sin, satisfaction, the suffering of Christ, and the fulfillment of God's saving plan in the believer.
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    Deep Mysteries: God, Christ, and Ourselves by Aidan Nichols (review).Gerard T. Mundy - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):386-387.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Deep Mysteries: God, Christ, and Ourselves by Aidan NicholsGerard T. MundyDeep Mysteries: God, Christ, and Ourselves by Aidan Nichols, O.P. (Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2020), vii + 133 pp.Basic Catholic teaching declares that God's will must be trusted and that perfect knowledge of all that is resides in the Creator. An implication of this claim is that all of God's work within time and history—in man's linearly (...)
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    The strategy for planning the future of a Christian believer in the exegetical context of James 4:13–15.Stefan Pruzinský, Bohuslav Kuzysin, Maros Sip & Anna Kubicová - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (1).
    This article deals primarily with the examination of two key and exegetically demanding expressions in the text of the General Epistle of James, which relate to fundamental biblical principles on planning the future of the believer and reconciling human life with God’s will expressed in Holy Scripture. The first one is the hapax legomenon Ἄγε νῦν, the significance of which is closely related to updating of the affected principles with practice. The second term is ποιήσοµεν, which, in most translations, translates (...)
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    The Mystery of God and the Suffering of Human Beings 1.Richard W. Miller - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (5):846-863.
    The proper theological response to the problem of reconciling human suffering with the Christian belief in a God of infinite wisdom, power, and goodness is not to try to solve the unsolvable, but to preserve the mystery of God. The concept ‘mystery’ as attributed to God signifies intelligibility — inexhaustible intelligibility — not contradiction. Mystery suggests the range and limits of a human being's knowledge of God. We cannot know why God permits suffering in this particular instance or the character (...)
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  45. William Hasker’s avoidance of the problems of evil and God.D. Z. Phillips - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 62 (1):33-42.
    Our Book Review Editor, James Keller, invited William Hasker to write a review of the Book by D. Z. Phillips, "The Problem of Evil and the Problem of God" and then in consultation with the Editor-in-Chief invited Phillips to respond. Aware of both their respect for each other and their philosophical differences we planned that Hasker's review and Phillips' response would appear in the same issue of the "International Journal for Philosophy of Religion." Unfortunately that was not to be. Dewi, (...)
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    A God Torn to Pieces: The Nietzsche Case.Giuseppe Fornari - 2013 - East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
    Giuseppe Fornari’s groundbreaking inquiry shows that Friedrich Nietzsche’s neglected importance as a religious thinker and his “untimeliness” place him at the forefront of modern thought. Capable of exploiting his own failures as a cognitive tool to discover what other philosophers never wanted to see, Nietzsche ultimately drove himself to mental collapse. Fornari analyzes the tragic reports of Nietzsche’s madness and seeks out the cause of this self-destructive destiny, which, he argues, began earlier than his rivalry with the composer and polemicist (...)
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    Malebranche's distinction between general and particular volitions.Andrew Pessin - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (1):77-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.1 (2001) 77-99 [Access article in PDF] Malebranche's Distinction Between General and Particular Volitions Andrew Pessin "God needs no instruments to act," Malebranche writes in Search; "it suffices that He wills in order that a thing be, because it is a contradiction that He should will and that what He wills should not happen. Therefore, His power is His will." 1 God acts (...)
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    Structure and Argument in Augustine’s Nativity Sermon 188.Joost Van Neer - 2014 - Augustinianum 54 (2):467-495.
    A thread runs through Augustine’s s. 188 that first moves from the spiritual realm via the physical realm to man, and then from man via the physical realm to the spiritual realm. This descending and ascending movement is a perfect depiction of God’s plan with man, which is to become humble himself in order to exalt man. The traditional division of s. 188 ignores the high level of symmetry that one finds in the sermon, and consequently obscures its splendid (...)
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    Charles S. Peirce at the American Academy of Religion.Robert Cummings Neville - 2018 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (4):483.
    At its January 2017 meeting, the Executive Committee of the Peirce Society decided to plan a panel on "Charles S. Peirce and the Study of Religion" for the American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting in November, 2017, in Boston. The AAR accepted our proposal as a special meeting and I had the privilege of organizing and chairing it. We are pleased that the panel of papers will be published as a group in The Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce (...)
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    The Modi-God Dialogues: Spirituality for a New World Order.Mukundan P. R. - 2022 - New Delhi: Akansha Publishing House.
    “The Modi-God Dialogues” by Mukundan PR begins with the story of Mahatma Modi, a saint troubled by the issues facing his country and the direction the world was taking. The book discusses a profound spiritual perspective, in the form of a dialogue with God, rooted in the teachings of Navajyoti Sri Karunakara Guru, that addresses the mystery of existence, the divine plan for the evolution of life, and the spiritual decline of humanity. According to this view, human life and (...)
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