Results for 'Grégoire Hamon'

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  1. Systèmes Temps-réel: Techniques de Description et de Vérification–Théorie et Outils, volume 1, chapter Lucid Synchrone, un langage de programmation des systèmes réactifs.Paul Caspi, Grégoire Hamon & Marc Pouzet - forthcoming - Hermes.
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  2. Systèmes temps réel 1: techniques de description et de vérification, volume 1, chapitre Lucid Synchrone, un langage de programmation des systèmes réactifs. [REVIEW]Paul Caspi, Grégoire Hamon & Marc Pouzet - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Études d’épigraphie thasienne, V.Patrice Hamon - 2017 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 141:265-286.
    Des documents nouveaux permettent de progresser dans la connaissance des sections tardives des listes de magistrats thasiens, jusqu’ici mal connues. À la basse époque hellénistique, on observe, chez les théores, un phénomène intéressant de duplication : plusieurs collèges figurent à la fois dans la Grande Liste des théores et dans des inscriptions indépendantes, à caractère commémoratif. Trois nouvelles inscriptions de ce type sont ici publiées. Elles permettent de formuler une hypothèse sur la structure de la colonne 14 de la Grande (...)
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    Études d’épigraphie thasienne, III. Un troisième fragment de la Stèle des Braves et le rôle des polémarques à Thasos.Patrice Hamon - 2010 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 134 (1):301-315.
    Studies in Thasian epigraphy, III A third fragment of the Stele of the Agathoi and the role of the polemarchs in Thasos. The fragment J. Pouillou x, Recherches sur Thasos I, 140, belongs to the top of the Stele of the Agathoi (Fournier, Hamon, BCH 131 [ 2007], p. 309-381). It contains part of the decree’s opening : the proposal was made by the polemarchs by way of an ephodos (the same procedure occurs in several other Thasian decrees). Brief (...)
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    Declarations for breakthrough: agreeing with the voice of God.Jane Hamon - 2021 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Chosen, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
    In this biblically rich exploration of God's prophetic word, Jane Hamon inspires readers to partner with God for breakthrough, and shares prophetic words she has received-promises every believer can claim. She also provides a series of prayers and decrees to help you activate breakthrough in your own life.
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    Note sur les termes «intuition» et «expérience».Franz Grégoire - 1946 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 44 (3):401-415.
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    Observational learning of threat-related attentional bias.Laurent Grégoire, Mirela Dubravac, Kirsten Moore, Namgyun Kim & Brian A. Anderson - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (5):789-800.
    Attentional bias to threat has been almost exclusively examined after participants experienced repeated pairings between a conditioned stimulus (CS) and an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). This study aimed to determine whether threat-related attentional capture can result from observational learning, when participants acquire knowledge of the aversive qualities of a stimulus without themselves experiencing aversive outcomes. Non-clinical young-adult participants (N = 38) first watched a video of an individual (the demonstrator) performing a Pavlovian conditioning task in which one colour was paired (...)
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    Antropologia de Charles de Bovelles para o homem científico de hoje.Gainsi Grégoire-Sylvestre, Pedro Calixto & Manoel Abreu Fernandes - 2022 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 2 (24):395-412.
    A ciência, inicialmente prevista para servir ao homem, se desvia de sua finalidade original e começa a ameaçá-lo. A questão se põe, então, com acuidade em saber qual homem corresponderia à ciência de hoje. Face à visão fortemente cientificista do homem, caberia, entre outros, recorrer a Charles de Bovelles (1479-1566), a quem se deve recorrer para retornar a um conhecimento de si, que é o conhecimento da atividade de sua alma que, por seu turno, deve conhecer o corpo. A philautia (...)
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  9. Chapter 23. Gabriel Dumont.M. Max Hamon - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf (eds.), History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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  10. Gabriel Dumont (1837-1906).M. Max Hamon - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf (eds.), History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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    L'optique des Voyages de Gulliver.Philippe Hamon - 2007 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 1 (1):25-45.
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    La psychologie du militaire professionnel.Augustin Hamon - 1989 - Hermes 5:83.
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    Études d’épigraphie thasienne I. Décret pour un historien thasien (fin du IIe s. ou début du Ier s. av. J.-C.).Patrice Hamon - 2008 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 132 (1):389-401.
    Μελέτες θασιακής επιγραφικής I. Ψήφισμα για ένα θάσιο ιστορικό (τέλη του 2ου η αρχές του 1ου αι. π.Χ.) Το αποσπασματικό ψήφισμα C. Dunant, J. Pouilloux, Recherches sur Thasos II, 166, προς τιμήν ενός ανώνυμου ιστορικού, ξαναδημοσιεύεται και σχολιάζεται. Μια λεπτομέρεια της διατύπωσης επιτρέπει να υποθέσουμε ότι το ψήφισμα προέρχεται από την Πάρο και να προτείνουμε νέες αποκαταστάσεις. Το εν λόγω πρόσωπο, πολίτης της Θάσου, θα είχε διαμείνει στην Πάρο και θα είχε δώσει διαλέξεις σχετικά με τη συγγένεια των δύο πόλεων (...)
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    An anthropological approach to French nuclear power: Gabrielle Hecht: The Radiance of France: Nuclear Power and National Identity after World War II. New edition with a foreword by Michel Callon and new afterword by the author. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2009 [1998]. 486 pp, US $25.00, £18.95 PB.Grégoire Mallard - 2010 - Metascience 19 (3):469-474.
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    Manhunts: A Philosophical History.Grégoire Chamayou - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    Touching on issues of power, authority, and domination, Manhunts takes an in-depth look at the hunting of humans in the West, from ancient Sparta, through the Middle Ages, to the modern practices of chasing undocumented migrants.
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    The Negotiable Constitution: On the Limitation of Rights.Grégoire C. N. Webber - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    In matters of rights, constitutions tend to avoid settling controversies. With few exceptions, rights are formulated in open-ended language, seeking consensus on an abstraction without purporting to resolve the many moral-political questions implicated by rights. The resulting view has been that rights extend everywhere but are everywhere infringed by legislation seeking to resolve the very moral-political questions the constitution seeks to avoid. The Negotiable Constitution challenges this view. Arguing that underspecified rights call for greater specification, Grégoire C. N. Webber (...)
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    Towards a Politics of Communion: Catholic Social Teaching in Dark Times.Grégoire Catta - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (1):213-214.
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    Note sur la Philosophie de l'Organisme.Franz Grégoire - 1948 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 46 (11):275-334.
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    Note sur un nouveau manuscrit de la Vie d'Euthyme.Henri Grégoire - 1906 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 30 (1):481-482.
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    Études d’épigraphie thasienne, IV.Patrice Hamon - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:67-125.
    L’article présente la structure et l’histoire des quatre listes monumentales de magistrats de Thasos. Les deux premières furent gravées vers 360 et complétées pendant une quarantaine d’années. Les deux suivantes furent gravées vers 320, reprenant le contenu des précédentes, et tenues à jour jusqu’à l’époque impériale. Ces inscriptions font l’objet d’un projet de republication. Le bloc Recherches I, 36, appartenant à la Grande Liste des théores, doit se placer dans les colonnes du ive s. L’article étudie une section datée de (...)
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    Études d'épigraphie thasienne. II. Un poète thasien dans l'Anthologie grecque.Patrice Hamon - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (1):273-286.
    L’épigramme funéraire Anth. Pal. VII, 167, pour la jeune Polyxenè, est attribuée soit à Dioscoride, soit à un certain Hekataios de Thasos, inconnu par ailleurs. La défunte apparaît sur une inscription honorifique de l’agora de Thasos (C. Dunant, J. Pouillou x, Recherches sur Thasos II, 237) que l’on peut placer à l’époque d’Auguste environ. Le rapprochement des deux documents permet d’affirmer que le poète est bien Hekataios : il pourrait faire partie des auteurs réunis dans la Couronne de Philippe.
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    Legislated Rights and contemporary constitutional government: a reply.Grégoire Webber & Richard Ekins - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (4):632-644.
    Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights through Legislation aims to correct certain imbalances in constitutional thought and scholarship that burden the legislature and rights with misconceptions...
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    Learning to Use Narrative Function Words for the Organization and Communication of Experience.Gregoire Pointeau, Solène Mirliaz, Anne-Laure Mealier & Peter Ford Dominey - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    How do people learn to talk about the causal and temporal relations between events, and the motivation behind why people do what they do? The narrative practice hypothesis of Hutto and Gallagher holds that children are exposed to narratives that provide training for understanding and expressing reasons for why people behave as they do. In this context, we have recently developed a model of narrative processing where a structured model of the developing situation is built up from experienced events, and (...)
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    Sexual Abuse Exposure Alters Early Processing of Emotional Words: Evidence from Event-Related Potentials.Laurent Grégoire, Serge Caparos, Carole-Anne Leblanc, Benoit Brisson & Isabelle Blanchette - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Opening the reconsolidation window using the mind’s eye: Extinction training during reconsolidation disrupts fear memory expression following mental imagery reactivation.Laurent Grégoire & Steven G. Greening - 2019 - Cognition 183:277-281.
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    turba Philosophorum Congrès Pythagoricien Sur L’Art D’Hermès: Edition Critique, Traduction Et Présentation.Grégoire Lacaze - 2018 - Brill.
    The _Turba Philosophorum_ is at the confluence of many Greek traditions, and bears testimony both to the history of the transmission of Greek knowledge, and of its reception in Egypt in the ninth century.
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    The Structure of Charles Taylor’s Philosophy.Grégoire Lefftz - 2022 - International Philosophical Quarterly 62 (3):345-365.
    The aim of this paper is to show how systematic Charles Taylor’s philosophy is. It rejects two opposite readings: one claiming that Taylor’s thought is too diverse to have real unity; the other, that it is the product of a “monomaniac” (Taylor’s own word). I claim that his thought has a very distinct structure, comprising two levels. On the first, “meta-hermeneutic” level, Taylor defends a thesis about hermeneutics (namely, that it cannot be dispensed with): this unifies his anthropology, epistemology, moral (...)
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    L'identité numérique des personnes est-elle déterminée narrativement?Grégoire Lefftz - 2018 - Philosophie 139 (4):35-53.
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    When Wine and Apple Both Help the Production of Grapes: ERP Evidence for Post-lexical Semantic Facilitation in Picture Naming.Grégoire Python, Raphaël Fargier & Marina Laganaro - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    The Four Tools of Dialectic.Stéphanie Grégoire - 2001 - Ancient Philosophy 21 (2):403-443.
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    Cognitive control as a domain-general mechanism of school learning and development: Behavioral and neuroimaging evidence.Gregoire Borst - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Chapter 4. Hunting Indians.Grégoire Chamayou - 2012 - In Manhunts: A Philosophical History. Princeton University Press. pp. 29-42.
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    Chapter 7. Hunting the Poor.Grégoire Chamayou - 2012 - In Manhunts: A Philosophical History. Princeton University Press. pp. 78-86.
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  34. Saint Theodore le Strätelate et'les Russes d'Igor.H. Gregoire - 1938 - Byzantion 13 (298):135.
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  35. The Dialectical Tools: Theory and Practice.Stephanie Gregoire - 1999 - Dissertation, Universite Laval (Canada)
    The purpose of this dissertation is to clarify Aristotle's conception of the nature and utility of the dialectical tools, as well as to help in establishing proof for the existence of a coherence between his logical theory and his philosophical practice. The first book of the Topics is unanimously considered to be Aristotle's introduction to his dialectical method. Thus, a certain familiarity with this book is necessary for whomever undertakes a study of one of its fundamental elements, such as the (...)
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    Notes sur deux inscriptions byzantines.Henri Grégoire - 1908 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 32 (1):514-520.
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  37. The historical element in western and eastern epics.H. Grégoire - 1944 - Byzantion 16:527.
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  38. Études hégéliennes. Les points capitaux du Système. Bibliothèque philosophique de Louvain.Franz Grégoire - 1959 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 14 (2):221-222.
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    Polyamine signal through gap junctions: A key regulator of proliferation and gap‐junction organization in mammalian tissues?Loic Hamon, Philippe Savarin & David Pastré - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (6):498-507.
    We propose that interaction rules derived from polyamine exchange in connected cells may explain the spatio‐temporal organization of gap junctions observed during tissue regeneration and tumorigenesis. We also hypothesize that polyamine exchange can be considered as signal that allows cells to sense the proliferation status of their neighbors. Polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, and spermine) are indeed small aliphatic polycations that serve as fuels to sustain elevated proliferation rates of the order observed in cancer cells. Based on recent reports, we consider here (...)
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    Global science and national sovereignty: studies in historical sociology of science.Gregoire Mallard, Catherine Paradeise & Ashveen Peerbaye (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    Interrogating the relationship of the sovereign power of the nation state to the scientist's expert knowledge as a legitimating--and sometimes challenging- ...
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    Peut-on sauver le minimalisme moral?Grégoire Lefftz - 2022 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2:239-256.
    Cet article prend pour point de départ une critique souvent adressée au minimalisme moral de Ruwen Ogien : il y a bien de la normativité dans le rapport à soi, nous avons des obligations vis-à-vis de nous-même. Après avoir rappelé cette objection (en la reformulant et en la renforçant), l’on se demande si une forme de minimalisme peut malgré tout lui survivre. Cet article répond par la positive, en proposant une reformulation radicale de la thèse minimaliste, qui parvienne à maintenir (...)
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    La guerre et la question du système dans L’Étoile de la Rédemption.Grégoire Boulanger - 2011 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 29:97-108.
    Poser la question de la provenance du geste critique instaurant le pré-monde (Vorwelt) revient à s’interroger de manière plus générale sur le commencement ou plus précisément sur le fondement de L’Étoile de la Rédemption. À cette question, qui pourrait être qualifiée elle-même de fondamentale, Franz Rosenzweig fait remarquer tout d’abord, dans « La pensée nouvelle », qu’« à l’égard des premières pages d’un livre de philosophie, les lecteurs ont une attitude singulière : ils croient qu’elles c...
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    Introduction.Grégoire Chamayou - 2012 - In Manhunts: A Philosophical History. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-3.
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    Notes.Grégoire Chamayou - 2012 - In Manhunts: A Philosophical History. Princeton University Press. pp. 157-184.
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    Le discours inaugural de Jésus à Nazareth: la prophétie d'un retournement (Lc 4, 16-30).Grégoire Drouot - 2007 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 129 (1):35-44.
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    Introduction.Marcel Grégoire - 1964 - Res Publica 6 (1):5-7.
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    Réflexions sur l'étude critique des philosophies intuitionnistes. Le cas de l'élan vital chez Bergson.Franz Grégoire - 1947 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 45 (6):169-187.
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    The Idealism of Léon Brunschvicg, conclusion.Auguste Grégoire - 1940 - Modern Schoolman 17 (2):34-37.
  49. Determinizm i vmi︠e︡ni︠a︡emostʹ.Augustin Frédéric Hamon - 1905
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    Does motor mimicry contribute to emotion recognition?Cindy Hamon-Hill & John Barresi - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (6):447-448.
    We focus on the role that motor mimicry plays in the SIMS model when interpreting whether a facial emotional expression is appropriate to an eliciting context. Based on our research, we find general support for the SIMS model in these situations, but with some qualifications on how disruption of motor mimicry as a process relates to speed and accuracy in judgments.
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