Results for 'Guarani-Kaiowá'

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  1. The return of the native: A cultural and social-psychological critique of Durkheim's "suicide" based on the guarani-kaiowá of southwestern Brazil.Cynthia Lins Hamlin & Robert J. Brym - 2006 - Sociological Theory 24 (1):42 - 57.
    This article argues that Durkheim's theory of suicide is deficient because of its monocausal reasoning, its conception of suicide as an action without subjects, and its characterization of preliterate societies as harmonious, self-contained, and morphologically static. It shows that these deficiencies can be overcome by including cultural and social-psychological considerations in the analysis of suicide-specifically by including culture as a causal force in its own right and drawing links between social circumstances, cultural beliefs and values, and individual dispositions. The authors (...)
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    Ensaio Visual - Contracolonizar a memória Guarani-Kaiowá.Luciana Oliveira - 2021 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (3).
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    La cartografía como camino posible en la investigación en educación matemática.Heinrich da Solidade Santos, Jorge Isidro Orjuela Bernal, Wanderson Rocha Lopes, Jeimy Marcela Cortes Suarez & Ronilce Maira Garcia Lopes - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:369-379.
    The following proposal explores and discusses the potential of Cartography as a methodological path in the development of research in Mathematics Education aimed at working with different groups that, in many cases, in addition to finding themselves in various situations of vulnerability and social neglect – taken in their potentiality of life –, are not necessarily linked to formal or informal academic training spaces, such as schools or universities. To this end, we begin with a general presentation of the doctoral (...)
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    Temporal reference in Paraguayan Guaraní, a tenseless language.Judith Tonhauser - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (3):257-303.
    This paper contributes data from Paraguayan Guaraní (Tupí-Guaraní) to the discussion of how temporal reference is determined in tenseless languages. The empirical focus of this study is on finite clauses headed by verbs inflected only for person/number information, which are compatible only with non-future temporal reference in most matrix clause contexts. The paper first explores the possibility of accounting for the temporal reference of such clauses with a phonologically empty non-future tense morpheme, along the lines of Matthewson’s (Linguist Philos 29:673–713, (...)
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    (1 other version)Cartas Guarani. O uso presente de papeis do passadoGuarani letters. The present use of papers from the past.Pablo Antunha Barbosa, Daniel Calazans Pierri & Marco Antonio Barbosa - 2013 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 3 (1).
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    Agencia Y patrimonio jesuítico-guaraní en el museo de la plata a fines Del siglo XIX.Alejo Ricardo Petrosini - 2017 - Aisthesis 62:131-150.
    The article proposes to inquire the heritage studies according to an alternative view. Elements as agency, materiality and ontology are fundamental, insofar as that notion is accompanied by factors as the destruction or the wear, the conservation or the restauration. In this sense, this paper deconstructs the movable heritage, which is feasible the move of fragments in diverse areas, as exponent of the modern objetivation. Also, it sets out at what extent these practices and the materiality influence the construction of (...)
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    Produções Curriculares entre os Guarani Mbya do Espírito Santo (ES): enunciações corporais e os (des)encontros com a escola.Kalna Mareto Teao & Paulo de Tássio Borges Da Silva - 2017 - Odeere 1 (2).
    O texto é oriundo de reflexões estabelecidas nos processos educativos dos Guarani Mbya do ES a partir das diferentes experiências dos autores como a docência no curso de Magistério Indígena – Nível Médio, no componente curricular “Conhecimento e Interculturalidade” ministrado na Licenciatura Intercultural Indígena Tupinikim e Guarani, da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES, em formações no Projeto “Ação Saberes Indígenas na Escola” e em experiências de uma das autoras como professora Guarani. Neste sentido, a proposta (...)
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  8. Cerâmica Guarani: Manual de Experimentação Arqueológica.André Soares - 2013 - Revista Techne 1 (1).
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    (1 other version)Los procesos de filtración en los documentos guaraníes: los intérpretes y las traducciones en el Paraguay y el Río de la Plata colonial (siglos XVI-XVIII).Shawn Michael Austin - forthcoming - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
    En los territorios pluriétnicos y plurilingüísticos del imperio español, la traducción de las lenguas indígenas al español en contextos legales y burocráticos era común, pero son escasos los estudios del proceso de la traducción y su valor retórico. El Paraguay colonial es un interesante ejemplo, dado el extenso bilingüismo entre muchos españoles criollos y el monolingüismo entre la gran mayoría de los pueblos guaraníes. En este artículo reviso tres tipos de traducción en la región: traducción sin traducción, traducciones sospechosas y (...)
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    O diálogo inter-religioso: experiência da linguagem humana, do sentido e dos sonhos nos guaranis.Victor René Villavicencio Matienzo - 2003 - Horizonte 2 (3):73-94.
    Os guaranis ensinam que o diálogo inter-religioso é possível porque existe sentido, e existe sentido porque existe linguagem humana, e porque existe linguagem humana é possível sonhar, e porque existe o sonho, é possível dialogar no horizonte mais pleno cujos sentidos da humanidade podem celebrar uma festa universal. Palavras-chave: Hermenêutica; Epistemologia; Religião; Guarani; Antropologia; Sentido. ABSTRACT The Guaranis teach us that inter-religions dialogue is possible because meaning exists, and meaning exists because there is human language, and as there is (...)
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    Nature and domestic life in the Valle del Cuñapirú : Reflections on Mbyá-Guaraní ethnoecology.Marta Crivos, María Rosa Martínez, María Lelia Pochettino, Carolina Remorini, Cynthia Saenz & Anahí Sy - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (2/3):111-125.
    Through the ethnographic record of the subsistence activities partially or completely performed in the domestic sphere in two Mbyá-Guaraní settlements in Misiones, we outline factors important in describing the local natural environment. Data was collected through systematic observation and also through semi-structured interviews. Analysis indicates that the natural environment of the area is characterized by the indigenous community in several different ways. Thus, local people view the environment as made up of different “micro-environments,” and they consequently think of the elements (...)
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    No tense: temporality in the grammar of Paraguayan Guarani.Roumyana Pancheva & Maria Luisa Zubizarreta - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46 (6):1329-1391.
    Paraguayan Guarani does not overtly mark tense in its inflectional system. Prior accounts of languages without obligatory morphological tense have posited a phonologically covert lexical tense, or have introduced tense semantics via a rule, in the post-syntactic interpretative component. We offer a more radical approach: Paraguayan Guarani does not have tense at the level of lexical or logical semantics. We propose that evaluation time shift, a mechanism independently attested in the narrative present in languages with tense, is more (...)
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    Etnoarqueologia dos grafismos guarani: Estudo do acervo cerâmico do sítio arqueológico córrego da lagoa 2 – altônia - pr.Glauco Constantino Perez & Lúcio Tadeu Mota - 2010 - Dialogos 14 (3).
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    (1 other version)A escrita em guarani dos mayordomos e o exemplo de Valentín Ybariguá (Paraguai, XVIII)Writing in Guarani by mayordomos and the example of Valentín Ybariguá.Eduardo S. Neumann - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (2).
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    Pelo fim do Frankenstein Guarani.Andé Luis R. Soares - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (2).
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  16. A escrita dos guaranis nas reduções: usos e funções das formas textuais indígenas. Século XVIII.Eduardo Neumann - 2007 - Topoi. Revista de História 8 (15):48-79.
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  17. Voice and transitivity in Guarani.Maura Velazquez-Castillo - 2008 - In Mark Donohue & Søren Wichmann (eds.), The typology of semantic alignment. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Paraguayan Guaraní future marker-ta: formal semantics and crosslinguistic comparison.Judith Tonhauser - 2011 - In Renate Musan & Monika Rathert (eds.), Tense across Languages. Niemeyer. pp. 207--231.
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    (1 other version)clasificando la cultura escrita guaraní. Un enigmático documento trilingüe de las misiones jesuíticas del Paraguayclassifying Guarani Written Culture.An Enigmatic Trilingual Document from the Jesuit Missions of Paraguay.Fabián R. Vega & Guillermo Wilde - 2019 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Justifying a conflict over the Guarani Aquifer.Augusto Gonçalves Nobre & Beatriz Martins Camões - 2022 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):234-244.
    This article deals with the justification of water-related conflicts by analyzing a hypothetical war for Guarani Aquifer resources. In disagreement, a theoretical framework would be needed to justify war. First, Walzer’s version of Just War Theory (JWT) is presented as the most consolidated reference. Then, Waddington’s criticism of JWT is discussed when it comes to hydric resources, delineating the particularities of a natural resource and establishing that the “moral weight of water scarcity” should be considered. Following this, the hypothetical (...)
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    WILDE, Guillermo. Religión y poder en las misiones de guaraníes. Buenos Aires: SB, 2009. 509 p.Francismar Alex Lopes de Carvalho - 2010 - Dialogos 14 (3).
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    (1 other version)Reseña de Religión y poder en las misiones de guaraníes, de Guillermo Wilde. Buenos Aires, Editorial SB, 2009, ISBN 9789871256631.Elisa Frühauf Garcia - 2011 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 1 (2).
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    (1 other version)El discurso de la prohibición del guaraní: ¿cien años de continuidad?Guaraní prohibition discourse: A hundred-year continuity?Carolina Gandulfo & Tamara Alegre - 2015 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 5 (2).
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    A justiça contra o índio Kaiowá Lucas Antônio Barros: conflitos interétnicos e cotidiano no Aldeamento do Paranapanema, Paraná.Ana Paula Galvão de Meira & Jaisson Teixeira Lino - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (3):96-107.
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    (1 other version)Contribución a la medicina natural: Pohã Ñana, un Manuscrito inédito en Guaraní (Paraguay, S. XVIII)Contribution to Natural Medicine: Pohã Ñana. An Eighteenth Century Guarani Language Manuscript.Angélica Otazú Melgarejo - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (2).
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    Considerations about Health/illness Processes in the First Stages of the Life Cycle in two Mbya-Guaraní Communities from the Province of Misiones, Argentina.C. Remorini - 2005 - Global Bioethics 18 (1):125-139.
    This paper presents the preliminary results from my research focused on beliefs and practices related to the life cycle and certain health-illness processes related to their different stages, in two Mbya communities in the province of Misiones, in the Argentinian northeast. We have centered our research on parasite illnesses and the groups' numerous beliefs and experiences around their origin, diagnosis, prevention and therapeutics.We used observations and interviews to characterize the diagnosis, treatment and prevention strategies performed by different individuals as well (...)
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  27. Sobre feitiços e ritos: enfermidade e cura nas reduções jesuítico-guaranis, século XVII On spells and rites: illness and cure in the Jesuit Guarany reductions in.Eliane Cristina Deckmann Fleck - 2005 - Topoi 6 (10):71-98.
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    (1 other version)De la política de la lengua a la lengua de la política. Cartas guaraníes en la transición de la colonia a la era independienteFrom the Policy of Language to theLanguage of Politics.Guarani Letters of the Transition from the Colony to the Independent Era.Ana Couchonnal & Guillermo Wilde - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (1).
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  29. Exorcizando demônios: algumas palavras do que não foi dito pelos historiadores da arqueologia Guarani.André Soares - 2013 - Revista Techne 1 (1).
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    (1 other version)Textos de la modernidad política en guaraní (1810-1813)Texts from the political modernity in guarani.Capucine Boidin - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (2).
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    (1 other version)Phrases selectas: Un diccionario manuscrito castellano-guaraní anónimo.Graciela Chamorro - 2014 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 4 (2).
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    Nomes e significados imputados aos guarani falantes do Rio da Prata e da Cordillera Chiriguana.Protasio Paulo Langer - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (3):1389-1423.
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    Indianische Wanderungen über Grenzen des Diesseits hinaus: New Age und die Suche der Guarani nach dem Land ohne Schlechtes.Mark Munzel - 1997 - In Markus Bauer (ed.), Die Grenze: Begriff und Inszenierung. Oldenbourg Verlag. pp. 147-158.
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    (2 other versions)Habitar y medir el territorio. Los vínculos con la tierra de colonos, ocupantes y guaraníes en MisionesInhabiting and measuring the territory. Links with the land of colonists, peasants and Guaranis in Misiones.Gabriela Schiavoni - 2018 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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  35. “Piores que bestas feras”: Garcilaso de la Vega eo imaginário hispano-inca sobre os Guarani Chiriguano.Protasio Paulo Langer - 2010 - Topoi: Revista de História 11 (21):5-22.
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    O Tesouro e o Catecismo da língua guarani de Antonio Ruiz de Montoya.Francisco Silva Noelli - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (3):256-258.
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    (1 other version)El Padre João Pedro Gay (1815-1891) y su contribución a la historia social del guaraní de CorrientesFather João Pedro Gay and his Contribution to the Social History of Guarani in Corrientes. [REVIEW]Franz Obermeier & Leonardo Cerno - 2017 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 7 (1).
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    Les métis les plus purs.Isabelle Combès & Diego Villar - 2008 - Clio 27:32-56.
    Le point de départ de cet article est la thèse développée en 1991 par Isabelle Combès et Thierry Saignes sur la naissance de l’ethnie et l’identité chiriguano, « essentiellement » métisses. Le rapport au métissage des Chiriguano et Chané semble paradoxal. Bien qu’ils soient considérés comme un exemple paradigmatique de métissage amérindien, certains points de vue contemporains condamnent l’ethnie à la disparition en raison, précisément, du métissage avec les Blancs. Les Chiriguano et Chané, quant à eux, rejettent aujourd’hui toute idée (...)
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  39. What projects and why.Mandy Simons, David Beaver, Judith Tonhauser & Craige Roberts - 2010 - Semantics and Linguistic Theory 20:309-327.
    The empirical phenomenon at the center of this paper is projection, which we define (uncontroversially) as follows: (1) Definition of projection An implication projects if and only if it survives as an utterance implication when the expression that triggers the implication occurs under the syntactic scope of an entailment-cancelling operator. Projection is observed, for example, with utterances containing aspectual verbs like stop, as shown in (2) and (3) with examples from English and Paraguayan Guaraní (Paraguay, Tupí-Guaraní).1 The Guaraní example in (...)
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  40. Toward a Taxonomy of Projective Content.Judith Tonhauser, David Beaver, Craige Roberts & Mandy Simons - 2013 - Language 89 (1):66-109.
    Projective contents, which include presuppositional inferences and Potts's conventional implicatures, are contents that may project when a construction is embedded, as standardly identified by the FAMILY-OF-SENTENCES diagnostic. This article establishes distinctions among projective contents on the basis of a series of diagnostics, including a variant of the family-of-sentences diagnostic, that can be applied with linguistically untrained consultants in the field and the laboratory. These diagnostics are intended to serve as part of a toolkit for exploring projective contents across languages, thus (...)
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    Temporal interpretation in Hausa.Anne Mucha - 2013 - Linguistics and Philosophy 36 (5):371-415.
    This paper provides a formal analysis of the grammatical encoding of temporal information in Hausa (Chadic, Afro-Asiatic), thereby contributing to the recent debate on temporality in languages without overt tense morphology. By testing the hypothesis of covert tense against recently obtained empirical data, the study yields the result that Hausa is tenseless and that temporal reference is pragmatically inferred from aspectual, modal and contextual information. The second part of the paper addresses the coding of future in particular. It is shown (...)
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    Nominal tense and temporal implicatures: evidence from Mbyá.Guillaume Thomas - 2014 - Natural Language Semantics 22 (4):357-412.
    In this paper, I discuss the distribution and the interpretation of the temporal suffix -kue in Mbyá, a Guaraní language that is closely related to Paraguayan Guaraní. This suffix is attested both inside noun phrases and inside clauses. Interestingly, its nominal uses give rise to inferences that are unattested in its clausal uses. These inferences were first identified in Paraguayan Guaraní by Tonhauser, who called them the existence property and the change of state property. Tonhauser further argued that these properties (...)
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    Mito e história no “romance épico” Simá de Lourenço da Silva Araújo e Amazonas.Daniel Padilha Pacheco Da Costa - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (2):101.
    Este estudo propõe caracterizar Simá: romance histórico do Alto Amazonas, de Lourenço da Silva Araújo e Amazonas, como um “romance épico”, entendido como uma variante de romance histórico distinta da escola hegemônica representada por José Alencar. Esse romance, cujos modelos literários são a Ilíada e a Eneida, elege o rapto da mameluca Simá, chamada de “Helena do Rio Negro”, como a causa imediata da Rebelião de Lamalonga. O romance narra, no plano histórico, o massacre da nação indígena dos Manau pela (...)
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    Tense across Languages.Renate Musan & Monika Rathert (eds.) - 2011 - Niemeyer.
    "This book addresses recent developments in the study of tense from a cross-paradigm and cross-linguistic point of view. Leading international scholars explore challenging ideas about tense at the interfaces between semantics and syntax as well as syntax and morphology. The book is divided into three main subsections: 1) Tense in tenseless languages; 2) Tense, mood, and modality, and 3) Descriptive approaches to some tense phenonema. Although time is a universal dimension of the human experience, some languages encode reference to time (...)
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    Macunaíma: diálogo com o romantismo a partir da paródia de Peri.Maria Júlia Pereira - 2019 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 1 (2):422-439.
    Macunaíma: o herói sem nenhum caráter (1928), de Mário de Andrade, é o romance-rapsódia que versa sobre a trajetória de um herói baseado nas lendas indígenas amazônicas e apresentado como autenticamente brasileiro. A paródia se faz presente como intenção em diversas cenas da obra. Todavia, neste trabalho, será tratada a paródia enquanto deformação e transformação (ou imitação) com distanciamento crítico da figura do herói romântico indianista idealizado, que a personagem Peri, de O Guarani (1857), de José de Alencar, encarna. (...)
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    Identidades en tensión, lo indígena y lo nacional en las experiencias cotidianas mbyá.Noelia Enriz - 2010 - Polis 27.
    El presente artículo pretende aportar elementos a la problematización del modo en que las identidades nacionales e indígenas se han vinculado y consolidado en el caso argentino, tomando como referencia a las poblaciones guaraníes de la provincia de Misiones. Analizamos ciertas experiencias de campo y reflexionamos sobre aspectos de la tensión histórica de estas identidades a partir de relatos y fuentes documentales. Finalmente abordamos la discusión de cómo los estados se vinculan en la actualidad con las identidades indígenas a través (...)
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    Experiências com o magistério indígena em Angra dos Reis: tessituras em educação, cultura e diferença.William de Goes Ribeiro, Renata Lopes Costa Prado & Silmara Lídia Marton - 2022 - Odeere 7 (3):102-121.
    O objetivo do presente texto é trançar experiências com o magistério indígena, dialogando com nossas memórias e referenciais. O texto sai então do trivial, abrindo espaço-tempo para outro modo de escrita coletiva. O inacabamento caracteriza nossa opção, ressaltando mais a riqueza do processo intercruzado, tecido a partir de nossos encontros e conversas, a princípio, aleatórios e depois mais estruturados para a condução deste texto. No ano de 2019, tivemos a fecunda e singular oportunidade de, a partir de distintas áreas de (...)
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    La traduction, une éthique de la ré-énonciation.Myriam Suchet - 2009 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 1 (1):31-35.
    Résumé La littérature hétérolingue serait-elle susceptible de contribuer à une poétique du traduire? Notre investigation, qui nous fera quitter la linguistique pour les théories de l’énonciation puis aborder l’analyse rhétorique en termes d’ ethos, s’achèvera sur l’étude d’une phrase extraite d’ Hijo de hombre, roman guarani-hispanophone du Paraguayen Augusto Roa Bastos (1917-2005). Les trois versions françaises étayeront l’hypothèse selon laquelle chaque traduction est un acte de ré-énonciation où se rejoue le rapport à l’altérité linguistique.
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    When metaphysical words blossom.Renato Sztutman - 2017 - Common Knowledge 23 (2):325-344.
    This article is a belated contribution to a Common Knowledge symposium on the “unanticipated conceptual practice” of “anthropological philosophy.” The basic argument is that the groundwork for this emerging approach, associated foremost with Eduardo Viveiros de Castro's book Métaphysiques cannibales of 2009, was laid in the 1970s by the controversial French anthropologists Pierre and Hélène Clastres. It is argued that the Clastres took the intellectual practices of Guarani shamans and prophets as analogous to the those of ancient Greek philosophers (...)
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    Trançados e letramentos : relatos de um projeto de Pesquisa e Prática Pedagógica na Escola Tupinikim da Aldeia Comboios- Aracruz/ES.Aline F. R. Elisiário Tupinikim, Edinalva F. Rodriguês Tupinikim, Joselda C. Passos Tupinikim, Larissa D. Florêncio Tupinikim & Luzia F. Rodrigues Tupinikim - 2018 - Odeere 3 (5):223.
    O presente relato nasce de um projeto pedagógico desenvolvido na Aldeia Tupinikim de Comboios, município de Aracruz- ES, durante a disciplina Projetos de Pesquisa e Prática Pedagógica – PPPP III, no curso de Licenciatura Intercultural Indígena Tupinikim e Guarani, do Programa de Licenciaturas Indígenas – PROLIND, oferecido pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – UFES. O projeto teve como objetivos: Pesquisar com os mais velhos os tipos de trançados, colaborando na reafirmação cultural do nosso povo Tupiniquim; Reconhecer os tipos (...)
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