Results for 'Gus van Donselaar'

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  1.  25
    Gerechtigkeit, Übereinstimmung und Pluralismus.Gus van Donselaar - 2002 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 50 (6):945-960.
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    The Right to Exploit: Parasitism, Scarcity, and Basic Income.Gijs Van Donselaar - 2009 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    This book explores how traditional theories of economic justice, both from the libertarian right and the egalitarian left, have failed to appreciate the objection against exploitative behavior that would be possible through the exercise of property rights. This failure also underlies the recent plea for a so-called unconditional basic income.
  3. Sticks or Carrots? The Emergence of Self-Ownership.Gijs van Donselaar - 2013 - Ethics 123 (4):700-716.
  4. The freedom-based account of solidarity and basic income.Gijs van Donselaar - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (3):313-333.
    Real-libertarianism, as it is expressed in Philippe Van Parijs' recent monograph Real Freedom for All is characteristically committed to both self-ownership and 'solidarity with the infirm or handicapped. In this article it is argued that the conception of freedom that is used to endorse self-ownership is inconsistent with the conception of freedom or opportunity that is used to justify transfer payments to those with no or low earning capacity. The problem turns around the question whether one's freedom consists in the (...)
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  5. Philippe Van parijs: Real freedom for all. What (if anything) can justify capitalism? [REVIEW]Gijs van Donselaar - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (1):127-128.
  6.  32
    Schaadt overdaad?Gijs van Donselaar - 2017 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 109 (4):447-451.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    In Company of the Funny Sunny Surfer off Malibu: A Response to Michael Howard (and Some Others).Gijs van Donselaar - 2015 - Analyse & Kritik 37 (1-2):305-318.
    In ‘Exploitation, Labor, and Basic Income’ Michael Howard undertakes to defend an Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) as non-exploitative, and on a revised conception of what Marx called ‘exploitation’. Without taking issue with the revision itself, I point out that Howard, like many others, fails to defend UBI as non-exploitative. All his arguments fail to establish that the so-called ‘Surfer off Malibu’, a figure who is full-time dedicated to leisure, is not an exploiter in receiving UBI. The strategies to include him (...)
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    The Scholarship of William Foxwell Albright: An Appraisal.S. A. K. & Gus W. van Beek - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (1):191.
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    Hajar Bin Humeid: Investigations at a Pre-Islamic Site in South Arabia.Ray L. Cleveland & Gus W. van Beek - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (2):309.
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  10. Van Donselaar, Gijs. The Right to Exploit: Parasitism, Scarcity, Basic Income. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. Pp. 195. $65.00. [REVIEW]Matt Zwolinski - 2010 - Ethics 121 (1):228-232.
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    Shooting for Dead Time in Gus Van Sant's Elephant.William Little - 2013 - Film-Philosophy 17 (1):115-133.
    In Elephant , director Gus Van Sant dramatises a massacre at a suburban American high school in order to examine narrative cinema's ethical capacity to respond to that which resists being framed as a meaningful event. In the film, this stubborn stuff is experience shot through with contingency. Van Sant depicts acts of violence that are indiscriminate and, at best, ambiguously motivated, as well as school-day activities that appear coincidental and insignificant. This essay argues that the director aims to screen (...)
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    Peter Rijpkema, Gijs van Donselaar, Bruno Verbeek, Henri Wijsbek (red.), Als vuur.Femke Storm & Jaap Zwart - 2011 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 40 (2):173-176.
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    Experiences with Kio & Gus.Karel van der Leeuw - 1993 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 11 (1):31-38.
    For a period of two years I used the Dutch translation of Kio & Gus in the classroom. I will shortly report on a number of sessions, notably those on sense-knowledge, on substance and on killing animals. I will also relate some of the views of children on what doing philosophy is.Following this report, I will elucidate how the philosophical discussion is a subtle interplay between concrete themes or subjects on the one hand, abstract philosophical questions and notions on the (...)
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    Review of Gijs Van donselaar, The Right to Exploit: Parasitism, Scarcity, Basic Income[REVIEW]Jonathan Wolff - 2010 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2010 (6).
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    The Right to Exploit: Parasitism, Scarcity, Basic Income, Gijs van Donselaar. Oxford University Press, 2009. ix + 195 pages. [REVIEW]Robert Mayer - 2011 - Economics and Philosophy 27 (1):69-75.
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    Retrieving the Past: Essays on Archaeological Research and Methodology in Honor of Gus W. Van Beek.A. Bernard Knapp & Joe D. Seger - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (4):598.
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    The Vestibular in Film.Luis Rocha Antunes - 2012 - Essays in Philosophy 13 (2):522-549.
    For decades, the audiovisual nature of the film medium has limited film scholarship to the strict consideration of sound and sight as the senses at play. Aware of the limitations of this sense-to-sense correspondence, Laura U. Marks has been the first to consistently give expression to a new and emergent line of enquiry that seeks to understand the multisensory nature of film.Adding to the emergent awareness of the cinema of the senses, neuroscience, specifically multisensory studies, has identified autonomous sensory systems (...)
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    Three Philosophical Filmmakers: Hitchcock, Welles, Renoir.Irving Singer - 2004 - MIT Press.
    Although Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, and Jean Renoir do not pontificate about "eternal verities or analytical niceties," as Irving Singer remarks in Three Philosophical Filmmakers, each expresses, through his work, his particular vision of reality. In this study of these great directors, Singer examines the ways in which meaning and technique interact within their different visions.Singer's account reveals Hitchcock, Welles, and Renoir to be not only consummate artists and inspired craftsmen but also sophisticated theorists of film and its place in (...)
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  19. Anna Backman Rogers (2015) American Independent Cinema: Rites of Passage and the Crisis Image, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 184. [REVIEW]William Brown - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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    Die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk en sy bediening in ’n toekomstige Suid-Afrika: Die visie van ‘Kerk en wêreld 2000’.P. J. Van der Merwe - 1990 - HTS Theological Studies 46 (4).
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    Die vertellersperspektief-analise. 'n Literatuurteoretiese benadering in die eksegese van die evangelies.A. G. Van Aarde - 1982 - HTS Theological Studies 38 (4).
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    Wie is die sondaar? Die beskouing van Karl Barth.F. J. Van Zyl - 1994 - HTS Theological Studies 50 (3).
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    Designing for human rights in AI.Jeroen van den Hoven & Evgeni Aizenberg - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    In the age of Big Data, companies and governments are increasingly using algorithms to inform hiring decisions, employee management, policing, credit scoring, insurance pricing, and many more aspects of our lives. Artificial intelligence systems can help us make evidence-driven, efficient decisions, but can also confront us with unjustified, discriminatory decisions wrongly assumed to be accurate because they are made automatically and quantitatively. It is becoming evident that these technological developments are consequential to people’s fundamental human rights. Despite increasing attention to (...)
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    Social robots and the risks to reciprocity.Aimee van Wynsberghe - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):479-485.
    A growing body of research can be found in which roboticists are designing for reciprocity as a key construct for successful human–robot interaction (HRI). Given the centrality of reciprocity as a component for our moral lives (for moral development and maintaining the just society), this paper confronts the possibility of what things would look like if the benchmark to achieve perceived reciprocity were accomplished. Through an analysis of the value of reciprocity from the care ethics tradition the richness of reciprocity (...)
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  25. A Problem for Relative Information Minimizers.Bas van Fraassen - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32.
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  26. A corporate social responsibility audit within a quality management framework.Ton van der Wiele, Peter Kok, Richard McKenna & Alan Brown - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (4):285 - 297.
    In this paper a corporate social responsibility audit is developed following the underlying methodology of the quality award/excellence models. Firstly the extent to which the quality awards already incorporate the development of social responsibility is examined by looking at the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and the European Quality Award. It will be shown that the quality awards do not yet include ethical aspects in relation to social responsibility. Both a clear definition of social responsibility and an improved audit instrument (...)
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    Can Subjectivism Account for Degrees of Wellbeing?Willem van der Deijl & Huub Brouwer - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (3):767-788.
    Wellbeing describes how good life is for the person living it. Wellbeing comes in degrees. Subjective theories of wellbeing maintain that for objects or states of affairs to benefit us, we need to have a positive attitude towards these objects or states of affairs: the Resonance Constraint. In this article, we investigate to what extent subjectivism can plausibly account for degrees of wellbeing. There is a vast literature on whether preference-satisfaction theory – one particular subjective theory – can account for (...)
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  28. Against Transcendental Empiricism.Bas C. van Fraassen - 1994 - In The Question of Hermeneutics. pp. 309-335.
    What is empiricism? There can be no authoritative answer to any such question. A historian of philosophy can at best try to call what is common to philosophers who either identified themselves, or have traditionally been identified, as empiricists. But what has set those philosophers apart from others, and especially from those whom they criticized, may not be captured in common views or doctrines. The historian may, in trying to fix the label, rely tacitly on a view of what philosophical (...)
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    Sint Thomas en de reële mogelijkheid Van een zuivere natuurstand.J. van Torre - 1958 - Bijdragen 19 (3):260-286.
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    Questions in Two-Dimensional Logic.Thom van Gessel - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (4):859-879.
    Since Kripke, philosophers have distinguished a priori true statements from necessarily true ones. A statement is a priori true if its truth can be established before experience, and necessarily true if it could not have been false according to logical or metaphysical laws. This distinction can be captured formally using two-dimensional semantics. There is a natural way to extend the notions of apriority and necessity so they can also apply to questions. Questions either can or cannot be resolved before experience, (...)
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    Spinoza: A Baconian in the TTP, but Not in the Ethics?Jo Van Cauter & Daniel Schneider - 2021 - Philosophies 6 (2):32.
    This paper resolves some puzzles regarding Spinoza’s appropriations and rejections of various aspects of Bacon’s methodology, and uses these solutions to resolve some long-standing puzzles concerning Spinoza’s modus operandi in the TTP. We argue first that, appearances to contrary, Spinoza takes a consistent line in his assessment of Bacon’s epistemic approach. We argue that Spinoza follows Bacon in grounding his overall epistemic method in a “historiola mentis” (a brief account or history of the mind), and that differences between Spinoza’s and (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Psychosis: Considerations for the Future.Zeno Van Duppen & Jasper Feyaerts - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (3):277-279.
    Over the past years, the intersubjective dimension of psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia, has gained increasing phenomenological attention. Psychopathologists and philosophers have developed ideas on how the social aspects of psychotic symptoms and experiences could be understood, in particular in their relation to the ipseity disturbance model, namely the idea that schizophrenia is essentially a disorder of the minimal self. Although the exact characteristics of the ipseity disorder hypothesis can differ from author to author, emphasizing certain phenomenological aspects like temporality or (...)
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    Anyone Who has a View: Theoretical Contributions to the Study of Argumentation.Frans Hendrik van Eemeren, J. Anthony Blair, Charles A. Willard & Francisca A. Snoeck Henkemans (eds.) - 2003 - Dordrecht and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This volume contains a selection of papers from the International Conference on Argumentation by prominent international scholars of argumentation theory. It provides an insightful cross-section of the current state of affairs in argumentation research. It will be of interest to all those working in the field of argumentation theory and to all scholars who are interested in recent developments in this field.
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    Socially Disruptive Technologies, Contextual Integrity, and Conservatism About Moral Change.Ibo van de Poel - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-6.
    This commentary is a response to Contextual Integrity as a General Conceptual Tool for Evaluating Technological Change by Elizabeth O’Neill (Philosophy & Technology (2022)). It argues that while contextual integrity (CI) might be an useful addition to the toolkit of approaches for ethical technology assessment, a CI approach might not be able to uncover all morally relevant impacts of technological change. Moreover, the inherent conservatism of a CI approach might be problematic in cases in which we encounter new kinds of (...)
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    Drones in humanitarian contexts, robot ethics, and the human–robot interaction.Aimee van Wynsberghe & Tina Comes - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (1):43-53.
    There are two dominant trends in the humanitarian care of 2019: the ‘technologizing of care’ and the centrality of the humanitarian principles. The concern, however, is that these two trends may conflict with one another. Faced with the growing use of drones in the humanitarian space there is need for ethical reflection to understand if this technology undermines humanitarian care. In the humanitarian space, few agree over the value of drone deployment; one school of thought believes drones can provide a (...)
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    A heart for everyone? The need to include diverse populations in first-in-human trials.Lieke van Kempen, Martine C. de Vries & Nienke de Graeff - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    ### ­ In Who shall go first? A multicriteria approach to patient selection for first clinical trials of cardiac xenotransplantation, Kögel et al recommend the inclusion of patients who (1) have a (high) medical need for an allograft, (2) have the capacity to benefit from a xenograft, (3) have a ‘real’ choice between enrolment in a first-in-human clinical trial and an alternative life-sustaining treatment option and (4) have no clear record of previous non-compliance.1 As the authors discuss, patient selection must (...)
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    The malady of the ideal--Obermann, Maurice de Guérin, and Amiel.Van Wyck Brooks - 1913 - Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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    Editorial.Johan van Benthem, Vincent F. Hendricks & John Symons - 2008 - Synthese 160 (1):1-3.
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    Information, Interaction, and Agency.Wiebe van der Hoek (ed.) - 2005 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Contemporary epistemological and cognitive studies, as well as recent trends in computer science and game theory have revealed an increasingly important and intimate relationship between Information, Interaction, and Agency. Agents perform actions based on the available information and in the presence of other interacting agents. From this perspective Information, Interaction, and Agency neatly ties together classical themes like rationality, decision-making and belief revision with games, strategies and learning in a multi-agent setting. Unified by the central notions Information, Interaction, and Agency, (...)
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    Intellige Semper Spiritaliter.Matthieu van der Meer - 2010 - Mediaevalia 31 (1):83-98.
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    Philosophy and edification.Benjamin W. Van Riper - 1917 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 14 (20):550-554.
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    Terug tot de inhoud.C. A. van Peursen - 1972 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 34 (1):140-149.
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    Dynamic interpretation and Hoare deduction.Jan Van Eijck & Fer-Jan De Vries - 1992 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 (1):1-44.
  44. Practical Knowledge and Foreseen Side Effects.Niels Van Miltenburg - 2011 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (1):1-7.
    On Anscombe's view, intentional actions are characterized by a specific type of knowledge (practical knowledge) possessed by the agents that perform them. Recently, interest in Anscombean action theory has been renewed. Sarah Paul argues that Anscombean action theory faces a serious problem: It fails to discriminate between an action’s intended aim or purpose and its foreseen side effects. Since Anscombeans conceive practical knowledge as the formal cause of intentional actions, Paul dubs this a problem of “deviant formal causation.” In this (...)
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  45. Natural deduction for generalized quantifiers.van M. Lambalgen - 1996 - In J. van der Does & Van J. Eijck (eds.), Quantifiers, Logic, and Language. Stanford University. pp. 54--225.
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    The Tree of Knowledge in Action: Towards a Common Perspective.Johan van Benthem & Eric Pacuit - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 87-106.
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  47. Listening to Clifford's Ghost.Peter van Inwagen - 2009 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 65:15-35.
    The Clifford of my title is W. K. Clifford, who is perhaps best known as the exponent of a certain ethic of belief – an ethic of belief that he was probably the first to formulate explicitly and which no one has defended with greater eloquence or moral fervor. In the lecture called, appropriately enough, ‘The Ethics of Belief,’ Clifford summarized his ethic in a single, memorable sentence: ‘It is wrong always, everywhere, and for any one, to believe anything upon (...)
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    On the person and office of the sovereign in Hobbes’ Leviathan.Laurens van Apeldoorn - 2020 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (1):49-68.
    ABSTRACTI contextualize and interpret the distinction in Hobbes’ Leviathan between the capacities of the sovereign and show its importance for contemporary debates on the nature of Hobbesian sovereignty. Hobbes distinguishes between actions the sovereign does on personal title, and actions he undertakes in a political capacity. I argue that, like royalists defending King Charles I before and during the English civil war, he maintains that the highest magistrate is sovereign in both his natural and political capacities because the capacities are (...)
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    Mnemosyne, Bibliotheca Classica Batava: Supplementum.Marlein van Theophrastus & Raalte - 1938 - New York: BRILL. Edited by Marlein van Raalte.
    This book offers a text and translation of Theophrastus' "Metaphysics," together with a full commentary, which may be used as an introduction to the terminology of Aristotle's school. The Introduction provides an assessment of Theophrastus' contribution to Peripatetic thought on the principles of being.
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    Move and Be Moved: The Effect of Moving Specific Movement Elements on the Experience of Happiness.Jenneke van Geest, Rosemarie Samaritter & Susan van Hooren - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Dynamic body feedback is used in dance movement therapy, with the aim to facilitate emotional expression and a change of emotional state through movement and dance for individuals with psychosocial or psychiatric complaints. It has been demonstrated that moving in a specific way can evoke and regulate related emotions. The current study aimed to investigate the effects of executing a unique set of kinetic movement elements on an individual mover’s experience of happiness. A specific sequence consisting of movement elements that (...)
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