Results for 'Guy Bajoit'

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  1.  26
    On Emanuel Ringelblum's New Research Program for the History of Jewish Medicine: Introductory Remarks.Guy Finkelstein & Alexandre Métraux - 2010 - Science in Context 23 (4):571-580.
    When Emanuel Ringelblum was born on November 21, 1900, in Buczacz, the small, multilingual and multi-ethnic Galician town was to be found on the far northeastern part of the Austrian Empire. As a mail stamp on a Correspondenz-Karte or Karta korrespondencyja of 1890 shows, the place was officially spelled in accordance with its Polish orthography. However, it was called Butschtasch in German, Bichuch in Yiddish, and still differently in Ukranian. After World War I, it was for a short while part (...)
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    Negative Emotionality Predicts Attitudes Toward Plagiarism.Isabeau K. Tindall & Guy J. Curtis - 2020 - Journal of Academic Ethics 18 (1):89-102.
    Higher education students experience high rates of negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Although emotions are known to influence attitudes per se, previous research has not examined how emotionality may relate to attitudes toward plagiarism. This study sought to examine how positive and negative emotionality relates to students’ positive attitudes, negative attitudes, and subjective norms concerning plagiarism. University students completed the Attitudes Toward Plagiarism questionnaire and measures of anxiety, stress, depression, and negative and positive affect. Extending on previous (...)
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    Constraints and changes: A survey of abstract argumentation dynamics.Sylvie Doutre & Jean-Guy Mailly - 2018 - Argument and Computation 9 (3):223-248.
    This paper addresses the issue of the dynamic enforcement of a constraint in an argumentation system. The system consists in (1) an argumentation framework, made up, notably, of a set of arguments...
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    Citizenship and autonomy in acquired brain injury.Karen Schipper, Guy A. M. Widdershoven & Tineke A. Abma - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (4):526-536.
    In ethical theory, different concepts of autonomy can be distinguished. In this article we explore how these concepts of autonomy are combined in theory in the citizenship paradigm, and how this turns out in the practice of care for people with acquired brain injury. The stories of a professional caregiver and a client with acquired brain injury show that the combination of various concepts of autonomy in practice leads to tensions between caregivers and clients. These dynamics are discussed from a (...)
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    Dialogues.Guy de Bruès - 1953 - Baltimore,: John Hopkins Press. Edited by Panos Paul Morphos.
  6. Dm mrcp.Ken J. Gilhooly, Guy Groen, Alan Lesgold, Lorenzo Magnani, Gianpaolo Molino, Spyridan D. Moulopoulos, Vimla L. Patel, Henk G. Schmidt & Edward H. Shortliffe - 1992 - In David Andreoff Evans & Vimla L. Patel (eds.), Advanced Models of Cognition for Medical Training and Practice. Springer. pp. 369.
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    La passion du Christ: Sur le film de Mel Gibson.Guy Vandevelde-Dailliere - 2004 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 126 (4):614-632.
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  8. Ritual Practices: An Emergentist Perspective.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2017 - Expository Times 129 (1):53–61.
    The theological use of the concept of emergence and of philosophical theories known as emergentism, has recently increased in popularity. After a brief introduction, the second section of this article argues that the most philosophically promising version of emergentism is one informed by classical and contemporary pragmatism. The third section describes in some detail the entanglement of facts and values that this form of emergentism implies. The final two sections apply pragmatistic emergentism theologically, with a focus on religious rituals and, (...)
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  9. Commentaire au texte de Ricoeur.Guy de Chambrier - 2006 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 138 (4):315-317.
    Ce petit article explicite brièvement le contexte de l�article qui précède et en retrace le parcours en montrant comment le philosophe s�approche prudemment des notions clés de la théologie chrétienne.
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    Die offene Unbestimmtheit des Heideggerschen Existenzbegriffs.Josef König, Guy van Kerckhoven & Hans-Ulrich Lessing - 1990 - Dilthey-Jahrbuch Für Philosophie Und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften 7:279-288.
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    A Natural Approach to Philosophy.Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh - 2012 - Noble & Noble.
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    Theory Beyond Structure and Agency: Introducing the Metric/Nonmetric Distinction.Jean-Sébastien Guy - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a solution for the problem of structure and agency in sociological theory by developing a new pair of fundamental concepts: metric and nonmetric. Nonmetric forms, arising in a crowd made out of innumerable individuals, correspond to social groups that divide the many individuals in the crowd into insiders and outsiders. Metric forms correspond to congested zones like traffic jams on a highway: individuals are constantly entering and leaving these zones so that they continue to exist, even though (...)
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    Ouvertures.Lise Pelletier & Guy Bouchard - 1988 - Québec : Goupe de recherches en analyses des discours, Université Laval [1988?].
    Dans cet ouvrage collectif, l'article de Guy Bouchard intitulé "Féminisme, utopie, philosophie" offre d'abord une définition du féminisme et de ses tendances. Il examine ensuite les liens entre le féminisme et la philosophie, laquelle, historiquement, s'est révélée dans l'ensemble à la fois masculine et masculinise. Finalement, il explore les rapports du féminisme à l'hétéropolitique, c'est-à-dire au thème de la société idéalisée soit sur le mode de la fiction (utopie), soit sur celui de la discursivité théorique (para-utopie), afin de faire ressortir (...)
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  14. (1 other version)A Pragmatist Conception of Certainty.Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2012 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 4 (2).
    The ways in which Wittgenstein was directly influenced by William James (by his early psychological work as well his later philosophy) have been thoroughly explored and charted by Russell B. Goodman. In particular, Goodman has drawn attention to the pragmatist resonances of the Wittgensteinian notion of hinge propositions as developed and articulated in the posthumously edited and published work, On Certainty. This paper attempts to extend Goodman’s observation, moving beyond his focus on James (specifically, James’s Pragmatism) as his pragmatist reference (...)
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  15.  20
    Minimal videos: Trade-off between spatial and temporal information in human and machine vision.Guy Ben-Yosef, Gabriel Kreiman & Shimon Ullman - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104263.
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  16.  26
    Improved Identification of Complex Temporal Systems with Dynamic Recurrent Neural Networks. Application to the Identification of Electromyography and Human Arm Trajectory Relationship.Jean-Philippe Draye, Guy Cheron & Marc Bourgeois - 1997 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 7 (1-2):83-102.
  17.  15
    Art in the High School.Robert D. Clements & Guy Hubbard - 1969 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (4):174.
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  18.  35
    Preface: Medieval Logic.Rodrigo Guerizoli & Guy Hamelin - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (2):129-131.
  19.  5
    Les Catégories du matérialisme dialectique, l'ontologie soviétique contemporaine.Guy Planty-Bonjour - 1965 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
  20.  11
    III. Die in sich re-lucente Gestalt.Guy van Kerckhoven - 2009 - In Epiphanie: Reine Erscheinung Und Ethos Ohne Kategorie. Transcript Verlag. pp. 21-28.
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  21. Theory and methodology of empirical ethics: a pragmatic hermeneutic perspective.Guy Widdershoven & van der Scheer & Lieke - 2008 - In Guy Widdershoven (ed.), Empirical ethics in psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Utility of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Philosophy for Philosophical Counseling.Guy du Plessis - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 10 (1):252-277.
    This article explores the potential utility of certain features of Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophical concepts for philosophical counselling. Central to the philosophical counseling process is philosophical counsellors applying the ideas of philosophers or philosophical system to inspire, educate, and guide their counselees in dealing with life problems. For example, the philosophical practice methodology of Logic-based Therapy, developed by American philosopher Elliot Cohen, provides a rational framework for confronting problems of living, where the counselor helps the counselee find an uplifting philosophy that (...)
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    Neglect-Like Effects on Drawing Symmetry Induced by Adaptation to a Laterally Asymmetric Visuomotor Delay.Chen Avraham, Guy Avraham, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi & Ilana Nisky - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  24.  14
    Le rôle de l'influentia dans la théologie de la gr'ce chez S. Bonaventure.Jacques Guy Bougerol - 1974 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 5 (3):273-300.
  25.  5
    The Science of Religion: An Introduction.Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh - 1927 - Holt.
  26.  24
    Philosophie et histoire Des idées en ibéro-amérique.Francisco Romero & Alain Guy - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 13 (3):275 - 279.
  27.  39
    Aristotle's animals in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.Carlos G. Steel, Guy Guldentops & Pieter Beullens (eds.) - 1999 - Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press.
    Aristotle's zoological writings with their wealth of detailed investigations on diverse species of animals have fascinated medieval and Renaissance culture. This volume explores how these texts have been read in various traditions (Arabic, Hebrew, Latin), and how they have been incorporated in different genres (in philosophical and scientific treatises, in florilegia and encyclopedias, in theological symbolism, in moral allegories, and in manuscript illustrations). This multidisciplinary and multilinguistic approach highlights substantial aspects of Aristotle's animals.
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    A Complete Concordance to the Iliad of Homer.Garry Wills, Guy Lushington Prendergast & Henry Dunbar - 1964 - American Journal of Philology 85 (4):445.
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  29.  15
    L'innovation est le ton qui fait la chanson : une approche musico-prosodique en secteur Lansad.Dan Frost & Rebecca Guy - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Nous remercions Dan Frost et Rebecca Guy de nous avoir autorisés à reproduire ce texte qui a déjà paru dans Recherches et pratiques pédagogiques en langues de spécialité, Vol. 35, N° spécial 1 | 2016 : Du secteur Lansad et des langues de spécialité. Résumé : La production orale pose de nombreuses difficultés pour les apprenants francophones en anglais et peut-être plus encore dans le secteur Lansad où ils sont souvent adultes et où le temps et les ressources sont particulièrement (...)
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  30.  23
    Inner posture as aspect of global meaning in healthcare: a conceptual analysis.Elsbeth Littooij, Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Carlo J. W. Leget & Joost Dekker - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (2):201-209.
    Based on our empirical research on global meaning in people with spinal cord injury and people with stroke, we formulated ‘inner posture’ as a concept in rehabilitation. Inner posture, as we concluded from our empirical data, refers to the way in which people bear what cannot be changed. It helps them to live with their injury. Considering that much has already been written about meaning from a variety of disciplines, the question arises whether the concept of inner posture adds something (...)
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  31.  18
    De la liberté en temps de guerre.Georges Guy-Grand - 1917 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 24 (6):723 - 748.
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    Impartialité et neutralité: (Méditation pour le temps de guerre).Georges Guy-Grand - 1916 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 23 (3):517 - 541.
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  33.  12
    Jorge Bastide y la "Filosofía del Espíritu".Alain Guy - 1990 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 17:441-448.
  34.  35
    La actitud crítica en Sergio Rábade Romeo.Alain Guy - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (7):87-96.
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    LE PROCÈS DE LA DÉMOCRATIE (Suite et fin).Georges Guy-Grand - 1910 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 18 (5):694 - 710.
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  36. Les philosophes espagnols d'hier et d'aujourd'hui I. Époques et Auteurs ; II. Textes choisis.Alain Guy & Georges Bastide - 1960 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (2):222-222.
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    Public and Private Health Insurance Premiums: How Do They Affect the Health Insurance Status of Low-Income Adults? Childless.Gery P. Guy, E. Kathleen Adams & Adam Atherly - 2012 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 49 (1):52-64.
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  38.  14
    Risking Who One Is: Encounters with contemporary art and literature.Josephine Guy - 1996 - History of European Ideas 22 (1):52-54.
  39.  25
    STS and the City: Politics and Practices of Hope.Simon Guy & Olivier Coutard - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (6):713-734.
    Many recent studies on network technologies and cities share an alarmist view of the impact of technological or regulatory change in utility sectors on the social and spatial fabric of cities, pointing to growing discrimination and inequalities, alienation, enhanced social exclusion and urban “splintering” on a universal scale. A science and technology study perspective on these matters is helpful in moving beyond this “universal alarmism” by emphasizing the ambivalence inherent to all technologies, the significant potential of contestation of, and resistance, (...)
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  40.  16
    Shaping Godzone: public issues and church voices in New Zealand 1840-2000.Laurie Guy - 2011 - Wellington, [N.Z.]: Victoria University Press.
    Machine-generated contents note: Preface -- 1 - Introduction -- Section One: Race Relations and Racial (In)justice in Colonial New Zealand -- 2 - Missionary and Maori, 1840-1865 -- 3 - Voiceless at Parihaka, 1881 -- 4 - Anti-Asian Racism in 'White' New Zealand -- Section Two: Legislating for Godliness -- 5 - Keeping Quiet About the Sabbath, 1860-1930 -- 6 - Sunday or Fun-day, 1931-1990 -- 7 - The Battle of the Booze -- 8 - Uncorking the Bottle: The Alcohol (...)
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  41. Droit naturel et laïcité.Guy Haarscher - 1982 - In Gilbert Hottois & Marcel Voisin (eds.), Philosophie, morale et société. Bruxelles, Belgique: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
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  42. L'ontologie de Marx: le problème de l'action, des textes de jeunesse à l'œuvre de maturité.Guy Haarscher - 1980 - Bruxelles, Belgique: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
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    Prolégomènes à une lecture spéculative de la Phénoménologie de l'esprit de Hegel.Guy Haarscher - 1982 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 139 (139/140):69-94.
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    Tactique et éthique.Guy Haarscher & Robert Marie Legros - 1973 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 106 (4):371-406.
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    I. Endoctrinement et politisation dans l'enseignement de la philosophie ou d'un faux-problème.Jean-Guy Daoust - 1976 - Philosophiques 3 (1):94-101.
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  46. The Challenge of the Child Soldier.Guy S. Goodwin-Gill - 2011 - In Hew Strachan & Sibylle Scheipers (eds.), The changing character of war. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    An Axiomatic Account of a Fully Abstract Game Semantics for General References.Jim Laird & Guy McCusker - 2023 - In Alessandra Palmigiano & Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (eds.), Samson Abramsky on Logic and Structure in Computer Science and Beyond. Springer Verlag. pp. 251-292.
    We present an analysis of the game semantics of general references introduced by Abramsky, Honda and McCusker which exposes the algebraic structure of the model. Using the notion of sequoidal category, we give a coalgebraic definition of the denotational semantics of storage cells of arbitrary type. We identify further conditions on the model which allow an axiomatic presentation of the proof that finite elements of the model are definable by programs, in the style of Abramsky’s Axioms for Definability.
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  48.  15
    Problématiques du religieux dans la littérature de science-fiction.Jean-Guy Nadeau - 2001 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 57 (1):95-107.
  49.  10
    Epistémologie de la science politique.Lawrence Olivier, Guy Bédard & Jean-François Thibault (eds.) - 1998 - Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    Les auteurs visent à faire constater l'importance accordée à la pratique épistémologique dans la compréhension du monde politique et à nous interroger sur le rôle du savoir dans la construction d'un ordre social. [SDM].
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  50. Mondrian and Neo-Calvinism. [REVIEW]Guy Bennett-Hunter - 2019 - Expository Times 131:20–23.
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