  1.  14
    De machtshiërarchie van de staten.Wilfried Dewachter, Guy Tegenbos & Edi Clijsters - 1977 - Res Publica 19 (1):5-22.
    Most theorists on International Relations agree on recognizing natural resources, economic strength, technologica! development, political stability and military strength as the five bases of a state's power.This unanimity is in sharp contrast with the divergence in the operationalizations of the power of states. Most operationalizations use only one or two bases of a state's power and thus are very limited in scope.Therefore, the demand for an operationalization sticking as closely as possible to the unanimity among theorists, farces itself on the (...)
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  2.  12
    Het effekt van de oppositie op het regeringsbeleid in België van 1965 tot 1971.Wilfried Dewachter, Edith De Graeve-Lismont & Guy Tegenbos - 1975 - Res Publica 17 (2):151-170.
    The government-opposition scheme of a two-party system does not function that clearly in a multiparty system which is the case in Belgium. To examine to what extent the opposition parties in a multi-partysystem are functional for policymaking, the period 1965-1971 was chosen for Belgium, providing a complete scale of government and opposition parties.A content analysis of all political parties' platforms in 1965 permits to determine the policy objectives, classified in policy areas, so that at the end of the six years (...)
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  3.  10
    Maps, diagrams and tables concerning the Belgian political system : Aids for an elementary understanding of the Belgian political system.Wilfried Dewachter, Godelieve Craenen & Guy Tegenbos - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (2):399-407.
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  4.  10
    De macht der staten : Een inventarisatie van de alternatieven tot kwantificering.Guy Tegenbos - 1974 - Res Publica 16 (1):133-159.
    Though the central concept in International Relations, not so much importance was yet attached to the operationalisation of national power.In his overview, the author distinguishes three conceptual approaches:1° exercised power ; 2° status ; 3° potential power.An operationalisation of exercised power is not yet available because of grave theoretical and practical difficulties. Indices of status are elaboratedbut the relevance of this concept seems to be low.Potential power, the most intresting approach is aften elaborated; the present-day operationalisations however don't correspond to (...)
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  5.  11
    De sociale verkiezingen van 1991.Guy Tegenbos - 1992 - Res Publica 34 (2):263-274.
    The four-yearly social elections in Belgium took place for the tenth time in june 1991.The results show a renewed victory for the christian trade union ACV; all the other unions and lists lost. The socialist union ABW, which was once the most powerful in Belgium, felt the decline most strongly. It could maintain a narrow relative majority in votes in Wallonia but was outnumbered in seats by the ACV.For many years Wallonia was considered to be a "red bastion". Another important (...)
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  6.  7
    Overeenkomst en tegenstelling in de verkiezingsplatformen : Een analyse van de verkiezingsprogramma's via de techniek van het programmogram.Guy Tegenbos - 1974 - Res Publica 16 (3-4):425-449.
    This article aims to present a framework for comparative analysis ofelectoral programs.A content analysis of the programs of the last Belgian elections delivered a number of program items, classified in policy sectors : financial, cultural, social, economic, internal and foreign policy. For each item of each party was checked up if each other party agreed or disagreed with it, or didn't give an opinion upon it. These data were the basis to calculate the consensus and dissension between the parties.These data (...)
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  7.  14
    Sociale verkiezingen 1987 : Kaderleden verzwakken traditionele vakbonden.Guy Tegenbos - 1988 - Res Publica 30 (2-3):299-310.
    In 1987 the centre-right coalition was able to break through partially the triopoly of the three trade unions - the christian ACV, the socialist ABVV en the liberal ACLVB - by admitting to the four-yearly social elections separate lists of candidates for the members of the executive staffs.As a result of this, the position of the three unions weakened. The decline was most strongly felt by the ABVV; the socialist union lost 2.6 %. The minor loss of 0.7 % enabled (...)
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