Results for 'Gérard Lenne'

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  1.  15
    La muerte del cine: (film/revolución).Gérard Lenne - 1974 - Barcelona: Anagrama.
  2.  3
    A guide to the Guide to the perplexed: a reader's companion to Maimonides' masterwork.Lenn Goodman - 2024 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    In this volume, noted philosopher Lenn E. Goodman shares the insights gained over a lifetime of pondering the meaning and purpose of Maimonides' celebrated Guide to the Perplexed. Written in the late twelfth century, Maimonides' Guide aims to help religiously committed readers who are alive to the challenges posed by reason and the natural sciences to biblical and rabbinic tradition. Keyed to the new translation and commentary by Lenn E. Goodman and Phillip I. Lieberman, this volume follows Maimonides' life and (...)
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    What did Epicurus Learn from Plato?Lenn E. Goodman & Scott Aikin - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (3):421-447.
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    The Case of the Animals Versus Man Before the King of the Jinn.Lenn E. Goodman & Richard McGregor (eds.) - 2012 - Oup in Association with the Institute of Ismaili Studies/Institute of Ismaili Studies.
    This is a new English translation of a classic work of medieval Islamic learning. In this rich allegorical fable the animals pursue a case against humanity. They rebuke and criticise human weakness, deny man's superiority, and make powerful demands for greater justice and respect for animals.
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    Three Enduring Achievements of Islamic Philosophy.Lenn E. Goodman - 1991 - In Eliot Deutsch, Culture and Modernity: East-West Philosophic Perspectives. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 401-429.
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  6. The mathematical infinite.John Burr Lennes - 1955 - [Ann Arbor? Mich.,: [Ann Arbor? Mich..
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    Ibn Kammūna's Examination of the Three Faiths: A Thirteenth Century Essay in the Comparative Study of Religion.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1972 - Philosophy East and West 22 (4):487-488.
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    The Sparks of Randomness, Volume 1: Spermatic Knowledge.Lenn Schramm (ed.) - 2010 - Stanford University Press.
    _The Sparks of Randomness_, Henri Atlan's magnum opus, develops his whole philosophy with a highly impressive display of knowledge, wisdom, depth, rigor, and intellectual and moral vigor. Atlan founds an ethics adapted to the new power over life that modern scientific knowledge has given us. He holds that the _results_ of science cannot ground any ethical or political truth whatsoever, while human creative activity and the conquest of knowledge are a double-edged sword. This first volume, _Spermatic Knowledge_, begins with the (...)
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  9. The Sparks of Randomness, Volume 2: The Atheism of Scripture.Lenn Schramm (ed.) - 2013 - Stanford University Press.
    In this second volume of _The Sparks of Randomness_, Henri Atlan pursues his investigation of human life, which he grounds in a distinctive intermingling of the biological and cognitive sciences and traditions of Jewish thought. _The Atheism of Scripture_ offers up a paradox: its audacious thesis is that the Word or revealed scripture can be better understood without God. It must be decrypted or analyzed atheistically, that is, not as divine revelation, but in and of itself. The first part of (...)
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    (1 other version)Encyclopedia of Bioethics.Lenn E. Goodman - 1981 - Philosophy East and West 31 (2):225-238.
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  11. Individuality.Lenn E. Goodman - 2011 - In Jonathan Jacobs, Judaic Sources and Western Thought: Jerusalem's Enduring Presence. Oxford University Press.
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  12. Ibn Bajjah.Lenn E. Goodman - 1996 - In Oliver Leaman & Seyyed Hossein Nasr, The History of Islamic Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 1.
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  13. Ordinary and Extraordinary Language in Medieval Jewish and Islamic Philosophy.Lenn E. Goodman - 1988 - Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 11 (1):57-83.
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    Managing the Interface between the Corporation and Society.D. Jeffrey Lenn - 1996 - Business and Society 35 (4):460-464.
    The work of Lee Preston and James Post helped to lay the foundation for one career in the field of business and public policy. They provided a theoretical framework for a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship of the corporation and society and those who are charged with its management.
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    Coming to Mind: The Soul and its Body.Lenn E. Goodman & D. Gregory Caramenico - 2013 - London: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Dennis Gregory Caramenico.
    How should we speak of bodies and souls? In _Coming to Mind_, Lenn E. Goodman and D. Gregory Caramenico pick their way through the minefields of materialist reductionism to present the soul not as the brain’s rival but as its partner. What acts, they argue, is what is real. The soul is not an ethereal wisp but a lively subject, emergent from the body but inadequately described in its terms. Rooted in some of the richest philosophical and intellectual traditions of (...)
  16.  40
    An Idea Is Not Something Mute Like a Picture on a Pad.Lenn E. Goodman - 2009 - Review of Metaphysics 62 (3):591-631.
    Boldly describing the mind as the idea of the body – and the body as the most immediate object of our thinking – opens the way to a solution of the mind-body problem that Descartes bequeathed to philosophers discontented with substantial forms: Thought and extension, being of different natures, cannot explain one another. But if the mind intends the body, the congruence of mental and physical events makes sense. The order and connection of ideas parallels the order and connection of (...)
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  17.  42
    The Fihrist of an-Nadîm, A Tenth Century Survey of Muslim Culture.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1972 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 10 (4):478-479.
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  18. Sensors and sensing practices: shaping farming system strategies toward agricultural sustainability.Lenn Gorissen, Kornelia Konrad & Esther Turnhout - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    While sustainability in farming is increasingly recognised, practical implementation faces obstacles, including knowledge gaps that hinder farmers’ effective adaptation. Agricultural sensors have emerged as tools to assist farmers in offering real-time monitoring capabilities, which can provide information to support decision-making towards sustainable crop production. However, critical analyses point out that innovation in agricultural equipment predominantly focuses on optimising the dominant intensification model, while sensors might also facilitate biodiversity-based strategies toward agricultural sustainability, which aim to replace chemical inputs through intensified ecological (...)
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  19. To Make a Rainbow - God’s Work in Nature.Lenn E. Goodman - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (4):137--156.
    The Torah lays out a rich idea of God’s governance in the Scroll of Esther: Circumstance lays the warp, but human choices weave the woof of destiny. God remains unseen. Delegation of agency, including human freedom, is implicit in the act of creation: God does not clutch efficacy jealously to his breast. Biblically, God acts through nature, making the elements his servitors. Miracles do not violate God’s covenant with nature. Maimonides, following rabbinic homilies, finds them embedded in that covenant. Divine (...)
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  20.  34
    Context.Lenn E. Goodman - 1988 - Philosophy East and West 38 (3):307-323.
  21.  28
    Commentary on Martin P. Golding's "private right and the limits of law".Lenn Evan Goodman - 1971 - Philosophy East and West 21 (4):389-393.
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    Doing Jewish Philosophy in America.Lenn E. Goodman - 2012 - In Raphael Jospe & Dov Schwartz, Jewish philosophy: perspectives and retrospectives. Boston: Academic Studies Press.
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    Isagoge.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1979 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 17 (1):82-85.
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    Judaism.Lenn E. Goodman - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 44–58.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Works cited.
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    Pluralism and Consensus.Lenn E. Goodman - 2008 - In Robert Almeder, Rescher Studies: A Collection of Essays on the Philosophical Work of Nicholas Rescher. De Gruyter. pp. 105-120.
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    The way things are: The.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (3).
  27. Emile, citoyen lockien.Johanna Lenne-Cornuez - 2022 - In Johanna Lenne-Cornuez & Céline Spector, Rousseau et Locke. Dialogues critiques. Liverpool, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, Liverpool University Press.
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    Enlightenment to Enlightenment: Intercritique of Science and Myth.Lenn J. Schramm (ed.) - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    This book is a thorough and critical, comparative analysis of the logic of modern scientific thought and of traditional teachings generally referred to as mythological and mystical. Different rationalities with different domains of interest and legitimacy exist, which should not be confused and cannot be unified in any theory of "Ultimate Reality." Atlan suggests they must coexist in practice, although each of them presents itself as an exclusive and all-encompassing truth. The book introduces teachings from Jewish talmudic, midrashic, and kabbalist (...)
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  29.  11
    Aristotle and the Arabs.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1970 - Philosophy East and West 20 (1):92-93.
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    Creation and evolution.Lenn Evan Goodman - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction -- Backgrounds -- Leaving Eden -- The case for evolution -- Three lines of critique -- That has its seeds within it -- Afterword.
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    Monotheism: a philosophic inquiry into the foundations of theology and ethics.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1981 - Totowa, N.J.: Allanheld, Osmun.
    At head of title: Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies. Includes bibliographical references.
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    Neoplatonism and Jewish Thought.Lenn E. Goodman - 1994 - Philosophy East and West 44 (1):194-195.
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  33.  21
    Saadiah's Ethical Pluralism.Lenn E. Goodman - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (4):407-419.
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    Jewish and Islamic Philosophy: Crosspollinations in the Classical Age.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1999 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book explores the major philosophical issues in the historic interplay of Islamic and Jewish philosophy. The problems considered are issues of abiding philosophical interest:* Freedom and determinism* The nature and meaning of history* The basis of ethical values* The foundations and social implications of friendship* The viability and relevance of the idea of GodThe approach taken here is distinctive in several ways. The perspective is cross-cultural, rather than parochial, synthetic rather than descriptive. The object is not to find the (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Hypothèse et infirmation expérimentale étude d'un problème de génétique humaine.Georges Lennes - 1971 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie: Revue Trimestrielle 25 (95/96):147.
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    Darwin's Heresy.Lenn E. Goodman - 2019 - Philosophy 94 (1):43-86.
    Challenged by Lord Kelvin's claims that earth and sun were too young to give evolution sufficient time to do its work, especially in the human case, where care for the weak blunts the edge of natural selection, Darwin leaned on Lamarckian thoughts to accelerate the process. The mental and moral traits crowning human distinctiveness, he urged, arose through sexual selection. But promiscuity, infanticide, early betrothals, and female drudgery undermined these effects in “savage races.” In the inevitable decline and ultimate extinction (...)
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  37.  21
    Du droit naturel aux droits de l’humanité. La norme immanente du droit politique et la résistance à l’injustice chez Rousseau.Johanna Lenne-Cornuez - 2022 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 115 (3):303-321.
    Although Rousseau substitutes the norm of political law for that of natural law, his position cannot be assimilated to either positivism or to pure proceduralism. The norm of justice, immanent in the social contract, produces a norm external to all established order and makes assessing the justice of societies possible. If consent is legitimate only on the condition of real reciprocity, then the limits of consent lie in the fact that what is lost cannot be compensated or restituted through any (...)
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    Judaism, Human Rights, and Human Values.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1998 - Oup Usa.
    Lenn Goodman argues forcefully that the Jewish tradition has a significant contribution to make to the general discourse on ethical issues. His goal in this book is to seek within the Jewish tradition, and in its interaction with other currents of Western thought, the foundations on which to build - without recourse to the privilege of "revelation" - public ethical theory.
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    Avicenna.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1992 - Ithaca: Routledge.
    the philosophers in the West, none, perhaps, is better known by name and less familiar in actual content of his ideas than the medieval Muslim philosopher, physician, minister and naturalist Abu Ali Ibn Sina, known since the days of the scholastics as Avicenna. In this book the author, himself a philosopher, and long known for his studies of Arabic thought, presents a factual account of Avicenna's philosophy. Setting the thinker in the context of his often turbulent times and tracing the (...)
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  40. Logical reasoning with diagrams.Gerard Allwein & Jon Barwise (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    One effect of information technology is the increasing need to present information visually. The trend raises intriguing questions. What is the logical status of reasoning that employs visualization? What are the cognitive advantages and pitfalls of this reasoning? What kinds of tools can be developed to aid in the use of visual representation? This newest volume on the Studies in Logic and Computation series addresses the logical aspects of the visualization of information. The authors of these specially commissioned papers explore (...)
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  41. Introduction: "A Note on Avicenna's Theory of the Substantiality of the Soul".Lenn Evan Goodman - 1969 - Philosophical Forum 1 (4):547.
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    Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself.Lenn Evan Goodman - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This work is based on the prestigious Gifford Lectures, which Lenn Goodman was invited to deliver in 2005. Goodman was asked to speak about the commandment to 'love thy neighbour as thyself' from the standpoint of Judaism.
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  43. Ibn Masarrah.Lenn E. Goodman - 1996 - In Oliver Leaman & Seyyed Hossein Nasr, The History of Islamic Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 277--93.
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  44. Proceedings of East-West Philosopher's Conference on Wang Yang-ming: A Comparative Study.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (1/2):3.
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    The Logic of Thermostatistical Physics.Gerard G. Emch & Chuang Liu - 2002 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is devoted to a thorough analysis of the role that models play in the practise of physical theory. The authors, a mathematical physicist and a philosopher of science, appeal to the logicians’ notion of model theory as well as to the concepts of physicists.
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    Ibn Khaldūn and the Immanence of Judgment.Lenn E. Goodman - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (3):737-758.
    [W]e know when a nation goes down and never comes back, when a society or a civilization perishes, one condition may always be found. They forgot where they came from. They lost sight of what brought them along. … They became satisfied with themselves. Unity and common understanding there had been, enough to overcome rot and dissolution, enough to break through their obstacles. But the mockers came. And the deniers were heard. And vision and hope faded. And the custom of (...)
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  47.  16
    On Justice: An Essay in Jewish Philosophy.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1991 - Portland, Or.: Yale University Press.
    What is fair? How and when can punishment be legitimate? Is there recompense for human suffering? How can we understand ideas about immortality or an afterlife in the context of critical thinking on the human condition? In this book L. E. Goodman presents the first general theory of justice in this century to make systematic use of the Jewish sources and to bring them into a philosophical dialogue with the leading ethical and political texts of the Western tradition. Goodman takes (...)
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  48.  84
    Creation and evolution: Another round in an ancient struggle.Lenn E. Goodman & Madeleine J. Goodman - 1983 - Zygon 18 (1):3-32.
    Creation and evolution were historic allies against eternalism. However, Darwinism seemed to undercut cosmological theism and human dignity, and modern reconcilers of evolution and theology have not convinced opponents that they can preserve these concerns. Creationists find divine handiwork in natural order and freedom in human uniqueness. For them, even entropy and continuity of kinds are emblematic of the unity of nature and the needfulness of salvation. Anti‐evolutionists’ impatience and frustration are not well answered by dogmatic or mythicized science. Neither (...)
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  49.  8
    Judaism: a contemporary philosophical investigation.Lenn Evan Goodman - 2017 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Judaism, as a religion and a way of life, has guided millions of lives and profoundly influenced its younger sisters, Christianity and Islam, as well as contributing major themes and norms to the liberal and humanistic traditions of the West. Not all Jews are religious, and not all of Judaism is philosophical; but at its core Judaism rests on a complex of values and ideas that address the abiding concerns of philosophy and perennial questions about the meaning and purpose of (...)
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  50.  34
    The Trouble with Phenomenalism.Lenn E. Goodman - 1992 - American Philosophical Quarterly 29 (3):237 - 252.
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